Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2625: The heart of an old father


Zhou Shijie has always felt that he has a barbecued pork son, which is still burnt and has a mushy taste in his mouth. However, even if he dislikes the only piece of barbecued pork in his life, it will be difficult for his wife to practice trumpet anymore when she is old. We can only look forward to the descendants of the barbecued pork son.

So I changed my attitude towards Zhou Xi's free-range breeding, and wanted to adopt the method of raising it in captivity. Unfortunately, I had raised it in the wild before, and there was no way to raise it at home, so I had to find a way.

In the beginning, Zhou Shijie and Zhang Yan, who were also worried about their daughter, hit it off and actively matched the two. However, a strong woman who is committed to being like Jiang Changxi and a painter who pursues the free and undisciplined life of Wu Hai are absolutely unacceptable. They came together, and after reluctantly trying to match them up a few times, Zhou Shijie and Zhang Yan gave up.

Then Zhou Shijie began to toss the granddaughters, nieces, or granddaughters of his old friends in his circle. If they were chefs, they would be given priority, in order to have a grandson with the genes of an excellent chef.

In Zhou Xi's eyes, the first one is Wu Hai, the super idol, and the second one is Yuan Zhou, the idol. Then the other chefs don't pay attention. The good guy Zhou Xi almost shut up when he went on a blind date. Yes, the template is Yuan Zhou.

Not to mention the younger generation, even the cooking seniors are very few who can compare with Yuan Zhou. In addition, Zhou Xina is really a straight man, and he has no way of tactful words. You can imagine the girl who is going on a blind date with him. What happened in the end

During that period, Zhou Shijie would receive roaring phone calls from his old friends every day, and naturally he had to give up the idea of having a grandchild with the chef gene.

Recently, Zhou Shijie came up with something interesting. The reason why his son became a barbecued pork must be because of his average IQ. He felt that having a daughter-in-law with a high IQ could make up for some shortcomings. Then he remembered what Yu Daoyi said before. It’s about a niece who graduated from Tsinghua University and is good at literature and martial arts.

Top students who graduated from higher education institutions are definitely considered to have high IQs. Although Zhou Xi and Zhou Shijie think it is a bit like putting flowers on cow dung, they can only fight for the IQ of their grandchildren.

Only then did Yu Daoyi receive a call from Zhou Shijie when he was in Ludao and learned about Yuanzhou's new Fujian cuisine.

When Yu Dao heard Zhou Shijie's words, his body stiffened, and then he recovered without any trace and said: "You are talking about that girl Qiuqiu. When she came to see me in March this year, she didn't have a partner yet. I don't know if she has one now. I I can ask for help before I tell you, this girl Qiuqiu just doesn't care about her own affairs, she is really worried."

Although Qiuqiu is not his daughter but the daughter of his uncle's brother, she is relatively close, and Qiuqiu has learned piano and martial arts from Yu Daoyi since she was a child, so she is naturally more familiar with them, so he is more worried.

Speaking of this, the two of them instantly felt some sympathy for each other, and they looked at each other directly. It couldn't be helped that the Chinese New Year was approaching, and my niece/son was still alone, so parents would inevitably be a little anxious.

It was rare for Yu Daoyi and Zhou Shijie to chat with each other. With a common topic, or someone with the same hatred and hatred, they naturally became closer. Even when they were grabbing snacks, they couldn't help but be a little merciful. Tie.

You must know that Zhou Shijie is usually not qualified to compete with Yu Daoyi. Otherwise, before Liao Wenkai, Yu Daoyi would not be able to sit firmly in the third position of the restaurant's rice bucket, and his strength is absolutely strong.

Zhou Shijie's table was lively, and the table joined by Wu Hai was even more lively. Wu Hai never feared anyone when he ate, not just pastries, food to go with wine, but also wine. He didn't refuse and poured it into his mouth very neatly, making the people at the same table feel like they were in danger. They didn't dare to relax for a moment, for fear that Wu Hai would finish it all at once and they wouldn't be able to eat.

The tavern was so lively that Yuan Zhou didn't pay much attention to it. He had been busy with something some time ago, so it was natural for him to take care of the tasks when he finally had some free time.

As the content of the in-class test, it is said to be simple but actually very simple, and it is said to be difficult to be very difficult. If one ingredient is to be transformed into three different ingredients, there are not many choices.

After all, you can't turn a mushroom into mushroom slices, shredded mushrooms or mushroom pellets as three ingredients. This is definitely impossible.

The first thing that comes to mind is naturally legumes. Whether it is black beans, soybeans, green beans, or peas, they can be turned into other ingredients.

For example, peanuts can not only produce peanut buds, but also can be fried into peanut oil, and can also be made into foods such as cakes and peanut cakes, which can barely be considered as a few ingredients.

Or you can make catfish into noodles like the ones in Xiaodang’s family, which is based on the theme of noodles and non-noodles, and then use the fish bones to make soup, and add catfish steaks, which can still be considered.

Yuan Zhou can't do things forcefully. If he wants to complete it, he must complete it 100%, just like the real perfume before. Even if the system has judged that he has completed the task, he personally feels that this method is still not perfect. I will keep studying.

It is this spirit of studying and not giving up that is the reason why Yuanzhou has surpassed his previous host to develop two collection-level sword skills, and maybe there will be a third and fourth in the future.

"Try beans first. These are the easiest to change texture into other ingredients." Yuan Zhou decided to start with simple ones.

Instead of the commonly used soybeans and mung beans, he chose black beans first. The black beans provided by the system were already the best among the best, but with Yuanzhou's eyesight, he could naturally see the subtle differences between each bean.

Therefore, even if he gets the beans provided by the system, Yuan Zhou will take the trouble to select them again. After selecting the beans one by one, he will start soaking them before doing anything else.

Although the task requirements did not say that other ingredients could not be used as auxiliary materials, Yuanzhou still automatically felt that other ingredients other than seasonings were not suitable, so that this task could be more highlighted.

Only Yuan Zhou can do such a thing by automatically and spontaneously increasing his own difficulty.

When Yin Ya came home from overtime work that day, not only was there hot black soy milk waiting for her, but also bean dregs pancakes made from black bean dregs.

Even though I know a lot of oil is used, the crispy and crunchy texture is still irresistible, not to mention the sweet and smooth black soy milk. I just walked for a night, and my body was slowly blown by the cold wind. These are warm and comfortable.

Yin Ya has forgotten everything about weight. In winter, you should eat more and gain more fat to resist the cold. Winter is the time to store fat, and people should adapt to the season.

Thinking of these things, Yin Ya felt at ease and began to enjoy the black bean supper with Yuan Zhou. The two of them bumped heads from time to time and whispered, holding hot soy milk, and occasionally feeding each other a bite of pancake, even in the cold wind. It can't stop the formation of pink bubbles.