Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2662: The contacts are vast


There is still a tail left in spring, and when summer approaches quietly, Romeo immediately changes from being loved by everyone to being hated by everyone, not to mention that in the authentic hot summer, it makes people shy away.

Now as soon as Yuan Zhou went out, he could see rice and rice soup and the others occupying the spacious terrain on the right. When he saw Yuan Zhou coming out, he immediately started to say hello with his head and tail, not at all aloof like Nian Tang.

And occupying the small space on the left with a huge body, shrinking with grievances is Romeo who comes to eat and drink again. She has always wanted to stay with Rice and the others, but unfortunately she still can't do it. She can only swish her tail and get enthusiastic with Yuan Zhou. .

"Good morning, rice, noodles, rice soup, and Romeo."

Yuan Zhou took a deep breath, and the slightly cool morning air was instantly inhaled into his lungs before exhaling the turbid air. It was as if yesterday's dullness had been exhaled all at once, and he felt a lot more relaxed all over his body.

Wisps of golden sunlight slowly emerged from the horizon, indicating that today would also be a sunny day. Unfortunately, Rice and the others did not sneeze yesterday, except for the system Yuan Zhou, who did not predict in advance whether there would be no rain today.

"Boss, mark down the two bowls of noodles for later use."

Yuanzhou shouted to the boss of the noodle shop, and after getting a loud reply from the boss, he ran straight forward, turned back to the back alley, and ran towards the back door.

Yuan Zhou was very familiar with the road he ran on every day. After returning home, he washed and changed clothes and it was time to prepare breakfast.

While Yuan Zhou was busy preparing breakfast, Paul was also busy.

After challenging Yuan Zhou and seeing Yuan Zhou's strength, I was very impressed, and directly transformed into the Turkish Yuan Chui No. 1, which is even more powerful than the Indian Yuan Chui No. 1 or the Singaporean Yuan Chui No. 1. .

It can be said that he came from behind to catch up with the ashes of Yuan Chui No. 1, Dashi Xiujie. Dashi, who missed Yuan Zhou's konnyaku delicacies, currently doesn't know that there is someone who wants to compete with him. Yuan Chui's ability, he is concentrating on completing the tasks assigned by Yuan Zhou. , no time for him to care.

After Paul was silent for two days and digested the knowledge gained from Yuan Zhou, he finally had the opportunity to go to the God of Cooking restaurant for dinner.

You must know that the previous Qiankun Splendid has already shocked Paul, so the others are naturally worth looking forward to.

Of course, Paul used to plan ahead before doing anything. When he got up early in the morning, he didn't set off immediately but first called his good friend Sharma.

That's right, it's Sharma from India. Compared to Duer, Sharma is naturally not that famous. Even though his status in Singapore is pretty good and he has a good relationship with Opelo, his cooking skills are not as famous as For Duer, the difference is quite a bit, but Shama has a characteristic, that is, he has a wider circle of friends.

It can be seen from the fact that Chu Xiao organized a ten-person round table meeting to exchange cooking skills with Yuan Zhou before and he was able to occupy a place in it.

It’s not that Sharma is just trying to make up for his mistakes and is not strong enough. On the contrary, his strength is quite good. But in the entire Asian circle, there are dozens of people who are comparable to Sharma’s cooking skills. Why does Sharma have a seat? Naturally, he has connections with him. Guang is also related.

With the same strength, if you want to get more things, other external conditions are also very important. For example, Xia Ma knows Paul now.

"How are you doing, Xia Ma? I happened to be in Chengdu, China recently. I wonder if you know something about Chef Yuan?" Paul answered the phone and got straight to the point.

Xia Ma, who was just casually lying on the bed when he was woken up by a phone call and was half asleep, immediately sat upright when he heard the familiar word "Yuan". As expected, the words "chef" that followed made him know that it was not an illusion. Yuan Zhou added Huaxia Chengcheng is definitely the Chef Yuan, that’s right.

As Yuan blows the n number, although he is not strong, he cannot stop him from turning his heart towards the organization and is very sensitive to Yuan Zhou's various matters.

"The Chef Yuan you are talking about is Chef Yuan from Taoxi Road. The time in Chengdu, China is now seven o'clock. I have a direct flight to Chengdu at six o'clock. I will buy the ticket now. You wait for me. Let's meet tonight Let’s go to a small shop to eat and then tell you more about it.”


After Sharma said this, he put down the phone and was about to get ready. Only then did Paul realize that he was in China now, and there was a two and a half hour time difference from India. When he called It was seven o'clock in the morning. It was not yet dawn over in India and it was only four-thirty in the morning.

Sharma's reaction was beyond Paul's expectation, "It seems that Sharma is quite familiar with Chef Yuan. In the future, I still need to pay attention to other things besides challenges. Otherwise, it will be bad if the news is not equal. For example, finding out about Chef Yuan so late is a huge loss.”

Paul was wary of himself in the bottom of his heart, mainly because he had previously focused on challenging famous chefs, some once-in-a-decade genius, the most promising candidate of any genre, etc. Most of his activities were in Turkey. As well as neighboring Europe and Asia, there are relatively few activities. After all, Turkey is very special and is a country spanning the Eurasian continent.

He rarely pays attention to changes in Asia because the talented chefs he is interested in are all in Europe, and his friends are rarely contacted once every year and a half. Therefore, he missed the news about Yuan Zhou until not long ago because of the Ankara meeting. knew.

The delay in news was not conducive to his challenge. Now Paul understood it deeply. This lesson was a big one and worth remembering for the rest of his life.

"Wait a minute, Shama is coming to China soon. Should I wait for him to go to the shop together or should I go by myself first?" Only then did Paul react.

Originally, Paul called to ask if Xia Ma knew about Yuan Zhou’s situation and some news about the shop so that he could make some preparations before going to eat. When he ate, he was definitely not just eating, but taking other things with him. Purpose, such as learning.

He should definitely be fully prepared, but before he could say anything, Xia Ma directly said that he wanted to come over. It was definitely impossible for Paul to think that Xia Ma was so active because he missed himself as a friend. The problem was probably due to Yuan On the state.

After thinking about it, Paul decided to wait until Xia Ma arrived, which would be considered as a favor to his friend Xia Ma. Apart from Qiankun Jinxiu, he had never eaten anything else made by Yuan Zhou. In addition, he had been focusing on enlightenment before, so he could Just hold on and wait until Shama arrives before eating.

Otherwise, any kind of friendship would be at the level of plastic film when it comes to Yuan Zhou’s delicacies.

He made up his mind to wait for Shama to come before going to eat, but Paul was still very restless because he was eager to eat Yuan Zhou's delicious food again, and basically had to check the time every hour.

From time to time, I would wonder if the watch was broken, and then I would check the time with my phone and the clock in the hotel room. I would find that it was not broken and sit down anxiously again.

When the hour hand made six and nearly seven turns, Paul's phone finally rang. It was Sharma calling.

Paul was sitting on the sofa, but he immediately stood up and answered the phone, and walked outside while answering the call, which showed that he was very anxious.

It was one o'clock at noon, and Paul really didn't even eat lunch because he was waiting for the call.