Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2677: The pearl casts a shadow


Originally, Badhan and the others were a little breathless when they saw Yuan Zhou's movements, but they wanted to smell the fragrance first, so they closed the distance between the nose and the plate without leaving any trace.

As the lid was opened, the first thing I felt was not the fragrance but a golden light flashing before my eyes, and then a strong and strange fragrance.

To be honest, at Mohamed's age, he should be very familiar with the aroma of various dishes. He is confident that no aroma can seduce him to drool. After all, he has experienced a lot. As the saying goes, "It used to be difficult to make water in the sea, except for Wushan." Yun', having seen the taste of food made by various top chefs, he feels that he is well-informed.

The dish Yuan Zhou served today directly affected his self-confidence. The golden light flashed in front of his eyes and his nose was wrapped in a strong fragrance.

The aroma was indescribable to him. Burnt aroma, sweet aroma, crispy aroma, meaty aroma, fruity aroma, floral aroma, all kinds of aromas were mixed together. When ordinary people make it, it must be like a hodgepodge. The nose must be I can't stand it, it's too complicated.

But the dish in front of me is different. I haven't seen its shape yet. The fragrance is the first to grab the attention, and it is not a swarm of people. Instead, it has three different tones like the perfume, the front, middle and back. It progresses layer by layer, is complex and fragrant, and does not It'll feel irritating, but quite fascinating.

Mohamed silently touched the corner of his mouth and found that there was no saliva overflowing, then he looked at the dishes on the plate as if nothing had happened. He was already satisfied with the aroma, and he still had to look at the appearance and presentation.

It’s amazing to see this. It’s not that I’ve never seen such a vivid picture before. On a green vine, there is a huge golden gourd hanging. It looks lifelike, but the heat is rising from it. They are all like the mist of fairyland, adding a bit more fairy spirit to this dish.

The gourd is big, and the vines are also thick. Green leaves are dotted on the vines in twos and threes. Even if you look closely, you feel that it is a decoration made of vines. The large oval plate can just accommodate it, making it look exquisite and beautiful.

The most important thing is not the realistic presentation, but the natural feeling of the whole dish, as if it was arranged naturally, without a trace of craftsmanship. This is why Mohamed was surprised.

And Badhan and Yuichiro Sanada came closer to take a look, wishing they could put their eyes on the plate. They sniffed hard as they came closer, looking like they were smoking big cigarettes, which was hard to see, and they were mumbling. It says something like, "As people get older, their eyes don't work well, so they have to get closer to see clearly." It perfectly interprets the phrase "A shameless person is invincible".

Comparing these two, everyone feels that Mohammed is the one who has really seen the market.

In fact, it's not that Mohamed didn't want to be like them. The truth is that he was a little slow and when he wanted to get together, there was no space left and he could only hold it.

Fortunately, there were only a few people at the scene. Except for Yuan Zhou and a camera pointed at the judges' seat, no other people or things were present. Otherwise, this respectable image would probably not be preserved.

After a full three minutes, several people finally came back to their senses with a dry cough. This was the first time that three people were fascinated by a dish at the same time. It was really incredible, but thinking about Yuan Zhou before The way I behave when cooking is something I feel I should take for granted.

After waking up, Sanada Yuichiro's gray eyebrows slightly wrinkled and said: "Is this Chef Yuan the famous eight-treasure gourd duck in China?"

The tone was a bit hesitant and disbelieving. After all, this competition has rules. The dishes must be lost or newly developed to count. Otherwise, no matter how good the taste is, it won't work.

After staying with Fujiwara Iemoto, a Chinese expert, for a long time, I naturally have a better understanding of some Chinese customs, especially some of the amazing dishes. Eight-treasure gourd duck is one of the dishes that Fujiwara Iemoto will never forget.

Sanada has never eaten it, but he has seen the pictures Fujiwara Iemoto showed him. They are not as exquisite and perfect as Yuan Zhou's, but they are very similar. They are all in the shape of gourds.

"It is true that part of the inspiration comes from the eight-treasure gourd duck. Judges, can you try my today's pearl secret sauce? How does it taste?" Yuan Zhou said directly.

This dish was specially thought up by him in order to attend the Ankara meeting. Unlike Tealke who spent ten years sharpening his sword, he only decided on the menu in the past month, mainly because the previous chef test also took him a lot of time. Some time, coupled with the fact that I am usually very busy, I am able to spare some time for a whole month to develop new dishes, which is already very important.

When they heard the name, the three of them, whether it was Sanada who just felt that Yuan Zhou's cooking was not up to standard, Badhan who was always secretly poking at the aroma, or Mohamed who had been holding it, all suffocated. This golden What does the appearance of the dish have to do with the name of the dish? Is it too perfunctory? !

With such a delicate and fragrant dish placed in front of them, no one could look away. Even Sanada, who had some doubts that Yuan Zhou had made Eight Treasure Gourd Duck, felt that it was not up to standard and had to eat it first as a sign of respect.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of money not to eat such fragrant dishes. You have completely forgotten the rules of the meeting. There is no need to try dishes that do not meet the requirements.

The duck's head is hung on the vine, like a medium connecting the gourd and the vine. The whole duck is plump and golden. If you look closely at the surface, you can see that the duck is also wearing a layer of transparent gauze with a slight sauce color because of the sauce. The juice is thick and suitable, as if it grows naturally on the surface of the duck's skin. Except for the area where it comes into contact with the plate, it is slightly deformed due to the squeezing of the weight, and a little is stuck to the bottom of the plate. Of course, this is the inevitable result of the contact between the duck and the plate. , other places are very clean, no sauce dripping.

The glistening sauce adds a bit of softness to the already golden duck, which makes people feel a little more tender.

Except for the head, the entire body of the duck is concave in the shape of a gourd. Unlike the traditional gourd duck, cotton threads are used to tie the duck's body to look like a gourd. Although Yuanzhou's duck is also in the shape of a gourd. , and it is perfect, but it does not use cotton thread, but I don’t know what material is used. I can’t see it now. I can only see a line as thick as a finger running across it, dividing the gourd into two, clearly distinguishable. , the color is also darker than other parts, it is dark golden.

After Yuanzhou finished naming the dish, he directly took a sharp bamboo knife prepared on the tray and gently slashed it along the neck. It was originally airtight. Except for the waist of the gourd, which was slightly darker in color, the rest of it was ducky. It seems that the duck has not been slaughtered, and there are no toothpicks or cotton stitches used to seal the opening of gourd ducks. Following the force of the bamboo knife, the duck slowly opens from the middle to both sides like a flower blooming.

Because the duck had been deboned in advance, the duck with only one layer of skin was smoothly cut open, revealing a layer of slightly reddish duck skin.

That's right, duck skin.