Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2704: All delicious


He agreed to Boss Tong's invitation to treat him, saying that Mo Yun wanted to thank him. No matter what the reason was, he still needed to prepare gifts. Yuanzhou planned to make some pastries and bring them there.

Boss Tong likes tofu. I don’t know if it’s because of her previous apprenticeship in a tofu shop. Anyway, Yuan Zhou knew that the only time she came to the shop to eat was a few tofu dishes.

"Let's make some tofu snacks and bring them to Aunt Tong."

As for Mo Yun, Yuanzhou knew that as long as Boss Tong was happy, he would be happy, just like when Yin Ya was happy, he would be happy too. It was the same principle.

Yuanzhou made up his mind and went to the kitchen to start selecting beans. They were all top-quality soybeans provided by the system. In Yuanzhou's eyes, there were also three, six or nine grades. He directly picked out the ones with perfect appearance as spares. Others such as eight I don’t want anyone who is perfect or even perfect.

Picking beans is definitely a technical job, otherwise Cinderella's stepmother would not have troubled her by sorting beans, but it is very simple when you get to Yuanzhou.

Just repeat the action of picking it up and putting it down, and his eyes can glance over and know which ones are suitable and which ones are not suitable at a glance.

After selecting, it is time to clean carefully. Use the water provided by the system, first pass through the water, then wash slowly and carefully, and finally you can start soaking.

As for the fact that the water used for washing is different every time, Yuanzhou said that he didn't know. As long as the system didn't provide more information, he would just assume that he was using ordinary tap water.

As a wealthy man, Yuanzhou is now very used to it as he will never be stingy when it comes to convenient ingredients.

Living in the whirlpool of being inferior to pigs, inferior to cows, inferior to plants and fruits every day is hard to get used to.

Yuan Zhou selects and soaks the beans here, and Mo Yun starts the same work over there.

The quality was not as good as the ones in Yuanzhou, but Mo Yun still made serious preparations. He checked the beans five times before he felt they were almost ready, and then he started to wash the beans. The water used to wash the beans was spring water coming down from the mountain. It has a sweet taste.

Mo Yun carefully kneaded the beans, ensuring that there would be no scars on the surface of the beans and that all floating dust on the surface would be clean. Mo Yun put in a lot of effort.

While washing the beans, Mo Yun would also pick out the beans with some tiny scars on them and throw them away.

Whether it was to entertain Yuan Zhou tomorrow or to cook what he thought was the best bean curd rice for Boss Tong, Mo Yun was full of energy and did everything seriously.

Time flew by and soon the next day’s lunch time passed.

What has been prepared in advance, what should be deep-fried, what should be steamed, and what should be refrigerated has been refrigerated.

By the time Yuan Zhou set off, four kinds of tofu snacks were already ready.

Yuan Zhou just said yesterday that Yin Ya might be on a business trip in the next two days. Unexpectedly, when she came back that night, Yin Ya told Yuan Zhou that she would be on a business trip the next day. So she sent Yin Ya off in the morning and had to go to the appointment alone in the afternoon. .

It is also because she has to free up a period of free time. Yin Ya has been very busy recently, and she is even competing with Yuan Zhou. If Yuan Zhou hadn't done a good job in logistics and eaten well, Yin Ya would have been so busy. I have to lose a few pounds instead of maintaining my previous weight like now.

Of course, Yin Ya didn't know whether to cry or laugh about this. She seemed to be happy that she wasn't fat, but she should have been thinner. This complicated feeling was like eating sugar and chili at the same time. It was indescribable.

"Good afternoon, Aunt Tong."

When Yuan Zhou arrived at a tofu shop, he saw Boss Tong waiting at the door. He knew at a glance that he was waiting for him.

Ever since Mo Yun and Boss Tong went out for a walk from time to time, there was a tofu shop that was as arbitrary as its name. There were no rules at all when opening the shop. It really opened whenever it wanted.

This strange rule also attracts many curious people to eat beancurd just to prove their luck.

"Xiao Yuan is here, please come in and invite people. Why do you bring things? I'm not telling you. You will have a family soon. Why are you so lavish? You need to be more careful. .”

When Boss Tong saw the food box handed to her by Yuan Zhou, her first reaction was that Yuan Zhou had spent money recklessly again. As an elder who had been through this, she felt that she should share more experiences with Yuan Zhou so that he could have an idea of his future life. Just fine.

She knew how expensive the food in Yuan Zhou's shop was, but in her heart, it was Yuan Zhou's craftsmanship that deserved it. It was not easy to make money, so naturally she would save money if she could.

"No, just a few snacks I made myself. They are made of tofu. These are new products. Aunt Tong can help me try them." Yuan Zhou is already able to handle this kind of scene skillfully.

Boss Tong definitely has good intentions and cannot help but appreciate it, but Yuanzhou himself has his own standards for doing things, so he can only find a balance in the middle. This is what the old lady has learned through experience.

"I have to try the tofu pastries." Boss Tong's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Speaking of which, I have eaten a lot of tofu, including the tofu banquet specially made by Yuanzhou. I have never tasted pastries specially made with tofu. This time I am in for a treat. Yuanzhou’s products must be delicious.

Within a few words, the two of them had already walked into the store. The store was still the same as before. There were only two or three tables and it looked relatively simple. Mo Yun was standing in front of a big iron pot, frothing the bean curd. It was very strange. A familiar scene.

Yuanzhou inexplicably remembered the tofu pudding he had eaten here when he took Cheng Zhaomei, Wu Hai and Ling Hong to pick vegetables at the vegetable base not far from here.

At that time, I thought the tofu pudding was quite good. I didn’t expect that after going around for several years, I would eat the tofu pudding cooked by Mo Yun again today.

He saw Yuan Zhou coming in, but Mo Yun was concentrating on serving Dou Hua, so he didn't say hello. Anyway, he was very relieved that Boss Tong was there.

Soon the bean curd was served.

The slightly yellow bean curd in a large coarse porcelain bowl looks quite good, and a plate of bean paste, sprinkled with some chopped green onion, is complete.

"Try it, little Yuan. How does it taste?" Mo Yun looked at Yuan Zhou expectantly.

This is the tofu pudding he made with all his efforts. He thinks it must be delicious, but he needs the evaluation of a professional like Yuan Zhou to make a final decision.

In the past, Mo Yun called Yuanzhou Boss Yuan or Chef Yuan, but since he told Boss Tong that he was open, he called him Xiao Yuan. Together with Boss Tong, he took care of Yuan Zhou. Even if Yuan Zhou didn't need it, he thought he could do his best. of power.

The most important thing is that I feel closer to Boss Tong.

Yuan Zhou picked up a piece of tofu pudding with his chopsticks, dipped it in it, and put it in his mouth. He immediately automatically analyzed what kind of beans the tofu pudding was made from, where the water was, whether the cooking temperature was too high, and a series of other questions. Anyway, it’s just a word that tastes bad.

It was completely different from when he ate before. Yuanzhou was silent for a moment and looked at Boss Tong, who was eating very happily next to him, and said, "Aunt Tong, do you think it tastes good?"

"Of course it's delicious. Although what Xiao Yuan makes is particularly delicious, I think what Old Man Mo makes is also delicious. It's specially made for me, so it must be very delicious."

The tofu in Boss Tong's bowl is intentionally scooped into a heart shape, which looks very delicate and beautiful. With the garnish of red chili sauce, it really looks like that.

Yuan Zhou nodded thoughtfully, something flashed in his mind like lightning.