Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 45: How to light up special ordering tips


Of course Yuanzhou didn't understand Wu Hai's complex psychology, but he still said calmly, "Whatever you want."

"Boss Yuan, you have to tell me what it is, right?" Wu Hai asked unwillingly.

"You'll know when you order. What are you going to eat today?" Yuan Zhou still didn't say anything and just asked something else.

"Boss Yuan, you have to be kind. You see, this disc is not cheap. Just tell us what it is. At least tell us the size, right?" The man sitting next to Wu Hai interjected.

Price list: Twenty-two special discs, 108/disc

Special Discs Thirteen, 108/disc

"It's the same size as a pickled radish plate." Yuan Zhou thought for a moment and then said it.

"Since the prices are the same, why are they marked with different serial numbers? Is it more delicious if the serial number is higher?"

"It's to express different flavors. They are ranked in no particular order." Yuan Zhou just didn't bother to explain what the things were, and he didn't want to say more.

"Boss Yuan is great."

The man who just interrupted gave Yuan Zhou a thumbs up, indicating that he was completely convinced. Such a small dish cost more than a hundred not to mention what it was. His money was not blown by the strong wind, so he might as well forget it.

"Give me a bowl of clear soup noodles." The man ordered the new noodles.

"Chenghui 268." Yuan Zhou nodded.

"Boss Yuan's heart is still as dark as ever, so for the same size of plates, will this one be more?" Wu Hai asked tangledly.

To eat or not to eat has always been a big question.

After carefully comparing them in his mind, Yuan Zhou said, "It's less in comparison."

"I've thought about it, I'd rather have clear soup noodles and the special plate Thirteen, and I'll order something else later." Wu Hai decisively chose something that could fill him up, plus a plate. Curiosity is human nature, not to mention Wu Hai. The sea is not short of money.

"Okay, wait a minute." Yuan Zhou walked back to the kitchen and was about to start cooking noodles.

Ma Wei felt that his outlook on life needed to be restructured. “Such a delicious thing is actually egg fried rice, which I didn’t really like before.”

On the other hand, Wu Anlu ate seriously and religiously, constantly thinking, "Eat slower, slower still, after all, one person can only eat one portion."

Ma Wei turned his head with difficulty and stopped staring at his egg fried rice. He turned to look at other colleagues and found that they all looked like they couldn't help themselves. The expressions on their faces were unprecedented.

Chinese people have a dining table culture, that is, they like to chat while eating, and almost everyone is no exception.

At a dinner like this to celebrate success, it was basically just drinking and chatting at the table. Unexpectedly, no one spoke this time. Apart from the conversation between Yuan Zhou and Wu Hai just now, the only sounds in the small shop were the chewing of food and the chatter of people. A conscious exclamation of 'delicious'.

"Boss, you are too cruel. After eating this kind of egg fried rice, if you go back and fry it yourself, how will you eat it?"

"I actually think this price is cheap. Am I crazy?"

Ma Wei, who usually dislikes egg fried rice, was the first to finish the meal and shouted "Boss, have another one" without thinking.

Wu Anlu, who was finishing his meal, stopped him and said, "Boss Yuan, each person can only order one portion per meal, so don't waste your time."

"Ah, no way." The first person to scream was not Ma Wei, but the slightly fat Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu was jokingly known as a good eater in their group. Such a delicious egg fried rice, let alone a Bowls, even ten bowls are not too many, okay

"It's Xiao Liu. I forgot about you. I'll order you something else when I go out. Don't worry I won't starve you." Wu Anlu turned his head and looked at Xiao Liu and said with a smile.

"You're not such a boss. After eating such delicious egg fried rice, how can you eat anything else for a while?" Xiao Liu cried sadly, not caring that the person in front of him was his boss.

"That's right, boss, why don't you talk to the boss? I think you are quite familiar with the boss." Ma Wei kept urging.

The colleagues next to him all looked at their boss expectantly.

Wu Anlu spread his hands, "This is too difficult. It's better for me to get a big order like today than to ask Boss Yuan to get another one."

As the boss, he bluntly said that he was powerless. When several people were dejected, Wu Hai, who was speaking half a sentence, interrupted.

"Look at the rules carefully."

Of course, Wu Hai was not so old-fashioned. He thought that he was also one of those who had been unable to eat for a long time. Now, although these people made him feel that he was in the same boat, he would not tell them the special skills of ordering food so easily.

Watching people eat up is still fun.

"Rules?" Wu Anlu and the people he brought subconsciously looked back at the price list on the wall.

"Boss Yuan, you have introduced so many new dishes, why didn't you tell me just now?" Wu Anlu looked at the new dishes on the menu that he had never eaten before, and immediately started shouting.

Yuan Zhou, who was cooking noodles in the kitchen, said directly, "You didn't ask."

"Boss Yuan, what you said makes perfect sense." The sales manager with a good temper and a high salary couldn't hold back and started swearing.

But Yuanzhou turned a deaf ear.

In order to avoid being angry to death, Wu Anlu began to study the rules on the price list one by one just like he studied his partners.

Several men were the first to comment.

"Boss, are these rules meant to make fat people like us starve to death?" Xiao Liu said while watching Yuan Zhou's reaction, hoping that his ploy to pretend to be pitiful would succeed.

"I just want to have another bowl right now, but I can't think of an idea." Ma Wei looked at the rules, then looked at his boss and said helplessly.

The most handsome man in the group, but with the least presence, joked, "How about we buy and sell by force?"

Wu Hai looked at the people who were working together and was very happy. He also finally knew the special skills of ordering food. How could he just tell them so easily and wait for those people to come and ask for help.

The calmest woman in the group suddenly said, "Boss, look at this rule, it says, 'Any meal, each person can only provide one serving per meal.' But there are several kinds of meals on it, we can try ordering egg fried rice." , so it doesn’t violate the regulations.”

As soon as these words came out, several people present understood that this was a loophole in the rules. Several people immediately shouted happily, "Boss Yuan, six more portions of egg fried rice, not a set meal."

After shouting, several people waited nervously for Yuan Zhou's answer.

Yuan Zhou turned his head and responded lightly, "Wait a moment."

"Successful, it's so simple." Ma Wei said proudly, completely unaware that his boss's face was dark.

Wu Anlu felt tired of this subordinate who couldn't speak. "If it's simple, is it a lie that I don't have enough to eat every time before I work overtime? I'm just a stupid subordinate."

The serious Wu Anlu was extremely arrogant.

Yuanzhou feels that the items in his store now fit its name. For example, the clear soup noodles are really clear soup noodles, with clear soup without even chopped green onion.

First, he put the two bowls of noodles on the tray, took out a small plate with green vines on the side, and scooped out the blueberry jam from the jar. As for how Wu Hai planned to eat the sweet jam and salty noodles, he didn't care about Yuan Zhou. , Yuanzhou thought irresponsibly.

Clear noodle soup appeared in my friends’ eyes for the first time...