Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2535: too fast


Lin Shu was chatting with his best friend, but he still paid some attention to time. He joked that if he was careless for a moment, he might be late for dinner by an hour.

Lin Shu noticed it just after it reached 4:50.

"Shu Shu, let's go." Lin Shu whispered to Ling Shu.

"Is it so early? Do you want to sit down for a while?" Ling Shu also looked at his watch and found that it was not yet five o'clock.

She usually eats very regularly, breakfast at six o'clock, lunch at twelve o'clock, and dinner at six o'clock, with almost no exceptions, unless she is very busy and has no time to eat.

It was not yet five o'clock, which was a bit early, and Ling Shu remembered that Lin Shu seemed to have said before that the restaurant to eat was not far from this street, so there was no need to rush there.

"We can't wait any longer, it will be too late." Lin Shu said.

After saying that, he pulled Ling Shu up and walked directly outside. In order to make it easier for him to leave, he had already paid the bill in advance. This was convenient for Lin Shu, who was already a veteran.

Walking all the way to the door, Ling Shu realized that the noisy cafe seemed to have become quiet again at some point. A quick glance revealed that at least half of the tables here were empty.

"What's going on?" Ling Shu felt like she had a little question mark on her head.

I didn’t see anyone leaving, and some people left after just sitting for a while. This is a cafe and no other place, so it’s really rare for someone to just have a drink and leave.

Does she think she is out of touch with society because she hasn't been active for a long time

As long as Lin Shu couldn't find her in the city where she was, Ling Shu would definitely spend her vacation in a sea of cases without exception, so she was very at home.

"We're all going to eat. You'll know in a minute." Lin Shu understood her best friend's obvious doubts.

After saying a few words, he pulled her and walked quickly, stepping on high heels as if she were walking on flat ground, the speed was almost as fast as stepping on Hot Wheels.

There were many people on the street. Although the cafe was not far from the shop, at most two hundred meters in a straight line, they still walked for five minutes to get there.

When she got here, Ling Shu was even more confused, because she saw that there were already many people standing under the eaves on both sides, all staring in one direction, which was the doorway where they were standing. There was a slide not far away.

Installing a slide in your home? How many children want to play with this thing at home? Ling Shu once again felt that he might be able to take half a day a month to go shopping, otherwise it would not be good to be disconnected for too long.

At this time, Ling Shu's ears were very sharp and he heard the sound of "tapping" upstairs, and then "bah, bah" sounded like the sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

Just when the sound was getting louder and louder, she wanted to find out what was going on. When she tightened her grip, she found that Lin Shu had tightened her hand. His arm muscles were tense, and he was accumulating strength in preparation, as if he was standing on the starting line. Like any other athlete, they are waiting for the starting gun to go off and rush out.

Not only Lin Shu, but also Ling Shu found that people under the eaves of the neighboring house and the other side of the house tensed up, as if they were about to rush out.

Before the question mark in Ling Shu's mind surfaced, two black figures popped out of the doorway next to them. They were so fast that she was sure that if her eyes hadn't always been observant, she would never have noticed them.

When he saw it clearly again, the black figure had already lined up at the door of the store opposite. Why was Ling Shu so sure that he was in line? Because the two people stood in front of each other, quite neatly.

"Let's hurry up."

Almost as soon as Ling Shu saw the figure clearly, her best friend pulled her out and rushed out, and then almost everyone under the eaves rushed out. The speed was so fast and the order was unprecedented. Even so, Ling Shu couldn't help but I noticed that everyone was not crowded at all. You were in front of me and you were behind me. You relied on the sensitivity of your reflex nerves to distinguish who was in order.

Lin Shu was worthy of being a model and had a good sense of balance. Even though they did not occupy strong terrain when they came, when they rushed over, there were only about ten more people than when there were two of them before. Absolute ace combat power based on the number of people standing under the eaves.


Lin Shu let go of his best friend's hand and let out a breath. He looked at Ling Shu, who was standing behind him and had a blank face, and burst into laughter.

Ling Shu's originally confused thoughts were brought back to consciousness by her best friend's smile: "Is this a queue to eat?"

Although it seemed unbelievable, this was the only reason that made sense. The next part of their trip was supposed to be dinner, and Lin Shu had worked hard to get to the front of the queue. This was obvious.

"Yes, let's eat and eat dishes cooked by the best chefs in the country." Lin Shu nodded happily.

I just counted the 10th and 11th positions. They are in the first echelon. You can have your meal as soon as you start the meal. You don’t have to stand outside and watch the people in the store gorge themselves on it, and you have to secretly swallow your saliva and suffer. , which is simply more joyful than picking up money.

Ling Shu had never eaten the food cooked by Yuan Zhou, and could not imagine how delicious it was, the best food in the country. But seeing everyone so enthusiastic, it only took a few minutes for there to be a queue of at least fifty people. I know it tastes good.

"Didn't you say that you can take something to treat lung fever? You can find it here?" This is what Ling Shu is worried about.

As a doctor, she is not very interested in delicious food. What she is interested in is what kind of food can cure lung fever and be acceptable to Lin Shu's picky taste buds. Although her current symptoms are not serious, she does feel uncomfortable. If this method can be popularized, it may be good news to many people.

Even without seeing his best friend's rich expression, Lin Shu knew what she was thinking and said directly: "What you are thinking is useless. You will know when you eat it."

"Okay." Ling Shu was a little tired.

It doesn’t feel good that I can’t study and promote things.

When we queued, it was just the right time to queue. The two of us stood there for nearly an hour before a little girl came out and said that dinner time had started and we could come in to eat.

Fortunately, their professions required them to stand for a lot of time. Anyway, Ling Shu felt that it was not easy for others to stand down, especially when they entered and there was a long queue behind them.

After entering the store, Ling Shu discovered that the place was very small, with few tables, so no wonder they had to come in in batches, and the number of people who came in each time was relatively small.

At this time, there were only one table for two, one table for four, and finally there was room at the bar over there. However, Ling Shu knew the habits of his best friends, so he walked directly to the left side of the store, where there were two tables. There is a set of tableware, but there are no chairs. It should be a standing position.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a best friend, you understand me."

Lin Shu happily followed her besties to the standing area. It was a place tailor-made for her to eat while standing up, which ensured that she could eat a little more and not get fat.

Ling Shu rolled her eyes at Lin Shu who was smiling and looked at the thick stack of menus next to her. She had no intention of looking at it. She knew that her best friend probably already had an idea and she just had to wait to eat. Yes, this is their usual way of getting along.