Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2640: Tao Ran


On the last day of the old year, many people have the same idea as Dong Fang, and put many celebration and luxury things on this day.

In addition, it is the first day of the new year, so many people have time to spare. Major supermarkets, tourist attractions, and hotels are all packed with people, and Natural Kitchen God's Shop is no exception.

Lunch time slowly passed, and after Yuanzhou saw off the last diners, he entered the kitchen as usual, bent down and took out a porcelain bowl placed in a cabinet under the sink.

Most of the cabinets under the sink are used by the system to store various ingredients. Even though they are just a narrow piece, there are definitely a lot of ingredients in them. After all, they are supported by the system's black technology. About the system If you don’t die, there will be no shortage of food!

There is a larger cabinet that is a bit special. This is where he specially places some special things. For example, there is only a small amount of wild honey for making honey and white fungus every month. Every time he gets it, he puts it here. There is also the bowl he just brought out in the cabinet.

At this time, there was some large peach gum in the bowl that had been soaked to the right level. It was dark reddish brown in color, plump in shape, and felt soft and waxy. I wanted to pick it up and pinch it.

Like wild honey, Yuan Zhou also traveled across mountains and rivers to collect peach gum. He just didn’t meet Mr. Ma again. The danger and difficulty of collecting peach gum is definitely lower than that of wild honey, although most of these peach trees grow on the top of the mountain. On the cliff.

It's probably because the altitude is high and the sun is abundant. After being beaten by wind and rain, these peach gums look particularly plump and beautiful. Even if they have been dried on the trunks, they are larger than usual. Each particle is about the size of a quail egg. After soaking, It's a lot bigger than a pigeon egg.

There is no need to worry about being stung by bees, but climbing a mountain is also hard work. Moreover, some peach trees happen to grow on the cliffs, so it is not easy to scrape off the peach gum.

After a friendly negotiation with the system, Yuanzhou once again added a dish with the number 2 to his menu. Different from the honey tremella with the number 1, the dish depends on the mood of the bees, and the dish of milk peach gum depends on the mood of the bees. It's people.

"According to the rules, it should be here tonight. The peach gum has just been soaked. It should be no problem to stew it directly after a while."

Yuanzhou carefully looked at the soaking condition of the peach gum and found that it had been brewed very well. He was immediately relieved.

Then, instead of going upstairs to wash up or practice cooking, he took out his cell phone to do the most important thing and started shaking numbers.

This is probably the only disadvantage of digital dishes, which is more labor-intensive.

"Clang, bang, clang"

Yuan Zhou shook the phone slightly. He has now slowly figured out a set of rules for shaking the phone. If he wants to shake the phone as small as possible, the shaking amplitude cannot be too large, otherwise some very large numbers will be shaken. .

The number that came out for the first time was 15, which was relatively small, but it was still far away from the 2 that Yuan Zhou wanted. Now it was a time when he had not yet succeeded and still needed to work hard. Even Yuan Zhou was not confident about the number that he wanted to come out. A matter of your own free will can only be done slowly.

"5, it's very close. If you shake it again, it might be almost there."

"3, it's just a little bit close, it should be soon."

After shaking it several times, it hovered around 2. Once, even the 1 for Honey Tremella came out. Even if it didn't reach 2, there was no one left.

However, Huang Tian paid off his hard work. After shaking it more than twenty times, Yuanzhou finally reached the number 2 he wanted, and then he felt at ease and let the system add milk peach gum under the column of numbered dishes.

There is a very special menu in the middle of the menu at the God of Cooking shop. Usually there is no word on it, only some faint dark lotus patterns. On certain days, one or two dishes will appear on it, with the price. It's quite cheap, almost free of charge. There are already four such dishes on it, from 1 to 4, they are all the results of Yuan Zhou's hard work.

However, Yuanzhou’s plan is to reach 1 to 10 before finishing, so he has been working hard to save food.

After settling the price of milk peach gum, Yuanzhou looked at the time and started practicing cooking skills in the kitchen. The test in class has not yet been completed. Although he has tried more than a dozen ingredients, he has not yet found one that he likes. Very satisfied with the ingredients, need to continue practicing.

I don’t know since when, Yuan Zhou no longer only pursues success when doing tasks, but first submits tasks after he is satisfied with himself, which is equivalent to two levels in one task.

No one except the system knows about this matter. If other chefs know about Yuan Zhou's crazy request, they will probably never want to compete with him again. The gap is really too big.

It's just like you are still thinking about how to land on the moon, but there is already a camp on the moon and you are thinking about how to get to the sun. The difference can only be calculated in light years.

Time passed slowly while Yuan Zhou was practicing and preparing ingredients, and soon it was time to queue up for dinner. Many people were waiting on or near Taoxi Road, so they arrived very quickly. Of course, there were also people who were rushing from work. Diners arriving.

Regardless of whether they are waiting here or rushing in, they all look at the queue and get in immediately, fearing that if they act late, they will be delayed by a few people, which means they will be late. It's really hard to tolerate eating with a few people. This kind of thing is absolutely intolerable.

The behavior of a little girl was particularly noticeable. Of course, because everyone was busy lining up, only a few people noticed her, but her behavior was indeed different from others.

She was standing next to the queue, not queuing up. When someone came, she would take a step back, as if she were standing behind someone in line. She was still mumbling, counting '1, 2, 3...' a lot of numbers.

When it was almost done, the little girl quickly moved into the queue. It was already the last echelon.

In fact, in the blink of an eye, she was already in the queue. She was so fast. It turned out that she was not in the queue because of her slow movements, but for other reasons.

Although the little girl's clothes were old, she was washed and neatly dressed. I don't know whether it was her face that made her look younger or just that she was younger, but she looked like she was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

He held an enamel jar in one hand and patted his chest, which was heaving violently, with the other hand. It was obvious that he had used all his strength in queuing just now.

The little girl Tao Ran took a deep breath and finally relaxed, "You should be among the last few in line this time, right?"

It turned out that Tao Ran was counting the number of people just now. She knew how many people the restaurant could serve for one meal. Because of the special nature, she did not want to disturb other diners, so she always sat at the end of the queue. Of course, the best seats were at the end. One already.

But the number of people sometimes changes. It's not big but enough so that Tao Ran won't be ranked last every time. The last time he came, he was directly ranked at the bottom of the penultimate echelon due to a calculation error, so this time She is extremely cautious.