Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2701: Steamed bait shreds


As soon as Master Qin finished speaking, the diners next to him with their pricked ears understood clearly, "Come on the anchovies, it's delicious, no matter what else, just order one."

So Master Qin took the lead, and those who had never heard the name planned to order this dish that people misunderstood Yuan Zhou couldn't cook to see how delicious it was so that people would think Yuan Zhou couldn't make it.

I have heard of it or eaten it in Laifeng, and I want to try it to see how delicious Yuan Zhou’s cooking is.

The purposes are different. There are really many people eating anchovies today. There are ten people in the first echelon, not counting the people in the second echelon who were lining up at the door just now with their ears pricked up.

Not to mention everyone else, even Master Ge wanted to try it. Knowing that Master Qin had ordered one and he could definitely taste it, he didn't bother to do anything else.

Master Qin didn't think too much, or he didn't expect that his small move would cause such a big reaction. There was no way, no matter how big or small, matters related to Yuan Zhou attracted attention.

He was already thinking about whether to take it away or ask Master Ge to help him eat some. The next move of Master Ge suddenly gave up his idea.

"I want a portion of Gaoligong Mountain Braised Double Treasures, a portion of pork liver bream, a portion of large slices, a portion of steamed shredded bait, and a bowl of Babao rice."

Master Qin said it was good, Master Ge couldn't wait to open his mouth and announced several dish names at once. Master Qin was stunned for a moment.

I subconsciously looked at Master Ge's stomach and didn't notice that his stomach looked different from ordinary people's. Why did he order so many dishes

I originally planned to ask him for help, but now it seems that it is better not to ask him for help. For a while, even Master Qin didn't know what to say.

After Su Ruoyan memorized the menu and left, Master Qin quickly asked: "Lao Ge, have you prepared all the midnight snacks for tonight?"

He thought that after Master Ge ordered so much, he would definitely pack some to take away later. Otherwise, if he had four dishes and rice, even when he was young, Master Qin would have felt reluctant to finish it. After all, he was really good at it when he was young. It's physical work, mixing mud, making embryos, etc., which all require strength, so naturally I eat more, but it doesn't seem to be that much.

Now Master Ge is about the same age as him, so naturally he shouldn't be able to eat it.

"Of course not, we eat here. You have to have a good dinner, you know." Master Ge said with a proud look on his face.

As if he knew some martial arts secrets, his expression was only more arrogant but not the most arrogant. Master Qin was very confused.

Why does it feel like Master Ge is so different from when we met at the last exchange meeting? Is it really because he is older? So I have convulsions occasionally!

Master Qin felt that he should be considerate, so one of them was proud of knowing in advance how delicious Yuan Zhou’s food was and waited to see others laugh. The other thought that the other party was not smart, so he was more tolerant. Although they were not on the same line, it seemed quite harmonious. .

The friendly atmosphere between the two was broken until the first dish came.

Large thin slices. Anyone who has studied Yunnan cuisine will know and eat this dish, but this is the first time Master Ge has eaten it in a small shop.

As a veritable big thin slice, even though many people have already eaten it, the first time they met Master Qin and Master Ge, they were still amazed by the knife skills.

It's just as thin as a cicada's wing, the size of each piece is three fingers wide, with clear meridians, beautiful color, and unique pattern. The special pig head meat is cut into such a shape and it is already very eye-catching. Coupled with the spicy and sour spicy seasoning, it is even more eye-catching. It is even more powerful.

Master Qin, who didn't feel the need to pay attention to the other party's order, couldn't help but stare at it intently.

He not only stared with his eyes, but also started to move his hands. He couldn't help but pick up a piece of chopsticks, dip it in the delicious-looking sauce, and put it in his mouth.

The spicy, sour, and salty flavor immediately hits the taste buds. The meat that originally melts in your mouth has a lot of meridians, which adds a crisp and chewy texture, making the whole piece of meat appear crispy, tender, and chewy.

It not only gives the ultimate taste but also has some entertainment, making it very delicious no matter how you eat it. Master Bu Qin is already eating the third piece, and he can't control his hands at all. Such an appetizing and delicious thing, not Eating it in your mouth is not a waste of natural resources.

Even Master Ge took the time to stare at him for several times without even noticing. He was so immersed in the delicious food that he was afraid that he would eat less if he was distracted.

Master Qin finally came to his senses when the entire plate was empty, even the sauce bowl was empty.

"This dish made by Master Yuan is really delicious. This is a cold dish. It doesn't matter. My fish will be served later. You can eat it as you like."

Master Qin was a little embarrassed, but he thought that this pot should belong to Yuan Zhou. Who asked him to cook it so deliciously that he couldn't control how much he ate, so there was no need to be embarrassed at all. Master Ge didn't want to be too embarrassed, so he generously planned to share the dishes that were still on the way or in the pot on the cutting board.

Yuanzhou, who didn't know that the pot was falling from the sky, was still serious about cooking. Even though he was watching all directions and listening to all directions, it didn't hinder the movements of his hands. He lifted the knife and dropped it, cleanly and with a unique touch. Rhymes looks directly at some of the chefs in Silly Eaters.

It seems that today is indeed the most prosperous Master Qin. The next dish served is steamed shredded bait, which is also the dish ordered by Master Ge.

As a famous ingredient in Yunnan cuisine, bait cubes can be made in a variety of ways, and steaming bait shreds is just one of the very popular methods.

Specially made soy sauce and meat sauce, plus other fresh vegetables and various sauces, the fragrant appearance has changed from the silent appearance of the large slices, making it look particularly grand.

"This must be delicious." Master Qin said.

Master Ge didn't say anything. He already had the chopsticks in his hand. The bad look on his face just now was not because Master Qin snatched his food but because he didn't steal Master Qin's food. He couldn't bear this anymore, so this time he Being prepared, he felt that he must have been careless just now. It made no sense that he would lose to Master Qin who knew nothing about Yuan Zhou's cooking. It was simply unscientific.

So just after Su Ruoyan put down the steamed bait silk, Master Ge stretched out his chopsticks with a lightning speed and used the shooting star to catch the moon. He directly picked up a piece of bait silk and put it into his mouth. The thin bait silk was wrapped around it. With the meat sauce, the dark soy sauce dyed the originally white bait silk into a different color, as if it had changed its clothes.

But no matter how you change it, it can't change the soft, glutinous and sweet taste of the shredded bait. After being rendered by the thick soy sauce, the fragrant and glutinous texture of the shredded bait is highlighted more and more. The tender and juicy taste attracts people's attention.

The meat sauce seasoned with spices fully highlights its rich taste, and the unique spiciness of red garlic makes it even more delicious.

The delicious taste of the bait stimulated Master Ge's strength. He could use one chopstick faster than the other. Almost as soon as the previous chopstick reached his mouth, the next chopstick was already reaching his mouth. It is estimated that this is the speed of a tornado.