Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 47: System BUG


"There are many new products. I'll also try the noodle soup. What's that plate?" Yin Ya asked.

"You'll know when you click. Do you want to try?" Yuanzhou is quite patient with beautiful women. At least he asked if he wanted to try.

"Beauty, don't listen to him. That number 13 is Blueberry Jam, and I don't know about the other one." Wu Hai started to make trouble.

"Then let's have some blueberry jam. Jam is more to my liking." Yin Ya ordered blueberry jam. It's always safer to know what it is.

"Okay, wait a moment, you two." Yuanzhou didn't react at all to Wu Hai's trouble. He usually choked him, but occasionally made him feel like he had won.

Both of them ordered noodles, which are easier to make.

He took out the special chopsticks and picked out two portions of the noodles that had been divided into portions by the system. Two of the ceramic grids below were filled with seventy percent water. Almost as soon as the noodles were pinched, the water started to boil.

The noodles rolled and jumped in the boiling water, like white dragons. After a slight roll, some gold powder was sprinkled on them. Taking advantage of this time, Yuan Zhou made two bowls of ingredients very quickly.

He took out two more plates and placed them, so that the time was almost up. He picked up the noodles with long bamboo chopsticks and rolled them slightly when putting them in, so that the ingredients inside were stirred evenly. Pour a ladle of hot soup into the last bowl. The aroma starts to come out.

"Pah, pah"

After two clear sounds, Yuanzhou put the noodles into the tray.

Turning around and starting to mix the sauce, Yuanzhou carefully conducted a small experiment this time. The system did not respond until the sauce was put on the tray. This made Yuanzhou basically confirm his guess.

Yuanzhou calmly picked up the tray and served the food to the two of them.

"Ouch, it's actually chili sauce, or beef chili sauce. I'm so happy, I can eat spicy food." Wu Hai looked happily at the small plate of chili sauce in front of him, not to mention how happy he was.

Looking at the clear soup noodles and the chili sauce, Wu Hai thought he had thought of a perfect idea. He picked up the chili sauce and poured it into the noodles...

"Sorry, you can't add anything else to the clear soup noodles, including seasonings." At this time, Yuan Zhou directly picked up the clear soup noodles and said slowly.

"Uh..." Wu Hai was dumbfounded while holding the plate.

What do you mean, in this unreasonable world, people are not allowed to add chili pepper to their noodles. Wu Hai almost wanted to cry to Yuan Zhou.

"Boss Yuan, I can't live without chili peppers. Can't live means I will die." Wu Hai looked at Yuan Zhou with a serious face as if it was a matter of life and death, with an uncompromising light in his eyes.

"That's it. If you add it today, just don't come to my store in the future." Yuanzhou said slowly putting the clear soup noodles back to their original place.

"Boss Yuan, let's discuss it, don't be so ruthless." Wu Hai paused and was about to fall down, looking at Yuan Zhou who looked like everything was easy to discuss.

"This is clear soup noodles." Yuan Zhou stopped him with one sentence.

"Can't you change it?" Wu Hai held out hope.

"No." He continued to refuse.

"Boss Yuan, you are so principled that you will stay single for the rest of your life, and you will never find a girlfriend." Wu Hai put down the plate of chili sauce dejectedly and uttered the most vicious curse.

"No, I'm so handsome and I know how to cook, unless female creatures become extinct on earth." Yuan Zhou thought about it seriously and said.


This was Wu Hai's disdain, and then he started to eat while looking at the bottom of the chili sauce, so that he still felt a bit spicy. This was another benefit for Wu Hai, who had a serious addiction to spicy food. At least there were chili peppers in the store now. Isn't it

"It looks so beautiful." Yin Ya looked at the food on the table and sighed for her appearance.

There’s no telling what the color of the blueberry jam is. Girls all like good-looking things. Don’t you see that when girls choose fruits or vegetables, they always choose good-looking ones

Now of course blueberry jam is the first to be loved.

The blueberry jam saucer is equipped with a special small spoon, which is only the size of a little finger, but the length is suitable for the hand's grip.

Blueberry pulp is originally colorless, but its skin is blue. After being made into jam, the flesh is also dyed blue, making it look magnificent.

The blueberries provided by the system are certainly not ordinary.

The system's current words: "Blueberry is a low shrub perennial shrub with small berry fruit tree. It is short and wild, with small particles and rich in anthocyanins. Because the fruit is blue, it is called blueberry."

"This system uses wild blueberries and cultivates them to form a new variety. After this variety is planted, the fruit will be large and the pulp will be full, which improves the taste of wild blueberries and enhances the body's absorption and utilization of anthocyanins."

"The blueberry fruit provided by this system is rich in nutrients and has functions such as preventing brain aging, protecting eyesight, strengthening the heart, anti-cancer, softening blood vessels, and enhancing human immunity. The nutrients are extremely high."

"The blueberries used to make jam are also strictly screened, and those that do not meet the regulations are directly eliminated. The water used to wash the blueberries is selected from iceberg spring water to maintain the freshness and nutrients of the blueberries as much as possible."

"The sugar used to make blueberry jam is also sucrose."

“The sweetness of sucrose is second only to fructose, so it can be easily blended with blueberries to form an excellent flavor and a delicate and rich taste.”

"The compatibility of sucrose and the nutrients in blueberries allows you to enjoy the sweet feeling of eating jam without causing obesity, increased blood pressure, and increased blood sugar."

"Bah, bah, bah."

Yin Ya chewed slowly and ate very seriously. This kind of blueberry jam was much more delicious than eating blueberries. Blueberries always have a astringent taste that cannot be removed. Sometimes they are also very sour, while jam is not at all. I'm worried, the sweetness and sour taste are just right, and I don't feel tired at all. It's no problem to have another can.

Looking at the two people who were eating seriously, Yuan Zhou took advantage of this gap to find the system.

"System, I discovered your loophole. Should I be rewarded?" Yuan Zhou spoke directly to the point.

The system now reads: "Host, please work hard to upgrade and don't dream."

The system's response is also very simple.

"Is the weight of everything you took out the same?" Yuan Zhou remained unmoved and continued to ask.

As soon as these words came out, the system was quiet for a long time...

A few minutes later, the system displayed: "The host is right."

"Can you see what's going on in the store?" Yuan Zhou went to another place.

The system now reads: "If the host needs it, it can be done now."

"Then look at the difference between the lady and the man. They ordered the same thing, but the weights are completely different." Yuan Zhou pointed out the key point directly.

The first time he ordered the Wuhai specialty small dish, Yuan Zhou found that if he scooped it manually, he could decide which one to scoop more or less. At first, he only had the Wuhai point, so he couldn't be sure.

But this time, Yuan Zhou deliberately gave more to Yin Ya and less to Wu Hai, but the system did not respond at all. Yuan Zhou had long discovered that the system was obsessive-compulsive and the amount of everything was the same.

As for the egg fried rice, after all, Yuan Zhou also has god-level egg fried rice skills, so there is no problem in making every portion the same.

The system now reads: "In view of the host's discovery of the vulnerability, a reward is given. The reward can be claimed now."