Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2680: Competition between countries


But the fact is that they not only ate that much, but also added a fish and eight pearls, and they didn't feel very full after that. They felt that they could have another portion.

Now looking at such a clean and tidy plate, I can't find any excuse to pretend that I didn't eat it, which is very embarrassing.

"Ahem, chef Yuan is indeed the number one contemporary chef. He is better than us old guys, or even worse. It is worth learning from all current chefs." Bad Hanyi Right words.

As if saying this could hide the fact that he had just eaten a lot.

"It's true that his cooking skills are so superb at such a young age. His future growth is absolutely limitless. I can't even imagine where Chef Yuan will be able to reach in the future. It's really unpredictable," Mohamed said.

"Being called a Grand Master is definitely not the pinnacle of Chef Yuan's career, but the beginning. Our Japanese Oishi can become Chef Yuan's apprentice, which is a great honor for our country. I am sincerely grateful for my country." Yuichiro Sanada There was pride and ostentation in his voice.

We must know that among so many countries in Asia and Europe, only Japan and Thailand have such an opportunity to learn from Yuan Zhou. After seeing Yuan Zhou's strength, this is something that makes people very happy and proud.

When these words came out, they stung a hornet's nest. People are not worried about scarcity but inequality. Now it is known that Yuanzhou is not the only one who deserves to be his disciple. Badhan and the others also know it. But now Japan is different because of Oishi. , then doesn’t their country fall behind

This was unbearable and we had to find a way. Badhan and Mohammed were highly unified in their thinking.

"Chef Yuan, you see that we in Italy also have a lot of good talents, and we admire Chinese culture even more. I wonder if Chef Yuan is willing to accept an Italian disciple? They are definitely more suitable than the Japanese. ." Badhan began to promote the juniors he knew who were relatively capable.

Being able to be known by Badhan, not to mention how strong his cooking skills are, he is not too young. After all, there is only one Yuanzhou in the world, but Badhan also feels that there is no problem in becoming a disciple of Yuanzhou. The master Being a teacher is a universal rule no matter where you are.

"I don't know if Chef Yuan remembers Markle. He highly admires Chef Yuan. His chief disciple once followed some of Chef Yuan's cooking training methods before he could enter the ranks of the royal chefs. It can be seen that We Spaniards are very adaptable to Chef Yuan's cooking training methods. If Chef Yuan intends to choose foreign disciples, we in Spain will definitely be more suitable than those in Japan." Mohamed rarely spoke at length, just to give his country young chefs fighting for a chance.

Youth here is definitely a relative term. A group of people with an average age of over forty must not be much younger. As for pulling Japan and Oishi, there is nothing they can do. The main reason is that Sanada is really good at drawing hatred.

Without Oishi Hidetoshi knowing, Sanada drew a lot of hatred for him and the whole country. It can be said that Sanada is also quite good.

So in the following years, Dashi has been facing challenges from many talented chefs in Spain and Italy, and he is really busy.

After appreciating the dishes, he immediately became a disciple at the vegetable market. Yuanzhou felt that this scene seemed familiar, but now he really has no plans to accept more disciples. The most important thing at the moment is the main task.

"I'm sorry, Chef Badhan, Chef Mohammed, I have no plans to recruit disciples at the moment." Yuan Zhou said directly.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't have it now. If you have ideas in the future, you can just consider Italy." Badhan said first.

Mohamed, who didn't get the first blow, could only nod silently. It would definitely be impossible to easily accept a disciple at Yuanzhou's level. Badhan and the others knew that, but they just hoped that Yuanzhou would be able to have some impression and do something good. Being able to give priority to the people of their country is already very satisfying. Of course, if it can be accepted now, it will be a matter of universal celebration.

What was originally a solemn conference food tasting scene has now turned into a sales conference directly because of Sanada's introduction. This is also the first time we met in Ankara, and Sanada, who was the trigger, was unable to get in the conversation and was directly ignored by the two Badhans. Land is excluded.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Teal'c's arrival to rescue Sanada.

Türk was worthy of being the person with the highest voice for winning the championship. Of course, this was also related to the fact that Yuan Zhou only knew a small number of the people who attended the meeting, but being able to be the second one to finish an hour after Yuan Zhou finished was something that should not be underestimated. .

Teal'c already knew that Yuan Zhou had finished it first, so when he came over with his own plate, he first nodded to Yuan Zhou.

To a certain extent, being able to participate in this meeting is an affirmation of Yuan Zhou's cooking skills, and therefore deserves his equal treatment, Teal'c thought so.

The strength of the people attending the meeting is not too far apart. Basically, it is the gap between Zhou Shijie and Cheng Zhaomei now. There is a leader in every place. In the past, this person was Teal'c. Geniuses are indeed rare, but they do exist.

As the previous record holder for the youngest participant in a conference, Türk attended the Ankara Conference at the age of 55, so he has participated in several conferences. He also discovered Paul before, and it is indeed better than when he was young. He is a bit talented and is expected to participate in this conference at the age of fifty, also because he will be able to become a judge immediately when he turns 79 this year, and the vacancy in Turkey can be filled by Paul.

After all, the conditions were not met immediately, and Paul did not have the excessive strength to make Ankara make an exception so that he could participate in the meeting. Of course, if Paul had Yuan Zhou's strength, there would be no doubt.

Yuanzhou also nodded politely towards Teal'k and retreated to the rest area to wait. It was Teal'k's home court now, so he naturally had to give way.

Seeing Teal'c coming, the few people who were still arguing about which country was more suitable to be apprenticed to Yuan Zhou stopped talking immediately, sat up straight, and looked at Teal'c seriously, as if they were delusional when they were haggling like a vegetable market. Likewise, they have always looked like they were sitting upright and full of majesty.

"This is my new grilled lamb dish today. Please try it, judges."

As he spoke, Teal'c opened the lid to reveal the dishes inside. A total of six forearm-length mutton strips as thick as an index finger were placed on a rectangular plate. There were some beautiful decorations placed next to them. See the roughness and ease of cattle and sheep.

Although it is in strip shape, it looks very fluffy and moist, and it seems that you can get a mouthful of juice with one bite. The taste is not as complex and varied as Yuan Zhou's just now, but the simple mutton flavor is achieved to the extreme.

The tangy fragrance of sheep made Badhan's noisy hearts suddenly feel as if they were blown by a breeze. He rode his horse and drove the sheep to graze leisurely on the grass, feeling relaxed and indifferent.

The faint fragrance of green grass comes to your nostrils, and the breath of nature makes people feel extra attached to it. It conveys this breath of freedom to everyone through the fragrance.