Governor’s Illness

Chapter 5: Saint's Words


"of course not!"

A clear voice from outside the pavilion recalled that everyone raised their heads and saw two young men with tattered robes walking in. The one at the head was neither humble nor arrogant, handsome and graceful.

It's just that the two of them were dressed in shabby clothes, and the children in the seat whispered and cast contemptuous glances. Xia Houlin caught a few words, all of which were "Where did the beggar come from, come here to be wild", or "This is from our Xie family? Why not? seen" etc.

Xie Jinglan didn't look sideways, and said loudly, "Student Xie Jinglan, I have seen Mr. Dai. What the elder brother just said is not true, please let me know."

"Could it be that this young master will still wrong you? Xie Jinglan, you obviously stole it, so many eyes are watching, do you want me to ask them to confront you in court?" arguing.

Xie Jinglan smiled slightly, and said politely, "Why did Jinglan ever steal the property of the eldest brother? It's just that he picked up the scrolls discarded by the eldest brother in the warehouse."

"Why is a book not a property? The book engraved by our Xiuwentang costs several coins. Besides, I store it in the warehouse, not throw it away. If you don't ask for it, it is stealing!"

"Brother, don't be impatient, everything is just a misunderstanding. Jinglan is frail, and his wife is kind-hearted. It is not necessary for Jinglan to go to the school to learn. However, Jinglan has admired the words of sages for a long time. I had no choice but to go to the warehouse to get the scrolls discarded by my eldest brother, Jinglan has already obtained the permission of the manager of the warehouse, probably because the eldest brother never asked the manager and mistakenly thought that Jinglan stole it, and I just made it clear today."

After these remarks, everyone knows it well. It is obvious that the master of the house resents the concubine and does not let him listen to the study. They have no choice but to collect the rags of the eldest young master and reluctantly study. People steal property.

Xie Jingtao was obviously stuck, and he didn't know what to say to refute with his mouth open.

At this time, Xie Bingfeng said: "Tao'er, since you have slandered others, why don't you apologize to them?"

Xie Jingtao had no choice but to get off the donkey along the slope, and said with a dry smile, "Yes, yes, the eldest brother didn't understand, and the younger brother was wronged."

The two of them were both smiling and not smiling, and they looked like brothers and sisters, which made Xia Houlin feel a little pained.

It was also helpless for Xie Jinglan to subordinate Xie Jingtao. He couldn't let the dead fat man lose face, especially in front of Dai Shengyan. After all, if he failed to worship Dai Shengyan as his teacher today, it would be purely an eye-opener, and it would be easy for the dead fat man to deal with him.

Xie Bingfeng turned his head, put on a kind and amiable look, and said to Xie Jinglan: "I have never seen you before, you are a side member of the Xie family? Who are your parents? If the family is in financial trouble, you can pay some money to the accountant. , or to subsidize the family. When you are in better health, you can go to the clan school to study, you don’t have to pay for the training.”

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence on the field.


Xie Bingfeng doesn't recognize his own son

Xia Houlin looked at the middle-aged man at the top in surprise. He was wearing Guanbo with a serious expression on his face. He put his hands firmly on his knees and sat upright. It has the four characters of "A Gentleman of Honour". But as soon as Xiahou Lin saw him, he remembered the book "The Swallow's Sleeping Pleasure". He might have hidden the "Secrets of the Jade Room" and "Secret Opera of the Spring Night", so the four words "a gentleman" were transformed into A "moral appearance".

Xie Jinglan's face was pale, and the fist under his sleeve was clenched tightly.

There are many children in the Xie family. Xie Jinglan lives in the Qiuwu courtyard all the year round. Few of them recognize him. Someone who is ignorant of the situation asks: "Yes, our family has always been kind and generous. You are a side member, and you should help one or two."

These words made the situation worse. Xie Jinglan almost failed to stand still. He stared at Xie Bingfeng in a daze. He followed many children of the Xie family to salute him countless times during the New Year or during sacrifices, and countless times when he rode to Beijing. Mark off at the end of the family queue to see him off.

He himself had forgotten that he had never stood so close to this man, that this man did not know him at all.

Xie Jingtao was also stunned, and said stunnedly: "What side, father, he is Xie Jinglan, your third son!"

Xie Bingfeng was stunned, watching Xie Jinglan didn't speak for a long time, he managed to control his demeanor so as not to be too flustered, but his face was surprised, embarrassed, ashamed, but not guilty.

With bitterness in his heart, Xia Houlin approached Xie Jinglan unconsciously, and quietly held Xie Jinglan's cold hand.

Xie Bingfeng smiled stiffly and said, "Haha, Jinglan has grown so big, and he has been away from home for too long for his father, so he has forgotten your appearance. Jinglan, don't blame him."

Xia Houlin thought to himself, if he doesn't recognize his appearance, he can't even forget his name, right? Could it be that the name "Jinglan" was not chosen by him at all.

Xie Jinglan's voice was a little erratic, and he could hardly find the tune: "Father is so busy at night, he is busy with court affairs, Jinglan... I understand."

"Two little friends, sit down quickly." Dai Shengyan hurriedly came out to smooth things out, "By the way, this little friend next to you hasn't given his name yet, and he just watched you boating on the pond from a distance, but this old man really wants to get to know him."

Xia Houlin stood for a long time, only then did he realize that there were all Xie's children in the seat, no bookboys, and no servants to serve. I found that there is no need for a book boy to serve here." After speaking for a while, he glanced at Xie Jinglan, who was a little nervous beside him, and felt uneasy, "I usually listen to the young master's reading, and the young man also admires the way of the sages, and I hope Mr. Haihan, Rong The little one is here to listen."

"Naturally." Dai Shengyan nodded and smiled, "Young friend has the heart to learn, how can the old man stop him?"

After drinking the tea, the farce just now seemed to be filled to the bottom with the tea, and everyone invariably forgot that one. Dai Shengyan stroked the tip of the proudly upturned beard above his mouth, cleared his throat, like a storyteller slapped a gavel, and the whole audience was silent, all eyes turned to the wrinkled mouth, just waiting. He opened his mouth.

"Dare to ask you little friends, why are you waiting for Han Chuang to study the books of sages and sages?"

After listening, everyone looked at each other.


Isn't it just to get rich? If it wasn't for the imperial examinations at the imperial court, when would someone hold this broken book by rote all day long

To be more noble, it's just a few words like "cultivating one's body, balancing the family, governing the country and the world". When the country is settled and the state is established, the great truth of controlling chaos and pacifying mourning can be written with one mouth and a pen. These few words have been chewed up in the mouths of scholars of all dynasties and have long since lost their taste.

However, these things were not what Xie Jinglan thought.

Xie Jinglan was very clear about his wishes.

What he wanted was never to help the world and to help the world. He never cared about how many snacks were sold by street vendors, how many people were newly buried in the mass graves, and he didn't care about where there was a major drought or flood. Even if the world is full of blood, as long as he can sit safely at home, what does it have to do with him

All he wanted was the Xie family who forgot him, bullied him, and resented him. One day, they would cry bitterly at his feet, regretting the beginning!

As long as he imagined that scene for a while, his blood boiled, and he was extremely happy. This happiness supported his head hanging from the beam, and he was dizzy and dizzy.

But these words can only be rotten in his stomach. He must first pretend to be a righteous gentleman who cares about the country and the people, and carefully wrap these dark and dirty thoughts under his gentle, polite and frugal belly without revealing the slightest.

Xie Jinglan, who was deeply wounded by his own father, unconsciously walked further and further along the road of long crooked. The vines of resentment took root in his heart, tangled into a dead knot that was constantly cut and chaotic. All this It's all hidden under the appearance of his weak and powerless young master, but the habitual smile on his face is unpleasant after all.

Xia Houlin poked his hand, Xie Jinglan held Xia Houlin instead, and said softly, "Don't worry."

Xie Jingtao didn't know where the confidence came from, and he was the first to speak: "What students do should be self-cultivation, ordering the family, governing the country and the world. This is called a scholar-officer."

Dai Shengyan didn't say good or bad, just shook his big bony head above his hemp stalk's neck and signaled the next person to speak.

The second young master behind Xie Jingtao, Xie Jingtan, replied: "Students are small-minded and have no ambitions in the world. I only wish to travel thousands of miles without regrets."

Dai Shengyan said with a smile: "Although this ambition does not exist in the world, it is also a very difficult task."

The people in the seat said it over and over, and it was only Xie Jinglan left. His eyes fell on Xie Jinglan and he nodded lightly.

Xie Jinglan gave a long bow and replied, "Students are stupid, but I want to have no regrets, no regrets, no complaints to others." His expression was light, as if nothing had happened just now.

Dai Shengyan saw it in his eyes and sighed, this generation of Xie family is not as good as the first generation. He had lost his head at first, so he accepted their incompetent Lao Tzu as a disciple. Sure enough, Xie's children are inferior to each other, their eyes are hurt, and their brains are a little wrong.

I just didn't expect that there was a white crane in a room of colorful roosters, but this white crane was too stubborn, and its waist was too straight, I was afraid it would break sooner or later.

Dai Shengyan has lived to such a dying age, who hasn't seen it? Xie Jinglan, this pretentious little brat, was naturally invisible in front of him. The clenched fists, the reddened corners of his eyes, and the overstretched back all showed that this half-year-old boy was far less calm than he seemed.

He just tried his best to hold on to what little face he had left.

After listening for a while, Dai Shengyan only nodded to Xie Jinglan. Everyone knew the answer. Xia Houli breathed a sigh of relief. This trip was not in vain.

Xie Jinglan did the apprenticeship ceremony in public, and Dai Shengyan helped him up from the ground. His hands like chicken paws grabbed Xie Jinglan's arm. In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, Xie Jinglan wore a lot of clothes, but he still felt that his hands were hot and hot. , like a hot iron, almost burning through the jacket.

"Jinglan, you haven't taken the word yet."

"Students have not yet reached the age of the weak crown, and have not yet had time to pick up the words."

"It's okay," Dai Shengyan looked at his little apprentice, moved his eyelids, and there was a bit of clarity in his cloudy eyes, "You have experienced hardships, but your heart is like a rock, your ambition is strong, but your temper is too stubborn and your heart is too stubborn. Hard, if you don't do great good in the future, you will definitely do great evil! I took the word 'Yi An' for you as a teacher, and may you live in peace, do what you want, and do not regret it."

"Remember how difficult the world is, and your heart is precious."

Xie Jinglan felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over her head, she was soaked from head to toe, and she was completely cold. The dirty thoughts he tried so hard to hide seemed to be seen by Dai Shengyan.

What is worthy of his heart, the Xie family kowtows and pays for his many years of humiliation.

There is no regret in anything, and you can have no regrets if you hold the power to live and kill as you wish.

There is no resentment against others, and the person who resents them falls into the quagmire and cannot extricate themselves to be free from resentment!

What he hadn't finished just now, Dai Shengyan saw clearly and thoroughly, Xie Jinglan felt ashamed, and subconsciously wanted to flee. He didn't understand, why did Dai Shengyan accept him as a disciple for someone like him

He saluted with difficulty and said, "Students, remember."

Xiahou Lin listened in the fog for a long time, but he didn't understand whether this skinny old man was praising Jinglan or belittling Jinglan.

That's all, it doesn't matter whether he praises or criticizes him, it's enough to accept Xie Jinglan anyway.

He didn't understand the words, but he saw the jealous eyes all around him. Although it wasn't him who was apprentice, the proud little tail was still raised to the sky, and he swaggered behind Xie Jinglan and left Wangqing Pavilion with the eyes full of jealousy. .

Xie Jinglan was silent along the way, his face was pale, and his appearance was more ill than before.

Xia Houlin's smug tail suddenly stopped, and he was at a loss as he walked aside. Xie Jinglan first suffered a blow from his own father, and then successfully entered the threshold of Dai Shengyan. He was sad and happy. He didn't know whether to say words of comfort or congratulations.

I always feel like nothing is right.

He suddenly thought of something, walked around quickly to Xie Jinglan, opened his arms and hugged Xie Jinglan tightly in his arms, Xie Jinglan was startled and struggled uncontrollably, "What are you doing!?"

Xia Houlin was holding on to Xie Jinglan. He was very strong. Xie Jinglan had learned from him a long time ago, but he still couldn't break free.

"My mother said that when you are sad, it's good to hug. Young master Jinglan, I have never hugged anyone except my mother. It's cheaper for you."

Xie Jinglan stopped struggling, buried his face on Xia Houlin's shoulder, and was silent for a long time, his face suddenly became cold, and his mouth actually tasted salty. He was afraid that Xia Houlin would find himself crying, so he deliberately said coldly, "I don't need your mercy!"

It's a pity that the hidden kung fu learning can't get home, and before the words are finished, the bitterness hidden in it has already been revealed.

Xia Houlin let go of Xie Jinglan, grabbed his wrist, and ran.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Xie Jinglan was shocked.

Xia Houlin didn't speak, he dragged him all the way and ran wildly, knocking over many servants along the way, causing them to yell at them. The wind hurt his face, and Xie Jinglan felt like his lungs were being pulled by the craftsman with all his strength, like a worn-out bellows.

He was taken to the fence outside the back kitchen. Xia Hourong asked him to stay where he was. He stepped on the wall, put his hands on the top of the wall, kicked his feet hard, and turned into the yard. Xie Jinglan was still panting, running too fast, his lungs were about to explode, and he didn't stop the daring little bastard for a while.

He was furious and looked around to make sure that no one was there. He tried his best to get on the wall, and finally stuck his head out. It's fine if you don't look at it, and when you look at it, you're scared to the ground. The bastard turned into the kitchen through the window. There were many busy servants and chefs in the kitchen, and no one noticed this uninvited guest. Xia Hou hunched his waist and walked on tiptoe like a cat. Using the stove as a cover, he took a pot of wine and put it in his arms, and then turned it out of the window.

When Xia Houlin jumped off the wall, the heart hanging in his throat finally let go, he angrily pulled at Xia Houlin's collar and cursed: "What the hell are you trying to do!?"

"Calm down," Xia Houlin followed Xie Jinglan's frying in a warm voice, "Wine can not only relieve one's sorrows, but also celebrate a happy event, just at this time to drink, walk, drink!"

Xia Houlin dragged Xie Jinglan to a secluded place. Knowing that Xie Jinglan likes to be clean, he even wiped the stone back and forth with his sleeve seven or eight times before letting him sit.

Xia Houlin took a sip of the wine, and his tears were so hot that he handed the wine to Xie Jinglan, but Xie Jinglan didn't take it. After Xia Houlin persuaded him for a long time, Xie Jinglan raised his head reluctantly and took a sip from the jug in the air. He regretted it as soon as his tongue touched the liquor, and he was out of breath.

Xia Houlin laughed and said after a while: "Master, I didn't pity you. I just can't see other people's sadness. If you are sad, I'll be sad too. Besides, you have nothing to be pitied about, and you have nothing to lose. I have few arms and legs, but I have no shortage of clothing and food. I have food and drink every day, and I can study and take the imperial examinations. The future is bright, what is there to be pitiful about

"This world is far more pitiful than you. I used to follow my mother to the north and south, and there were many poor people, such as a man with a strange disease and abscess all over his body, and a man who was beaten by his master and threw it away with only one breath left. A servant who went to the mass grave to fend for itself, an old man whose son died on the battlefield and only his daughter-in-law and a baby in his arms. You, don’t you love your mother or your mother? Compared to them, you It's like living in wonderland."

Xie Jinglan opened his mouth and said nothing.

"What word did that old man give you? 'Yi An'? I think you live a very easy and comfortable life. You don't need to carry your shoulders and hands. When there was a famine on the mountain, I couldn't pick it up all day long. Next time."

Xie Jinglan seemed to understand what kind of misery was in Xia Houlin's eyes.

In Xiahou Rin's view, it is miserable to have no food to eat, no clothing to cover, and one who is about to die. Xia Houlin's heart is too big to be like this. How can the pain of the body and the soul be compared? But then again, he couldn't help but wonder what Xia Houlin's life was like before, and he always felt that it would not be very good.

"You just said that your mother took you to the south and the north. Could it be that your mother is the head of the troupe?"