Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2666: Sauce lamb


"Okay, please wait a moment, guest." Su Ruoyan recorded it with a few strokes, handed the menu to Yuan Zhou, and then went to order for others.

"Have you ever eaten these dishes?" Paul asked curiously.

Just now, Sharma mentioned a lot of dishes that were particularly delicious upon hearing them. The main reason was that the names sounded interesting. Although he had never eaten them, they were probably delicious.

Seeing how skillfully Xia Ma ordered the dishes just now, Paul thought that maybe Xia Ma had eaten this time before, otherwise why was he so skillful

Unexpectedly, Shama was very bachelor and said: "I have never eaten before, so I will eat with you. We are friends, so we should share blessings and hardships."

He looked like he was sacrificing himself for others, and if I don’t go to hell, who else will

Paul really didn’t understand Chinese culture, but the last sentence didn’t sound right to his ears, but he couldn’t find anything wrong with it. He could only secretly make up his mind to learn some Chinese culture to understand it. He always felt that Xia Ma was treating him like a fool at this moment, but there was no evidence.

Before even saying a few words, Paul and Summer suddenly began to turn their heads towards the partition in a very neat and orderly manner. It was so delicious.

Different from the strong aroma of food after cooking over high fire, this aroma is more overbearing and long-lasting and fragrant.

As the distance gets closer, the aroma becomes more and more fragrant. The aroma of the sauce wrapped in the beans is so tantalizing that it makes people want to stretch out their paws, not just their hands, to grab a piece.

The fresh and natural color of grass green, with the sauce-yellow meat slices on top, each piece is neither paper-thin nor as thick as a finger, but somewhere in between, with even thickness and beautiful color. Above, the texture is clear, making it look like a deliberately rendered pattern, very beautiful.

"It should be the lamb in sauce you ordered, right?" Paul stared at the plate without moving.

When he ordered, he didn't know exactly what each dish was, but because each dish had English annotations under it, even if he didn't know the specific dish, he would have a general guess. Now that he sees the food, Once the two phases are confirmed, you will naturally have an idea.

Shama nodded and said, "I think so, so I'll eat it first. After all, it's my food."

Regardless of other things, he first recognized the dishes and got the right to eat them first. He wanted to eat the dishes he ordered alone, but sitting at the same table and having a good relationship, everyone ordered together. It is said that Paul wants to eat his food. Even the names of the dishes Paul ordered mean that he also wants to eat them.

Since everyone wants to eat, the only option is to exchange at equal value. Otherwise, he himself is not willing to suffer a loss, and Paul is not willing to suffer a loss, so a fair exchange is naturally the only option.

But exchange is exchange, and you have to hold the power first. No wonder the relationship between these two is so good. Sometimes, they know each other's thoughts without rehearsing in advance, so they know each other best. In addition to enemies, you are also friends who are also enemies. In fact, Shama and Paul almost have such a relationship.

The story between this is a bit long, so I won’t go into details here.

Shama said that he would eat first without waiting for Paul to say anything. He thought it would be faster this way, so he picked up a piece of mutton with his fingers and put it in his mouth.

The delicate mutton is put into your mouth, and the salty taste is very delicious. It is thin but not filling your teeth, fat but not greasy. It is not the kind that melts in your mouth, but you can bite it off with just one bite of your teeth. It proves that there are still two points of neatness.

The fat meat and the lean meat are bitten together. The texture is almost the same. They are both plump and juicy. There is still some juice locked inside, and it does not feel dry. The warm temperature makes the meat more fresh, and there is no trace of mutton. It has a fishy smell, but it has a strong umami flavor, and the taste is salty, which completely ignited the taste buds. I ate several slices in succession, and I felt more and more hungry as I ate. I was already looking forward to the next dish.

Paul started to eat after Shama took a slice first. Coincidentally, he also ate directly with his hands, and his chopsticks became a decoration.

They ate them one after the other, at about the same speed, and they ate about the same amount, but Paul couldn't stop eating once he started.

When he ate Qiankun Jinxiu before, he thought it was already the pinnacle of Yuan Zhou's cooking skills, but he didn't expect that such a dish, which looked ordinary on the surface, wouldn't be as amazing as Qiankun Jinxiu except for the prettier color and better knife skills. That's a four-ingredient dish made from one ingredient. There's nothing more shocking than this.

Now Paul knew that he was wrong. This sauced lamb dish was so beautiful on the inside. Just like its gorgeous appearance, the taste on the inside was also amazing.

Paul couldn't stop eating once he started eating. It didn't matter who ordered the food, whoever got it in his mouth would count as his.

With the increase in horsepower, the sauced mutton originally seemed to be a lot, but it bottomed out after a while. There was really nothing left except the empty plate. Without any seasoning, the original taste was better than Countless dishes.

"Hiss, an ordinary mutton tastes so good, it's really satisfying." Paul felt that his trip to China really gained a lot of experience.

The original taste of mutton turned out to be so delicious. In the past, using those seasonings to match mutton was a waste of money. From this plate of mutton, he began to think that mutton should be so sauce-like to be delicious in the future, and everything else was wrong.

Before Hongzhan could send it out, a strange fragrance swept across the tip of his nose, and his nose, which had just been immersed in the mellow and salty aroma of soy sauce, was immediately conquered by the new smell.

It was a bit pungent when I first smelled it, but when I smelled it again, I felt that it was very high, from clear to strong. They were originally opposite to each other, but now they are unified together, which is why it is so unforgettable.

The white and bright green collide with each other, just like two opposite flavors merging together, which are both distinct and natural, as if they were meant to be together.

The combination of the mille-feuille-like lamb tripe and the unique fragrant coriander is definitely not only pleasing to the eye, but the taste is also desirable.

Different from the sauced lamb just now, this dish doesn't seem to be able to tell from the surface who ordered which dish just now, but Paul has his own method.

"You ordered that dish just now, and this dish must have been ordered by me. It's only fair that one person serves one dish. Chef Yuan can tell at a glance that he is a fair and just person." Paul said first.

Then he immediately imitated what Xia Ma had done before and started to take the lead. In fact, Xia Ma would not take the lead if Paul did not start first, because in his heart Yuan Zhou was such a person, so he felt that what Paul said was right.

Sometimes people's luck really can't be stopped no matter what. This coriander popsicle is indeed the dish that Paul ordered before.

Although it is fresh and clear in color, if you look closely there are some crystal clear oil stains on everything, it would be easy to say that it has not been in the pot, and the smell is strange. Paul said that it is raw. It should be very delicious.