Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 217: Yuan Zhou makes people feel itchy


The longer it cooks, the stronger the aroma becomes, and of course it gets closer to lunch time.

"Brother Wu, do you know what Boss Yuan is doing?" asked a diner who couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I don't know." Wu Hai stroked his mustache and said seriously.

"Brother Wu, aren't you curious?" This man obviously knew that Wu Hai and Yuan Zhou had a good relationship.

"I'm curious, but I'll find out in a moment." Wu Hai said seriously.

Of course, Wu Hai was also upset. He was contemplating a painting upstairs, but he was attracted by the scent of Yuan Zhou's painting just as he was getting started. His stomach instantly rebelled, and he didn't obey orders at all.

Fortunately, Wu Hai caught that moment of inspiration, otherwise he would definitely beat Yuan Zhou to death.

Let him know that doing things without closing the door at this time will cause death.

Of course, the painting has not been touched at all. Food is the most important thing in the vast world, and food is the most important thing for the people. After this series of persuasion, Wu Hai felt at ease and started queuing up to wait for food.

As for Zheng Jiawei's sincere advice five minutes ago, of course he automatically ignored it. Eating is the most important thing. Those who lose weight say that only when they are full can they have the strength to lose weight, and only when they are full can they have the strength to draw. This is also a very smooth logic. .

Fortunately, the opening hours are coming soon.

"The business hours are here, everyone can order food." Mu Xiaoyun stood at the door and said kindly.

"But it's time, and my sister is going to starve to death." Jiang Changxi was the first to enter Yuanzhou's shop quietly, and sighed after sitting down.

"What are you going to eat today?" Mu Xiaoyun always orders food in the order of sitting down.

"Little sister, you go ask someone else. I have something to ask Boss Yuan." Jiang Changxi looked at Yuan Zhou and said.

Yuan Zhou took a step back alertly and remembered the red ball in the lottery box. This woman had tried to cheat more than once. Yuan Zhou said that he would not be fooled at all.

"What delicious food did Boss Yuan make today?" Jiang Changxi's big bright eyes looked at Yuan Zhou unblinkingly.

"Five-spice eggs will be sold at noon tomorrow." Yuan Zhou explained when he saw that everyone around him was listening.

"What? Can't eat it now?" Jiang Changxi said her hands were itchy now.

"Well, sales will start at noon tomorrow." Yuan Zhou said affirmatively.

"Starting today, dining fees will be charged at noon and evening. The price is behind you." Yuan Zhou said with a slightly higher voice.

"Meal fee? What do you offer, Boss Yuan?" This question was asked directly without looking at the price.

"It's the same as what other stores offer." Yuan Zhou said calmly.

"Twenty per serving. This price is probably the cheapest in Boss Yuan's store." Jiang Changxi looked back and then said.

"To put it this way, I'm more curious about what's inside." A curious diner.

"You'll know when you order it, but you really can't order eggs?" Jiang Changxi was still worried about the spiced eggs.

"Yes." Yuan Zhou nodded seriously.

"Compasses!" Jiang Changxi muttered briefly, then raised her head and started to order, "A clear soup noodle set plus anchovies shrimp."

"Okay, the total is 1,616 yuan, which can be swiped by credit card." Yuan Zhou reported the price.

"Okay, it's been transferred to you. The money has been transferred." After Jiang Changxi ordered it, she directly transferred the money and paid. She was waiting to eat quickly.

"Wait a moment, the food will be here soon." Yuan Zhou nodded to express receipt.

Yuan Zhou is already familiar with how to make clear soup noodles, but he has a new twist on how to make anchovy shrimps this time.

"Hangcao, were I just dazzled?" The diners who were ordering seriously were instantly attracted by this swear word. They looked up and saw Yuan Zhou, and were all stunned for a moment.

Anchovy shrimps are not cheap, and not many people order them. Therefore, after Yuan Zhou acquired his superb knife skills, he has not shown them to diners again.

Originally, Yuan Zhou's cooking seemed to be a smooth and natural enjoyment, but now it has been promoted to a smooth and smooth skill to enjoy.

The previous steps are the same. Pick up the right amount of shrimps in a net bag, flick your wrist, and the shrimps will "pop" one after another, as if they jumped into the tank on their own.

After scrubbing and massaging, Yuanzhou took out the god-level kitchen knife, and without using his hands twice, the shrimp lines were completely picked out, including the tail, which was the most difficult to peel off.

Those two knife skills just now were like something you can only see on TV. They were extremely fast and precise, without any gimmicks.

"Tsk, tsk, this is the first time I've seen this knife technique in real life." The diner said with emotion.

"I just thought I saw the God of Cooking." The unblinking diner agreed.

"God of Cooking, I thought I was dazzled just now. Boss Yuan's cooking skills are really amazing." The diner said in admiration.

"Fortunately, I ordered the anchovy shrimp." Jiang Changxi also said at the side.

Although the diners were discussing in low voices, their eyes never left Yuan Zhou.

When the Fengqi Wutong was carved next, the diners were already prepared to be shocked again.

In the past, when Yuan Zhou was carving, he would use a special carving knife. His hand movement was very sensitive and the speed was very fast. But this time Yuan Zhou directly used the miracle kitchen knife. Of course, before carving, Yuan Zhou scalded the knife with boiling water. , used for disinfection and deodorization.

"I've seen how to carve a kitchen knife." Jiang Changxi said happily with her chin on her hands.

"I think the carvings I've seen before were all radishes, but Boss Yuan calls this carving." The diner said in disbelief when he saw Yuan Zhou carving out Fengqi Wutong in one go.

"Boss Yuan actually still has some skills. He can even carve tofu." This is a man who knows some cooking skills.

"That's right. I'm convinced by Boss Yuan that you can use something as crude as a kitchen knife to carve such a delicate work." The diner sighed.

"You've already accepted it, haven't you?" There are always a lot of troublemakers.

"I'll say it again, can't I?" the diner said directly without any hesitation.

"You should indeed be convinced." Jiang Changxi said conclusively.

At this time, Yuan Zhou also served the meal she ordered.

"Your meal." Yuan Zhou served the meal on two trays.

One is a welcome set with a glass of water, two candies, and a piece of paper. The free space is a clear soup noodle set. The other set is naturally the anchovy shrimp that was just shown off.

"Is this what the meal fee provides? It really is a meal fee." Jiang Changxi thought it was something, but she didn't expect it to be an ordinary thing.

"Appetizer candy, deflavor candy, take before and after meals." Yuan Zhou motioned to use the two candies.

"Whoever eats candy before eating is lucky to have a glass of water." Jiang Changxi glanced at Yuan Zhou dissatisfied.

He picked up the appetizer candy in one hand and the cup in the other hand, preparing to swallow it like a medicine.

"No need to push it away, just eat it directly." Yuanzhou reminded.

"Oh?" Jiang Changxi was a little confused, but she didn't think much about it. It was just one piece of candy, so there was a lot to eat directly.

When Jiang Changxi dropped a piece of candy, it melted and flowed directly into her stomach before Jiang Changxi could drink water. Jiang Changxi raised her eyebrows in surprise, as it was not sweet at all.

And... (.,, your support is my biggest motivation.) 16-10-31 10:42:25