Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2652: Light of Türkiye


Even though Jin Mao was very familiar with the appearance of Xuanbao wontons, he was shocked at this moment, because the Xuanbao wontons, which are said to be able to ignite the skin, are not so transparent and void.

If he hadn't confirmed that his eyesight was very good at this moment, he would really have thought that such a situation occurred because his eyes were blurred due to driving all night.

There is obviously something there but you can't see it unless you look carefully. Isn't it because of poor eyesight? !

It was the pleats on each wonton that looked like blooming petals that proved that the fillings were indeed wrapped in skin. This was the reason why Jin Mao rubbed his eyes twice.

"So this is how strong the Chef King is? It was so strange to me before." Jin Mao sighed with emotion.

As the second generation of a wealthy family, with money, a house and leisure at home, naturally he can do some things he likes. With the financial support, he can naturally do some things successfully, and his videos have begun After making a profit, there will be people of all ages.

Jin Mao has seen some people in the big market. For example, he has actually eaten the dishes cooked by some famous chefs. Although he spent a lot of energy to network with them, even the chefs who were doing state banquets, he also made connections to eat them. Pass.

Although it was not specially cooked for him, he was just a partner, but it is undeniable that the food is really delicious. Whether it is thick oily red sauce or light and refreshing, it is a full taste enjoyment. At that time, Jin Mao felt It's better than this.

Now Yuanzhou's bowl of wontons made Jin Mao realize that he had been sitting in a well and looking at the sky. He hadn't seen the really powerful people yet, so he thought he had seen a lot. Today he really learned a lot.

Jin Mao was not reckless, but he was too familiar with Xuanbao Wonton and knew what kind of strength it took to reach Yuan Zhou's level before he made such a conclusion.

A small wonton was put into his mouth, and the slightly scalding temperature brought him back to his senses. The ultimate fresh flavor filled the entire mouth. The extremely thin skin seemed to have no sense of existence, but after the examination of the teeth, he knew that its existence could not be ignored.

The extremely chewy skin is wrapped with delicious and juicy fillings. The tight fillings are not loose at all and are tightly packed together. The juice bursts out when you bite it. The rich and delicious taste instantly surrounds the taste buds and makes people feel delicious. I wish I could take two more bites and experience such a wonderful taste experience.

After eating the wontons, Jin Mao stared at the transparent and colorless soup. It looked bland and tasteless. Only when he drank it did he realize what it was like to have the fragrance in his bones. Looking at the light and watery soup, it contained various concentrated aromas and was mellow. It is moving, as if it is a jar of aged wine, lasting forever.

Yuan Zhou put a total of thirty small wontons in a bowl. Each one was about the size of a one-yuan coin. No more, no less. It could almost feed an adult man. Of course, it was definitely too little for Yuan Zhou's craftsmanship. , especially in the morning after just experiencing a baptism of wind and snow, more calories are needed to maintain body temperature.

Even though the store is as warm as spring, diners are clamoring for a second bowl. This is probably the first time since the store opened and the number of cuisines has increased that such a large number of people want a second bowl.

It's a pity that the name of Compass is not for nothing. It is said that there is only one bowl, so there can only be one bowl. In fact, the diners also know this, but the delicious taste of the little wontons left in their mouths prompted them to protest. If they can make Yuanzhou change the rules If you have a second bowl, you will definitely make money. If you don't have a second bowl, it's just a waste of saliva and no loss.

Today's breakfast time seemed particularly lively, which was in sharp contrast to the falling snowflakes outside.

It was snowing. When Yin Ya got up in the morning, she saw that the roof opposite was already white. She was very happy and gave Yuan Zhou a kiss. Yuan Zhou was in a very good mood all day.

In the days that followed, Yuanzhou studied various foreign ingredients and cuisines from various countries while researching the most suitable ingredients for the quiz, speeding up preparations for the Ankara meeting.

Time flies by, as if time is like a naughty child, running here and there, unknowingly, the child has grown up, and a long time has passed.

Probably because Yuan Zhou's cooking skills have become more and more advanced, apart from the senior chefs and seniors in the pastry industry who are eager to come to Yuan Zhou to exchange their cooking skills, there are few other challenges that come to Yuan Zhou.

In addition, Yuanzhou has accepted registered disciples from many cuisines. No matter which cuisine or country a chef comes to challenge, the apprentices will take the challenge in order. What they mean is that if they can't even beat them, it's really hard. There is no need to waste Yuan Zhou's time. You must know that their master's time is very precious.

It can be regarded as a tacit understanding. Those who came to challenge were intercepted by the disciples first. This has become a common rule. Only disciples who defeat them are qualified to challenge Yuan Zhou.

Those who could become Yuan Zhou's registered disciples were carefully selected, and their cooking skills were among the absolute best among the young and middle-aged generation. Coupled with Yuan Zhou's careful training, it was not just a matter of one plus one after a period of time. It's as simple as two.

No one who can break through the defense lines of these disciples and reach Yuan Zhou directly has yet appeared. As the Ankara meeting gradually approaches, such a candidate appears.

Paul Kaskin is known as the light of Turkey. He is the most promising to enter the Ankara Conference with the youngest strength in history when he is fifty years old. For this reason, he is both proud and working very hard, just to be able to participate in the conference. At that time, he amazed the world with his strength.

When he was forty-nine, he was about to achieve his goal. Yuan Zhou appeared out of the blue, just like Cheng Yaojin. Then he set a new record at the age of thirty, which made Paul so unhappy. It’s really hard to go up or down, and I’m not going to be happy until I vomit.

At first, the fact that Yuan Zhou attended the Ankara Conference was only circulated among the top bosses from various countries. After all, the only people who could know about this conference were the really amazing and talented juniors. I hope they will strive for this goal, that is, Yuan Zhou is the number one. Once you know it, you will be able to participate, and there will be no other exceptions.

As time entered August and the September meeting was getting closer and closer, Paul, as a strong candidate, still had some dignity. When he met with the big guys in Turkey who were going to attend the meeting, he accidentally learned three things. Something that ten-year-old Yuan Zhou wants to participate in.

This time it is not just a hornet's nest, but it is more powerful than exploding a barrel of dynamite. You must know that Paul has always been complacent that he is about to participate in this top meeting, and therefore he continues to push himself to make progress and keep moving towards this goal. Endeavor had been working hard for several years, but suddenly he was told that Yuan Zhou had appeared and directly broke the record. Not to mention, the gap between them was still nearly twenty years. This was not something that could be explained clearly in one or two sentences. .

So since Paul found out, he came directly to Huaxia Chengdu to challenge Yuan Zhou. It wasn't that he thought Yuan Zhou was definitely not qualified to participate, but he wanted to know where he fell short.