Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2672: The main event is here


Others looked at Yuan Zhou with great curiosity after hearing what August and the others said. Although they have never met anyone from Yuan Zhou, most of the people here have heard of Yuan Zhou's name. After all, he is famous in Europe and Asia. The task is not in vain.

"Chef Auguste, Chef Jumanli, Chef Opello... Long time no see, everyone."

After Yuan Zhou greeted everyone, he realized that less than half of the people who had come were very familiar with him, and some of the others who were unfamiliar were also related. For example, Yuichiro Sanada from Japan, he can be said to be the leader in the current catering industry in Japan. The highest peak.

Now eighty-five years old, he has always been famous for being the kind of person who has never met, both sides.

Originally, Yuan Zhou wanted to visit Japan before. After all, he is a senior cook and his original Japanese cuisine was not that exquisite. But unfortunately Sanada was not there at the time, so he could only regret that he missed it.

People like to follow the crowd everywhere. Half of the people greeted Yuan Zhou warmly, and the other half naturally wanted to say hello to Yuan Zhou, otherwise they would be unsociable.

Of course it's just limited to saying hello.

As Juman Li said before, he was asking a question. It was really a question, and it was relatively high-end. At least there were only a few people here who could answer it. However, Yuan Zhou’s narration made everyone’s faces look like they had a sudden realization, because Yuan Zhou What Zhou said was easy to understand, and anyone with a little dabbling in cooking would be able to understand it, not to mention that everyone here was a master of the culinary world, so there would be no problem.

Because almost everyone who studied cooking could understand it, half of them who were not very familiar with Yuan Zhou were shocked. Some of them were not unable to answer this question. They wanted such a concise and clear answer that took care of everyone. What I haven't thought about is not that I haven't thought of it but that I haven't thought about it at all.

From this we can not only see Yuan Zhou's solid basic skills, but also get a glimpse of his care for other people, whether they are chefs or diners.

There was still some respect in his eyes, and he began to join in the conversation. For a moment, Yuan Zhou seemed to have become the center.

Time passed slowly, and the meeting officially started at 9:01. The person who presided over the meeting was Opello. This meeting was divided into two parts. The first two days were spent discussing issues with each other. It was a bit like an academic seminar. The people here discussed It must be a matter of cooking skills. The questions they raised are naturally not trivial. The scene almost represents the highest level of the entire culinary world in the world. In addition to pondering their questions, they are only those present here. The qualifications are mutually confirmed.

Otherwise, if you tell others, you may not even understand the topic. This is the original purpose of the Ankara Conference. The last day is a time for culinary competition. Of course, it can also be said to be a showcase of cooking skills from various countries.

Powerful countries are almost all one country and one person. So when everyone gathers together, it is natural to show their country's food culture and let everyone here see what it is like. There is an old Chinese saying that 'a mule is drawn by a horse. Just take a walk and you'll find out,' that's about it.

Yuan Zhou already knew about this process before he came, and he was fully prepared. But to be honest, Yuan Zhou didn't have any problems that he couldn't solve at the moment. Apart from the fact that the main mission was still unclear, this definitely couldn't be discussed. of.

But I’m not sure, it’s specious, and I think there are other explanations for the problem. For example, fresh day lilies are poisonous. In addition to drying and sterilizing them under the sun, how else can they be used to remove the toxins from fresh day lilies and make them more toxic? People can use fresh varieties or the ham itself is acidic. How should it be used to maximize its acidic properties

These are all problems that now have a solution. Yuanzhou is looking for more methods. He has prepared several sets of plans, all of which have been tested and obtained experimental data. They will be discussed at the meeting this time. Rather than discussing it, it is more about taking a clear path and promoting the method so that more people know about it.

After Yuan Zhou's research, these methods are simpler and suitable for daily life.

You can imagine how surprised all the culinary experts present were when Yuan Zhou came up with the problem. After all, everyone gathered together to discuss difficult problems, but they never thought of determining the processing of some ingredients through this meeting. The method has been promoted and benefited thousands of households. It is not an empty saying that food is the first necessity of the people.

"Yuan, you are indeed a chef who can join us at such a young age. Not only is his culinary talent and strength superior to most people, but also his thoughts and patterns are different. Yuan will still be needed in the future. Thank you for your trouble.”

The 80-year-old Mr. Badhan, who was the chairman of the Ankara Conference Organizing Committee at the time, was very optimistic about Yuan Zhou and had great intentions of treating him as his successor.

There is no such thing as retirement in their organization. After all, the older they get, the more experience they have. Compared to cooking skills, except for their hands-on ability, everything else is superior to others. The most valuable thing is the experiences and experiences in their minds.

There are many people here who disapprove of Badhan's idea, but we are all decent people. In addition, Yuan Zhou is indeed young and has unlimited potential and an unlimited future. Those who can sit here hope that the culinary world will become better and better. Okay, even if it’s not our own country, it’s still human.

Most of those who disapproved wanted to open Yuan Zhou's eyes on the last day and see the strength of these old guys, so that he could not be arrogant or impatient and move forward courageously. Some things were still too early.

Of course, these people definitely do not include August and the others who are very familiar with Yuan Zhou. There is no one who knows Yuan Zhou's strength better than them.

In two days, the questions raised by everyone ranged from difficult to easy, from reaching a dead end with no way out, to running down the wrong road with eight horses that couldn't be pulled back. But after sitting together, everyone Such a discussion would basically be smooth.

In fact, the Ankara meeting was similar to the celebrity chef Gaogou meeting held by Yuanzhou, at least in the first half. One was a low-end version and the other was a high-end version.

"It seems that in the future, the celebrity chef Gaogou Hui meeting will have to be held as usual, but some rules can be revised with reference to this meeting." Yuanzhou paid more attention to the Gao Gou Hui.

Many years later, when Yuanzhou's culinary skills were well-deserved and uncontroversial, the famous Chinese chef Gaogou Hui suddenly emerged and became a place of pilgrimage for chefs around the world, alongside the Ankara Conference. Many people were proud to attend the conference.

At present, Yuanzhou still only has a prototype of the reform of this meeting, and it needs to be discussed with others before it can be implemented.

Now Yuanzhou focused his attention on the discussion. The two days passed in a blink of an eye. Everyone who came to participate felt that they were still unsatisfied. Almost all of them were of the same strength. Although there were some who were higher and lower, the difference was really There are not many people. People who can speak freely and follow their own thoughts are usually rare, but here they are everywhere. Naturally, everyone hopes that time will pass slower.

It took two days to discuss the issues, but the highlight of the Ankara meeting is about to begin!