Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2635: Be generous to others


Anyway, it seems that Dong Fang is at least much more skilled than her grandson Bao Wenli next to her. Grandma Jin’s Chinese name Jinhua was given to herself by herself. As for the Miao name, it is too long. Anyway, Dong Fang I think it would definitely cost a lot of saliva if I screamed every time.

In general communication, Dong Fang is called by her Chinese name, and Grandma Jin has no objection to this.

This time she came to Chengdu at the invitation of Dong Fang. The last day of the year, and the last day of the year when Dong Fang learned simple embroidery from Granny Jin, was definitely a day worth celebrating. This was definitely a business matter, not a For personal matters, there is nothing better than going to the God of Cooking shop to have a meal.

"Just don't be in a hurry. This time I will take you to eat at one of the most delicious restaurants in our country. The food there is really delicious. You will know after eating it."

Dong Fang led people towards the place where she parked her car, while saying some homely words to prevent Granny Jin from being nervous.

Grandma Jin is more fashionable, but she has fewer opportunities to go out of Yibin City, and she is not very familiar with other places. Naturally, she is a little at a loss when going to a strange place. Fortunately, her grandson is accompanying her, which is okay.

The nervousness in my heart was reduced a lot as Dong Fang rambled on. There were not many opportunities to meet Dong Fang face to face. Most of them were video calls. After all, Dong Fang was really busy, but she had also established a deep relationship over the past year. of.

"Xiaofang, don't be so polite. The best one in the country is very expensive. We can just eat whatever we want without spending so much money." Granny Jin was slightly uneasy.

Old people don't like to bother others. Granny Jin is afraid that Dong Fang will spend too much. It's not easy for a girl to work outside. It's better to save something. This time, if Dong Fang hadn't said it several times, she would have to buy tickets and book rooms. He also said that he could not withdraw, adhering to the principle of not wasting money. Although Granny Jin was unwilling to come because it was too much trouble, she still came.

I just heard what Dong Fang said was the best. My first reaction was not that it was delicious, but that it was too expensive. The old man has been frugal all his life, and it is impossible for him to be extravagant and wasteful all of a sudden when he is old, but it is not special with Dong Fang. Deep feelings, she also thinks that she has not helped Dong Fang in any way, even if she does not agree with it very much, she is cautious when giving opinions.

"It's okay Granny Jin, the things from Boss Yuan are not expensive and are very cost-effective, so don't worry." Dong Fang said.

She didn't lie either. Although the food in the store was indeed more expensive than others, it was really not expensive including the ingredients.

Grandma Jin didn't know all the twists and turns here. She was relieved when she heard that it was not expensive, but she still muttered a little, "How can I say it's the best but it's not expensive? Where can I find such a good one?" The thought that Xiaofang must have been deceived at a young age always stayed in her heart.

On the other hand, although Bao Wenli next to him looks honest and honest, and he doesn't know how to speak Mandarin, he can understand it fluently. He has also worked out, so he has some experience. He doesn't really believe Dong Fang's words about delicious food and not being expensive. , but this time he is just a foil. The main thing is to take good care of his grandma, and other things are not important.

After taking Granny Jin and Granny Jin to sit on her own scooter, Dong Fang walked along the route planned in advance.

It is only ten o'clock in the morning, which seems to be far away from the queue time, but the closer to Taoxi Road, the more traffic jams there will be towards lunch time. In order to arrive on time and on time, and not to cause trouble to Granny Jin, Dong Fang is I had already studied the route over and over last night.

Having done some research in advance and being familiar with the road conditions, and the fact that the time was not yet peak, it was not too late when Dong Fang drove to the huge parking lot opposite Taoxi Road, and he could walk there calmly.

Grandma Jin walked slowly, but she had a time advantage. They had not started queuing when they arrived. However, looking at the not-so-big storefront not far away, the nervousness I felt from seeing such a bustling scene after stepping onto Taoxi Road finally finally It faded from Grandma Jin's face.

In her mind, being expensive means being magnificent or splendid. She doesn't think that a facade like Yuan Zhou's that looks like it is very expensive is very expensive.

On the contrary, Bao Wenli's face became more and more serious. He saw that many people seemed to be waiting in line to eat, so he thought it must be expensive.

When he started queuing up and saw the diners queuing up, he was even more convinced that this place was very expensive. The main reason was that he saw several diners wearing watches. He didn't know the brand or price of the clothes. But I still pay more attention to my favorite watches. The cheapest watches all start in double digits, which explains the problem.

He didn't know exactly how expensive it was. If he wanted to know, he could only ask Dong Fang.

Looking at grandma who was relaxing and chatting in a low voice with Dong Fang, she didn't ask her question. Otherwise, you can imagine how nervous grandma would be. However, she still made up her mind in her heart. If it was really too expensive, He just shared it with Dong Fang. He couldn't let a girl's family pay too much. This was inappropriate.

Deep down, Bao Wenli still inherited some of Granny Jin’s excellent qualities.

We arrived early, and everyone seemed to see that Granny Jin was indeed very old, so they didn't squeeze in with her. The three of us got to the very front of the line. They were really very far in the front, and we could see the woman lying on her back from three people away. The black sea on the door.

At first, because Grandma Jin’s eyesight was not good, she thought there was a big mess on the door, and she wanted to remind the boss to wipe it and pay attention to hygiene. She didn’t expect that this mess could move, so she stretched her neck slightly to get closer. Only then did I realize it was a human being.

This was very rare for Grandma Jin. She had lived for nearly ninety years, and this was the first time she saw someone lying on the door as motionless as a gecko. So before entering the store, she watched Looking at Wuhai is like looking at a Western scene, and it rarely arouses curiosity.

With Granny Jin, Dong Fang chose a table for four, sharing the table with Zhang Xin who happened to be alone in front of her. It was rare that Yuanyuan didn't come today. Zhang Xin came alone and came early. Tomorrow is a new day. It's the first day of the new year, and as the last day of the old year, Zhang Xin felt that he had to end it by having a meal at the God of Cooking restaurant.

So Zhang Xin shared the table with Dong Fang and others.

As soon as she sat down, Dong Fang said: "Grandma Jin, Boss Yuan has authentic Miao dishes here. You can order whatever you want. As long as it's from the Miao people, he has it here."

She looked majestic and generous. Those who didn't know better thought that Dong Fang was in charge today, but she was right. Even some lost delicacies can be found in Yuanzhou, not to mention ordinary delicacies. So there is no guilt in making a promise.

"Do you really have everything?"

Granny Jin's eyes lit up, she obviously wanted to eat something, but she looked like she hadn't eaten in a long time for some unknown reason.

"Yes, we have them all, but some of them need to be booked in advance. You can't eat them now." Dong Fang thought for a while and reminded.

Grandma Jin nodded a little dazedly, not sure whether she heard it or not.