Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2611: Another person fell


Not only the diners in the first echelon in front witnessed the wonderful battle between Wu Hai and the others, but also the people in the second echelon outside tried their best to watch this rare battle at the door without being crowded.

Therefore, Wu Hai and the others were surrounded by everyone's enthusiastic eyes as soon as they went out, and everyone was very envious.

As for envying them for their big wallets and eating freely or envying their big stomachs, that's a matter of opinion.

In order to maintain the honor of the rice bucket king, it was not easy for Wu Hai. He didn't have enough to eat, but since he was delayed for some time, he naturally couldn't wait anymore, delaying other people's eating time, so as not to affect Yuanzhou's business.

Fortunately, there was Mao Xiong Shunmao and the preserved fruit that Yuan Zhou sent back. Mao Xiong promised to put it in a sandwich and make him a sandwich, which was enough to calm the restless black beast.

As for Yu Daoyi and Liao Wenkai, they were naturally not full, but they were both quite satisfied.

One is that the trick is expected to be perfected, and the other is that he has seen so many Nanputuo vegetarian dishes and other vegetarian dishes, which has inspired him a lot. Although he wished he could order more vegetarian dishes to experience them, but seeing everyone leaving, he also knew the rules. of.

When people don't know the rules, it's generally right to follow the crowd.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he couldn't help but said directly: "Yu Laodao, how about we compete again tomorrow? Otherwise, we can compete tonight."

The eager tone of his voice, if he hadn't known him for a while, Yu Daoyi would have thought that he might have been transported through time, as if he was a different person.

When he said it was a competition before, he wouldn't have ignored it unless he presented the facts and made sense. But now he is proactive, like no one else.

"Such a short interval is no match."

Before the Taoist Master could say anything, Wu Hai in front of him turned around and refused. He joked that he ended up today just to defend his reputation as the king of ricers. If he competed again, wouldn't it mean that he would continue to be unable to eat meat and not be full? No, absolutely not.

Yu Daoyi shrugged and said he was helpless. He had seen what he wanted to see, and the rest would not be extraneous.

As for what Liao Wenkai meant, he was able to guess a thing or two. Seeing that it was Rongcheng who called him here, he gave some guidance: "Chef Yuan eats here. As long as you queue up and finish your meal, you can order whatever you want, except for those who need it." If you book in advance, everything else is fine.”

After hearing what Wu Hai and Yu Daoyi said, Liao Wenkai knew that there was no chance of experiencing so many vegetarian dishes in a short period of time, so he turned to think about the maximum number of dishes he could eat in a meal, and whether it was possible to eat as many dishes as possible Eat more.

After feeling his belly for several months, Liao Wenkai felt that his strength was pretty good. A meal of vegetarian food would only require fourteen or five people, but the exact amount still needed to be explored slowly.

"You are going back tonight, are you still coming here for dinner tonight?" Yu Daoyi still has some conscience.

Knowing that he should pay attention to Liao Wenkai's return journey, after all, he was unfamiliar with the place. As a half-host, Yu Daoyi felt that he could still pay proper attention to it, just as a reward for Liao Wenkai's contribution to his unique skills.

After hearing this, Liao Wenkai, who had been planning what time to come tomorrow, froze instantly.

I originally thought about breakfast, but I didn’t know whether it would be a meat or vegetarian breakfast, but I could come early for lunch, maybe walk over, burn more calories and maybe eat more.

Before the sweet dream was over, Yu Daoyi's words suddenly brought him back to reality. He instantly remembered that he had booked a flight for the early hours of tonight, just to rush back and make breakfast.

After thinking about it, Liao Wenkai seemed to have made up his mind and said: "I haven't taken annual leave in many years and I haven't taken it this year. I can take this year's leave first and then talk about it. The air tickets will be refunded and I will go back after I take my leave." I think there should be no problem.”

In fact, Liao Wenkai, as the chef of Nanputuo Temple, does not cook every dish. He usually cooks it only after reservation. Most tourists eat are cooked by the second chef, and they only catch up sometimes. Liao Wenkai happened to be in the kitchen, so he might order the food he cooked. His vacation would not affect anything. At most, his reservation number would not be released.

"Just make up your own mind."

Although I thought it was strange that Liao Wenkai could make such a decision, after all, I had seen him eager to work in the kitchen before, but it was easy to understand because of Yuan Zhou.

So the Taoist Master respected Liao Wenkai's opinion very much, but he was wondering if Liao Wenkai could come to the shop more often to have a meal in the near future and take care of Liao Wenkai so that he would not be alone.

"I can sell two pianos. They haven't been sold for two months. It's time." Yu Daoyi thought in his mind.

Lunch time was particularly lively due to Wu Hai and his four strongmen competing for hegemony. Affected by the atmosphere, many familiar diners competed for food with each other much more intensely than usual, so it was not until the last diners stepped out of the restaurant. The small shop slowly became quiet.

"I didn't expect that there is someone more powerful than Yu Daoyi, who is on par with Mao Xiong. Sure enough, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers everywhere." Yuan Zhou said with emotion.

No wonder Yuan Zhou was surprised. You must know that since Wu Hai and Mao Xiong got together, they have not neglected their respective skills at all. They are chasing after each other at every meal. In such a healthy competitive environment, the strength of both people is the same. They are improving all the time, and Liao Wenkai's ability to tie with the already improved Mao Xiong is worthy of his admiration.

Then in a blink of an eye, he saw the exclamation mark waiting not far outside the door.

Liao Wenkai did not leave Taoxi Road. After he separated from Yu Dao, he returned to a place not far from the God of Cooking shop. He wanted to communicate with Yuan Zhou. Meeting such a vegetarian master, the blood in his body could not calm down. How could you just leave without wanting to communicate.

He didn't know if Yuan Zhou would agree, so he kept wandering near the shop. It wasn't until he saw Yuan Zhou sending out the last diners that he bravely came forward.

After stammering the purpose of his visit, Yuanzhou was very interested in Liao Wenkai's usual cooking methods. After all, he had obtained systematic information that showed that the vegetarian dishes of the monastery were not only very particular about the ingredients used, but also the cooking techniques were unique. , it was almost passed down by word of mouth, and not many were included in the system. Many of them were lost. Now that a living successor has come to me, I am naturally happy.

It was a natural thing to invite Liao Wenkai into the store to talk slowly and in detail.

Liao Wenkai didn't expect Yuan Zhou to be so approachable and not arrogant at all, so his worries returned to his stomach, and he followed Yuan Zhou to the small courtyard of the shop with an excited blush on his face.

Liao Wenkai was very excited during the whole process of chatting over tea and preparing ingredients, but this did not affect his strength. He made his famous dish in the early years, the Pearl of the Sea, which was made with wild vegetables and tofu, but with his superb skills It makes this dish shine like a pearl hanging on the sea.

Yuan Zhou had learned about this dish, but after Liao Wenkai, the inventor, made this dish, he naturally saw something different. At least the techniques were slightly different from those given by the system, although they were Liao Wenkai's own habits. action.

But with Yuanzhou's sharp eyesight, he could immediately see that the things made in this way were more natural and had the same effect as what he had figured out.