Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2727: Please give me more advice for the rest of my life


He worked hard to get a satisfactory result. Yuan Zhou didn't feel it was hard. On the contrary, he always accepted the challenges in cooking. Especially when he was promoted to the Master of Cooking and was only one step away from the God of Cooking, he was even more enthusiastic about it. To face various cooking problems.

"Now that we know Senior Brother, we will definitely perform at our best."

The junior brothers and sisters are all wearing white and clean chef uniforms and tall chef hats today. They all look full of energy and enthusiasm. Even if their clothes are different, their appearance looks like a whole.

Today's task is very heavy, and everyone has to cook a lot of dishes, but they have practiced many times. In order to achieve the best state, not only Yuan Zhou asked them to practice, but they have also been practicing hard in private.

Raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while. They have been studying with Yuan Zhou for several years at the longest and several months at the shortest. The harvest is naturally huge. Their hearts are full of gratitude to Yuan Zhou. Normally, If you don’t have the chance to express it, you can only keep it deep in your heart. Now that the opportunity is in front of you, everyone is naturally working hard.

Besides, Yuan Zhou has already completed the most important part. If they don't pay attention to the auxiliary part, it would be absolutely embarrassing for their food to appear on the same table as Yuan Zhou's food.

The previous engagement ceremony was not so grand. Most of the dishes were cooked by Yuan Zhou. What they cooked was the simplest. They could already see the difference. All the dishes cooked by the chef were eaten and the plates were all clean. It is a great honor to be able to eat all the dishes cooked by an apprentice. It is absolutely impossible to keep the dishes clean.

Many of the dishes cooked by the apprentices were not finished, and only Cheng Zhaomei and Zhang Longquan were able to finish them.

After learning a lesson, they will definitely work harder this time. With Yuan Zhou's training, everyone is confident.

"As long as everyone has confidence, it will officially begin now."

Cheng Zhaomei looked at the time and found that it was already the scheduled time, so she gave a final word of encouragement and announced that production had officially started.

"Jingle bell clang", "ding jingle clang clang"

Cheng Zhaomei gave the order, and everyone started to get busy. Whether it was the huge steaming steamer or the clean stove next to it, the fire was ready, and everyone started working enthusiastically.

Although everyone is busy, probably after being influenced by Yuan Zhou, they are all busy but not chaotic. Their initial movements are different, but their calm and self-possessed appearance is exactly the same.

Cheng Zhaomei stared at her junior brothers and sisters for a few times but didn't find anything wrong. She immediately turned around and walked towards her stove. As a senior brother, he has the best craftsmanship and the most authentic inheritance from Yuan Zhou. Naturally, the task is also the heaviest. The master of each table Yuan Zhou is responsible for the dishes, so the secondary dishes that occupy the second place are under his control.

Naturally, she is also very busy. If it weren't for coordinating the overall situation and interfering with the master's wedding, Cheng Zhaomei would not be able to find time to visit everyone.

There are a lot of dishes to cook this time, and most of them bring helpers. They don’t have to cook or even cut vegetables. They just need to help wash various ingredients. If it weren’t for the auspicious time, Disciples won’t bring people here either.

The first lesson I learned after becoming an apprentice to Yuan Zhou was that only by doing it myself can I feel the different properties of each ingredient and better know how to cook it.

Cheng Zhaomei and the others started to prepare the dishes in a hurry. The wedding scene was already properly decorated. Many people were working together and Yan Ming, the most professional person, was on site to direct the wedding, so the efficiency was naturally high.

Compared with the elegance and compactness of the engagement ceremony, the wedding ceremony was naturally more luxurious and noble. First of all, the venue was many times larger than the engagement ceremony. Looking at it, it was definitely more than a football field. It was worthy of Queen Jiang and What Wu Yungui and Wu jointly created is heroic spirit.

The ground is covered with green grass, covered with thick grass carpets, and occasionally there are some small wild flowers interspersed among them. Although they are small, one or two flowers may not be eye-catching, but there are one flowers at a distance, and they look very beautiful. .

Large, beautiful log-colored round tables were placed on the grass, covered with red embroidered table cushions, and the backrest chairs also had the same cushions. They looked very solemn and warm.

Right in front of the large table and chairs, there is an area that looks like it is arranged as a stage. There is a huge wedding photo of Yuan Zhou and Yin Ya hanging there. Different from the Western-style wedding photos, Yuan Zhou and Yin Ya are wearing the same clothes. Chinese-style dresses, wide robes and long sleeves, phoenix crowns and harems, handsome men and beautiful women, they look like a match made in heaven.

The stage decorated like an ancient wedding hall looks antique. At first glance, it is majestic. If you taste it carefully, you will find that every detail is very ingenious. It can be seen that Yan Ming is by no means unworthy of his reputation and is extremely powerful.

Different from the festive and solemn wedding, there is a strong atmosphere of human fireworks over the stove of Yishui not far away. It seems out of place, but at a glance, it is very harmonious and has an indescribable warmth. feel.

Unlike the peace and beauty here, there was a lot of excitement there in Yuanzhou. The groomsmen all followed Yuanzhou to welcome the bride, and the bridesmaids all waited by Yin Ya's side for protection.

The single apartment where Yin Ya lived before had been bought by Yuan Zhou as a gift to Yin Ya, so she was considered to be getting married in her own home.

Yuan Zhou, who has a lot of money, said that as for the house, he can just buy it and there is no need to think about it so much.

She felt more comfortable getting married in her own home. Not only Yin Ya felt comfortable, but also the groomsmen and bridesmaids, headed by Mao Xiong and Wu Lin, who were full of tricks and determined not to let Yuan Zhou take Yin Ya away easily.

Rao was as confident and powerful as Yuan Zhou, and finally found the wedding shoes hidden in the crystal lamp and took Yin Ya away in embarrassment.

Although there were more bridesmaids and more problems blocking the way, the time until Yuan Zhou picked up the bride was about the same, and it wasn't much later or earlier.

Arriving at the wedding venue at the scheduled time, the next thing went much smoother. Under Yan Ming's extremely professional quality, the wedding was carried out step by step according to the preset settings. Soon Yuanzhou took over Yin Ya from Yin Ya's father. , after the couple said goodbye, all that was left was to exchange rings.

The wedding ring is different from the engagement ring. This ring is the red diamond ring that Yuan Zhou gave Yin Ya for the proposal before, and it is used directly here. As for the other colored diamond rings he bought, Yin Ya said that they can be used at every turn. After wearing several houses on my hands, I feel that my fingers are relatively thin and cannot bear the weight.

"Xiaoya, please give me your advice for the rest of my life."

Yuan Zhou looked at the charming Yin Ya next to him, and a feeling of excitement and joy suddenly arose in his heart. Different from the complacency of learning a dish, this feeling was warmer and sweeter.

"Wood, thank you."

Yin Ya was very satisfied with today's wedding. Yuan Zhou's care for her was evident in every aspect. She was involved in many things, but she didn't realize how attentive and considerate it was until she saw it live.