Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2697: Delayed talent


Two days actually pass by in the blink of an eye for ordinary people, especially many people's Saturdays and Sundays go by very quickly.

For the diners in the small shop, two days is really too long without Yuan Zhou’s delicious food. Counting the hours, the days seem to be like years. It seems to be based on this scene. Every time Yuan Zhou comes back from a break, the diners are particularly enthusiastic. It's also for this reason.

Master Ge changed his plan because Yuan Zhou asked for leave. When he met Master Qin, he just wanted to go straight to the shop and have a meal first. Unexpectedly, one of them met Master Qin and the other was Yuan Zhou. I asked for leave, so I had no idea what to do with dinner, so I could only wait for the next day.

He has been waiting for a long time, but Master Ge felt that he would turn into a mushroom if he kept waiting any longer. He really couldn't wait any longer, so he went to the shop early in the morning to wait for breakfast.

Wanting to have breakfast, Master Ge set out early in the morning, but there is always a mountain higher. Master Ge got up early, and the enthusiasm of the diners who had not eaten Yuan Zhou’s food for two days was unimaginable. .

When Master Ge arrived, he found that there were already a lot of people there, and it was only almost seven o'clock in the morning.

The only time Master Ge had ever seen such a long queue so early was when a large supermarket held an event. A group of adults and adults were waiting in line to buy discounted items for fear of being late.

But the people in front of me now are either in suits or fluttering skirts. They are white-collar workers, gold-collar workers, etc. There are also many people who look like they have different identities, but they are all queuing up very obediently.

"Probably only Master Yuan can achieve such a scene." Master Ge sighed with emotion and hurriedly joined the queue, fearing that he would be overtaken by those behind him.

Of course, Master Ge was not unfounded, but it was just the effort of his front and back legs that allowed him to stand in the queue. Before he could stand firmly, someone was already lining up behind him.

It was really so thrilling to miss it by just tenths of a second. Even though Master Ge was already very calm, he couldn't help but want to celebrate.

It's not easy!

"I wonder what kind of breakfast Boss Yuan has prepared for breakfast today. It must be a surprise."

"Anyway, no matter what kind of breakfast it is, I like it as long as it is cooked by Chef Yuan."

"Everyone likes the breakfast made by Chef Yuan, but it would be better if it could be beef buns, which I like."

"I think it's better to keep an eye on Mr. Wu. He must know what breakfast is."

After everyone lined up, they relaxed and started talking in low voices.

Everyone was very happy to be reunited after two days, and we talked a few more words without realizing it. Of course, the topic around them must have been mostly about the type of breakfast.

Master Ge, who happened to hear it, couldn't help but wonder what kind of breakfast it was. You must know that he missed Yuan Zhou's delicious food for more than a day or two. He could restrain himself at first, but now he feels like standing outside the store. The power in my body can no longer be controlled.

Hu Qingshan was equally excited as Master Ge. Ever since he tasted the golden thread oil tower made by Yuan Zhou, he has really never forgotten it. As a person who has witnessed the rise of an authentic person, he really likes the golden thread oil tower made by Yuan Zhou. Line oil tower.

Of course, as a native of Qin Province, eating the authentic Golden Thread Oil Tower from a native of Sichuan Province would make people feel strange anywhere, but when it comes to Yuan Zhou, it is a matter of course.

"Can Boss Yuan make a gold thread oil tower today? It would be great if he could."

Then Hu Qingshan began to pray devoutly in his heart, from the gods in the East to the gods in the West, hoping to bless him to eat the breakfast he had longed for.

Hu Qingshan prayed like this every time he came to the shop for breakfast. Of course, although he had always done this, he never succeeded. He had to find out what kind of Buddha's feet he was holding. .

It is probably impossible for someone like Hu Qingshan to hug him casually. As a person who is obsessed with self-confidence and believes that his genius cooking talent is delayed by programming, Hu Qingshan went back to practice making gold thread in private. Oil tower.

As a player with a perfect level of instant noodle skills, he was very confident in himself at the beginning. After all, he could cook instant noodles well, and the Golden Thread Oil Tower was definitely not a problem. After all, his thinking was on the same channel as Yuan Zhou. talented.

Sometimes, the brain will tell you that he knows it, but the hands will tell you with facts that he won't. So he wasted several bags of flour and after eating pimple soup for a long time, Hu Qingshan finally recognized a fact clearly.

"It seems that although I have some talent, I still can't keep up with Boss Yuan. My bones are already fully developed. If I could train from an early age, I should still have some achievements. Sure enough, programming has delayed me."

If he fails to make it himself, and he always feels uncomfortable eating what others cook, he will naturally pray to the gods and pray to Yuan Zhou to make it again. Although it never comes true, Hu Qingshan never tires of it.

Hu Qingshan's station was a little further back than Master Ge, and there were two people between them, so they couldn't communicate.

Soon after Su Ruoyan said that it was time for breakfast, the diners immediately became active, especially the diners in the first echelon, who immediately followed Wu Hai's movements and walked towards the store.

Although Hu Qingshan and Master Ge didn't arrive that early, they were still in the first echelon, so they don't have to envy those who were able to get in.

"Today is noodle soup and oil tarts. If you don't want to eat, you can bring it up." Yuan Zhou said.

"Oil tower?" Hu Qingshan thought that the gods and Buddhas from all walks of life heard his prayers, so there was gold thread oil tower to eat today.

The ups and downs of life happened so fast that he was caught off guard and felt unreal. He really didn't know what to say.

"Brother, what Boss Yuan was talking about just now was the Golden Thread Oil Tower, right?" Hu Qingshan tapped the person next to him with his elbow and asked in a low voice.

He also wanted to be ashamed. It must have been because of Yuan Zhou's predilection that he asked the question immediately. Wasn't this because he was saying that his ears were bad because of his old age.

Originally, my hair started to protest because I often worked overtime, and I was particularly sensitive to old people, so I asked the people around me for help.

The person sitting next to him happened to be Master Ge. Master Ge didn't look very old, his hair was black, and his face seemed to have few wrinkles. People who didn't know him said he was only in his fifties, and it was believable.

Master Ge's hair has been dyed. His real age is already far away from sixty and not too far away from seventy, but he has a young mind.

He was particularly happy to be called brother by young man Hu Qingshan. He immediately answered his question and repeated Yuan Zhou's words enthusiastically and thoughtfully: "Today is noodle soup and oil tart. If you don't want to eat, you can ask, Yuan That’s what the master said, although the words are somewhat similar, he didn’t say Golden Thread Oil Tower.”

Master Ge was so happy that he almost gave a speech on the spot to express his feelings.