Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 3: clean


After carefully looking at the uncomplicated panel three times, Yuanzhou had an idea. He looked at the night outside the glass window and then looked at the time on his phone, 20:49.

Although it was so late, Yuanzhou couldn't stop being excited and began to think about the mission.

"I have my own store. Now the store downstairs is mine, both legally and practically, but the task status is still unfinished." Yuanzhou tapped the bedside table with his fingers while thinking.

Is it because there is no signboard or because it is not open

Seeing that the system still didn't respond, Yuanzhou asked directly, "What standards should be considered for your own store?"

The system now reads: "Have a store belonging to the host that is open for business."

In this way, Yuanzhou understood the standards of the task, got up and started rummaging in the closet.

He took out one piece to look at, then stuffed it back, then pulled out another piece. After rummaging for a few minutes, he finally found a piece of clothing specially designed for cleaning.

Yuanzhou was stunned for a while while holding the clothes.

The clothes are a stain-resistant navy blue, pure cotton that is comfortable to wear and easy to wash. It looks like an ordinary T-shirt, but there are several words of Yuanzhou Noodle House reflected on the whole side.

This piece of clothing was worn for work in the summer when my parents were still alive. It was also a cultural shirt bought at a stall when a family of three went out to have fun during the New Year, and then had it printed on.

As for the two belongings of his parents, they had been burned by Yuan Zhou and buried together in the cemetery.

After changing his clothes in a few moments, Yuanzhou thought for a while, took a peaked hat and put it on, took out a towel from the bathroom, grabbed his slippers and went downstairs.


Turning on the dusty switch on the wall, several lamps glowed brightly.

The first floor was still as dirty and messy, and even the marks of a recent fall were still there. A clear silhouette of a figure stood out on the yellow tiles.

A total of thirty square meters, the kitchen is separated from the lobby, and another one-meter-wide door is opened, facing the door. There are six long red tables in the lobby, one table with four chairs, but Now he is not in his original position, being knocked around by Yuan Zhou who collapsed at that time.


Yuan Zhou reached out and pushed several tables, but they all made unpleasant noises, and one even fell down with a "bang".

"It seems like they can't be used anymore." Yuan Zhou shook his head and looked at the chair carefully.

I found that only the one I had been sitting on was still intact. It was just thrown from the front and now it was a little shaken. I had to replace it all.

The wallpaper on the wall has also fallen off, and the kitchen is once used by a noodle shop. There is a double-burner gas stove, the circle inside broke off when it was slightly touched, and there is also a noodle bucket, I don’t know if it is broken or not. , but I don’t plan to use it at all. After all, I don’t know how to open a noodle shop, and I don’t want to open a noodle shop.

Night falls and the stars are shining.

At exactly nine o'clock in the evening, various "crackling" sounds came from the former Yuanzhou Noodle House. Occasionally, pedestrians passing by would look at the sounds strangely coming from this shop that didn't even have a sign.

Three and a half hours later, Yuan Zhou's whole body was covered in gray, with patches of dirt on his face, spider webs hanging from his hat, the original color of the towel on his hand could no longer be seen, and there was a layer of black dust on his feet exposed in the slippers. .

With this look, standing at the top of the stairs with a smug smile on your face, you can save money on hiring a cleaner.

Looking out at the clean hall and kitchen, ignoring the various garbage piled at the door, this small shop has begun to take shape.

Throw the white towel, whose original color cannot be seen, into the garbage bag.

"Oh, my old waist was born in 1992."

Stretching, Yuan Zhou walked upstairs. The first thing he did was to go to the bathroom to wash up. He didn't dare to enter his room like this.

Half an hour later.

Yuan Zhou sat on a chair with water dripping from his hair, pulled out a piece of paper and started recording what needed to be done tomorrow.

One hand tapped the table slowly, and the other hand wrote seriously...

After making arrangements for tomorrow, regardless of whether her hair was still half dry, she fell on the bed and started to sleep. She fell in love with Miss Zhou without even covering her with a thin quilt.

It's April in Chengdu. The weather is just right, neither too cold nor too hot. It's a good time to sleep well.

The brain suddenly asked, what is the first thing to do when you wake up? The answer is to open your eyes, but Yuan Zhou is obviously not like this.

I closed my eyes and accurately touched the toilet all the way. After I was liberated, I fell on the bed with a "bang" and continued to sleep. Of course, I didn't open my eyes the whole time.

He hadn't been lying on the bed for a minute when Yuan Zhou suddenly opened his eyes, as if there was a spring pressing on his back, and jumped up, "System!"

There was no answer from the system.

After seeing that the status of the task in his mind was still unfinished, Yuan Zhou finally confirmed that this was not a dream.

Yuanzhou was in a good mood and started to wash up and prepare to complete the task set last night.

Standing in front of the door, he took a deep breath and opened the door with force. The sound surprised the owner of the dry cleaning shop next door.

"Ah, it's Yuan Zhou. Open the door and go out?"

Boss Tong is the best shop on this street. After all, everyone has two good clothes now. If they can’t wash themselves, they send them to the dry cleaners. Now I’m a little surprised to see Yuan Zhou open the door. After all, it’s been a long time since it closed. I haven't opened it yet, this is the first time in three years.

"Good morning, Aunt Tong." Yuan Zhou was looking at his results last night with satisfaction when he was interrupted by Boss Tong's voice.

"Hey, are you cleaning up your shop? Are you ready to open it? Then Aunt Tong will come to try your cooking." Boss Tong walked out of his shop and looked at the garbage and clean ones piled beside the door. Ground asked with kindness on his thin face.

"Well, thank you Aunt Tong. By the way, does the garbage collector still come here every day?" Yuanzhou thought that there was still a lot of scrap iron here that could be reused.

After all, it would be very expensive to re-open this shop and buy things. Apart from the untouched fifty thousand, I had no other savings. No matter how small the mosquitoes were, they were still meat, and it also saved me the trouble of throwing out the garbage.

"Come on, come on, is this for sale? That man is still a while away. I'll call you to stop when he comes." Boss Tong said enthusiastically.

"Then I'll bother Aunt Tong. I'll go find someone to repair the wallpaper and the kitchen first." Yuan Zhou smiled gratefully and said something more before closing the door and leaving.

"Boss, what do you think of these clothes?"

Boss Tong, who was still sighing, heard that there was a business and immediately responded and returned to his shop.

Yuan Zhou, who had not walked this street for a long time, observed as he walked that many of the houses on this street were no longer the same as before, and several were under renovation and had changed owners.

Only I, the auntie Tong next door, a hardware and groceries store were left, and then there was a shop selling animation peripherals.

"Hey, hardware store..." After thinking about it, Yuan Zhou walked into the hardware store.

"Boss Zhao, are you here?" Yuan Zhou entered the store.

The hardware store has not changed much. Things are still there, as if they haven't been moved much.