Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2690: The master comes like a cloud


From this, Teal'k seemed to have glimpsed the hope that he could go further. If he hadn't learned from the chat that Yuan Zhou was busy opening a store back home, Teal'k could have followed Yuan Zhou back to China that day.

But I only had to endure it for two or three more days, and then I couldn't wait to set off.

In order to prevent August and his group from following him to share Yuan Zhou's free time, he even resorted to pretending to be sick, which was a big move.

Yuan Zhou didn't know that Teal'c was still an actor, so he was a little confused when he saw Teal'c appear in front of him the next day.

"Am I really the chosen one?"

I have always had such doubts, but I have never been as sure as I am now. Yesterday I was thinking about inviting some famous chefs to share the cuisines of several countries, including Turkey, and today Tilke came to my door. .

Originally, Yuanzhou planned to invite Paul, who had been staying in Chengdu. For Paul, he was familiar with Turkish food and could handle it. He was considered the best among them, so he could take on this exchange task.

Besides, when talking to Teal'k, he accidentally mentioned Paul's name, and he was very optimistic about it. Yuanzhou believed in his vision, and Paul and Yuanzhou had communicated once, so he naturally knew. his level.

However, no matter how good Paul is, of course nothing would be more appropriate without Teal'c coming in person.

"This is Chef God's Shop, and that one over there is Chef Yuan."

Alex was the tour guide that Teal'c found, and he dutifully introduced Teal'k to the shop and Yuan Zhou who was standing in front of the store.

When they arrived, it was just when Yuan Zhou was sending the last diner away. It was just after lunch time. Alex was the one who controlled this time.

Teal'k naturally made preparations when he wanted to come to Chengdu to find Yuan Zhou. The first step was to book a hotel and find a tour guide. After all, he had never been to China before, and his assistant Joseph did not exist, but this did not prevent him from finding Yuan Zhou. People and booking hotels.

Because Yuanzhou is a postcard from Chengdu, even if Joseph didn't emphasize booking a hotel closer to Yuanzhou when booking a hotel, a prompt would pop up there.

They were very lucky to book Wu Yungui's hotel and choose Alex, who had the best reputation and was related to Yuan Zhou.

Since Alex started picking up tourists who come to Yuanzhou or Taoxi Road, his business volume has also increased sharply. The number of tourists who come here every day is very large, even if only one tenth of them can If you choose a geoguide, it will be a huge income for Alex.

What's more, it's not just that. It can be said that Alex is the first tour guide to become rich by taking tourists to Taoxi Road and Yuanzhou.

Alex didn't need any introduction. Teal'c saw Yuan Zhou as soon as he appeared. He walked up to Yuan Zhou at a speed that was extremely inconsistent with his age and said directly: "Chef Yuan, good afternoon. I'm very happy." Being able to see Chef Yuan again.”

With a smile on his face, he was obviously very happy, and he extended his hands to shake hands with Yuan Zhou. In fact, Teal'c wanted to hug Yuan Zhou more, but according to his temporary search, Hua Xia It seems that there is no such etiquette between same-sex people, so it was changed to a handshake.

"Hello, Chef Teal'k, welcome to Chengdu. Do you know what's wrong?" Yuan Zhou stretched out his hands to hold Teal'k's outstretched hand.

He was very curious about Teal'c's purpose of coming to China. After all, Teal'c was already very old. 79 years old was quite a lot even in the culinary circle. It was said that he had not been out for nearly ten years. Apart from Istanbul, the city where he lives, he has hardly been to other places in the past few years.

"I have a new idea that I need to discuss with Chef Yuan. I think it's very good," Tilke said.

It is true that Tilke originally spent ten years thinking about the new style of roast mutton, which almost exhausted all his life's energy. However, after just a few hours of conversation with Yuan Zhou at the meeting, he suddenly came up with a new idea. After pondering and perfecting the inspiration in the next few days, I couldn't hold back my excitement and ran to China.

"There's definitely no problem with this. I'll invite Chef Teal'c."

Yuan Zhou nodded towards Alex, and then called Teal'k to walk towards the store. His assistant Joseph followed Teal'k like a shadow, while Alex was waiting outside the door.

What we bring this time is a lost cooking technique, which is a shadow filling method for Turkish desserts. Like the Islov roasting method, this is the most authentic Turkish cooking technique that has been lost for hundreds of years.

Teal'c felt that if there was anyone else who could work with him to develop this method, it would be Yuan Zhou.

Yuanzhou was also very interested in Türk's method. After Joseph laid out a series of information, the two began to study it.

Teal'c guessed the beginning but not the end. He knew that Yuan Zhou was very strong and had superb cooking skills. Even he was not as good as him.

Even though both of them won the championship, they seemed to be about the same strength, but in fact, Teal'c knew very well that in serious comparison, he was still inferior to Yuan Zhou. After all, his dishes took ten years. And Yuanzhou has been learning cooking for less than ten years, so there is no way he could have studied it for as long as he did.

If Teal'c knew that Yuan Zhou's cooking took him a month and that he added up so much intermittently, he would have probably run out of ideas, and he would not be surprised. Yuan Zhou would be able to figure it out just by looking through the information. There were many useful clues, and he suddenly took a step forward that others could not take in a year or two.

Teal'k's actions were not hidden from anyone. Soon, the top chefs attending the meeting learned of his whereabouts. After Teal'k, Yuanzhou would see a familiar face appear every now and then. Now he was faced with familiar faces from the Ankara meeting.

Originally, they wanted to invite Yuan Zhou to attend some of their gatherings. Since they were all on the same level, they should communicate more.

They are older and have inconvenient legs and don't want to run away, otherwise they would have come to China long ago. But Teal'c is older than them and they are not incapable of overcoming difficulties, so they appear every once in a while. to a Top Chef thing.

Yuan Zhou is very happy to hear about this. Not to mention that he is currently learning the cuisines of various countries, but he is not. Yuan Zhou is also willing to communicate with many top chefs and learn things.

Time passes little by little in these trivial matters. Of course, Yuanzhou does not always have to wait for people to visit him. Sometimes he will take the initiative to visit some reclusive famous chefs, such as Mr. Ma before. figure.

Yuan Zhou has always been very serious and perseverant in order to learn more cooking knowledge.