Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2669: The first one must be me


The Ankara meeting lasted for three days in total, and was to start early tomorrow morning. For the first time, Yuan Zhou set off before the tavern time was over.

Not only is the only direct flight from Chengdu to Turkey to Istanbul, there is no direct flight to Ankara, so you need to transfer in Istanbul. It also takes ten hours from Chengdu to Istanbul. The meeting is still in the morning, so you need to leave early. .

Even if this was the case, Yuanzhou could only squint for a while on the plane. When he got to the hotel, he could only change his clothes to wake up before attending the meeting.

In order to take less time off for a meal and allow more diners to eat, Yuan Zhou was happy to run around like this. Unfortunately, he couldn't let Yin Ya go with him. Originally, he wanted to take her to love Qin Hai took a look and knew from the name that it was the place where the two of them should go together.

Time has not waited for us, and some deviations have occurred. Yuanzhou decided to take Yin Ya with him in the future. Anyway, his cooking skills need to be improved, and his fiancée also needs to be accompanied. As a future chef and a quasi-chef, Yuanzhou feels that he can balance these aspects well. good.

There is a saying that goes well, the more successful people are, the more time they have than ordinary people. Maybe an ordinary person has 24 hours in a day, but a successful person has 26 or more hours in a day. It is not It is said that the two kinds of people live in different dimensions and have different time processes, but the latter is better at managing, allocating and utilizing time than the former, and Yuanzhou naturally belongs to the latter.

"I'm taking three days off this time. I'll fly back in the evening after the meeting. I should be able to make it in time for breakfast the next day." Yuan Zhou secretly calculated the time.

This time is the most time-consuming time, mainly because it takes too long to get to Ankara. If he can get there in an instant, Yuanzhou thinks he can rush there after breakfast time. Of course, this is obviously unrealistic. , then we can only make careful calculations.

If Yuan Zhou was willing to take an extra day off, he wouldn't have to rush. It's just that Yuan Zhou didn't want to.


Arriving at the airport on time, Yuan Zhou started boarding the plane not long after arriving. As soon as the time came to take off on time, the sound was loud and the exhaust gas passed through the sky. The plane left the brightly lit Chengdu and flew towards the dark night sky.

After declining the flight attendant's offer of tea, Yuanzhou took out the steam goggles that Yin Ya specially prepared for him and put them on to have a good rest. This was what Yin Ya had told Yuan Zhou to wear.

The main reason is to let Yuan Zhou rest better. Although he knows that even if he doesn't rest well, when it comes to cooking, Yuan Zhou is definitely full of energy. However, as his fiancée, Yin Ya still hopes to take good care of Yuan Zhou as much as possible. state.

Due to some reasons, the matter of marriage that was supposed to be discussed was postponed from the end of last year to the end of this year. This was jointly discussed by Yin Ya and Yuan Zhou, and it was Yin Ya who first proposed it. Both of them worked very hard to maintain their marriage. Home.

Every happy family needs both parties to maintain it. Yin Ya understands this very well, especially after writing a letter to Lele every time, she will cherish the current life more, so not only Yuan Zhou’s cooking skills are stable As they improved, he and Yin Ya became more and more understanding.

Here, Yuanzhou followed Yin Ya's instructions and slowly fell into sleep wearing a massage eye mask to relieve eye fatigue.

After Yin Ya was sent back to Taoxi Road, she waited until the tavern time was over and watched Mao Ye get on the last bus safely on behalf of Yuan Zhou before she started to prepare to wash up.

"Without the wood, I feel uncomfortable."

Yin Ya rolled around on the huge bed several times and barely fell asleep because she was leaving for a business trip to other provinces early tomorrow morning.

"Hahaha, it's half past six now. If I get up and go down now, I might be able to steal Mr. Wu's first place."

As he spoke, he let out a burst of devilish laughter, which seemed particularly penetrating.

Early in the morning, Xia Ma was awakened by Paul's unusual laughter. The two of them stayed in Yue Dong's homestay. There was only one room, and of course there were two single beds in it. If there were only There was a bed, and Sharma didn't know if he could sleep on it.

But even if there are two beds, they are still in the same room. Originally, Paul got up quietly, and he didn't know it, but he got up silently. When he saw the time, Paul wanted to laugh like a pig.

"Paul, my friend, it's not time to queue yet. It only takes five minutes for us to walk there. Even if we have to go a little earlier, we can still sleep for another half an hour." Sharma said sleepily.

He was used to sleeping eight hours a day. He was a little late discussing cooking with Paul yesterday, and now it was difficult to stay awake after sleeping for less than eight hours.

"It's a good time to go now, so that Mr. Wu won't get the first place again. I can't beat him for dinner. I don't believe that I can't get the first place in the queue. If it doesn't work, I'll go lay the floor in front of Chef Yuan tonight. I have to win it no matter what. ." Paul gritted his teeth.

In fact, it’s not surprising that Paul was so angry. There was a reason for this. Before, Wu Hai watched Paul eat all the Qiankun Jinxiu. He didn’t eat the new dishes at all, but he smelled them. It was really heart-burning and liver-burning. Uncomfortable.

So Wu Hai made an ambitious decision on the spot to challenge Paul and let him know that the rice-basket king of the God of Cooking restaurant is by no means a person who lives up to his fame.

Ever since Paul settled in the God of Cooking shop, Wu Hai had been eyeing him and invited him to have a meal competition every now and then.

It's just that I was too young at the time and didn't think there was anything worth trying when eating, so I agreed immediately. From then on, I entered an abyss that I couldn't climb out of.

Don't think about it if you can't climb out to freedom, and you have to be hit every time. This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that as long as you eat with Wu Hai, you will never be full. The food cooked by Yuan Zhou is not good. Eat enough, this is such a serious thing.

The two of us are at loggerheads. Paul, I can't beat you when it comes to eating. I can't beat you for the top spot, right

Facts have proved that he can't win, but compared to competing for food, this competition for ranking means that at least he will not lose food. Paul never tires of it. It is really a battle and a defeat, and he is quite brave.

This is not the third time this week.

So after Paul finished speaking, regardless of Xia Ma's reaction, he walked directly out of the room. He had already finished washing up while talking to Xia Ma just now, so it was naturally time to leave.

The morning in Chengdu in September is neither too cold nor too hot. There is a slight cool breeze blowing and there is some light in the distance. You can tell at a glance that today is a sunny day.

"Tap tap tap"

Paul's steps were extremely fast, and he arrived near the God of Cooking shop in three minutes. When he saw that there was no one in front of him, he was very happy.

"Mr. Wu lost to me this time. I won the first place. I have to tell Mr. Wu later that I am the winner this time and don't compete with me for food in the future."

Paul was thinking about not making any noise or laughter outside the shop early in the morning, so as to avoid Yuan Zhou being complained.