Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2657: Go forward indomitably


If the previous one was a combination of flexibility and smoothness, then the current surface of the sphere is the ultimate in crispness and density.

Because it has been deep-fried, the surface becomes crispy, but the inside is soaked with sauce, and the water enters the holes and has not penetrated into the surface. Except for the outermost surface, everything else is particularly moist and delicious.

Paired with the rich, sour and spicy sauce, there is also a hint of the unique flavor of taro, which makes the originally soft and waxy aroma rejuvenate and become long-lasting.

"It seems to be flour but not flour. It's really delicious. Where did Chef Yuan buy the ingredients? If possible, I can buy some and see if I can make it into a crust to make our country's most famous burritos or pizzas. It works, has good ductility and stickiness.”

Paul was thinking about it while eating. The main reason was that he had never eaten this kind of ingredient before. This kind of non-identical but at the same time very attractive to him.

Normally no one would ask the chef where the ingredients are bought in the restaurant. After all, this is a secret. If he asked, he would be suspected of spying on the secret. Although he was very tempted, Paul still restrained the urge.

He couldn't hold it back and ate several pieces in a row. Paul finally regained his composure and planned to try the noodles that had always been very present.

It is slightly different from ordinary fried noodles. This noodle is slightly shorter. It can be folded in half once at most to the same length. It is naturally incomparable to other noodles. It is also thicker, about two times as thick as beef noodles. So thin and thick.

Paul didn't think there was anything noteworthy about the thickness of the noodles. After all, pasta was also very thick, let alone macaroni, which was definitely thick enough.

Pick up a piece of noodles with a fork and put it into your mouth, "噌噌噌噌"", but just bite it lightly with your teeth, and the noodles will snap and snap. It's very strong.

Even if it is broken, it will break again if you bite it again, as if it is dancing in the mouth. You will sing and I will appear on the stage. It is very lively.

And when you taste it carefully, you will find that the noodles seem to have connotations. Without holding back, Paul carefully looked at the cross-section of the noodles and found that they were indeed double cores, both inner and outer. It was incredible.

The sauce wrapped around the noodles sneaks in at the moment of biting, exaggerating all aspects of the entire noodles. There is a shadow of sauce everywhere. The appetizing sauce gives new vitality to the noodles, making it There are rich colors when the energy is jumping, and it is like a dance party in the mouth, colorful and colorful.

Compared with ordinary noodles, the noodles are stronger than ordinary noodles. Paul keeps exerting force on his cheeks, and the masseter muscles are fully exercised. Not to mention the facial muscles, even the teeth are used more than usual. It can be said that the amount of exercise is relatively large. This was probably the most physically demanding meal for him.

But unlike being tired, Paul felt very relaxed and happy. Whether it was the noodles that danced in the mouth, the tofu that was soft on the surface and smooth on the inside, or the crispy, juicy and dense spherical surface, they all gave people full taste enjoyment.


Paul ate faster and faster. Now that he had tried three kinds of food, it was time to be eclectic. He would eat whatever he touched with his fork. He was a very casual person anyway. It was not until he was eating in confusion that he realized It turns out that there are some tiny pieces of meat hidden in it, and the full juice and crispy texture on the surface make this meat residue very appetizing, at least it complements and matches the plate of noodles very well.

"Nothing is happening"

After a fierce operation, Cheng Zhaomei and others originally thought that after Paul tasted it, they could have a shameless taste. After all, they could be said to be from God's perspective, although they did not see the final dish. How it is made, but it is really clear that one ingredient is used from beginning to end.

When I first looked at the finished dish, not to mention those who didn't see the cooking process, they didn't believe it was made from the same ingredients. They didn't believe their eyes from beginning to end.

They knew that Yuan Zhou couldn't do magic, but at this moment when they saw such a dish, they couldn't help but suspect that their master was probably not from Earth. He obviously had special powers, and he looked like humans like them. Essential difference.

No matter what the difference was, before Cheng Zhaomei and the others could recover from the shock, the clean dishes made them stop being human and want to hit someone.

I didn't even taste it. It was eaten by Paul with his big mouth. Not to mention the meat residue, there was really no sauce at all. It looked like it had been washed with water. Even so, Paul didn't care about his image. Licking from one end to the other again, for fear of missing anything.

This is very beastly.

"I didn't expect that Chef Yuan's cooking skills are so superb. I'm embarrassed to take out my dishes. I'm really ashamed. I'm ashamed."

Paul had a slightly dreamy smile on his face, obviously he hadn't recovered from the excitement of the delicious food just now, but this didn't stop him from blowing a rainbow fart.

"Communication naturally requires back-and-forth. Chef Paul is so polite." Yuan Zhou said.

He really wanted to see what Turkish specialty desserts were like, and he was very interested in looking at the pudding-like desserts in the big white cups over there.

Compared to his plain and simple ball just now, Paul's Cape Light is particularly beautiful. At least the thin layer of blue on the surface is very beautiful, and it looks much better than the brown surface of the previous ball.

In addition, there are a few stars shining on the blue surface, which look like pearls, making it even more exquisite.

Originally, Paul was really embarrassed to show off his masterpiece, because he really didn't have the qualifications to be a younger brother in front of Yuan Zhou's dish, let alone anything else.

But what Yuan Zhou said was reasonable. If he didn't bring out his food, it wouldn't mean that he would eat Yuan Zhou's food for free this time. That would be really embarrassing.

So Paul returned to his stove and placed a thin white plate on the large cup. With a light flip, the pudding-like dessert in the cup was placed on the plate.

It was blue when it was in the cup, but now that the cup is taken away, I realize that the dessert itself is actually quite beautiful.

Near the bottom of the cup is a light blue color, layer by layer, light blue, light blue, blue, true blue, azure blue. Each layer is only one finger thick, but very even and neatly arranged.

It wasn't over yet. When Paul saw it came out of the mold, he directly picked up the exquisite table knife next to him and cut the beautiful cup-shaped pudding directly. It was just an opening. There was a flash of silver light and a silvery white stream slowly flowed. It flows out along the incision and matches the layered gradient of the cake body. The light of the Cape lives up to its name.

"This is the Cape Light dessert I made. Please taste it, Chef Yuan."

Paul put the plate in front of Yuan Zhou with both hands and made a very polite gesture of inviting him. He was also a famous chef. Although he was very hesitant before, once he made a decision, there was nothing to hesitate and he just moved forward. The hard truth is that this is why he has always been on the road to challenge.