Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 159: System integrity


[Special Reward] Delicious eating recipes (can be collected)

Yuanzhou clicked to receive it with excitement.

Then Yuanzhou discovered that it was best not to have any expectations for this kind of reward for not completing the task.

The rewards of the system are as consistent as ever in line with the pitfalls of the system, which is not true.

[Special Reward] Egg Baked Cake (Received)

It turned out to be egg cake! !

What about the promised banquet, the Manchu and Han banquet? The villain in Yuanzhou's heart flipped the table.

"System, didn't you say there are hundreds of ways to eat it?" Yuan Zhou asked unwillingly as he looked at the rewards he had received.

The system's current words are neither salty nor bland: "After the host sauce is complete, there will be 222 ways to eat it."


Yuanzhou found that he was speechless.

"mdzz" Yuan Zhou came to his senses, greeted the system cordially, and then went directly upstairs.

Yuanzhou sat at the desk for a long time and decided to turn on the computer to calm his mood.

Turning on the computer, Yuan Zhou didn't like listening to music at night, but the Weibo icon on his computer showed that someone was looking for it. Yuan Zhou, who was originally going to watch a movie, clicked on Weibo.

In the private message function, there are ten private messages in a row, all from Mengmeng.

[Boss Yuan, recommend a super delicious porridge restaurant. ] Mengmeng

[Recommend a delicious porridge restaurant, I hope Boss Yuan will try it. ] Mengmeng

[It seems that Boss Yuan is not on Weibo. He recommends a delicious porridge restaurant. The address has been attached. ] Mengmeng

Dozens of them in a row are all the same.

[I got it and will go. ]I am Boss Yuan

Yuan Zhou's answer was concise and clear.

Mengmeng helped Yuanzhou a lot. There were several tasks that were half contributed by Mengmeng. Now she just went to taste the delicious food, so why not agree to it.

[Boss Yuan actually replied, so remember to try it. It’s really delicious, although not as delicious as Boss Yuan’s. ] Mengmeng even praised Yuan Zhou a little in her reply.

[Well, I’m off. ] I am Boss Yuan.

After closing Weibo, Yuan Zhou was a resolute person and immediately started planning the route to have porridge. Drinking porridge this time meant closing the shop again, but there was no advance notice and it was very late now. It seemed that he could only tomorrow.

After planning the route and washing up, Yuan Zhou lay down on the bed and prepared to sleep.

In the dream, the system appeared in the form of a small yellow chicken. Yuanzhou used sharp knife skills to shave off all the feathers of the system, not even the down. The shave was very thorough.

Then the system flapped its fleshy wings to avoid Yuan Zhou's pursuit. In his sleep, Yuan Zhou showed a smile of successful revenge.

"Ding-a-ling, jingle-a-ling"

The old-fashioned alarm clock rang. Yuan Zhou took the alarm clock and looked at six o'clock. It was time to get up.

The egg cake that Yuan Zhou received as a reward still needed to be made first, as it was provided for breakfast this morning.

Regarding this reward, Yuan Zhou felt that the system clearly displayed the words 'for fun', otherwise what could have happened with such a shocking introduction, so Yuan Zhou basically didn't hold out much hope.

After receiving the recipe, Yuanzhou knew that this thing was a specialty snack in Chengdu. It had appeared in the 23rd year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, which was quite early.

The required materials are relatively simple. First of all, the most important ones are flour and eggs, and then the brown sugar and white sugar used for seasoning. The yeast used for fermentation can be used or not. These are two different flavors.

With a "squeak", Yuanzhou opened the cabinet named Egg Baked Cake. Inside was a green-shelled egg. The egg body looked petite and exquisite, like a green bird egg.

"What kind of egg is this? The black egg should be bigger than this." Yuan Zhou held it in his hand and the size of the egg became more clear.

The system now reads: "Green-shelled black eggs are produced by two types of chickens, Hualv black chicken and Sanxia black chicken. The suitable place for growing is Yichang. The green-shelled eggs have natural emerald green shells. After careful cultivation, This egg is rich in a variety of trace elements, the organic calcium content is 6 times that of ordinary eggs, and the cholesterol is extremely low, one-tenth that of ordinary eggs.”

“The yolk of system-cultured green-shell eggs is 8% larger than that of grass-fed eggs. The egg white is thick and easily digested and absorbed by the human body. The yolk pigment can reach about Roche Level 13 (the yolk pigment of ordinary eggs is generally Roche Level 4-5). The content of lecithin, vitamins A, B, E, and amino acids is 5-10 times higher than that of ordinary eggs. The ammonia beta globulin and gamma globulin in the egg yolk are higher than those of other chicken breeds. It is a top-quality nourishing product with nourishing properties. It has the effects of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys, generating blood and qi, and strengthening the body and brain.”

"The feed that hens eat is natural corn kernels, pepper seeds, platycodon peels, bean stems, and bright green grass. The chickens fed in this way will help increase the nutrients in the eggs."

"The hens bred in this way only use the first clutch of eggs they lay within 30-60 days before laying. They are small in size but have twice the nutritional content of subsequent eggs."

"I just want to ask what kind of egg this is. You don't have to force yourself to show off to the system."

Yuan Zhou's heart is also broken. Every time this happens, the system always reminds Yuan Zhou that his life has been in vain, and life is not as good as a chicken with pursuits.

Then Yuanzhou silently took out forty eggs and flour from another cabinet. This time Yuanzhou was very wise and did not ask about the origin of the flour. It would be better if it was not as good as an animal, but not as good as a plant. Not more miserable.

In order to appreciate his cleverness, Yuanzhou decided to eat four pieces of egg cake in the morning as a reward for himself.

Yuanzhou took out the mask and put it on, and started making the original liquid of the egg cake.

Take out the brown sugar and grind it finely, mix some of the white sugar, add boiling water to soak it, take out the flour and sift it, divide the sifted flour into two parts, add yeast to one part, and add nothing to the other part.

He picked up the eggs with both hands at the same time and lightly knocked them with a "bang" sound. The eggs broke into pieces and fell completely into two bowls at the same time. Yuan Zhou smashed twenty eggs very quickly and stirred the egg liquid with both hands at the same time. Evenly.

Pour the eggs and sugar water into two flour bowls at the same time. Use wooden chopsticks with both hands to stir evenly. The right hand is much faster than the left hand until it foams. Then add yeast to the basin on the right hand side, while the left hand just stirs until smooth and sieves. Just fine.

The foamed flour slurry needs to be left to stand after sifting until it stops foaming, and then placed in a special fermentation machine for half an hour.

As for this one, which does not require yeast or fermentation, you can start using it.

The ratio of eggs to flour is one to two, and one hundred egg cakes can be made from this one portion.

Yuanzhou began to fumble in the cabinet below, and after a "sound" sound, he took out a set of special utensils for baking cakes.

This appliance is specially designed for egg cakes. One pan can make one egg cake. Now the system provides two, so that two portions can be made at one time.

The whole thing is made of brass, and some of it is shiny, like gold. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is gold. The gold used in the Qin Dynasty was brass.

In fact, egg cake is a half-moon-shaped cake made by spreading flour into a pancake and adding various side dishes or fillings.

That's why Yuan Zhou felt that the system was trying to trick him...

ps: Caimao had an accident yesterday, so I updated one. Today Caimao will work hard to write three. Thank you all book friends~(.,, your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10- 01 05:49:48