Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 144: New decoration


The store needs to be closed for renovation.

"Wait a minute, Boss Yuan, is this why you asked us to fill out the diners' questionnaire?" Wu Hai instantly remembered the questionnaire he had filled out as early as possible.

It clearly states on it whether he is satisfied with the decoration of the store. The rating is from one to ten. Yuan Zhou's aesthetics Wuhai definitely disagrees and he directly writes five points. This is because the place is extremely clean.

Now Wu Hai just wants to turn back time. He will definitely give him a perfect score as soon as possible, and he will repair it.

"Yes and no." Yuan Zhou's answer was ambiguous. The decoration was an idea he came up with after seeing the tavern next door, and he had already asked for a reasonable range.

"Boss Yuan, I don't think you need to waste your time on such trivial matters." Wu Hai looked sincere.

Other diners also nodded seriously.

"Look, they all feel the same way." Wu Hai said that this was all public opinion.

However, Yuan Zhou just looked at the time and said, "Business hours are over. We will continue to open in two days. Thank you for coming."

"Boss Yuan, I'm very heartbroken that you went astray like this. Decoration is totally unnecessary. It's already very good now." Wu Hai covered his stomach with a heartbroken look on his face.

"It's very necessary. You'll know when the time comes." Yuan Zhou said seriously.

"It's only two days, right?" Wu Hai sighed and asked in confirmation.

"Yes, two days." Yuan Zhou nodded to confirm.

Now the people who didn't want Yuan Zhou to renovate left with Wu Hai, while others were more curious about what the decoration would look like and whether it would be expanded, so they wouldn't have to wait so hard.

After all, they don't use it as a canteen like Wuhai, nor do they come here to eat. Of course, whether new dishes will be added and whether there will be discounts, these are the issues they are more concerned about.

As for Yuanzhou, he had already agreed with the person in charge of the decoration on how to decorate it in the morning. Of course, he also had plans on how to embed the system's bonus cherry shrimp viewing wall into Yuanzhou's store.

The next day, Yuan Zhou got up earlier than usual and waited at the door for the decoration workers to arrive. After struggling for a long time when negotiating the price yesterday, Yuan Zhou gave up on the idea of joining.

The chef's hands are very important. They need to distinguish the most subtle differences in food. Yuanzhou now applies special hand oil every day.

"Good morning, Boss Yuan, I've brought the man." Dagong, the cement worker who came to discuss the price yesterday, greeted him with a smile.

"Master Feng, please do as you agreed yesterday." Yuan Zhou nodded and said.

"Okay, this little work can be done in one day. Boss Yuan, you are more demanding. No problem. The brothers I brought are all very agile." Master Feng pointed to the five people following him, one of whom was a middle-aged man. Young women, all of them look clean.

"Well, please, Master Feng. We have mineral water there. We will eat at the opposite restaurant at noon and evening. We will go there when the time comes." Yuan Zhou pointed to a fast food restaurant diagonally opposite.

"Okay, I understand. Brothers have started working according to the assignments made yesterday." Master Feng thanked him and turned back to the other masters.

Yuan Zhou watched as several people came forward to tear down the door of the pub next door, then mixed the cement and began to decorate it.

That's right, Yuanzhou's purpose is to open only one door without the door next door. Isn't it strange to open two doors in his own store? So Yuanzhou decided to open another door on the wall of his store. door.

As for the door inside, use the cherry shrimp wall scene as the door.

At that time, an arch will be opened on the rectangular cherry shrimp wallscape. When it is not open, it will be a pure scenery, because the inside is transparent, and only cherry shrimp and aquatic plants are cultivated. You can see the courtyard of the tavern through the viewing wall, wouldn't it? Beautiful.

Yuanzhou thought about his creativity with a smile on his face.

"Ring ring ring"

At this time, the cell phone in his trouser pocket rang. Yuan Zhou took it out and saw that it was not a number he recognized. He paused and then picked up.

"Is this Boss Yuan? I'm in the flower and gardening business here. The goods have arrived at the door. Please sign for them." A young male voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Well, I'll be down right away." Yuan Zhou didn't supervise the work outside, he just waited to inspect it. Moreover, this is the best among small construction workers, and they also use top-notch materials, so Yuan Zhou is still very Relieved.

When we went downstairs, there was a white van parked outside. The back door was open, and green bamboo leaves came out. A young man wearing floral and gardening overalls stood aside, holding documents in his hand.

"Boss Yuan, this is the special square bamboo you ordered. It can grow up to three meters. This is the mature state." The young man, holding the order, kept talking, looking a little nervous.

"Let me take a look." Yuan Zhou nodded and motioned to take out one to take a look.

"Okay, right away." The young man turned around in a circle and found that there was no place to put the list in his hand and put it into his trouser pocket. Then he carefully took out a square bamboo and handed it out.

"Okay, just move it in and plant it." Yuanzhou carefully looked at the quality of the bamboo and pointed to the door of the tavern where the wall was still being built.

"Okay, right away." Seeing that Yuan Zhou had no objection, the young man responded happily and began to carry the bamboo.

"The planting place is on the second floor, go up from here." Yuan Zhou pointed to the brown-red stairs with a shiny wood sheen.

"This mud?" the young man said a little embarrassed.

When passing the bamboo in my hand in the yard, I noticed that some dirt fell on the roadside. Now that I came to the room, I suddenly felt embarrassed to scatter it again.

"It's okay, just plant it." He looked at the yard and didn't care.

"Well, don't worry, Boss Yuan, my planting skills are still very good. If the bamboo leaves change color, please call me and I will take care of it for you." The young man felt relieved after hearing this and talked about his own Professional, I feel much more confident.

"Yes." Yuan Zhou followed him upstairs, preparing to explain in detail how to plant.

The young man was a little dumbfounded at first. It looked like the second floor, but it was demolished to the ground. There were stone tables and chairs on it. It looked like he was going to eat here. He couldn't help but murmur in his heart, "The habits of rich people are really bad." strangeness."

"Plant the bamboos directly in the grooves on the four sides, as long as the intervals are slightly wider." Yuan Zhou pointed to the grooves on the four sides and said.

"Okay, no problem. It's just that this square bamboo likes shade, humidity and coolness. It will grow better in an environment with high air humidity and sun exposure..." The young man carefully talked about the characteristics of square bamboo while planting.

"No problem, the price will rise." Yuan Zhou listened carefully and said with certainty.

"It's good that Boss Yuan has a solution." The young man began to run up and down, busy planting square bamboos.

Yuanzhou chose the square bamboo for a purpose. First of all, this kind of square bamboo has been specially cultivated and its growth height has been fixed at three meters. This height will not exceed the height of a residential building. The green color is whirling in the shape of a tower. The leaves of the square bamboo are thin and luxuriant. Can have a good * environment.

Moreover, its special bamboo shape is suitable for viewing bamboo shoots, and the bamboo shoots that grow are delicious and can be eaten.

At that time, you can enjoy wine tasting in the bamboo forest. (.)