Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2582: Sunny afternoon


Along the way from the airport to the hotel, Ke Sen said this many times. Lin Sheng and others kept reassuring him, but he just couldn't feel at ease.

It was the first time I did something like this, and I didn’t inform the master beforehand, so I felt like I was going to feel cold.

If this were left to Colin, Corson wouldn't even have to think about it. He would know that there would be several iron pots waiting for him.

Thinking about that scene made me shiver all over, so Ke Sen took the time to say it again before setting off in the hotel lobby.

Lin Sheng didn't feel annoyed at all. No matter what the matter was, as long as it was about Yuan Zhou, he felt that he could not be too cautious. In fact, it was not just Lin Sheng who thought so, but also the other five people who came with Lin Sheng. That's the idea.

"Don't worry, we have agreed. You go in and ask Chef Yuan first. If it's inconvenient, we can just hand over the prepared mountain goods to Chef Yuan. He doesn't need to do anything. We will guarantee that they will be moved to the designated location in the store. Don't delay things." Lin Sheng said tirelessly.

He had said this many times, and whenever Ke Sen asked him, he would say it again, without exception. Even the few people next to him nodded vigorously to show that they heard.

People seem to be very well-behaved and peaceful, but is it okay if everyone has two sacks of stuff next to them

At first, Lin Sheng and the others said they were bringing some mountain products to their master. He thought they were some mushrooms, fungus, and other mountain delicacies that Lin Sheng and the others had picked in the mountains themselves, such as wild dogwood and wild peppercorns. The condiments were not very valuable, so I didn’t take them seriously.

But looking at these large bags of things specially consigned, Ke Sen felt bad. He did check it, and found that except for the larger quantity, most of them were not precious, that is, the quantity was just larger. Reasons to handle with care.

If the quantity is large and precious, don't worry, the master will definitely reject it and there is no need to give it away. However, Ke Sen still can't help but be curious. I wonder if Yunfeng Mountain has been bald by these guys

In the end, Ke Sen still didn't ask, feeling that if he asked, Lin Sheng would probably beat him regardless of years of friendship and current leadership. After all, Lin Sheng's feelings for Yunfeng Mountain were extremely deep.

Otherwise, with Lin Sheng's ability, he would still be stuck in the mountain, wasting all his talents and not knowing how to do things.

With Lin Sheng's repeated assurances, Ke Sen finally led the people towards Taoxi Road.

He specifically chose the period after breakfast in the morning and between preparing lunch ingredients. Most of the time, Yuan Zhou was practicing his knife skills. In this case, there was less chance of being disturbed. When Yuan Zhou stopped practicing, he would talk about the time. There is still some effort in the sentence, and since the person is outside, there will naturally be no special delay.

In order not to cause trouble to Yuan Zhou, especially since it was him who brought it, Ke Sen could be said to have worked very hard to find a solution.

There is a saying that "man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation", because today is the second day of new Fujian cuisine. Yuan Zhou has no intention of practicing knife skills after the business hours. Instead, he is in the kitchen, preparing a series of Fujian dishes such as Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. The preparation work, especially the time interval between Buddha jumping over the wall, was clearly stipulated, so Yuanzhou was quite busy.

At that time, he could take a break after working hard. Yuanzhou also prepared an ancient book and planned to study it as soon as he still had time.

When Ke Sen and others arrived at Taoxi Road, it was when Yuan Zhou finished working in the kitchen and planned to come out and read a book.

Ke Sen didn't know it at this time. He didn't see the famous Taoxi Road outside the store, so he felt a little relieved. His plan couldn't keep up with the change.

When he saw the flow of people on Taoxi Road before, he had a little guess. It wasn't that there weren't enough people, but that they were scattered and not concentrated. So Yuan Zhou must not be practicing carving.

If Yuan Zhou was carving, there would definitely be a lot of people coming to watch, not to mention people and cameras. But now that there are none, it can almost be concluded that Yuan Zhou did not practice his knife skills today.

People are determined not to give up until the last moment until they reach the Yellow River. It was not until they arrived at the door of the store that Ke Sen finally gave up on the so-called chance.

They turned around to look at the eager Lin Sheng and the others, looking at the signboard in front of them without leaving a trace. They prayed in their hearts that the master was not busy in the kitchen doing serious business, otherwise the senior brother would probably not be able to escape the beating. .

After repeating it in his mind several times, Ke Sen felt that he had almost all the gods he needed to pray to, so he walked towards the store.

When entering the door, Ke Sen paused suspiciously before continuing to walk into the store. Fortunately, there was no familiar figure of Yuan Zhou in the kitchen, and he instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

Over there, Yuanzhou, who had just set out the tea sets and snacks in the small courtyard and took out the books, heard the noise coming from the store. With the system in place, there was no need to worry about safety issues, so as soon as he heard the noise, he knew that someone was coming.

"Could it be that the exhibition director and others can't wait and want to come first?" Yuan Zhou guessed.

He made an appointment with Zhan Changfa and the others yesterday to meet in the afternoon. After all, the afternoon was longer, and there was not much time to prepare ingredients in the morning.

There were some doubts in his heart. Yuanzhou was not slow and walked towards the Sakurai Shrimp Wall. However, Ke Sen was a step faster. After all, the distance to the store was short. Before Yuan Zhou could get closer, Ke Sen over there. Sen has already moved out of the store.

Then I saw Yuan Zhou walking towards him and the scent of tea lingering behind him. There was no one else around, and my tense heart suddenly relaxed. Fortunately, I had a good Buddha's feet to hug him temporarily, otherwise a cool song wouldn't be enough.

"Master, good morning." Ke Sen greeted with a smile on his face.

"Ke Sen is here? Is there something going on? Or is there something going on at Qiancai?" Yuanzhou was a little curious.

These disciples of his really didn't want to go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything, mainly because they didn't want to disturb him. If they came, they would only come if they had something important to do, so they asked directly.

"He is such a master. Do you know a man named Lin Sheng? He said that you have done him and his hometown a big favor. He wants to come and thank you. I have been friends with him for many years. Please come to me." You want me to introduce you, so I came to ask."

Ke Sen's bamboo tube was like pouring beans, telling the cause and effect of the matter. He said it so clearly that he couldn't help it. He was used to it. As long as Yuan Zhou asked, he could tell everything.

I don’t know whether I should say that Yuan Zhou taught me well or Ke Sen’s family was strict.

Yuan Zhou's memory is quite good, but he still couldn't react to such a sudden question. He really didn't think of it for a while, but after thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a figure.

It was a day about two or three months ago. The sun was very bright that afternoon. Yuan Zhou originally planned to move the tools for practicing knife skills out of the shop to practice and soak up the sunshine.