Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2687: No fight, no acquaintance


"Donkey Dan, you're being stingy. Today, I'm just going to have a breakfast. No matter what, I have to have a big meal. It doesn't have to be too much. How about just a lunch?" Sun Ji said with a smile.

Be obedient and listen to the sound. If you hadn't heard what he said and just looked at his friendly and kind expression, you might have thought that he was talking about something good.

Chu Jianhua and Si Jinning, who were standing in the back row, also nodded as they should, without the demeanor of a master at all.

Xiao Ma was a little speechless. He looked at Sun Ji, who had also treated them to breakfast last time. His face didn't get bigger at all. How could he do that

Xiao Ma and Sun Ji are typical examples of people who don't know each other without fighting. They recognized Sun Ji before. Xiao Ma didn't intend to have a tearful scene with Sun Ji, so he chose a ruthless guy with a very high risk factor. The behavior of grabbing food, to be honest, Xiao Ma was testing it with his life.

If it were someone with a bad temper, before explaining the reason, it would be easy to beat Xiao Ma severely. Even if he robbed the food, he still robbed the food cooked by Yuan Zhou. It was simply something that the uncle could bear, but the aunt couldn't bear it either. .

Si Jinning and the others had been famous for a long time, and their masterly demeanor attracted their attention due to Yuan Zhou's delicious food, so they did not take action.

Finally, the relationship was sorted out, and Xiao Ma also reunited with his childhood playmate Sun Ji Shengli. The result was also good. In this way, Xiao Ma not only became more familiar with Si Jinning, a familiar face, but also developed a friendship with Chu Jianhua.

Xiao Ma also felt sorry. No matter how good the reason was, it was a fact that Si Jinning and Chu Jianhua were frightened to a certain extent. As for Sun Ji, Xiao Ma said that friends were just there to stab at critical moments, so they could ignore it.

Since the boat feast, Xiao Ma has made two appointments with Si Jinning and the others to come to the restaurant for dinner. Naturally, Xiao Ma treated them, so he was apologizing.

Si Jinning and the others didn't take this matter to heart, but seeing that Xiao Ma was really sincere, and the invitation was from Chef God's Shop, they couldn't refuse, so they all came.

Of course, the masters don't take advantage of others. After Xiao Ma expressed his feelings, Si Jinning and the others also took turns treating Xiao Ma to a meal. This was a one-and-done affair. In addition, Xiao Ma's profession also supplemented their profession, so it was considered a good idea. We can chat together, so our friendship is getting better and better.

Since Sun Ji took over the job of singing Fengyang Flower Drums in a tavern, he would always come to Rongcheng once a month, so they decided that the day he came would be the day when they would come to the tavern to have a meal.

Except for certain days, everyone still comes here from time to time, and the breakfast we invited last time was unplanned.

They treat guests in turns, and today it just happened to be Pony's turn.

"The breakfast you invited me last time was clear soup noodles, but listen to what Mr. Wu over there said. There was beef this morning. It was a meat dish, not much better than clear soup noodles." Xiao Ma pointed over there. Wu Hai was sharing what was for breakfast today.

Being so close, Xiao Ma and the others heard clearly that there was both beef and flour, either beef buns or beef pies. They were both good things and great value for money, but they were meaty.

"Besides, you, who has a free quota to eat at a small shop every month, do you have the nerve to ask me to buy lunch? My salary is not much."

Just when everyone thought that Xiao Ma was going to continue crying about poverty, who knew that he would change the subject and say: "It's enough for me to eat a few lunches a month in the shop, so don't come and join in the fun."

"Of course, Mr. Si and Mr. Chu are both masters and they definitely don't need a small person like me to invite them, but I can afford breakfast, don't worry."

Xiao Ma just beat her chest to assure herself that she had not lost some of the things she had learned in the troupe.

To be honest, Xiao Ma felt that if he hadn't lost the basic skills of singing Yue opera for many years, he would have gone to Yuan Zhou and recommended himself. The tavern didn't have any experts in singing Yue opera, and he was simply satisfied with Sun Ji's salary in the tavern. Crazy envious.

"I used to have higher qualifications than Sun Ji when I was in the theater troupe. Although I have lost it for so many years, I have picked it up for a few months. Maybe I will be on stage soon. Then I can come to Boss Yuan to give it a try. "Xiao Ma thought secretly in his heart.

Not only did he envy Sun Ji, but he also acted on it. He didn't know whether he should lament that Yuan Zhou's cooking was too charming, or whether he should lament that Xiao Ma's mobility was too strong.

"What you said makes sense. Let's just treat him to lunch. We can't take advantage too much." Sun Ji said seriously.

"That's right, although we are masters, we can still have a casual meal occasionally." Si Jinning said directly.

Chu Jianhua didn't speak, but nodded to the side, and it was self-evident what he meant. Xiao Ma naturally disagreed, and the four of them started to argue.

Although Xiao Ma was eloquent, he could not speak more than three words in one mouth, so he was quickly defeated and paid the price of a meal.

The relationship between the four of them has been like this since they became familiar with each other. Today it may be Sun Ji and Chu Jianhua who are bullying Xiao Ma, and tomorrow it may be Xiao Ma, Sun Ji and Si Jinning who are bullying Chu Jianhua. .

There is no fixed candidate, but it depends on who can take advantage of the opportunity and get the support of the majority of people quickly to get rid of the "little pitiful" situation. The atmosphere between the few people is quite harmonious.

"Mao Xiong, luckily Jiang Changxi didn't come today." Wu Hai sent the person asking for breakfast and saw that it was almost time. He felt that he had kept the first place and was very emotional.

There was no way he was snatched away from the first place yesterday, so Wu Hai had to settle for second place, and Mao Xiong was third. He was very depressed, but the first place was Queen Jiang, and Wu Hai was really a coward.

"It's okay, Brother Hai, occasionally change positions and breathe different air in other places. This is not static, and it is good for us." Mao Xiong smoothed his hair very skillfully.

Wu Hai thought for a moment and felt that Mao Xiong was right, so he stopped making trouble. After Su Ruoyan said that it was breakfast time, he pulled Mao Xiong and rushed in with a single step.

By the time Xiao Ma and the others came in, Wu Hai and the others were already sitting upright in their old positions. Their speed was so fast and their postures were so handsome.

"Today's breakfast is beef shaomai, one per person. If you don't want to eat it, you can ask for it." Yuan Zhou said directly when he saw that everyone was seated.

The main reason is that some diners don't eat beef, so Yuan Zhou takes the trouble to say this every time he has breakfast. But today, at least the first echelon is full of beef eaters. As soon as Yuan Zhou finished speaking, all the diners said, "Come here." A cage's sound, no other noise.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Yuanzhou turned around and went to the kitchen, where a stack of steamers stacked high were emitting white smoke, indicating his presence.

For the beef shaomai this time, Yuanzhou made it based on the Mongolian mutton shaomai, which is different from the traditional one.

Of course, Mongolian Shaomai is not only stuffed with mutton, but also beef, and Yuan Zhou chose beef, which Yin Ya prefers, instead of the popular mutton and green onion stuffing.