Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2692: It is impossible to make a positive from a negative



The tourists, who had long been accustomed to Yuan Zhou throwing it away if it wasn't perfect, couldn't help but exclaim.

Every time they looked with high-power telescopes, they couldn't see any flaws. Seeing Yuan Zhou destroying such a perfect and beautiful work of art without hesitation, the regret was beyond words.

August even wanted to go to the trash can to pick up the Butterfly Flower Bush and offer it as a memorial.

It was also everyone's exclamations that woke up the group of people behind Xu Ban.

"Why did you throw it away? It's such a waste to throw such a beautiful piece of art away."

"I wonder if I will be successful if I pick it up now?"

"Was that a magician just now? Was he performing a magic trick? So he threw away the props after the performance."

"Hahaha, he is left-handed like me. Chef Yuan is left-handed and very powerful, which is equivalent to being very left-handed. I am also left-handed, so I am also very powerful."

The last sentence was said by a tall man with freckles on his face. It was probably because he was so excited that his voice was loud and attracted all the attention.

Almost half of the street's eyes were on him, and it would be no exaggeration to say that he was now the most handsome kid on the street.

"ha… "

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the freckled man laughed for a while before he noticed that everyone was looking at him without saying a word, including Yuan Zhou and August, which was just a bit square.

"What's wrong?" The freckled man blinked anxiously.

"Chef Yuan is not left-handed. What he practiced today was the knife skills of his left hand."

This was the collective response of the tourists to the freckled man. They had seen Yuan Zhou practice a lot of knife skills. Although they could not understand, these superficial things were deeply engraved in everyone's heart, and they had no idea when they opened their mouths. question.

The face of the freckled man, who originally had an exaggerated and happy expression, suddenly drooped. The other people standing with him were even more surprised. They all felt that his facial nerves were out of balance today and they didn't know how to express their inner feelings. .

“Chef Yuan’s knife skills with his left hand are as good as those with his right hand, which is really the only thing I have seen in my life.” August praised.

As the president of the Celebrity Chefs Association, it stands to reason that he should have seen many talented chefs. In fact, he has seen many, but none of them can compare with Yuan Zhou. Not to mention mentioning them together, I feel that after talking about Yuan Zhou No matter what the name of the state is, they feel that it is not worthy of the key.

"The left hand is still a bit worse than the right hand and is not proficient enough." Yuan Zhou said matter-of-factly.

August: “…”

He just wanted to praise others, but he felt that his eyesight was not good enough. He looked at Yuan Zhou's serious expression, shook his head to put aside this illusion, and got down to business.

"Chef Yuan, I am here this time with eight outstanding first-year students from the Charles Royal Culinary Institute. It is mainly for the purpose of awarding student quotas for the previous Ankara meeting. The rule this time is that as long as one defeats more than one If you include one outstanding student, you can enroll."

Although the rewards are similar in every session, the conditions that must be met have kept pace with the times. For example, the conditions for obtaining a place in the academy last time were taking exams and making delicious food on site. Unexpectedly, this time there are new conditions.

Yuanzhou already fully understands some of the previous situations. After all, since Tealke started the master visit, the masters who participated in the Ankara conference have come to Yuanzhou for a tour. Naturally, in addition to exchanging cooking skills, they also talk to him. Let’s talk about rewards. After all, no matter how powerful Yuan Zhou is, this is his first time attending a meeting. He still doesn’t know many things. They are old people and naturally know more and are willing to share with Yuan Zhou.

"Okay, thank you Chef August. I will contact the president of our Chinese Kitchen Federation to discuss this matter together. Now let's go into the store to talk." Yuan Zhou made an invitation gesture.

August brought his people here as soon as he got off the plane. Logically speaking, these students should be sent back to the hotel first, but he was afraid of missing dinner time and had to drag his family with him.

Although he was anxious, he still knew etiquette. He first found the Chinese Celebrity Chefs Association, and then Xu Ban came to lead the way. Cheng Zhaomei, who happened to be discussing things with Xu Ban, came along by the way. He must be proactive when meeting the chef. .

As for Yuan Zhou's talk about contacting Zhou Shijie, Cheng Zhaomei had just signaled to Yuan Zhou that he had been contacted. Then she changed her tone and invited them to go in and wait. Otherwise, Yuan Zhou wanted to have another relationship with August. Make an appointment.

The students were as quiet as chickens and sat down in the small shop to rest under the leadership of Xu Ban. The owner of the noodle shop opposite and Li Li from the western restaurant both saw that many people came to Yuanzhou and spontaneously came to help, bringing drinks and other things. Yes, it saved Yuanzhou a lot of trouble.

Specifically, it saves the matter of Cheng Zhaomei. After all, the master has something to do and the disciples have to do their job. It is impossible for Yuan Zhou to come and greet these students in person. Not to mention Yuan Zhou's status and status, he just saw something that is impossible to belong to the human world. Knife master, Yuan Zhou came to greet him, and the students were probably restless.

This is just right now.

The selection of students was a big deal. Zhou Shijie rushed over as soon as he received the news. The three of them immediately discussed the matter. Of course, August participated in the first half of the discussion, and then he left knowingly. He needed to settle the students. It was quite busy queuing up to eat.

The second half was discussed by Yuan Zhou and Zhou Shijie together, including the conditions for student selection, the time and place for registration, etc.

August was also too proactive and brought people over directly. The actual situation should be to notify here in advance to prepare. I have to say that he did it on purpose, just to be able to stay in China for a longer period of time. There was no legitimate opportunity. If you know how to take advantage of it, then there is something wrong with your IQ.

Because of this incident, a small whirlwind immediately blew up in the Chinese culinary industry. Charles Royal Culinary Institute can be said to be the world's number one culinary school. In addition to learning cooking from Yuan Zhou, this academy is the only one for those who want to learn cooking. It's said to have great appeal.

Everyone got excited.

Yuan Zhou only participated in the establishment of the initial rules, and then assigned the matter to Xu Ban and Cheng Zhaomei to cooperate. He also said hello to other disciples to cooperate well, and then left in peace.

Taking advantage of the excitement, Yuanzhou felt that an opportunity had come, so he directly asked for leave and left Rongcheng to come to Yunzhong.

"I didn't expect the temperature here to be quite low."

Yuan Zhou had just gotten off the plane and before he could do anything, a burst of cold air was poured directly into his lungs.

What he said was not very cold was in reference to the hat and scarf that Yu Yinya brought. Compared with Chengdu, it is already relatively cold this month.

Except for the airport, there was no rush to go to the hotel. Yuanzhou first took out a map and looked at his destination this time and the distance to the hotel.

To be honest, as a road idiot, Yuan Zhou definitely couldn't understand the map, but he had Yin Ya, and that was enough.

Anyway, as long as you don't go out with Wu Hai, you don't have to worry about losing it. After all, it is impossible for Lu Chi and Lu Chi to make negatives and positives and become Passepartout.