Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2639: Sour plum sauce


Not only is it hot, but the proximity and the fragrant smell keep entering the nostrils, which is also one of the reasons why Bao Wenli doesn't want to give up. It feels like if you put down one, you will miss one.

Bao Wenli also waited for a while to get used to it, then put it directly to his mouth, pointed his teeth and took a bite. This way, only the strong teeth were in contact with the fried cake, and the softer parts of the lips would not come into contact, which could also prevent burns.

Although it looks soft, when you bite into it, you will find that the surface is relatively soft, which is very delicious with the soft and waxy inside. In addition, the teeth are large, and the bite is very deep, and the hot soup flows along the bite. The opening flowed out, and the delicious taste immediately conquered his taste buds. The sour aroma flowed through it, which not only increased the plumpness of the meat but also highlighted the deliciousness of the meat. The blanching temperature made the filling firm and elastic, and matched The skin on the outside is amazing.

"This kind of common food actually tastes so good. It feels like a high-end dish. It's completely different from what I usually eat." Only then did Bao Wenli know what Dong Fang meant when he said it was not expensive. .

For this skill that can make such common food so delicious, the price he just saw is really not expensive.

Although he has never seen much of the world, he still knows that you get what you pay for, and the same must be true for taste.

"It's really delicious. The sauerkraut is soaked just right, the sourness is moderate, and the brewing time is just right. It's very flavorful." Grandma Jin's favorite is the sauerkraut inside.

She felt that this pickled cabbage was impeccable no matter how you looked at it. If it was used to make fish in sour soup, it would definitely be the finishing touch.

Unlike Bao Wenli, although Dong Fang and Granny Jin were also very anxious to eat the deep-fried cakes in their mouths, they were really serious about it. They took chopsticks and did not touch them directly with their hands, so they could not feel the hot temperature. , but just looking at the hot air, I knew it would never be cold.

It feels a little hot when you put it in your mouth, but you will never spit it out after it's already in your mouth. It's so delicious that you can't bear to part with it.

Therefore, although the fried papa was very hot, the three of them solved it very quickly. After finishing the meal, the next dish was served.

The bacon slices are as thin as cicada's wings, and cut into halberds that are about the same length as the bacon. They are thin and white, and each strand is nutritious. Together with the sauce-red bacon, it has a little smoke and the unique flavor of halberds. The aroma is very attractive.

Originally, Bao Wenli and the three of them just took their chopsticks and waited to pick them up, but when the dish came, they realized that it was not theirs but that of their tablemates.

They didn't greet the unfamiliar Zhang Xin when they were eating before, so they tried their best to look away to avoid doing anything drastic.

Fortunately, the next dish for the three of them was served soon. A large basin contained the most famous fish in sour soup of the Miao people.

Before seeing the tableware, everyone already knew it. After all, the taste of the fish in sour soup is so unique that it is impossible to mistake it. When it was served, we were even more sure.

The three of them, Dong Fang, seem to get along quite well, and their personalities are very modest. Although they fight for every dish, they are more polite than others. They come and go, and it is relatively harmonious.

Dong Fang and Bao Wen let Grandma Jin eat first without leaving a trace. When she had eaten enough, they started eating at a faster pace. This arrangement was from the first dish to the last dish, and it was very smooth.

"Usually this portion is enough to fill you up, but today it's barely even half full. It's really too little." Bao Wenli secretly touched his stomach and found that it was still quite deflated.

It didn't look like he had eaten, but he looked like he had been hungry all the time, which made Bao Wenli very embarrassed. After all, it was Dong Fang who was treating him, and he had ordered a lot of dishes before, so he was really embarrassed to make people think that he was a big eater. Too much.

"If you are not full, you can order more. We must be full when we are celebrating."

Dong Fang is very experienced and knows that people who come to a small shop for the first time will almost always add extra dishes. After all, even if they eat the usual amount, it is less. The taste is so good that it feels like it is gone without eating much.

"It's okay, Xiaofang, I'm almost done." Granny Jin said.

After all, she is getting older, and all her organs have declined, so it is impossible for her to eat a lot. She has already eaten twice as much as usual, and she will definitely not be able to eat anymore.

Bao Wenli wanted to eat more, but knowing that today was Dong Fang's treat, he could only restrain his impulse and shook his head at Dong Fang to express that he didn't need to eat more.

In fact, the dishes Dong Fang ordered were almost enough for two people, plus what Bao Wenli and Granny Jin ordered before, it was enough for a few people, but there was nothing that could be done about it because the taste was so delicious. things.

It is fast. Although the distance from the mouth to the stomach is the same length, speed is everything. Therefore, it reaches the stomach without excessive digestion, and you will naturally eat more than usual.

"Let's go, I just want to take Granny Jin to go shopping. There is also a shop specializing in Miao embroidery nearby. Granny Jin can take a closer look at it. The road is close, so we can come over early for dinner on time in the evening."

Dong Fang saw that no one had the intention to order more food, so she asked them to leave first. She had already made up her mind to eat at the small shop at noon and evening. It would not be a big problem if she was not full now. The worst thing is to eat more in the evening. Just a little is fine.

"Okay, let's go." Granny Jin took the lead to walk out the door with Dong Fangdi's support.

There were a lot of people lining up outside, but it was very orderly and there was no loud noise, so it was relatively quiet.

If I hadn't seen the huge crowds of people, I wouldn't have believed there were so many people even if there was no sound.

We can come back for dinner in the evening. Bao Wenli finally suppressed the regret of not being full: "I didn't expect that it would be really enlightening to come here to eat. A plate of food can be so expensive, and the taste is also very good." Okay, all in all it’s really not expensive.”

Dong Fang took Granny Jin and the others out to hang out, waiting for the queue at dinner time, while the lunch time in the shop was still going on. After all, they were in the first echelon, and the faster they entered, the faster they would eat.

Zhang Xin was a little slow. The main problem was that every time she ate a chopstick dish, she would dip it in sour plum sauce. The light yellow-green sauce was wrapped on the dish, which more or less highlighted the taste of the dish itself. When it comes out, it makes the food more delicious, so you eat a little slower and you need to savor it carefully.

Especially sauerkraut dipped in sour plum sauce is absolutely refreshing.

“Next time, I can tell Yuanyuan about this sour plum sauce that goes well with Miao cuisine. It’s really delicious, novel and unique, and it’s eye-catching.”

Zhang Xin is a person who likes to share good things with friends. No, after discovering a new way to eat the dishes in the shop, she was so busy that she wanted to share them with Yuanyuan.