Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2644: Time flies


Maybe it’s a psychological effect, maybe it’s because it has such a magical effect. Anyway, every time Tao Ran’s mother eats the milk peach gum made by Yuan Zhou, she feels extra energetic, as if she can’t defeat any difficulty, and is extra full of courage.

When Tao Ran saw Tao Ran's mother like this, she immediately felt relieved. Not only family members but also the patients themselves would have some negative emotions due to chronic illness. She was very sensitive to emotions and naturally knew her mother's condition. Sometimes people are like this and will be concerned about some things. Helpless.

Ever since she first brought back milk peach gum, Tao Ran noticed a change in her mother. She would always be shameless and buy a copy of milk peach gum every time she held an event at the God of Cooking store.

Even though he knew that Yuan Zhou might also take care of her intentionally, Tao Ran couldn't bear to refuse this kindness. His mother really liked this sweet taste.

If there are any activities on Taoxi Road that need help, Tao Ran will volunteer directly to help without any money. After all, it is Yuanzhou who has made Taoxi Road a success. Helping Taoxi Road is also helping Yuanzhou to a certain extent. Although it is a trivial thing, but Tao Ran knew that this was the only thing she could get.

Yuan Zhou didn't know about Tao Ran's affairs. When he found out, it was already three days later when Tao Ran placed a beautiful and exquisite embroidery picture in front of him.

There is nothing unusual about it. It is a scene that Yuan Zhou often sees, such as the gate of the God of Cooking shop, some characteristic buildings on Taoxi Road, and the people coming and going. Of course, the one that is particularly eye-catching and lifelike must be the door of the shop. Two people standing in Hanfu.

You can tell at a glance that they are Yin Ya and Yuan Zhou, not only because of their similar shape and facial features, but also because they seem to have been copied from the original. People can't help but sigh at the profound skills of the embroiderer, and naturally their artistic value can also be seen.

Although Tao Ran's mother had never been to the God of Cooking Shop, in order to embroider this picture, she not only asked Tao Ran to draw some things on Taoxi Road in detail, especially the scenery of the God of Cooking Shop, but also described what she I also took advantage of my good health to come and see them twice in person, especially Yin Ya and Yuan Zhou. She looked at them carefully.

It is definitely impossible to say that Yuan Zhou didn't notice someone observing him, but there was no one on Taoxi Road who didn't come to see Yuan Zhou. Sometimes even Yin Ya would get a lot of attention, and both of them were used to it.

Precisely because a lot of preparation work has been done, the embroidery is even more shocking, as if Taoxi Road has been condensed into a small piece of embroidery cloth, which is really amazing and unbelievable.

"I finally understand why so many people were so surprised when they saw the Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival, and there is a reason why the painting can be passed down like this." Yuan Zhou sighed inwardly.

It’s true that there are paintings depicting various aspects of people’s livelihood, but there is certainly no painting that condenses the situation of an entire riverside like this. It’s like Yuan Zhou is familiar with the scenery of Taoxi Road, but he is still very surprised when he actually sees it on embroidered cloth.

Naturally, Yuan Zhou would not accept something with such artistic value because it was too valuable, but Tao Ran had obviously come prepared.

She knew some of Yuan Zhou's rules, but this was indeed her mother's wish and the best thing she could get.

She used one sentence as a summary of a long paragraph, "My mother's embroidery skills are like Boss Yuan's cooking skills. Although they are very superb and rare, for me, they are the best thing for me." , is it possible that when Chef Yuan gives someone a gift of food he made, can others be embarrassed to accept it because Chef Yuan’s skills are too good and think it’s too expensive?”

What he said made sense, but Yuanzhou couldn't find anything to say to refute it, so he accepted the painting, which was said to be able to be directly made into a screen.

Tao Ran was really embarrassed when he said it at that time, because they were not able to find good wood to make a screen, and naturally they couldn't afford it, so they didn't add any unnecessary extravagance.

I gave the original embroidery drawing to Yuan Zhou and told him several usages. It is very convenient whether it is used as a screen, directly framed or hung, or used for other purposes.

After Tao Ran left, Yuanzhou also had an idea, "I can carve a screen frame myself and hang the embroidery pictures on it. Xiaoya will like it."

Just do it. In the following days, in addition to opening the shop as usual and practicing cooking skills, Yuanzhou also squeezed out some time to carve screens. As for the wood used, it must be the most common. As for whether it is huanghuali or something like that, Yuanzhou said that the screen was not made of huanghuali, so should other products be used

Of course, Zhang Yan has been busy with Cheng Zhaomei recently to contact various other cuisines and promote a series of side dish activities, so he doesn't have much time to come to the shop.

Even though he came here just for a quick meal, he really didn't notice Yuan Zhou's wasteful behavior. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether he would have been beaten again.

The days go by. Except for holidays, although Taoxi Road is usually busy, it is also very orderly. Even on holidays, with the cooperation of various departments, there will be no problem, because the diners have long been accustomed to coming to the kitchen. You have to queue up and follow the rules to eat at Shen Xiaotian, so there are almost no major incidents.

Small matters can be solved without the help of people from various departments, even the people in the queuing committee, let alone alarming Yuan Zhou. Therefore, Yuan Zhou has always been very focused on opening a store and studying cooking skills.

Ji Yi and the others saw the charm of the pastry platter last time. They ate various pastries with several people over several days. Almost every day was different and there was no repetition at all, but the taste was always the same and delicious. , in the dim sum world, Yuan Zhou’s name became loud again.

As his reputation grew, more people came to Yuan Zhou. In the past, various chefs and famous cooking seniors came to Yuan Zhou to exchange their cooking skills. Now seniors from various dim sum circles have joined in, and the scene has become a bit chaotic. After all, Yuan Zhou There is only one, and it cannot be divided into eight parts, so the two parties almost came to blows when they met on a narrow road.

They are all people with status, so the fight cannot be serious, but the war of words is still divided between young and old. It is almost always the public saying that the public is right, and the mother-in-law saying that the mother-in-law is right. If you can't ask Yuan Zhou to comment, then you can only I can find another way.

So the two parties really fought hard for a few times. Of course, who won and who lost? Because it was kept secret, no one knew. On the surface, it seemed quite harmonious, and both sides came to Yuan Zhou quite regularly.

You come to one, three, five, and I come to two, four, six, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

Yuan Zhou had heard about this but didn't know the details clearly. It was hard to ask about this matter. After he observed it and found that it was indeed nothing important, he stopped caring about anything else.

The days passed by like running water, and today it was time to queue up for lunch in a small shop again. As soon as the diners arrived, they immediately came to life as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and began to queue up according to their speed. There will be a long queue and it will go all the way.