Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2698: Oil tower



Hu Qingshan recalled it twice and found that it was indeed not the Golden Thread Oil Tower. He was a little confused.

"What is oil tower?"

Hu Qingshan thought about it for a while, but he was also a big-hearted person. He didn't think of a reason and didn't rush. He just gave up, "Anyway, what Boss Yuan cooks is delicious. It's okay if it's not the Golden Thread Oil Tower."

It doesn't matter if it is available or not, anyway, it is Yuan Zhou's delicious food, so the taste will not be bad. If you can't eat what you want, you can still eat Yuan Zhou's delicious food.

After eating the delicacies made by Yuan Zhou and asking for these and other things, Hu Qingshan felt that maybe Lei wanted to have close contact with him.

For the sake of my own life, I still can't have such dangerous thoughts.

While Hu Qingshan was in a daze, breakfast was served.

The aroma comes first before the food arrives. It is different from the aroma of ordinary flour. This aroma is not only the smell of wheat, but also an extremely fresh flavor. It seems to be an extremely fresh feeling. It is very eye-catching, and there are also Mixed with some fresh fragrance, it smells very good.

The most eye-catching thing is definitely the aroma of fat, which is different from the usual lard aroma. This is the secret to its freshness.

Mutton is not only delicious in itself, but the mutton oil in it is different from ordinary oil. It has a fishy smell that is unique to sheep, as well as the aroma of meat. It is plump and delicious. Even before it is eaten, it is already a head start. , people have to notice it.

The second is its shape, which is like the shape of a pagoda. It is layered, one layer wrapped in another. Each layer is as thin as paper, but even so, the layers are clear, and you can count them at a glance. How many layers are there.

"1, 2, 3... 9, 19"

Hu Qingshan felt that his diploma might be a copycat, otherwise why it was clear that there were more than 20 levels but he couldn't count them clearly. This matter cannot be washed away, and he didn't know how to explain it.

He counted it several times but still couldn't figure out how many layers there should be. In the end, he still couldn't count clearly, which left people speechless.

"The fragrance must be too fragrant and interferes with my thinking. It's better to eat first to respect it." Hu Qingshan found the reason.

In fact, Yuan Zhou's craftsmanship is so good. Each layer is as thin as paper, one layer after another. Even if two layers are stacked together, it is just that. It cannot be very thick.

Hu Qingshan counted in front for a while and felt that the places he had just counted seemed to be stacked on top of each other. Then he turned around and counted again, then counted forward and then backward, and then again in front and then behind. Not to mention a person with poor logical ability. Yes, you will fall into a ditch if you are not careful. Even if you have good logical thinking and are cautious, you may not be able to avoid falling into a ditch.

It is really very thin, and even though the layers are very distinct, sometimes the eyes may not be able to react when they see it.

Yuan Zhou made two oil pagodas this time, each about the size of a fist. One was white and glossy, with a paper-thin surface, and the other was golden and yellow, with a paper-thin surface and different colors. The white one in the front was special to the Hui people. What I like to make, the one at the back is an extension of the oil pagoda, which is a style favored by the Uighurs. The name is "Saiweizi" and it is made of yellow radish.

The color is different, but it looks the same smooth and smooth, as if it can pass by just by touching it.

Sure enough, after Hu Qingshan got it, he found that it was indeed very silky, but even though it looked so shiny, it didn't feel sticky at all when he held it in his hand. Even though it looked very oily, his hand was still very dry. Not sticky at all.

"It has a similar name to the Golden Line Oil Tower, but nothing else. I wonder if it tastes good?"

Hu Qingshan directly stuffed the white oil tower into his mouth. He took one gulp and drank half of it. It was obvious that his mouth was wide open.

Oily but not greasy, fragrant and soft, completely different from the feeling of golden thread oil tart. Because of the participation of mutton oil, the oil tart is full of flavor, oily and smooth, and the remaining oil tart is like... The flowers spread out in layers, but of course they were not completely spread out, but seemed to be scattered but not scattered. There were some gaps between them, making them look whiter and fatter, and their appearance increased a lot.

Regardless of whether it looked good or not, Hu Qingshan stuffed an oil tart into his mouth in a few mouthfuls, and another golden oil tart immediately came into his hands, starting another round of food journey.

Compared with white tarts, yellow tarts have more radish flavor due to the coloring of yellow radish, which makes the noodles feel more moist. It is fluffier and softer than white noodles. Of course, there is no escape. Hu Qingshan's mouth.

He finished the meal in less than two strokes. At this moment, he noticed that there was a large bowl next to it, which should contain the powder soup that Yuan Zhou mentioned just now.

After smelling it carefully, the aroma was fragrant, but because the oil tower was there just now, I really didn't pay much attention to such a big bowl of soup, but now that it was the only thing left, it was very conspicuous.

There are also a variety of colors, yellow, white, red, green, and black. Each color represents a kind of ingredient. The more colors, the more ingredients. It is really rich.

Smell it, it tastes sour and spicy. If the presence of the oil tower was not too strong, and Hu Qingshan wanted to compare it with the Golden Line Oil Tower, he would not ignore such a strong presence.

For example, Master Ge does not.

The first thing he ate was not the oil tart but the powder soup. Without him, he saw the white powder pieces inside were stained with the dark soup, and the red and green ones looked really nice.

What's more, the fragrant aroma makes people want to taste it, so Master Ge followed his heart's wish and took a sip directly. The spicy and sour taste is particularly appetizing and comfortable. It is different from the spiciness of Hu spicy soup and the powdery taste. The soup is more spicy like peppers and onions, softer and more acceptable.

At least Master Ge, who is used to Yunnan cuisine, likes the noodle soup very much. After drinking several mouthfuls of the soup, he finally stopped his craving and could taste the various ingredients in it.

The soup is sour, spicy and mellow, which is really amazing. This makes me look forward to the ingredients that make it a supporting role.

Yuan Zhou had been simmering the soup over low heat since last night. It had been going on all night. It was not just as mellow as that.

The first thing Master Ge tasted was naturally the meat. It was cut into pieces about the same size as noodles. It looked a bit rotten on the surface. You could tell at a glance that it had been stewed for a long time. After eating it, it didn't show any signs of it. It comes out as if it has been stewed for a long time. It melts in your mouth, is delicious and juicy. Although a lot of the flavor of the mutton has flowed into the soup, a lot of the meat is still locked in. It is still plump and juicy and very delicious. .

It is different from ordinary mutton, probably because it has been stewed. Not only the umami flavor of the mutton itself, but also the taste of various ingredients permeates the mutton pieces, making it more fragrant and tender.

"Well, it's a shame. I should have come earlier if I had known. If I had come to Chengdu with Master Yuan at that time, I would have eaten a lot of delicious food."

Master Ge had a blood-stained expression on his face, and for those who didn't know it, he thought he had lost his money. The pain on his face was too obvious.