Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 127: Eating a meal is not easy


"Good wine!" Chen Wei took the last sip, put down the cup, and said loudly. When he came back to his senses, he realized that everyone was looking at him and hurriedly touched his head.

"I'm sorry, it tastes so good that I can't help myself. I can't help myself."

"Understood, haha." The person next to him laughed kindly.

"Boss Yuan's wine is so delicious, but it's just a little lacking." Chen Wei looked at the empty glass and said helplessly.

"Quite a few." Yuan Zhou said seriously.

"I'm afraid it's only two taels. If I hadn't drank slowly, it would have been gone a long time ago." Chen Wei touched his head and said unconvinced.

"Two taels is a lot." Yuan Zhou nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, how about another drink?" Chen Wei had already taken aim at the other glass placed by Yuan Zhou in front of him and begged with his eyes.

"No." Yuan Zhou didn't look sideways and ignored Chen Wei's hint.

"Boss Yuan, please, what if you and I, an alcoholic, don't drink?" Chen Wei said distressedly.

His whole masculine face was wrinkled.

"Each person can only order one portion per meal." Yuan Zhou pointed to the rules on the wall with a firm look on his face.

Chen Wei had no choice but to stop his activities and just muttered unwillingly,

"I think sometimes it's not good to be too disciplined. We should indulge occasionally."

However, Yuanzhou acted as if he didn't hear anything and started busying with other guests' meals.

"Dad, let's have dinner together tonight." In the cold hall, a girl with short hair and a white dress sat on the sofa and said in a calm tone.

"Tonight? I don't know if it's okay, I might have to work overtime." The man, who was changing his shoes and getting ready to go out, had his hair slicked back and looked like a successful man.

"You promised me this a week ago." The short-haired girl looked dim at first, and then said with expectation.

"In this case, if you call me again at night, I will come to pick you up." The man wrinkled in embarrassment and said after a while.

"No, I'll come directly to you." The girl said in a cold tone.

"That's okay. Then be careful and take a taxi." The man thought for a while and agreed with the girl.

"Yes." The girl responded coldly without looking back.

A "bang" sound was heard as the door closed, and the girl turned around, looked at the empty house, lifted up her long skirt, patted the prosthetic leg on her left leg, and smiled helplessly.

The girl stood up, trying hard not to fall. With her back straight, she walked step by step to the other side of the living room. In a black and white photo, a woman with a beautiful smile was looking at the girl with a smile.

"Mom, it's my birthday today. Thank you for giving birth to me." The girl said with a slight smile instead of a sad expression on her face.

After saying that, he lit a stick of incense and worshiped before leaving.

"Dong dong dong" The prosthetic limb inevitably made a heavy sound on the ground.

After returning to the room, the girl turned on the computer, clicked on Mengmeng's update, and then went there to start various speeches.

Yes, the girl wanted to go to Yuanzhou's shop. Every time she saw Mengmeng eating there, she was eager for it. It was good to eat alone, but she preferred to go with her father.

But since the accident, he lost a leg, his mother passed away, and his father could no longer face him. He didn't spend much time talking together, let alone eating.

For this time, I started asking last week, and it was only last week that I agreed to go today. It happened to be her birthday today, but it seemed difficult to make the trip.

The girl walked too slowly, so she called a car and went downstairs to pick her up. Then she checked her prosthetic limb, took her wallet and started to go out.

"Bang" This is also the first time the girl has gone out in half a month, and her father is not the only one she cannot face.

He deliberately slowed down his pace, which was similar to that of ordinary people. He didn't show anything unusual. After getting in the car, he took a breath and then said, "Go to the industrial building."

"Okay." The driver's attitude was very good and he did not ask the girl why she was so slow.

After arriving at the location, her father, who thought he would have to quarrel for a while before going with her, was unexpectedly waiting downstairs.

"Come here, let's go." The man held the briefcase and sounded a little impatient, but he still waited seriously for his daughter to get in the car.

He glanced back and said in a stern tone, "Buckle your seat belt."

"Yeah." The softness on the girl's face disappeared, and she gave a plain hum.

"Where to eat." Starting the car, the man looked back at his daughter's pale face, his tone still a little impatient.

"No. 14, Taoxi Road. I heard it's delicious." The girl's lips curved slightly, giving a rare compliment.

"Is it as delicious as your mother's cooking?" the man said smoothly.

As soon as these words came out, the car instantly froze, the girl's face immediately turned pale, and the man frowned in annoyance, but did not make a sound.

They were silent all the way, and soon arrived at Yuanzhou's store. It was still early at this time, and there were not many people in front of the store. The man carefully found the nearest place to park his car.

"Click." The girl opened the car door and said, "There are anchovy shrimps that my mother loves to eat."

Then he limped forward without looking back.

The man frowned, locked the car door with his briefcase, and then caught up with him. The father and daughter lined up silently behind.

Five minutes later, the man suddenly said, "I'm here alone, you go to the car."

"No need." The girl refused.

"You still have to wait here." The man frowned dissatisfied.

"It's all waiting anyway." The girl said stubbornly.

"You are always disobedient." The man blurted out.

"Maybe." The girl said not to be outdone.

"Unfilial daughter..." The man seemed to be angry and stopped talking.

The girl stood in front, her back straight, as if she didn't care.

Fortunately, the queue didn't take long and it was their turn.

Coincidentally, two seats opposite Yuan Zhou's kitchen became vacant, and the two of them stepped forward and sat down.

"Boss's menu." The man said very politely.

"On the wall." Yuan Zhou pointed at the wall coldly. Yuan Zhou didn't pay much attention to the tone that seemed to be looking for trouble, but his tone was even colder.

"There's not even a menu." The man frowned in disgust, looked at his daughter beside him, then endured it, and looked back at the price list.

"The price is at five-star standards, but I don't know if the craftsmanship is good." The man's tone was full of doubt.

Yuan Zhou had no intention of explaining, and still stood there calmly.

However, the girl felt a little embarrassed when she heard that her father kept criticizing her.

"Boss, please order an anchovy shrimp and two bowls of clear noodle soup as a set meal." The girl directly ordered the meal.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." The man had no objection to his daughter's voice.

But the atmosphere between the two was still very strange, and they didn't talk to each other.

The man was busy working with his mobile phone, while the girl was in a daze with her mobile phone.

After a while, Yuanzhou prepared two portions of noodles and anchovy shrimps.

"Please use your noodles and anchovy shrimps slowly." Yuan Zhou served the meal politely.

"Thank you." The girl took it and took a quick bite with her chopsticks in anticipation. The taste was indeed very delicious, and even the paleness on her face faded a little.

At this time, the man raised his head and said, "Xiao Meng, there's something going on at the company, I'll go over there first."

After saying that, she was about to leave. The girl had an expression on her face, and she lowered her head and said nothing. But at this time, Yuan Zhou spoke.

ps: An update for your birthday, dear leader Pei, and my belated blessings to you along with the Mid-Autumn Festival~(.,,, your support is my biggest motivation.)