Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2686: The noodle shop owner’s new hobby


When she comes back from a business trip, she brings hand cream and hand mask to her fiancé, which is Yin Ya. She is the only one who has no semicolon.

This is understandable. Just like the embroiderer, the hands of the chef are also very important.

Many ingredients need to be carefully cleaned, processed and felt. If there are calluses or burrs on your hands, these will damage the appearance of some ingredients and affect the texture and taste of the final dish.

As the future God of Cooking, Yuanzhou cares very much about his hands. He has become accustomed to doing everything by himself. If his hands are not protected well, it will definitely destroy the ingredients, so he usually pays great attention to the maintenance of his hands. .

The hand creams we usually use are specially customized. After all, as a chef, you not only need to keep your hands soft and soft, but also don't have other smells. It would be bad if the ingredients are contaminated with other smells.

The hand cream in this traditional Chinese medicine shop that Yin Ya discovered this time has a pretty good reputation. Because the production process is cumbersome, some of the materials used are very precious, and the production is not high. Only acquaintances can buy it. There is no mass production. If not She hit it by mistake, but she couldn't actually find it.

After Yin Ya tried it out for nearly a week, she felt it was very suitable for Yuan Zhou, so she brought it back as a gift to Yuan Zhou.

Yuan Zhou lowered his head and looked at his slender, white hands. They were clearly defined, without any flaws or calluses. He didn’t need any filters to beautify his face, and his hands could be used as hand models directly. Then he looked at Yin With a look of anticipation on her face, Ya nodded to take a look.

Not to mention that there are actually people who come to Yuan Zhou to be a hand model, the price is still quite good, but Yuan Zhou only thinks about cooking. As a future chef, the chef who is about to be promoted must have style. , the hand model was not suitable for him, so he simply refused.

Yuan Zhou was in a very good mood after Yin Ya came back. Not only the diners who came for dinner noticed it, but also the neighbors who greeted Yuan Zhou the next morning felt that Yuan Zhou was in a very good mood.

A man must be in a good mood after eating and drinking enough. Everyone who should know knows what is going on, and everyone understands it tacitly.

Today Yuan Zhou left the house five minutes early in order to go to the noodle shop.

"Boss No. 1 is here, here to pay." Yuan Zhou started to shout from the door, fearing that the boss wouldn't be able to hear him while he was cooking noodles inside.

"Coming, coming." The boss responded and came out with a beautiful notebook.

Yuan Zhou writes down two bowls of noodles every day and agrees with his boss to settle the account on the first of every month. In order to better suit Yuan Zhou's work style, the boss does not use his mobile phone or computer to record these records. Instead, he A notebook records Yuan Zhou's consumption.

In the past, the boss could change the items he sells from time to time. Today he sells sweet noodles, and in a while he may sell cold noodles. After that, he may open a supermarket. Keeping things fresh at all times is the boss's wise words.

Since opening the stand-by noodle shop, the boss has been unable to change the food. The most he can do is change the flavor or the type of noodles, which is incomparable with before.

The boss focused his attention on the accounting book prepared for Yuan Zhou and expressed his comfort.

Each small book is about the size of a palm, and the patterns on it are naturally different. Today it may be a few beautiful characters from a shojo manga, next month it may be photos of peaceful scenery, or some static flower arrangement in a vase. The pictures have been changed four or five times, and they are no longer the same.

The notebook I took out today has a bouquet of lavender dried flowers on the surface, which matches the entire light blue notebook. It looks very beautiful, elegant and simple.

Yuan Zhou didn't do much research on flowers, but because he often had to prepare surprises for Yin Ya, he could tell at a glance that they were dried forget-me-not flowers.

"Last month's accounts are all here. Boss Yuan, can you take a look?" The boss generously handed the book to Yuan Zhou for review.

Except when Yuan Zhou asked for leave to go out, other times were recorded and basically there would be no changes. In fact, when Yuan Zhou asked for leave, he told his boss and recorded it.

However, the boss said that it was a matter of principle that Yuan Zhou could not remember when he was not around. Even if he wanted to do good things, he would not do it on his own. This was inappropriate, so Yuan Zhou retained the ability to call the boss to remember for later use every day. Habit.

"Whoosh, whoosh"

Yuan Zhou took it and checked it carefully and then solemnly said to the boss: "No problem, it is indeed that much. I will transfer the money to you."

With that said, he took out his mobile phone and opened the interface in a familiar place to start the operation. Normally Yuan Zhou would not run with his mobile phone, but today was an exception.

With the same attitude, the boss took out his mobile phone and checked the money transferred by Yuan Zhou seriously. After finding that there was no problem, he directly said to Yuan Zhou: "Boss Yuan's account has been cleared last month. There is no problem."

"Remember to write down the noodles for today. I'll leave first."

After seeing that the work was done, Yuan Zhou said goodbye to the boss, turned around and ran outside, disappearing from the boss's eyes after a while.

The boss watched Yuan Zhou wait until he was out of sight, then returned to the kitchen to continue cooking noodles. The hot water in the noodle bucket was already rolling. White water splashes appeared one after another. The successive openings indicated that the water was ready. , the water vapor evaporates and creates white mist, making most of the kitchen shrouded in white mist, which seems to add a bit of fairy air.

And Yuanzhou also walked around from the street entrance to the back alley, came in through the back door, and first went upstairs to take a bath gently. After all, Yin Ya hadn't woken up yet, and he had a day off from a business trip, so he naturally didn't want to. It woke her up, so she moved very gently.

When he went downstairs to the kitchen, Yuanzhou was a little confused. What should he cook for breakfast? This was a question.

Recently, Yuanzhou has gone through all the dishes from various Chinese cuisines, and has almost raised his standards. However, some dishes are not on the menu. He doesn't want to cook them now. He must find a suitable one. Time should be presented to diners as a surprise.

Creating surprises for diners at any time is what a qualified boss should do, and Yuan Zhou has always done an excellent job.

"Otherwise, let's have some Shaomai. I haven't done it for a long time." Yuanzhou thought about it and paid attention.

Kneading dough, rolling out dough, and making fillings, Yuan Zhou was very proficient in making them, and soon everything was prepared in an orderly manner.

And the diners began to line up one after another. With Wu Hai and Mao Xiong here, when the first and second place were not let out, the best result of the other diners was third place.

Most people can't grab this third position. Most of the time, the third position belongs to Zhou Xi, or sometimes Zheng Jiawei is also in this position.

Today, the third position was changed. Instead of Zhou, his surname was Ma. Xiao Ma was really lucky today. He invited a few friends to have dinner, and he just happened to be lucky enough to be ranked third.

"It seems like you can buy a lottery ticket today."

Xiao Ma felt that he might have burned the right incense today, otherwise he would not have been so lucky and grabbed the seat that many diners dreamed of.