Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2688: Beef big siomai


The diners don't know the reason why Yuan Zhou chose beef. They only need to know that there is meat.

Sure enough, humans have not evolved to let people eat grass. This sentence makes sense.

Because it is a large siu mai, the steamer Yuan Zhou chose this time is also different. The color is still yellow-green, but the size is different. At first glance, it is much larger than the steamer usually used to steam siu mai. It is almost catching up. The steamed buns are in a cage.

It was almost eight inches in size and looked very heavy, but Yuan Zhou still took it in a pile very easily. However, the ones that were given to Su Ruoyan were just one by one. Those who were close did not need Su Ruoyan's help. You can reach it with your hand, such as Wuhai and Mao Xiong, or the pony that is just long enough for your hand.


The steamer was a little hot. When Xiao Ma took it over, his hand was a little burnt. Yuanzhou had already calculated the time. Even if it was slightly hot, it was impossible to cause a burn. It just felt very hot.

Xiao Ma hissed and breathed twice before feeling relieved. He looked warily at Si Jinning and the others who had been staring closely at Xiao Ma's steamer. Xiao Ma was a little hesitant whether to open the steamer right away. He was afraid of being caught. Rob.

Still wanting to see the delicious food took over, and he was also confident in his own strength, so he directly opened the lid of the steamer.


A burst of heat immediately surged up, and the pony's eyes were filled with fog. When the fog slowly dissipated, he could vaguely see the flowers blooming in the fog. He couldn't see clearly, but he could see their gorgeous and magnificent appearance. It's good-looking.

After the fog dissipated, these flowers finally revealed their true colors. There were only four of them, each one the size of an adult woman's fist. The white petals surrounded the deep red in the middle, making them look particularly enchanting.

The paper-thin petals are very transparent, and the bottom of the yellow-green steamer can be seen through it, which shows how superb the chef's skills are.

"This is a flower-shaped shaomai bar, but it also has the characteristics of cellophane shaomai. As expected, Chef Yuan can surprise people all the time." Si Jinning was the closest and could see it most clearly.

Next to him, Chu Jianhua and Sun Ji stretched their necks without scruples to see more clearly. Unfortunately, even if the scent kept getting into their nostrils, it was difficult to reach out and grab one because of the distance.

Just when Si Jinning was about to put down his attitude and grab one, Su Ruoyan came to save the four people's precarious plastic friendship. She brought their steamer.

After seeing with his own eyes that everyone had a steamer, Xiao Ma could finally relax and enjoy his own delicious food without having to use both hands to protect his breakfast.

Picking up a piece of shaomai and bringing it to his mouth, the rich aroma of beef instantly filled his nose. Just by smelling it, he knew how tender and juicy the beef was. When he took a bite, it could have penetrated through the thin skin. The skin cracked when seeing the dark stuffing inside. Before the tough skin fully showed its power, it was overtaken by the surging gravy.

The hot gravy stimulates the taste buds in the mouth. With a gentle chew, the tender beef cubes are broken into pieces. Whether it is fat or lean meat, it is very delicious and juicy. There seems to be a universe hidden in each grain. Likewise, once it breaks out, its explosive power can be imagined.

With the wheat-flavored skin, it is chewy and the meat is fresh and tender. One bite satisfies many people's desire to eat meat. The mouth is full of meat in one bite, and a sense of satisfaction arises spontaneously, which is very refreshing. meaning.

"What a feast of beef. I didn't expect the beef stuffed shaomai to be so delicious. It's so satisfying to have so much meat." Xiao Ma's face was full of satisfaction.

Different from Jiangsu and Zhejiang's Shaomai, Mongolian beef Shaomai is filled with meat except for the skin on the surface. Whether it is stuffed with mutton and green onions or pure beef, except for the skin, it is meat.

But the mellow and delicious taste and the paper-thin skin are a perfect match. It doesn't feel greasy at all. On the contrary, it really gets more and more exciting the more you eat it. It feels so refreshing to eat beef in big mouthfuls.

"It's really good, fragrant but not greasy, thin but not woody, creamy and juicy, and full of aftertaste. It's definitely the best Shaomai I've ever tasted." Si Jinning nodded repeatedly.

Of course, talking will not delay him from eating delicious food. His goal is to finish his own quickly so that he can grab other people's.

After working in a small shop for so long, Si Jinning's food grabbing skills have become more and more perfect after being trained by Xiao Ma. He is confident in himself. As long as he moves fast enough, he can definitely grab other people's shaomai!

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and people who can be together with Si Jinning naturally have similar personalities. Everyone has similar ideas, and their movements are very fast, even Chu who is usually relatively taciturn. Jianhua is also very fast with his hands and mouth, and his intentions can be seen at a glance.

By the time the four of them had almost finished eating, they could only look at each other in disbelief. Since everyone had finished eating, there was no need to fight.

So the four people walked out together, but they planned to come back in the evening, mainly because tonight was the day when Sun Ji would take the stage. They claimed that they were here to cheer Sun Ji and tell him not to have stage fright.

God knows, it is very common for Sun Ji to face big scenes with thousands of people. No matter how crowded the tavern is, there can't be that many people. Dozens of people are already packed together, and there is no place to stand, so there is no need to be brave.

When Sun Ji raised such doubts, Si Jinning and the others' reasons made him irrefutable.

"There are so many big shots among the drinkers. How do you know that you won't meet a big shot of singing flower drums? If you get nervous by then, won't it be too late for us to be brave again?"


This is really hard to say. The last time he went on stage, he saw the president of the Central Drama Association sitting down and listening to him singing flower drum opera. When Leng Buding saw it, to be honest, Sun Ji was also shocked.

It's not because of anything else but because of how this president appeared in Chengdu. He almost always stayed in the capital. If Sun Ji hadn't seen him twice, he wouldn't have recognized him. He was dressed simply and was very lively in grabbing drinks with others. is a highly respected president.

It is true that he almost lost his temper suddenly, but Sun Ji is also a big boss, so he naturally stabilized himself quickly. This can also be said to be one of his few dark histories. Si Jinning and others said this about him. I really can't find any reason to refute it.

"Mr. Si, after staying in Chengdu for so long, why didn't you go back to Gusu?" Sun Ji changed the subject.

Si Jinning has not been back to Suzhou since he had dinner with Sun Ji and the others last time. Si Hongyuan, the tool man, often travels between Rongcheng and Suzhou and is very busy.

"Oh, I bought a house here for my retirement. I'm already so old. It's time for the younger generation to take over, and I can enjoy the happiness myself." Si Jinning said calmly.

That's right, after the boat feast, Si Jinning took his eldest disciple Si Hongyuan to look for a house in Rongcheng and buy it after he went back. He planned to retire here. The reasons were all ready-made. Zuo Zuo is now in the process of renting a house. This is a critical moment for growth, so he can't take it lightly. As a master, he must stay.