Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 2736: starting point end point


During business hours, Yuan Zhou always abides by the principle and will not be distracted by other things. Those who can nod to greet are either close friends or seniors. Otherwise, if he only nods once when someone comes, most of his time will be wasted on nodding, and he will lose his head. .

Tan Mingxin and Qiu Minglu obviously knew this, and they nodded and found a seat by themselves. They came in earlier and chose a table for two. Being older, they felt that sitting at the table was more convenient than sitting at the bar. Be more prudent.

"What do you want to eat?" Qiu Minglu asked Tan Mingxin while considering which ethnic dishes he would eat.

He specializes in the cuisines of eight ethnic groups. If he ordered them all, he would definitely not be able to finish them all. There is a rule in this small shop that if you eat too much, you will be blacklisted, and you cannot take it away, so you still need to cut it down.

As Yuanzhou became more and more famous, the rules of the small shop became familiar to everyone. As long as they came to eat in the small shop, even those who came here for the first time would want to look for the rules of the small shop to avoid making mistakes. , you can’t come to the small shop to eat at that time.

It is also the bloody lessons of the predecessors that make everyone extra vigilant. Many people on Taoxi Road are tourists. Therefore, as long as economic conditions allow, many tourists also like to queue up to eat in small shops.

Many people came here on their own without knowing the rules. They ordered a lot on a whim, thinking that they would take it away if they couldn't finish it. They didn't read the rules carefully, so they could only taste the bitter fruit by themselves. That was really cheating. I won't be able to get off the blacklist, and I won't be able to eat in the restaurant again.

Not only one person who does this thinks about packing, but the reality is cruel, and many people regret it. They use themselves as an example to be active on various websites and groups of small shops, and give their own experience. One is to make everyone think Be careful not to make unnecessary mistakes. One is to hope to have a chance to get off the blacklist.

Although the chance is slim, if you don't do it, there is no hope at all. If you do it, there will be some hope. Especially for those who have tried Yuan Zhou's craftsmanship but can't eat it again, it is really necessary to keep some thoughts.

Later people learned from the lessons of their predecessors, and they were definitely familiar with several rules related to vital interests. Even Qiu Minglu had memorized the rules first.

"I ordered two dishes before, which are Kung Fu dishes from Tan's cuisine. I want to try Chef Yuan's cooking."

When the question came to the head, Tan Mingxin couldn't just answer no, so he could only answer honestly. Even if he didn't talk for a while, he should know.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Minglu glanced at his old friend meaningfully, and finally understood why he looked vaguely reluctant before.

"Then my luck is really good today." Qiu Minglu said.

When Su Ruoyan came to order, Qiu Minglu directly ordered the dishes from the several ethnic groups at the top of the menu. If he couldn't decide, it was always right to order them in order.

"Stir-fried sauerkraut in cold water, plain-cut Zhuang chicken, and bird fermented pork are the first things to order."

"I've already made a reservation. Just come on." Tan Mingxin said quickly.

After Su Ruoyan nodded to express her understanding, she handed the menu for this table to Yuan Zhou. Before Qiu Minglu could discuss the reservation with Tan Mingxin, he was distracted by the delicious smell.

"It smells good." Qiu Minglu sniffed and was attracted by the scent.

Tan Mingxin breathed a sigh of relief and found out that the smell was very familiar. She turned around and saw the waiter coming over with a bowl.

When you get closer, you can see that the bowl is full of crystal clear soup, thick and mellow, and embellished with white minced garlic and other ingredients. This is stir-fried liver, a classic snack in Beijing cuisine.

The most authentic way to eat fried liver is to first smoke it in a circle around the bowl. After sucking it in such a circle, there will be no danger of the full bowl of fried liver overflowing.


This is what Tan Mingxin did after getting the fried liver. He took a sip first. The soup was crystal clear, the pig intestines were fat, smooth and tender, the liver was tender and fragrant, light and not greasy, mellow and delicious, and it tasted great.

Even if you've already had soybean juice and charcoal rings in the morning, the fried liver is still amazing.

"Isn't it rude of you to eat from a bowl without ordering it? I'm going to share it with you when the food I ordered comes." Qiu Minglu said confidently.

Tan Mingxin didn't want to share it, but he was also very curious about the dishes Qiu Minglu had ordered before. If he didn't share it with him, he would definitely not have a portion when the dishes came out, so he had to bear the pain and share some.

Qiu Minglu picked up a diamond-shaped piece of pork liver and put it into his mouth. The surface was coated with a layer of clear soup, which was delicious and mellow. The pork liver inside was soft, tender and fragrant, without a trace of visceral odor.

"It's soft, tender, and extremely delicious. It leaves a fragrant taste in your mouth after eating it. It doesn't have the fishy smell of ordinary pork liver at all. It's really a superb technique." Qiu Minglu was full of praise after eating it.

"So, do you think you are bragging about Chef Yuan's skills?" Tan Mingxin rolled her eyes at Qiu Minglu.

"What dishes did you order?"

Qiu Minglu originally thought that he would know when the food was served, but now that he had fried liver, he couldn't wait to know what delicious dishes would be served next.

"Those are the bird's nest in clear soup and the sesame buns." Tan Ming thought to himself.

"They are all good things." Qiu Minglu's eyes lit up with anticipation.

There is no time when Yuanzhou's products are not delicious. It is not uncommon for two good friends to almost fight because of the uneven distribution of delicious food.

It can be said that the shop is not only a touchstone of friendship, but also love and family ties. If you want to know whether your relationship is good or not, just come to the shop and try to see if they can make you eat more of Yuan Zhou’s delicious food.

The better Yuan Zhou's cooking skills are, the higher the status of the God of Cooking shop is and the more prestige it has. It is natural for it to be regarded as a standard by all kinds of people.

With the arrival of Tan Mingxin and Qiu Minglu, the recruitment of the last registered disciples of Huaxia Cuisine has begun. At this point, Yuan Zhou has accepted all the registered disciples of Huaxia Cuisine.

It was over at home, but there were still many people who were crying for food internationally. In the days that followed, Cheng Zhaomei and Xu Ban were very busy, busy putting Yuan Zhou's ideas into reality.

Inspired by Qiu Minglu and the others, Yuanzhou felt that it was not a big deal to accept named disciples one by one, and he should not be too unfavorable to one. As a chef, you can't have equal exposure, and you have to look at each other.

After the Chinese cuisine came to an end, Yuan Zhou proposed to establish a Yuan Academy to specifically select talented chefs from around the world who want to make progress and are willing to work hard to improve their cooking skills. From now on, I will have the opportunity to listen to Yuan Zhou’s lectures once a month.

Of course, what Yuan Zhou actually said was just an idea and a rough framework. For example, it was oriented to the whole world, regardless of country or ethnicity. In terms of age, it was divided into three stages: youth, middle-aged, and old. There are also three parts for everyone. Once a month, but the quota must be rotated once a year. Even if you don't work hard, you may be kicked out by someone who comes from behind. This can also effectively ensure that there will be no people who can't find a place to eat.

Of course, the specific rules will be discussed by Xu Ban and Cheng Zhaomei in the following time, and then they will be given to Yuan Zhou to choose. Even the name of the Yuan Institute was decided by them. Although Yuan Zhou felt a little ashamed, he thought that In fact, he organized it, so he didn’t have to worry about this matter.

With adequate preparations in advance, Cheng Zhaomei, Xu Ban, and Yuan Zhou also invested a lot of energy. Three months later, the first Yuan Academy officially started.

At this point in the history of the world, a major organization that promotes the take-off of the culinary world has finally opened its curtain and lifted its mysterious veil, making great contributions to cultivating generations of outstanding chefs.

It has also made a mark in history, making many scholars in later generations very interested in this society that has influenced generations of chefs since its emergence. Many experts from various countries have conducted in-depth and simple analyzes of this society. , it’s a pity that they can’t analyze what prompted Yuan Zhou to make such a selfless contribution.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the ultimate mission and being directly upgraded to become the God of Cooking!"

After the first session of the Yuan Society was successfully held, the system set off fireworks in Yuan Zhou's mind. They were colorful and gorgeous and could not be concealed. The conspicuousness of that line of words and the wild handwriting of the system could be seen at a glance. of excitement.

Of course, it should be excited. When Yuan Zhou was less than forty and in his early thirties, he completed the task and became the God of Cooking. It was simply a very incredible thing. It was no simpler than binding a system.

Yuan Zhou has accomplished such a thing. The system sincerely feels that he was so lucky to be able to bind Yuan Zhou in the first place. It is definitely the most correct thing he has done since he became the president.

"Finally succeeded in achieving the goal."

Yuan Zhou raised his eyes and looked at the wanton clouds on the horizon. He was neither excited nor nervous. He had a sense of certainty that it would come naturally. He had expected it a long time ago, but now it is just settled.

"The mission is completed, what are you going to do in the future, Comrade System?"

Although he has completed the task, Yuan Zhou is still full of ambition. This is not the end but another starting point. He will set sail again and there is no end to learning.

Feeling the strong belief in Yuan Zhou's heart, the system said: "In the future, I will accompany the host to record the dishes, knife skills and other cooking techniques created by the host in order to update the system's database. "

It seems that Yuan Zhou has been regarded as the target of data collection. This is the most implicit recognition of the system!

"Then let's work hard together!" Yuan Zhou was confident.

"Mumu, come here, come here, see if the banner here needs to be moved a little further to the left."

In the distance, Yin Ya shouted loudly to Yuan Zhou, with a comfortable smile on her pretty and bright face. The corners of her eyes and brows were full of happiness. She looked like she was content with her life.


Yuan Zhou replied and strode towards Yin Ya. There was a lot of excitement there, but he was heading towards another destination.

The starting point and the end point are nothing but death. How you think about it all depends on the human being.

(Complete book)

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