Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2645: Qian Minghui's plan


It was at this time that Qian Minghui came to Taoxi Road. He was wearing a crisp suit. It was probably because the weather was extremely cold during the transition from winter to spring. It is said that "it is the most difficult to catch your breath when it is warm and then cold."

Although the weather was cold, Qian Minghui still wore a suit without hesitation for the sake of formality. In order to look good and give people a good first impression, he did not wear too much underneath. The suit was also thick and did not have fluff inside, so it was not special. Keep warm.

It's not very thick. If it were thick, it would look bloated, and it would be no different from wearing cotton clothes, which goes against Qian Minghui's original intention.

"I really sacrificed a lot to be able to succeed this time. I will definitely succeed."

Qian Minghui was shivering while standing in line, while secretly cheering himself up. He touched the thick pile of information in the briefcase he was carrying. He felt quite confident.

It’s not surprising that there are so many people, as it’s good to be more prepared, so Qian Minghui resisted the cold wind to divert his attention and began to recite several sets of words he had prepared.

Yes, there are several sets. He learned from the failure experience of his predecessors. They almost only prepared two or three sets of words. Qian Minghui felt that this was too few, so he prepared ten sets by himself, which was quite sufficient. is ready, and he will go in to test it later. Only when he has the data can he proceed with the next steps.

Qian Minghui felt that he worked too hard for his small company. Of course, daring to think and work hard has always been the key to a person's success. Therefore, he felt that he would succeed sooner or later. He didn't have it now. He just lacked an opportunity. Once he got it, If you get an opportunity, just like a big roc riding on the wind, it may be just around the corner to spread its wings and fly.

With such confidence, Qian Minghui felt that even the cold wind blowing in front of him was as warm as a spring breeze.

"Chef Yuan's place is really crowded. There are still so many people who haven't queued up. It's really a big business opportunity. I realize it's not too late now. I'm not the first person to eat crabs. But If I succeed, I will definitely be the first person to successfully eat crabs, and maybe my name will be left in history."

Qian Minghui looked at the long queue behind him and the many diners around who were not in line but still lingering. He was instantly confident and his eyes almost turned into money symbols. It was obvious that he was full of anticipation.

So he held the briefcase tightly with his left hand and held a large black cloth bag tightly with his right hand, hiding from others for fear of breaking it.

In fact, there were quite a few diners with food when queuing up. Some diners came in with some food and only ordered one dish. For example, some brought steamed buns and rice with the intention of ordering something for the tooth festival. There were also some diners who brought food with the intention of ordering something. The sauce will satisfy your craving.

No matter what kind of diners they are, not only Yuan Zhou and Su Ruoyan but also other diners will not look at them strangely, but will be very proud.

Yuan Zhou’s craftsmanship is good, so he wants to try it even if he has no money. People always come up with ways to order dishes with more money, and enjoy them with less money, as long as you can get in the queue Team, no matter what you order, it’s all your fault.

Many diners carrying staple food are very calm, which is different from other places, because no one here will look at you twice because you are carrying food.

In this way, Qian Minghui is conspicuous enough. There is a big bag on the left and a big bag on the right. The only difference is a chicken in the left hand and a duck in the right hand. He also has to carry a fat son on his back before he can go back to his parents' home.

The bags on both sides were very big, but Qian Minghui still tried his best to shrink the bag closer to him, not wanting to crowd other people. When other diners saw his behavior, they would take the initiative to avoid it, which made him feel very comfortable. This trip must be successful for sure.

With Qian Minghui's vow, lunch time officially began.

He arrived neither early nor late and did not catch up with the first echelon. He was also in the middle of the second echelon. Although he could enter the restaurant to eat immediately compared to the first echelon, this position was relatively reliable.

There is no need to wait too long, and there is no need to enter the store from the beginning. After all, it is a test. If he goes in from the beginning and stays until the end, Qian Minghui feels that his life may not be saved.

This position is just right, not too conspicuous, just suitable for hiding.

It was probably because I had thoughts in my mind, or I was too involved in memorizing words, and I didn't know the passage of time at all, but in the blink of an eye, it was time for Qian Minghui to go in.

Although Qian Minghui did a lot of research and collected a lot of information before coming here, including two inspections on Taoxi Road, this was still his first time entering the store. He didn't dare to attract Yuan Zhou's attention before. I'm afraid I'll be caught again if I'm not prepared, and my success will fall short.

"As expected of Chef Yuan, he has such a personality." Qian Minghui admired as he looked around at the relatively small lobby.

In the past, when Yuan Zhou was not very famous, many people thought that Yuan Zhou had no money to keep such a small shop and did not have the confidence to open a bigger one. But when Yuan Zhou becomes famous enough, everyone will think that Yuan Zhou must be indifferent to fame and fortune. , I like the feeling of being hidden in the city, this is the style of an expert, so it is right to say that the greatest invention of mankind should be a brain supplement.

Looking around and praising, Qian Minghui felt that his thoughts were in sync with Yuan Zhou's. Qian Minghui instantly felt that he had been sublimated, and then he chose the last seat at the bar to sit down. Of course, that was the only place that was empty. It was luck. Okay, just enough for him to complete the experiment unnoticed.

"What would the guest like to order?" Su Ruoyan immediately came up and asked after seeing Qian Minghui sit down.

Qian Minghui curiously looked at the pen and notebook in Su Ruoyan's hand and opened his mouth: "One piece of tiger skin elbow, one piece of saliva chicken, one piece of hibiscus chicken slices, and another piece of local three delicacies."

Qian Minghui spent a lot of money on this experiment, and the dishes he ordered were not cheap. Of course, the most important feature of these dishes is that they cannot be stored for a long time, otherwise the taste will not be good.

"OK, just a second."

Su Ruoyan quickly wrote down the dishes that Qian Minghui ordered. She almost finished writing them as soon as Qian Minghui finished speaking. Then she said something and took the menu and handed it to Yuan Zhou.

After working as a waiter at the God of Cooking shop for a long time, not only has my memory improved, but my writing speed has also become faster. Of course, no matter how fast I am, I still can’t write Wu Hai’s menu, but Wu Hai and Mao Xiong usually do it themselves. Written because there are too many.

After Su Ruoyan left, Qian Minghui first looked around and observed that all the diners were immersed in eating. Almost no one raised their head. Even those who did, most of them had intoxicated faces. They were obviously immersed in the delicious food. look.

Looking at the time, Qian Minghui carefully opened the black cloth bag that he had placed before, revealing two small boxes inside. They were not big, about the size of a jewelry box, but the two were not the same size. One was about eight years old. The size is 16 karat.