Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2619: Art food


Especially when he thought about the bright and beautiful ingredients that he had dyed, including the flour, and the dishes were all good except that they were inedible, Yuan Zhou felt bad all over.

Really afraid of what might come his way, Wu Hai walked up to Yuan Zhou and said proudly: "Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan, do you know what gift I have prepared for you? It's a super beautiful piece of art."

Wu Hai didn't push the numbers at all, he looked very proud of himself, and he was looking for praise all over his face, which made Yuan Zhou feel a toothache.

The original guess turned out to be true. Even though Yuan Zhou felt that he had become very strong in cultivation and had reached the full level of facial paralysis, he still felt that his face was a little tight.

I once again deceived myself and thought about the probability of putting the painting in the food box, and then the iron-clad fact was placed in front of me, and I could only put on a serious face.

"What is it?" Yuan Zhou asked.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, you can't guess it. This is a perfect work that I carefully designed and took time and effort to make." Wu Hai said proudly.

Then he placed the food box on the bar in front of Yuan Zhou, as if he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to see it, and then gently opened the food box, and a strong smell of paint hit his nostrils.

Ordinary people would find it pungent, let alone Yuan Zhou, who had extremely keen senses. He subconsciously took a small step back to feel better, but this strong and familiar smell once again showed that Wu Hai must have done something. Painted here.

Wu Hai reached in and brought out a round white plate. Originally, a plate as white as jade, especially a huge plate, should be very eye-catching, but now it was overtaken by a giant dumpling on the plate.

This giant dumpling is not a simple two-dimensional variety but a three-dimensional one. Only the belly of the dumpling sticks to the plate, and the rest of the dumpling is in the air. There seems to be something vaguely in the middle. If you look closely, you can see that this giant dumpling is Dumplings are all made up of dumplings of different colors.

Although he was mentally prepared, Yuan Zhou couldn't help the conditioned reflex of twitching the corner of his mouth when he saw this giant dumpling.

Yuan Zhou can't fault the shape, color scheme, and composition. If you say it's a work of art, there's no problem at all. There's still a little bit of light under the light, and it seems to have some luminous elements added to it. Things go in.

But what Wu Hai just said was about food, so this is very difficult to describe.

"Did you use paste?" Yuan Zhou smelled a hint of rice paste from the pungent paint.

After looking at the giant dumplings that stood very firmly, he had a guess in his mind, but he didn't see any traces of paste, so he was a little curious for a moment.

"As expected of a compass, I did use it. But to match this colorful giant dumpling, I mixed the white paste with coral color to get a new color, which goes very well with the dumplings. How about a compass? My kitchen Is there any sign that one is better than his master in art?" Wu Hai came closer and asked.

He is extremely confident in his cooking skills, and he doesn't know where he got such a clear self-awareness.

Yuan Zhou: "..."

God's genius is better than his master. No novel dares to write it like this. If this is the understanding of the youth who are superior to his master, then there will be no youth in the world who is superior to his master.

"What do you use for the filling?" Yuan Zhou asked.

It's not surprising that Yuan Zhou was curious. The main reason was that except for the smell of rice cereal and flour, his nose smelled nothing of edible ingredients. It was all the smell of various pigments.

Of course, he used a custom-made paint, which Wu Hai specially made for his cooking. There are various flavors of paint, including orange, apple, and even chicken and beef, but no matter how good it smells, It’s not food either.

In fact, Yuanzhou has always been curious about how the person who ordered paint for Wu Hai felt when he received this delicious order.

"In order to achieve strict color uniformity and color matching, I use fruit-flavored paints, which are available in various flavors. They are guaranteed to taste good, and they are all edible paints. You have to believe me." Wu Hai Guaranteed.

If Yuan Zhou hadn't always been reminded of his good professionalism, he would have swore. If you can eat it, it's not just paint, and even if you can eat it, it's not something ordinary people can afford.

Wu Hai was obsessed with dyeing food ingredients to an outrageous level, and for a period of time he was full of enthusiasm for entering the kitchen, so Zheng Jiawei found a way to customize this pigment that was both delicious and edible. However, For Yuan Zhou, this is absolutely not something that can be used for cooking.

Nothing in the kitchen is trivial, and Yuan Zhou has always been very insistent on this.

Silently swallowing the foul language on his lips, Yuan Zhou took a deep breath to calm down: "The shape of this dumpling is quite good. If you want to give it away, you can put it there for everyone to appreciate. You don't have to eat it, otherwise you can do it yourself." Let’s eat one first.”

Seeing that Wu Hai opened his mouth to speak, Yuan Zhou immediately plugged the loophole. He was joking and didn't want to have to go to the hospital because of a bad stomach and ask for leave. This would definitely damage his majesty as a future chef.

Wu Hai, who originally wanted Yuan Zhou to try it when he heard that he was being asked to eat it, immediately shut his mouth and stopped talking. He wouldn't eat the dishes he cooked anyway, so he had to insist.

So I could only carry the plate and walk towards the station over there, and put the plate in the designated position, just inside the partition. The half-dark light made the dumplings even more dazzling. It was indeed a good thing. place.

Even Wu Hai was a little reluctant at first, but now he is very happy after seeing such good results.

After giving the return gift, it was naturally time to ask for food. I had already stared at the plate on the kitchen counter and started eating glutinous rice balls. The clear color made the fillings inside very clear, even if it was just a layer of powder on the surface. Nothing can stop the addition of its appearance.

Wu Hai's skill should not be underestimated, especially his instinct for food. Yuan Zhou, who had strong principles, was quite lenient to Wu Hai as long as it did not involve rules.

After Wu Hai left with two glutinous rice balls in his mouth again, Yuanzhou wiped his forehead and looked at the beautiful dumplings over there with some lingering fear.

"I don't know if Mao Xiong will let Wu Hai continue to go to the kitchen in the future. Otherwise, we should discuss with Mao Xiong to ban him from the kitchen. The destructive power of the kitchen monster is worthy of it." Yuanzhou murmured in his heart.

Dumplings stuffed with fruit-flavored pigments and the like really broadened one’s knowledge. It wasn’t that Yuan Zhou didn’t know it but Wu Hai was too daring to think about it.

After looking at the time, it was almost time to prepare ingredients for lunch. Yuanzhou took out his cell phone and planned to turn it off so that he could concentrate on preparing the ingredients. It was at this time that his cell phone rang.

"Ding-a-ling, jingle-a-ling"

The ringtone was harsh, but the name on it was very familiar, it was Ling Hong.

"Hello, this is Yuan Zhou." Yuan Zhou answered the phone and said directly.

"Compass, can you make baby food?" Ling Hong said directly as soon as the call was connected.