Governor’s Illness

Chapter 58: Rainy Night Yama


"The head class is no longer the director of the East Factory, and he has not spared Xia Houlin?" Xia Houlin asked with his eyes down.

Shen Jue didn't answer, only pressed closely, "Who the hell are you?"

"The villain is the servant of Yunxian Tower, and his name is Shang Erlang." Xia Houlin said, "The head class killed Yan Xiaobei, but Yan Xiaobei died on the bed of our oiran, Ah Chu. Ah Chu was kind to the villain, The villain can't just sit back and ignore it, that's why it's easy to become Yan Xiaobei."

Shen Jue raised his hand slightly, made a gesture, and said, "Yes or no, you can tell by tearing off your mask."

Immediately, two Fanzi stepped forward, Xia Houlin dismounted, and the two Fanzi and four hands roamed the edges of his cheeks, looking for the cracks in the mask. Unable to feel the gap, he poked him in the face again, and after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a reason.

The two of them looked at each other, one of them smelled a short wisp of fragrance on Xia Houlin's body, which came over secretly through the rain, and suddenly realized: "He doesn't wear a mask, he used a powder!" He stretched it to the tip of his nose and sniffed, and said, "It's the fat powder from Tianxiang Pavilion. My mother-in-law uses this. His formula is special, and the fat powder can't be washed off even if you put it on your face. clean."

"Then you have to go to the inn. There is tea oil in the inn." Another fanzi said.

Xiahou Lian stood quietly with his hands down, Shen Jue looked at him for a while, and said, "You are very calm."

Xia Houlin said, "Because I am not."

Shen Jue didn't speak any more. The rain was heavy, the leaves of the old locust tree were blown by the wind and rain, crackling, the narrow alley was pitch black, everyone's face was a blurry black, Xiahou looked up at Shen Jue on the horse, I couldn't see his expression clearly, I could only see him looking in his direction. For no reason, Xia Houlin noticed that there seemed to be a deep sadness in his eyes.

The screams in the inn gradually subsided, and Xia Houlin followed Shen Jue and the others into the gate. Going around the shadow wall, the blue brick floor was covered in dark red blood, mixed with rainwater that flowed into the ditch, and it was washed clean after a while. Fanzi were disposing of the corpses, digging up the soil, digging out big pits, and throwing them in one by one. The corpses were stacked inside, head to foot, feet to head, and a horrified expression on his face, which was fixed into a ferocious face.

The store has been cleaned up, the tables and chairs are pulled away, leaving only a backer chair in the middle, and a black lacquered coffee table next to it. There were two people kneeling on the ground, wearing bright yellow flying fish suits, no hats on their heads, and the net towel was slanted. The flesh on their faces kept shaking, snuggling together like frozen birds in the frost wind. The shopkeeper, his wife and children huddled in the corner of the west side of the slatted wall. A wooden shelf hung out from the wall above their heads, and a statue of the God of Wealth was placed on it. They regarded the God of Wealth as a Bodhisattva, and recited Amitabha Buddha.

Shen Jue bent over and sat in the chair, the swaying skirt opened like a fan, and the splendid knees were intertwined with gold and silver. When the two saw Shen Jue, they all swayed, but Shen Jue ignored them, pointed at Xiahou Lin, and said, "Come here with a basin of oil and wash his face."

The fans brought the tea oil from the kitchen and the towel. Xiahou took off the makeup on his face, and also had a basin of clean water to wash his face.

Zhu Shunzi was already stunned. He had never been in the world. He had heard of such a stunt of disguise but had never seen it with his own eyes. Now he can put an egg in his mouth.

Xia Houlin took off his makeup and looked at Shen Jue calmly.

Shen Jue stood up and walked over. He was tall and slender, and his shadow fell, covering Xiahou Lin who was kneeling on the ground. Xia Houlin subconsciously stepped back slightly, Shen Jue stretched out his hand and groped on his face, as if not giving up, he insisted on finding the gap in the mask and tearing it off to reveal his original face.

However, no.

Shen Jue's heart was completely cold. He thought that he was ridiculous. After three and a half months, he was determined to stop thinking about it, and he still held such a faint hope. When I meet someone who will be able to disguise, I feel that there is a little possibility, I won't let go when I get hold of it, I insist on tearing apart the truth little by little, my heart also bleeds little by little, and finally the blood drips. just give up.

People are not afraid of being buried in a dark abyss for the rest of their lives, but they are afraid that they will climb up and see a shadow of light.

He retracted his hand, turned his back, and said hoarsely, "Go away."

Xia Houlin was stunned for a moment before realizing that Shen Jue was talking to him, got up from the ground, and walked out. Fanzi stopped him and made him stand under the veranda with Zhu Shunzi.

Zhu Shunzi reached out curiously, rubbed Xia Houlin's face, and said with a thumbs up, "It's really awesome. With my fiery eyes, I can't see your clues, your disguising skills are really amazing. ."

Xia Houlin was in a bad mood, so he casually said a few words.

The two of them squatted under the eaves of the porch, with the patio in front of them.

"Oh, pity my brother, he died at a young age." Zhu Shunzi sighed, "Looking like this, I'm almost there. When I went to see him, I didn't know what to say. There was nothing to say, only tears. A thousand lines!"

Xia Houlin thought of Yan Xiaobei, and now that he thought about it, the guy's face was black and his eyes were bleeding. He was clearly poisoned by arsenic and aconite. It was because I was in a hurry that day, I didn't have time to take a closer look, I really thought it was Ah Chu who accidentally killed him. Xia Houlin patted Zhu Shunzi on the shoulder and asked him to mourn.

"Oh, I asked for it all by myself." Zhu Shunzi lowered his head in frustration, "I don't want to take a good imperial examination, and I have to enter some Dongchang factory. That's all, I went to the old thief Weide to find death myself. I understand it. As far as my fish brain is concerned, I can make do with farming, get promoted and get rich, so give up as soon as possible."

He turned his head and looked in Shen Jue's direction, "Look, people are called characters. Everyone thought that he was no longer acting, but he didn't expect people to be so prosperous. He is in the dark, Wei De is in the bright, who is he? The mother's laugh is not necessarily the last."

Xia Houlin also looked over and asked, "Who are the two kneeling people?"

"The one holding a general's belly is Jin Yiwei Tongzhi Su Yu, and the one who doesn't dare to move on the ground is Beizhen Fusi Zhenfu Li Changyan."

Shen Jue looked down at the two people who were shivering on the ground, and laughed grimly, "Say, where are you meeting up with King Fu?"

Su Yu cheered up and said, "Shen Jue, you are so courageous, how dare you stop halfway and wash the inn with blood! You know, if the imperial court is to blame, you can't escape!" After speaking, he softened again His tone, "Shen Jue, it's too late for you to turn around now. This official intercedes for you and remembers your past loyalty, and Eunuch Wei will not embarrass you. Let's hide this matter from the Court of Justice and the Ministry of Punishment. How about you still go to Nanjing as usual?"

"Yes, yes!" Li Changyan next to him also said, "Eunuch Shen, turn back to the shore, turn back to the shore!"

"That's a nice thing to say, I'm afraid that our family will be dead halfway through the road." Shen Jue brushed off his clothes and sat down on the chair again, "You two can figure it out, you're going to be punished in the prison again. It's not that I don't know. In the old days, watching other people wash and dig their stomachs on the side was not interesting, but I don't know how it tastes like I'm being tortured today?"

Both of them shuddered, Su Yu said: "Shen Jue, you tortured the imperial officials, don't you want the head on your head? Even if you know the whereabouts of His Highness, what can you do? How could His Highness listen to your slanderous words? , come together with you, a stagnant dog? Or, are you planning to kill His Highness too? You... you... are really brave!"

"Are you still unwilling to say it? It's quite strong." Shen Jue sneered, "Originally, we should go through all the punishments, but our family is in a hurry, so it's not like you are here. Come on, just play the pipa. Prepare the ginseng soup, and let them both have a good taste of it." He nodded his knees and thought for a while, then smiled at Su Yu, "You are courageous, so come first!"

As soon as Shen Jue finished speaking, a few people came up, first dragged Li Changyan aside, pressed his head to let him take a closer look, then pressed Su Yu to the ground, fixed her hands and feet, and stripped off her clothes. Exposed chest and abdomen. Su Yu screamed in horror, cursing incessantly,

There are already Fanzi coming up with sharp knives, they are all veterans of torture, they are used to using them in prison, and they don't even blink their eyelids. Playing the pipa sounds good, but it's actually inhumane. Using the human rib strip as a pipa string and the tip of the knife as a pick, walking back and forth on the prisoner's rib, blood dripping in a short time. This old hand has always mastered the strength well. The tip of the knife can be turned three or four times on the rib strip, and no one will die. If he faints, he will wake up by splashing with water. He also hangs with ginseng soup. not. Sometimes the flesh on the chest is completely sloughed off, and the tip of the knife hits the rib directly, which can really make a nice sound.

Su Yu had fainted twice, blood was pouring from his chest and abdomen, while someone played the pipa, while someone poured soup into his mouth. Shen Jue watched quietly, stroking the tassels of the jade around her waist, as indifferent as an ice sculpture. Li Changyan was frightened when he saw it, his hands and feet were shaking, he couldn't stand it and wanted to turn his head, but Fanzi smashed his head back, wanted to close his eyes, Fanzi pushed his eyelids again, in short, let him watch How Su Yu was tortured.

Zhu Shunzi said bitterly to Xia Houlin, "We are just two insignificant shrimps. Shen Jue shouldn't use a heavy sentence on us, right?"

Xia Houlin also looked a little worried, but he still comforted him and said no.

They squatted under the veranda in front of the store, and had a panoramic view of the situation in the hall. This was the first time Xia Houlin had seen this. Although they were assassins, they were dealing in human lives, but they always wanted to make quick decisions. It was best to kill them with a single blow. In Jialan, the assassin who committed the crime was also whipped. Although it was difficult to endure, it was still much better than "playing the pipa". Xiahou Lin, who was a well-informed man, frowned and avoided his eyes. .

"Dead." Fanzi stopped and said to Shen Jue.

Su Yu was already dead, she was standing on the ground, her ribs with white flowers on her chest were exposed to the air, and she could see the two lungs underneath.

Li Changyan was paralyzed on the ground, his eyes froze.

Shen Jue's eyes fell on him, and she said lightly, "It's your turn."

"I'll recruit, I'll recruit anything!" Li Changyan walked to Shen Jue's side and cried, "We made an appointment. King Fu will leave from Jiading and head north. Let's meet at Hejian, meet at Hejian!"

"and then?"

"Then...then go to the capital together. The Wei Gong guild will meet him in the suburbs of Beijing and secretly bring His Highness into the palace. They want to force Wan Sui to write a will and make King Fu the crown prince!" Li Changyan burst into tears, "Shen Jue, I know you can't let him go. I live, but please give me a happy one! Please!"

"That's what you want." Shen Jue leaned back and pressed his eyebrows. A fan stepped forward, pulled out his waist knife, grabbed Li Changyan's hair, swiped the knife between his neck, and blood spurted out.

Zhu Shunzi saw his eyes go straight, and murmured: "It's coming to us, it's coming to us! Shen Jue is so small, it's impossible to take the two of us to Hejian, let alone leave us here and leak him. The wind. We're going to die, we're going to die!"

Xia Houlin also slightly hung his heart. His knives were confiscated. Without knives, they were just fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. He looked around to see if there was any way to escape, but all the gates and small doors were tightly guarded by Fanzi, and it was fine to escape from the room, but it was not easy.

It's really frustrating to die here. Unexpectedly, he came out of Jialan alive and died in Shen Jue's hands in the end.

But... there's nothing wrong with that. Xia Houlin looked at the sky and smiled.

They asked everything they wanted, and the fans dragged the bodies of Su Yu and Li Changyan to the bottom of the patio and threw them into the corpse pit. The rain stopped at some point, and the dark moldy moss on the stone bricks shone with a damp light. The wind was much lighter, and the hexagonal lanterns under the eaves were slightly blown, and light and shadow lingered on the ground. Shen Jue sat on the chair for a while, then got up and walked upstairs. He inadvertently saw Xia Houlin under the veranda. He was squatting on the steps and was looking at himself. The light and shadow of the lantern fell in his eyes, mixed with light and dark.

He is a man described as Luo Tuo, with thin cheeks and inconspicuous eyes. When he is not smiling, there is a loneliness and coldness in his eyes. He often bows his head, does not speak much, and occasionally smiles lightly, but his smile is not deep enough to reach his eyes.

He was like a lonely ghost who had run away from home, Shen Jue suddenly felt this way, like Xiahou Lin who put away his fangs and restrained his evil spirits.

Especially those eyes, which are so similar in shape. It was only many years ago that when he saw these eyes, they were still full of murderous intent, but now, these eyes are like a dead ancient well, silent and deep.

Shen Jue walked towards him, Zhu Shunzi suddenly stiffened, hid behind Xia Houlin, and whispered, "Come, come! Lord Yan Luo is here!"

"You just watched so much, aren't you afraid?" Shen Jue stood in front of him, looking down at him.

Xia Houlin shook his head.

"I look very familiar with your eyes." Shen Jue said.

Xia Houlin touched his eyes and said, "Really, who is it?"

"It looks so good, like Xia Houlin." Shen Jue fixedly looked at him for a while, and said, "Gouge it out, pack it up for me, and put it in a jar."

After he said that, he turned around and left, leaving Xiahou stunned in place.

What does this guy mean!

A few fans came over to carry him, Xia Houlin turned his head and ran away, the veranda was blocked, he jumped into the patio with Zhu Lan, and the whistling of the blade piercing the air was heard behind him, Xia Houlin lowered his head and bowed his head, the sharp blade Swipe over him, bringing out a biting chill. The fans were all forced to come over, and Xia Houlin had no choice but to fight. A knife slashed with the back of the knife, Xia Houlin turned sideways, locked the man's wrist, twisted it hard, and with a click, the man's arm was dislocated.

Two more fans rushed over, hugging his legs one on the left and one on the right, while someone kicked him in the back, and Xia Houlin fell to the ground. But he still struggled hard, crawling forward. The dark crowd poured into the patio and pressed down on Xia Houlin. Someone was holding his head, while the others pressed their knees on his legs and hands, and his waist and back were all pressed.

Xia Houlin gritted his teeth, Shen Jue's back was getting farther and farther in the corner of the light, and the sharp eye-gouging knife was getting closer and closer.

To become a crippled, it is better to die!

"Shen Jue! Don't go! I know Xia Houlin, I'll take you to find him!" Xia Houlin shouted.

Shen Jue paused, turned sideways, and said coldly, "Lie. I also pulled out my tongue! Throw it away!"

Xia Houlin was in a hurry and went out of his way to say, "My motherfucker is Xia Houlin, and I am! Aren't you going to kill me, you killed me, Shen Jue!"

Shen Jue ignored him and continued walking.

Fanzi raised the knife, and the light of the knife reflected on Xia Houlin's eyes, like frost. A string was tightening in his heart, and the blade was reflected in his eyes, becoming more and more clear.