Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2673: Seek his own government in his position


The first two days of the Ankara meeting are paving the way for the last day. Mutual exchanges are the most important thing before the meeting, which is definitely to show the strength of each country and promote the development of the catering industry.

It’s not like these big names in the culinary arts from various countries come to meet them every few years.

It is all about the cooking show on the last day. There is a rule in the cooking show. The dishes displayed are either lost dishes in the country or dishes that have never appeared before.

Only in this way can we positively promote the development of the culinary industry and allow everyone to put cooking first, no matter where they are.

Even though it seems easy to make a dish, it is also easy to cook a dish well, but in fact it is not easy to innovate a dish that does not exist in history or to restore a dish that has disappeared in the long river of history.

It’s not just mixing green onions and scallions together to make a new dish. Cooking is actually similar to preparing medicine, and there are kings and ministers assisting them. The amount of each ingredient and the order in which it is put into the pot will affect the taste of the final dish.

The purpose of bringing the top chefs together is to promote the development of food culture in various countries. Since they are the strongest, they should set some examples. This is the so-called "seek their own power in their position".

After the seminar ended on the second day, everyone returned to their rooms early to prepare for tomorrow's cooking exchange.

Most people are old enough to cook, and they can do it well, but their movements will be much slower. Therefore, there is no set time for this, as long as you do it well and you will be judged. Of course, you will be judged in the end. Out of good and bad.

Moreover, there are also rewards for the top three winners. One is naturally that in the next five years until the next meeting, the country where the winners are located will have a certain quota to participate in any major culinary event. There are no restrictions. One is that you can have a quota to participate in the elite training organized by the World Culinary Federation, and the last is that most countries have partial exemptions for the import and export of some ingredients around the world.

They are all rewards for the winners. Of course, there are still distinctions between the first, second and third place. These welfare rewards are also slightly different due to the order of ranking.

It can be said that with these rights, not only will it be a labor-saving way to train new people, but the international status will be improved a lot and it will be recognized by more people, especially the last one, which is definitely the big one.

Although the exempted ingredients still need to be inspected by the World Culinary Federation, it is much simpler than other ways.

Yuan Zhou naturally knew the benefits of being a winner. Even though he was confident in his skills, he did not relax. After returning to the room, he started practicing according to his usual schedule.

The rooms prepared by the organizing committee are all suites. Not only do they have kitchens and complete kitchen utensils, but they also have all the ingredients. If you need other ingredients, you can directly notify the hotel to prepare them.

Yuan Zhou is preparing for tomorrow's cooking exchange. In addition to the diners in the country who are waiting for food and counting the time until Yuan Zhou comes back, there are also people who are thinking about him.

"Tap tap tap"

Zhou Shijie had walked around five times without stopping. Zhang Yan, Wang Huai, and Mr. Ma were all dizzy when they saw him, but he himself was not aware of it yet.

To say that it is really rare for these people to be together, it can be said that these people are currently the top representatives of the Chinese culinary world.

"I told you, old man Zhou, don't walk around. It hurts my eyes. Either sit down or go out. What's wrong with you? You won't sit on a chair, you have to stand and spin around. Are you a donkey?!" Zhang Yan couldn't see Zhou Shijie. His attitude is to attack people when he opens his mouth.

Zhou Shijie was not in the mood to argue with him this time, and said directly: "I'm not anxious, and I don't know how Xiao Yuan is doing?"

Zhang Yan rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it too early to be anxious? We won't start until tomorrow."

He didn't know what he was anxious about. He didn't expect that they had been drinking tea for two days in a row. He also came to report on time every day. He also watched Zhou Shijie walking around in circles for two days, and he didn't know who had the problem.

"Xiao Zhou, please sit down. You don't know Xiao Yuan's strength yet. Apart from the others, the top three should be stable." Wang Huai is the oldest among them and has the most seniority, so he can say this. talk.

Of course, the calmest one is Mr. Ma. Ever since he agreed to join Yuan Zhou to join the Chinese Celebrity Chefs Federation, he has indeed become more popular than before, but he is still as taciturn as ever, but he is not as muddle-headed as before.

In the past, because Mr. Ma could no longer cook his favorite dishes, his life was basically a matter of life. However, since joining the Federation, Mr. Ma has found other joys in life, which is suffering from many members, mainly Mr. Ma's mouth is really poisonous.

"President Zhou, you've been acting like a lazy ass for two days. Are you not finished or can't finish it? What are you worried about with Yuan's strength?" Mr. Ma asked, not quite understanding.

It seemed that he didn't want to see Yuan Zhou, but in fact he regarded him as his successor. Seeing Zhou Shijie's attitude of not trusting Yuan Zhou, he couldn't help but speak venomously.

"Well, it's not that I don't trust you. It's not that the most famous people in the world are gathered together. It's also the first time for our country to participate. If we want to get good results, I'm afraid Xiao Yuan will be under pressure." Zhou Shijie said with a slight guilt.

Before Yuan Zhou's departure, Zhou Shijie went to the store to find Yuan Zhou and talked about the rewards for the cooking exchange competition at the end of the Ankara Conference. The implication was that he hoped that he could fight for it. Of course, he did not say it explicitly. It's because no matter how good Yuan Zhou's cooking skills are, he really treats Yuan Zhou as his junior. The other is that their seniors are not capable of fighting for honor for the country, but instead put the burden on a young man, which is hard to say. .

But as the president of the China Kitchen Federation, there were some things that he had to do, so he still went there. Of course, the more important thing was to give Yuan Zhou instructions, because he was afraid that he would be bullied when he went out.

Yuanzhou saw Zhou Shijie's intention at that time and didn't say much. He just said that he would try his best. As a Chinese, if he has the ability to fight for his country, he naturally needs to do his best.

Zhou Shijie became extremely nervous when he thought of this. He was afraid that Yuan Zhou would be put under too much pressure and not perform well, and he was also afraid of other things. In short, his heart had not calmed down since Yuan Zhou went to Ankara.

Of course, Yuan Zhou didn't know this. He got up early in the morning and did a set of exercises in the room as usual. After waking up, he had breakfast and started reading. This was what he asked Charles to do. What this young man bought for him in Ankara were basically Turkish books about Turkish cuisine.

Although Yuan Zhou has been busy with seminars these two days, he still reads these books when he has free time. Although today is very important, it is no exception.

When the time came, Yuan Zhou opened the door directly. As expected, he saw Charles waiting by the door. After the two said hello, they walked towards the elevator.

"The service provided by this organizing committee is quite considerate." Yuan Zhou muttered.