Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 212: loopholes


Early the next morning, the person from the advertising store delivered the DM order requested by Yuan Zhou.

"Hello boss, this is the advertising list you requested." The boy in the advertising shop wore a peaked cap and held a thick stack of sheets.

"Trouble." Yuan Zhou nodded and took the order.

"You're welcome, one hundred and fifty yuan in total." The boy from the advertising shop said, pointing to the advertisement sheet.

"Wait a moment." Yuan Zhou walked back to the kitchen with the advertising flyer, took out one hundred and fifty yuan from the drawer, and handed it over.

"Thank you, then I won't disturb the boss's business." The boy from the advertising store took the money, checked whether it was genuine or not, and went out.

Yuan Zhou picked up the advertisement flyer and looked at it carefully. It was very delicate and he nodded with satisfaction, "The effect is good."

After a while, the noon business time came, and customers outside came in one after another.

"Boss Yuan, one portion of Dengying beef and one bowl of rice." The diners who walked in first ordered immediately.

The people behind also started to order food, and Yuanzhou's shop was a busy scene.

Lunch time is when you are hungry, and the diners are busy enjoying the food. No one noticed the advertisement leaflet that Yuan Zhou specially placed in a conspicuous place. Mu Xiaoyun was the first to notice it.

"Boss, what is this?" Mu Xiaoyun picked up a list.

"An event." Yuan Zhou said concisely and concisely.

"Food Map Selection Contest?" Mu Xiaoyun took the advertisement sheet and read out the conspicuous words on it.

"Boss, are we going to participate?" Mu Xiaoyun looked at Yuan Zhou excitedly.

You must know that Chengdu’s food map is nationally famous. Basically, everyone who comes to Chengdu has a copy of it for reference. Although it may not necessarily be the turn of their own restaurant, it is also a very large semi-official promotion. The key point is No need to spend money.

Yuanzhou did not nod to acknowledge Mu Xiaoyun's question, nor did he deny it. After all, the system's annoying rules cannot be publicized on their own.

There is a saying that the person who understands you best is not the person who loves you, but the person who hates you the most.

Although Ling Hong didn't hate Yuan Zhou, he definitely didn't like it. If Yuan Zhou's cooking wasn't so delicious, he would have given Yuan Zhou a slap in the face first. So when he saw Yuan Zhou's performance, he knew that this kid was different. Pretending to be deep and sullen.

"No need to ask, your boss must have participated, otherwise where would the order come from." Ling Hong said happily after taking a sip of watermelon juice.

"Eh? That's great. I was just wondering why the boss's food is so delicious and it's not on that food map. It turns out that's the case." Mu Xiaoyun said with sudden realization.

"Vote for choice, Boss Yuan, do you want my vote?" Ling Hong began to ask Yuan Zhou with interest.

"This is a fair game." Yuan Zhou said seriously.

"Who doesn't know? If you want it, I'll vote for it. If you don't want it, I think the noodle shop next to you tastes good." Ling Hong looked to see if Yuan Zhou would say he wanted it.

"If you think the noodle shop is delicious, you can choose them." Yuan Zhou looked calm and unconcerned.

As for the fact that Ling Hong has been carved into flowers with his absolutely brilliant sword skills, Yuan Zhou will never show it.

"Boss Yuan is still so sullen and coquettish. He says he doesn't want it, but his body is very honest. You can't catch a girl like this." Ling Hong shook his head and sighed, poking at Yuan Zhou's pain of not having a girlfriend.

"I don't need to chase him myself. Someone will chase him, and I haven't seen you do it." Yuan Zhou said with confidence.

"I have more, which one do you want to see?" Ling Hong said nonchalantly.

"Not interested." Yuan Zhou refused decisively.

"Forget it, it's good for you to go up. My vote is for you." Ling Hong picked up an advertising flyer, waved and walked out of the door.

"Don't worry, Boss Yuan, we will vote for you too." After the diners on the side finished eating, they also picked up the advertising flyers and began to make promises.

"Thank you." Yuan Zhou nodded in thanks.

"Boss Yuan, don't be so polite. Whenever you can let me eat two soup dumplings or assorted vegetable dumplings in one meal." The diner said with a smile.

"Well, let's talk about it later." Yuan Zhou did not reject it outright.

"There are also duck fat and crispy sesame cakes." This is a diner who can't forget the duck fat and crispy sesame cakes.

Although the dishes at noon and evening are not enough to satisfy you, you can at least order some of them, which is still the ultimate delicious experience.

After finishing this batch, they moved on to the next batch. Now Yuan Zhou felt more at ease.

Because Mu Xiaoyun became a publicist by himself.

"Uncle, our store is going to participate in this event. You must remember to vote for us." Mu Xiaoyun took the advertising flyer and once the diners had finished ordering their meals, he stepped forward to promote it one by one.

But there are also those who like to tease people.

"Boss Yuan, do you want to participate in this event?" the diner asked curiously.

Yuan Zhou's reaction was that he had no reaction. After all, he said yes or no, so he just concentrated on preparing the meal.

"Xiaoyun, look, your boss didn't even say he wanted to participate. How did you know?" When the diner saw Yuan Zhou didn't answer, he bent down to tease Mu Xiaoyun.

Mu Xiaoyun is also a smart and witty girl. With a squint of her big eyes, she approached the diner and said in a low and serious voice, "The boss is embarrassed to say it, so I helped him."

"Haha, Xiaoyun, you are so cute. For your sake, I will vote for your shop." The diner laughed and said cheerfully.

And these are just small episodes. What really attracts votes is that the food in Yuanzhou's shop is so delicious and the rules are so confusing. After all, people like them, sometimes queuing up in the morning, noon and evening, may not be able to eat. arrive.

Once this is chosen, there will be more people with the same destiny, which is quite happy to think about.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the deadline for voting, the last day.

In the past few days, many people have consciously said that they are going to vote, but their expressions when they finally came back were a little strange.

It wasn't until halfway through breakfast that Manman asked bluntly, "Boss Yuan, did you not participate in this event at all? We didn't even find your store name."

"Did your dessert shop also participate?" Yuan Zhou was a little surprised, but asked back without showing any signs of it.

"Of course, Director Wang wrote his name directly." Manman nodded affirmatively.

Now Yuan Zhou was a little puzzled, but he didn't say anything and planned to go directly to the street office where the voting was taking place.

As soon as breakfast time arrived, Yuan Zhou went out.

The subdistrict office is not far from here, and it only takes ten minutes to walk. Yuan Zhou did not take a taxi, but walked very diligently.

I met Director Wang as soon as I arrived at the sub-district office.

"Boss Yuan, I was just about to find you. Didn't you tell anyone that you participated? Why didn't anyone vote for you?" Director Wang spoke quickly, crackling in a long paragraph, and said with great concern. .

Originally, Director Wang was most optimistic about Yuanzhou's shop, which was worthy of its name, but when it was almost over, no one voted for Chef God's shop.

"Tell me, are there any other abnormalities?" Yuan Zhou frowned.

"It's true what you said. Those who voted said they voted for Yuanzhou's store, but there is no such store in our street, so they can only be treated as invalid votes." After Director Wang said this, he looked at Yuanzhou's face. Then I understood.

"That store is you?" Director Wang really didn't know Yuan Zhou's full name.

"Well, can you add it to my ticket now?" Yuan Zhou nodded and said seriously.

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