Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 10: Smiling at the east wall


Xinghe sat there, confused and on guard, why did he seem to have been plotted by him again

The prince said, "Let's do it this way. If you stay awake tonight, you won't be afraid of snoring."

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

Then they removed their hands in unison, and the two of them lay upright on their backs, feeling like they were in the same bed but had different dreams.

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

The year she entered the palace, Empress Gong was already seriously ill and hardly saw anyone. After suffering no treatment for more than two years, he finally gave up. When a prince loses his mother, he is not like those pampered teenagers who are sad, frightened and panic-stricken. He did not even seek refuge with his maternal uncle, who was the only one who could support him. When the emperor was overly sad, he calmly took care of all matters related to the queen's funeral, including the formulation of the posthumous title, funeral arrangements, and mausoleum arrangements. Xinghe was by his side day and night and never saw him shed a single tear. She was young at the time and didn't understand why he didn't cry. It must have been because he wasn't close to the queen. Later, Empress Zigong sent him to the funeral palace. She followed him to the Lizheng Palace to see the emperor, and heard him crying so hard through the palace door. She quietly looked in through the open gap in the sill window. He and King Xin knelt in front of the emperor holding the portrait of Queen Gong, and said heartbreakingly, "The sons will have no mothers from now on. A single tree cannot grow into a forest. The imperial father's state affairs Ju Wan, how long can I protect my sons?" These few words made the emperor burst into tears. He hugged the two brothers and felt relieved, "Without mother, you still have a father. With the emperor here, no one in the world dares to touch you. "

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

When he said he missed home, he acted like "I'm a good master and I'm willing to give you a night off." In the end, she didn't get the condom on, so that's good, she can sleep with me tonight; what if she says she misses home? Does he really know how to take her back on a snowy night? I'm afraid she will be allowed to go out of Xuande Gate and look west, and then go to the soup cake stall by the Tongzi River and bring back a bowl of wontons - the master is tired of the delicacies in the palace and wants to try folk snacks.

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

"What are you doing?" Xinghe couldn't hold it back. His hand knocked down her thigh, and she shrank to the side.

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep..." He patted his side, "I didn't let you lie down just now, but you were lying on your side. Now you are sitting upright. Do you plan to sit there until dawn?"

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

"What are you doing?" Xinghe couldn't hold it back. His hand knocked down her thigh, and she shrank to the side.

The year she entered the palace, Empress Gong was already seriously ill and hardly saw anyone. After suffering no treatment for more than two years, he finally gave up. When a prince loses his mother, he is not like those pampered teenagers who are sad, frightened and panic-stricken. He did not even seek refuge with his maternal uncle, who was the only one who could support him. When the emperor was overly sad, he calmly took care of all matters related to the queen's funeral, including the formulation of the posthumous title, funeral arrangements, and mausoleum arrangements. Xinghe was by his side day and night and never saw him shed a single tear. She was young at the time and didn't understand why he didn't cry. It must have been because he wasn't close to the queen. Later, Empress Zigong sent him to the funeral palace. She followed him to the Lizheng Palace to see the emperor, and heard him crying so hard through the palace door. She quietly looked in through the open gap in the sill window. He and King Xin knelt in front of the emperor holding the portrait of Queen Gong, and said heartbreakingly, "The sons will have no mothers from now on. A single tree cannot grow into a forest. The imperial father's state affairs Ju Wan, how long can I protect my sons?" These few words made the emperor burst into tears. He hugged the two brothers and felt relieved, "Without mother, you still have a father. With the emperor here, no one in the world dares to touch you. "

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

The prince glanced at the hazy outline, turned his back and sneered: "Qing'er grew up together, but his heart changes when he grows up... I'm afraid I won't be used to the title of Crown Princess later, so I'll let you do it first. Don't worry too much. , I have no interest in you... After ten years of sticking it in your eye socket, even a god is tired of it, what are you thinking about!"

He said it was nothing, his tone was innocent, "Sleep."

The prince glanced at the hazy outline, turned his back and sneered: "Qing'er grew up together, but his heart changes when he grows up... I'm afraid I won't be used to the title of Crown Princess later, so I'll let you do it first. Don't worry too much. , I have no interest in you... After ten years of sticking it in your eye socket, even a god is tired of it, what are you thinking about!"

He said it was nothing, his tone was innocent, "Sleep."

An emperor has not changed his original intention despite the requests of all parties for eight years. This kind of friendship is indeed rare. Of course, it is not unreasonable to prefer the prince. No matter how many people are on duty in the palace, once the holy bow is violated, he will definitely be the one serving around him in untidy clothes. Although filial piety is true, strategies are not embellishments. People who are sick have the softest hearts. If someone else takes advantage of them at this time, who is the palm of the hand and who is the back of the hand

Xinghe was embarrassed by what he said, but it was actually because he was nervous and his breathing was unavoidable. But how to explain it, saying "I'm afraid you have evil intentions"? Does this mean that you want to reject someone in return for welcoming them? It would be ugly if he did it all the time. After all, there is a conflict of positions, and it is not good to involve too much, and both parties know it well.

She blinked. Wasn't she being tricked again? Anyone who spends the night knows what it's like to stay up all night in the middle of winter. If you are shivering in the cold in the second half of the night, you can sit on the floor, but you cannot stagger around, take a nap, or move around. You can stay there all night. The next day, all the bones in my body were falling apart. I didn’t want to do anything but find a bed. It felt really uncomfortable.

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

Her head began to hurt, "Master, you are no longer a child."

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

Xinghe sat there, confused and on guard, why did he seem to have been plotted by him again

Is there any metaphor behind this statement? He wasn't angry at all. Two dark figures sat opposite each other under the tent, narrowing their eyes and trying to look at her. "It's precisely because they are no longer children that they have to sleep with a woman."

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

Her head began to hurt, "Master, you are no longer a child."

An emperor has not changed his original intention despite the requests of all parties for eight years. This kind of friendship is indeed rare. Of course, it is not unreasonable to prefer the prince. No matter how many people are on duty in the palace, once the holy bow is violated, he will definitely be the one serving around him in untidy clothes. Although filial piety is true, strategies are not embellishments. People who are sick have the softest hearts. If someone else takes advantage of them at this time, who is the palm of the hand and who is the back of the hand

"What are you doing?" Xinghe couldn't hold it back. His hand knocked down her thigh, and she shrank to the side.

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

He likes to create this kind of unclear atmosphere, and the last sentence is a pun, which is vaguely provocative.

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

Xinghe was embarrassed by what he said, but it was actually because he was nervous and his breathing was unavoidable. But how to explain it, saying "I'm afraid you have evil intentions"? Does this mean that you want to reject someone in return for welcoming them? It would be ugly if he did it all the time. After all, there is a conflict of positions, and it is not good to involve too much, and both parties know it well.

The room was very quiet, and because it was so quiet, the sound of people breathing became clearer than ever. The more you don't think about that kind of thing, the more evil thoughts will rush left and right to try to invade. The prince listened to her breath and felt that her breathing in such an ambiguous environment was tempting, which made him distracted and unable to control himself.

This topic was a bit sad. The prince hummed, his nasal voice humming against her forehead, "I hope my mother is still alive. Even if we have been separated for ten or twenty years, as long as we can see each other one day, it will be enough for me." ”

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

He likes to create this kind of unclear atmosphere, and the last sentence is a pun, which is vaguely provocative.

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

He let her sleep inside, and he occupied the outer half. He didn't want to hear or think about it, but in a daze, he felt a hand grabbing his lungs hard, causing his breathing to quicken. He was upset and angry, turned sideways and asked, "Are you always breathing so loudly?"

Her head began to hurt, "Master, you are no longer a child."

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

When he said he missed home, he acted like "I'm a good master and I'm willing to give you a night off." In the end, she didn't get the condom on, so that's good, she can sleep with me tonight; what if she says she misses home? Does he really know how to take her back on a snowy night? I'm afraid she will be allowed to go out of Xuande Gate and look west, and then go to the soup cake stall by the Tongzi River and bring back a bowl of wontons - the master is tired of the delicacies in the palace and wants to try folk snacks.

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

Xinghe was embarrassed by what he said, but it was actually because he was nervous and his breathing was unavoidable. But how to explain it, saying "I'm afraid you have evil intentions"? Does this mean that you want to reject someone in return for welcoming them? It would be ugly if he did it all the time. After all, there is a conflict of positions, and it is not good to involve too much, and both parties know it well.

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

He likes to create this kind of unclear atmosphere, and the last sentence is a pun, which is vaguely provocative.

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

His chin rested on the top of her head, her bun was still in place, and the hairpin was cold against his cheek. He fumbled to pull it out and threw it away. It probably hit the smoker and made a crisp clang.

An emperor has not changed his original intention despite the requests of all parties for eight years. This kind of friendship is indeed rare. Of course, it is not unreasonable to prefer the prince. No matter how many people are on duty in the palace, once the holy bow is violated, he will definitely be the one serving around him in untidy clothes. Although filial piety is true, strategies are not embellishments. People who are sick have the softest hearts. If someone else takes advantage of them at this time, who is the palm of the hand and who is the back of the hand

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

The room was very quiet, and because it was so quiet, the sound of people breathing became clearer than ever. The more you don't think about that kind of thing, the more evil thoughts will rush left and right to try to invade. The prince listened to her breath and felt that her breathing in such an ambiguous environment was tempting, which made him distracted and unable to control himself.

"I've been panting like this, is there something wrong?" she asked breathlessly.

The year she entered the palace, Empress Gong was already seriously ill and hardly saw anyone. After suffering no treatment for more than two years, he finally gave up. When a prince loses his mother, he is not like those pampered teenagers who are sad, frightened and panic-stricken. He did not even seek refuge with his maternal uncle, who was the only one who could support him. When the emperor was overly sad, he calmly took care of all matters related to the queen's funeral, including the formulation of the posthumous title, funeral arrangements, and mausoleum arrangements. Xinghe was by his side day and night and never saw him shed a single tear. She was young at the time and didn't understand why he didn't cry. It must have been because he wasn't close to the queen. Later, Empress Zigong sent him to the funeral palace. She followed him to the Lizheng Palace to see the emperor, and heard him crying so hard through the palace door. She quietly looked in through the open gap in the sill window. He and King Xin knelt in front of the emperor holding the portrait of Queen Gong, and said heartbreakingly, "The sons will have no mothers from now on. A single tree cannot grow into a forest. The imperial father's state affairs Ju Wan, how long can I protect my sons?" These few words made the emperor burst into tears. He hugged the two brothers and felt relieved, "Without mother, you still have a father. With the emperor here, no one in the world dares to touch you. "

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

He said it was nothing, his tone was innocent, "Sleep."

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

An emperor has not changed his original intention despite the requests of all parties for eight years. This kind of friendship is indeed rare. Of course, it is not unreasonable to prefer the prince. No matter how many people are on duty in the palace, once the holy bow is violated, he will definitely be the one serving around him in untidy clothes. Although filial piety is true, strategies are not embellishments. People who are sick have the softest hearts. If someone else takes advantage of them at this time, who is the palm of the hand and who is the back of the hand

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

He likes to create this kind of unclear atmosphere, and the last sentence is a pun, which is vaguely provocative.

"It was so wonderful when we were children." He murmured as if in his sleep. "I still remember my mother Daxing. I knelt in front of Zi Palace all night. It was you who stayed with me... After so many years, I have never forgotten it."

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

The prince glanced at the hazy outline, turned his back and sneered: "Qing'er grew up together, but his heart changes when he grows up... I'm afraid I won't be used to the title of Crown Princess later, so I'll let you do it first. Don't worry too much. , I have no interest in you... After ten years of sticking it in your eye socket, even a god is tired of it, what are you thinking about!"

Xinghe was embarrassed by what he said, but it was actually because he was nervous and his breathing was unavoidable. But how to explain it, saying "I'm afraid you have evil intentions"? Does this mean that you want to reject someone in return for welcoming them? It would be ugly if he did it all the time. After all, there is a conflict of positions, and it is not good to involve too much, and both parties know it well.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep..." He patted his side, "I didn't let you lie down just now, but you were lying on your side. Now you are sitting upright. Do you plan to sit there until dawn?"

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

Her head began to hurt, "Master, you are no longer a child."

Xinghe sat there, confused and on guard, why did he seem to have been plotted by him again

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

She closed her eyes, "You are not my friend, you are my master. It is my duty to do all the hard work for you. You don't need to get close to me. If you have any instructions, just give me direct orders."

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

The room was very quiet, and because it was so quiet, the sound of people breathing became clearer than ever. The more you don't think about that kind of thing, the more evil thoughts will rush left and right to try to invade. The prince listened to her breath and felt that her breathing in such an ambiguous environment was tempting, which made him distracted and unable to control himself.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

The year she entered the palace, Empress Gong was already seriously ill and hardly saw anyone. After suffering no treatment for more than two years, he finally gave up. When a prince loses his mother, he is not like those pampered teenagers who are sad, frightened and panic-stricken. He did not even seek refuge with his maternal uncle, who was the only one who could support him. When the emperor was overly sad, he calmly took care of all matters related to the queen's funeral, including the formulation of the posthumous title, funeral arrangements, and mausoleum arrangements. Xinghe was by his side day and night and never saw him shed a single tear. She was young at the time and didn't understand why he didn't cry. It must have been because he wasn't close to the queen. Later, Empress Zigong sent him to the funeral palace. She followed him to the Lizheng Palace to see the emperor, and heard him crying so hard through the palace door. She quietly looked in through the open gap in the sill window. He and King Xin knelt in front of the emperor holding the portrait of Queen Gong, and said heartbreakingly, "The sons will have no mothers from now on. A single tree cannot grow into a forest. The imperial father's state affairs Ju Wan, how long can I protect my sons?" These few words made the emperor burst into tears. He hugged the two brothers and felt relieved, "Without mother, you still have a father. With the emperor here, no one in the world dares to touch you. "

The room was very quiet, and because it was so quiet, the sound of people breathing became clearer than ever. The more you don't think about that kind of thing, the more evil thoughts will rush left and right to try to invade. The prince listened to her breath and felt that her breathing in such an ambiguous environment was tempting, which made him distracted and unable to control himself.

This topic was a bit sad. The prince hummed, his nasal voice humming against her forehead, "I hope my mother is still alive. Even if we have been separated for ten or twenty years, as long as we can see each other one day, it will be enough for me." ”

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

When he said he missed home, he acted like "I'm a good master and I'm willing to give you a night off." In the end, she didn't get the condom on, so that's good, she can sleep with me tonight; what if she says she misses home? Does he really know how to take her back on a snowy night? I'm afraid she will be allowed to go out of Xuande Gate and look west, and then go to the soup cake stall by the Tongzi River and bring back a bowl of wontons - the master is tired of the delicacies in the palace and wants to try folk snacks.

She crossed her arms and patted him on the back, "I don't blame you for disturbing my kiss, and don't explain in such a roundabout way. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

Is there any metaphor behind this statement? He wasn't angry at all. Two dark figures sat opposite each other under the tent, narrowing their eyes and trying to look at her. "It's precisely because they are no longer children that they have to sleep with a woman."

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

There is a sweet smell between the prince's pillow and mat. This smell is very familiar, and every evening she urges the maid to smoke the bedding. However, any fragrance needs people to diffuse it, and with different popularity, it will show different artistic conceptions. Her cheek was pressed against the pillow, and the smell slowly drifted into her nose, and she smacked it carefully. It seemed to be different from what she remembered.

The room was very quiet, and because it was so quiet, the sound of people breathing became clearer than ever. The more you don't think about that kind of thing, the more evil thoughts will rush left and right to try to invade. The prince listened to her breath and felt that her breathing in such an ambiguous environment was tempting, which made him distracted and unable to control himself.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

"I've been panting like this, is there something wrong?" she asked breathlessly.

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

She crossed her arms and patted him on the back, "I don't blame you for disturbing my kiss, and don't explain in such a roundabout way. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

The wind howled outside the window, and there were two people sleeping on the same bed, so far apart that it seemed like it wasn't enough. The prince thought of something, turned the quilt sideways, and pulled it towards her.

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

His chin rested on the top of her head, her bun was still in place, and the hairpin was cold against his cheek. He fumbled to pull it out and threw it away. It probably hit the smoker and made a crisp clang.

His chin rested on the top of her head, her bun was still in place, and the hairpin was cold against his cheek. He fumbled to pull it out and threw it away. It probably hit the smoker and made a crisp clang.

"It was so wonderful when we were children." He murmured as if in his sleep. "I still remember my mother Daxing. I knelt in front of Zi Palace all night. It was you who stayed with me... After so many years, I have never forgotten it."

"It was so wonderful when we were children." He murmured as if in his sleep. "I still remember my mother Daxing. I knelt in front of Zi Palace all night. It was you who stayed with me... After so many years, I have never forgotten it."

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

The sky governs the earth, not how people breathe. The prince said that there was nothing wrong. "I just feel strange." He added, "Listening to this, I thought you wanted to eat me."

Then they removed their hands in unison, and the two of them lay upright on their backs, feeling like they were in the same bed but had different dreams.

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

When he talked about women, their hearts suddenly throbbed. It was as if he had never regarded her as a woman, and she had never realized that she was a woman. At first glance, the word seemed novel and scary.

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

The year she entered the palace, Empress Gong was already seriously ill and hardly saw anyone. After suffering no treatment for more than two years, he finally gave up. When a prince loses his mother, he is not like those pampered teenagers who are sad, frightened and panic-stricken. He did not even seek refuge with his maternal uncle, who was the only one who could support him. When the emperor was overly sad, he calmly took care of all matters related to the queen's funeral, including the formulation of the posthumous title, funeral arrangements, and mausoleum arrangements. Xinghe was by his side day and night and never saw him shed a single tear. She was young at the time and didn't understand why he didn't cry. It must have been because he wasn't close to the queen. Later, Empress Zigong sent him to the funeral palace. She followed him to the Lizheng Palace to see the emperor, and heard him crying so hard through the palace door. She quietly looked in through the open gap in the sill window. He and King Xin knelt in front of the emperor holding the portrait of Queen Gong, and said heartbreakingly, "The sons will have no mothers from now on. A single tree cannot grow into a forest. The imperial father's state affairs Ju Wan, how long can I protect my sons?" These few words made the emperor burst into tears. He hugged the two brothers and felt relieved, "Without mother, you still have a father. With the emperor here, no one in the world dares to touch you. "

An emperor has not changed his original intention despite the requests of all parties for eight years. This kind of friendship is indeed rare. Of course, it is not unreasonable to prefer the prince. No matter how many people are on duty in the palace, once the holy bow is violated, he will definitely be the one serving around him in untidy clothes. Although filial piety is true, strategies are not embellishments. People who are sick have the softest hearts. If someone else takes advantage of them at this time, who is the palm of the hand and who is the back of the hand

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

There is a sweet smell between the prince's pillow and mat. This smell is very familiar, and every evening she urges the maid to smoke the bedding. However, any fragrance needs people to diffuse it, and with different popularity, it will show different artistic conceptions. Her cheek was pressed against the pillow, and the smell slowly drifted into her nose, and she smacked it carefully. It seemed to be different from what she remembered.

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

Is there any metaphor behind this statement? He wasn't angry at all. Two dark figures sat opposite each other under the tent, narrowing their eyes and trying to look at her. "It's precisely because they are no longer children that they have to sleep with a woman."

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

The wind howled outside the window, and there were two people sleeping on the same bed, so far apart that it seemed like it wasn't enough. The prince thought of something, turned the quilt sideways, and pulled it towards her.

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

"What are you doing?" Xinghe couldn't hold it back. His hand knocked down her thigh, and she shrank to the side.

She crossed her arms and patted him on the back, "I don't blame you for disturbing my kiss, and don't explain in such a roundabout way. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Go to sleep, go to sleep..." He patted his side, "I didn't let you lie down just now, but you were lying on your side. Now you are sitting upright. Do you plan to sit there until dawn?"

An emperor has not changed his original intention despite the requests of all parties for eight years. This kind of friendship is indeed rare. Of course, it is not unreasonable to prefer the prince. No matter how many people are on duty in the palace, once the holy bow is violated, he will definitely be the one serving around him in untidy clothes. Although filial piety is true, strategies are not embellishments. People who are sick have the softest hearts. If someone else takes advantage of them at this time, who is the palm of the hand and who is the back of the hand

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

He said it was nothing, his tone was innocent, "Sleep."

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

"Go to sleep, go to sleep..." He patted his side, "I didn't let you lie down just now, but you were lying on your side. Now you are sitting upright. Do you plan to sit there until dawn?"

"What are you doing?" Xinghe couldn't hold it back. His hand knocked down her thigh, and she shrank to the side.

She closed her eyes, "You are not my friend, you are my master. It is my duty to do all the hard work for you. You don't need to get close to me. If you have any instructions, just give me direct orders."

The room was very quiet, and because it was so quiet, the sound of people breathing became clearer than ever. The more you don't think about that kind of thing, the more evil thoughts will rush left and right to try to invade. The prince listened to her breath and felt that her breathing in such an ambiguous environment was tempting, which made him distracted and unable to control himself.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

This topic was a bit sad. The prince hummed, his nasal voice humming against her forehead, "I hope my mother is still alive. Even if we have been separated for ten or twenty years, as long as we can see each other one day, it will be enough for me." ”

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

Xinghe was embarrassed by what he said, but it was actually because he was nervous and his breathing was unavoidable. But how to explain it, saying "I'm afraid you have evil intentions"? Does this mean that you want to reject someone in return for welcoming them? It would be ugly if he did it all the time. After all, there is a conflict of positions, and it is not good to involve too much, and both parties know it well.

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

She blinked. Wasn't she being tricked again? Anyone who spends the night knows what it's like to stay up all night in the middle of winter. If you are shivering in the cold in the second half of the night, you can sit on the floor, but you cannot stagger around, take a nap, or move around. You can stay there all night. The next day, all the bones in my body were falling apart. I didn’t want to do anything but find a bed. It felt really uncomfortable.

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

She crossed her arms and patted him on the back, "I don't blame you for disturbing my kiss, and don't explain in such a roundabout way. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

"I've been panting like this, is there something wrong?" she asked breathlessly.

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

The prince glanced at the hazy outline, turned his back and sneered: "Qing'er grew up together, but his heart changes when he grows up... I'm afraid I won't be used to the title of Crown Princess later, so I'll let you do it first. Don't worry too much. , I have no interest in you... After ten years of sticking it in your eye socket, even a god is tired of it, what are you thinking about!"

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

She felt depressed for a long time and finally said, "I want to go back to my own house."

She blinked. Wasn't she being tricked again? Anyone who spends the night knows what it's like to stay up all night in the middle of winter. If you are shivering in the cold in the second half of the night, you can sit on the floor, but you cannot stagger around, take a nap, or move around. You can stay there all night. The next day, all the bones in my body were falling apart. I didn’t want to do anything but find a bed. It felt really uncomfortable.

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

She crossed her arms and patted him on the back, "I don't blame you for disturbing my kiss, and don't explain in such a roundabout way. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

"I've been panting like this, is there something wrong?" she asked breathlessly.

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

Then they removed their hands in unison, and the two of them lay upright on their backs, feeling like they were in the same bed but had different dreams.

Then they removed their hands in unison, and the two of them lay upright on their backs, feeling like they were in the same bed but had different dreams.

The prince is in a happy mood, as if he has found a good friend who has been away for many years. He has a lot to say, so much that he has to sleep alone. He can talk by candlelight at night, and he can see him when he opens his eyes tomorrow. He slowly took off the lampshades of the candlesticks scattered throughout the temple one by one, blew them out, and then put them back on. After a while, the palace fell into thick darkness. With only a little light from the lantern under the eaves through the window paper, I felt the darkness and crawled back to bed.

She crossed her arms and patted him on the back, "I don't blame you for disturbing my kiss, and don't explain in such a roundabout way. It makes me feel uncomfortable."

Is there any metaphor behind this statement? He wasn't angry at all. Two dark figures sat opposite each other under the tent, narrowing their eyes and trying to look at her. "It's precisely because they are no longer children that they have to sleep with a woman."

Then they removed their hands in unison, and the two of them lay upright on their backs, feeling like they were in the same bed but had different dreams.

She closed her eyes, "You are not my friend, you are my master. It is my duty to do all the hard work for you. You don't need to get close to me. If you have any instructions, just give me direct orders."

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

"I've been panting like this, is there something wrong?" she asked breathlessly.

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

She closed her eyes, "You are not my friend, you are my master. It is my duty to do all the hard work for you. You don't need to get close to me. If you have any instructions, just give me direct orders."

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

Is there any metaphor behind this statement? He wasn't angry at all. Two dark figures sat opposite each other under the tent, narrowing their eyes and trying to look at her. "It's precisely because they are no longer children that they have to sleep with a woman."

When he said he missed home, he acted like "I'm a good master and I'm willing to give you a night off." In the end, she didn't get the condom on, so that's good, she can sleep with me tonight; what if she says she misses home? Does he really know how to take her back on a snowy night? I'm afraid she will be allowed to go out of Xuande Gate and look west, and then go to the soup cake stall by the Tongzi River and bring back a bowl of wontons - the master is tired of the delicacies in the palace and wants to try folk snacks.

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

After a long silence, the prince suddenly spoke: "Xinghe, no matter how far you go in the future, I hope you have a conscience and remember that we have known each other and are friends."

He let her sleep inside, and he occupied the outer half. He didn't want to hear or think about it, but in a daze, he felt a hand grabbing his lungs hard, causing his breathing to quicken. He was upset and angry, turned sideways and asked, "Are you always breathing so loudly?"

The wind howled outside the window, and there were two people sleeping on the same bed, so far apart that it seemed like it wasn't enough. The prince thought of something, turned the quilt sideways, and pulled it towards her.

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

He likes to create this kind of unclear atmosphere, and the last sentence is a pun, which is vaguely provocative.

Is there any metaphor behind this statement? He wasn't angry at all. Two dark figures sat opposite each other under the tent, narrowing their eyes and trying to look at her. "It's precisely because they are no longer children that they have to sleep with a woman."

There is a sweet smell between the prince's pillow and mat. This smell is very familiar, and every evening she urges the maid to smoke the bedding. However, any fragrance needs people to diffuse it, and with different popularity, it will show different artistic conceptions. Her cheek was pressed against the pillow, and the smell slowly drifted into her nose, and she smacked it carefully. It seemed to be different from what she remembered.

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

She closed her eyes, "You are not my friend, you are my master. It is my duty to do all the hard work for you. You don't need to get close to me. If you have any instructions, just give me direct orders."

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

She closed her eyes, "You are not my friend, you are my master. It is my duty to do all the hard work for you. You don't need to get close to me. If you have any instructions, just give me direct orders."

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

The prince glanced at the hazy outline, turned his back and sneered: "Qing'er grew up together, but his heart changes when he grows up... I'm afraid I won't be used to the title of Crown Princess later, so I'll let you do it first. Don't worry too much. , I have no interest in you... After ten years of sticking it in your eye socket, even a god is tired of it, what are you thinking about!"

That's just right, Xinghe said hurriedly: "I always sleep alone, how do I know if I am snoring? Why don't you just sleep, and I'll go back to the check-in room."

The prince said, "Let's do it this way. If you stay awake tonight, you won't be afraid of snoring."

He let her sleep inside, and he occupied the outer half. He didn't want to hear or think about it, but in a daze, he felt a hand grabbing his lungs hard, causing his breathing to quicken. He was upset and angry, turned sideways and asked, "Are you always breathing so loudly?"

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

This topic was a bit sad. The prince hummed, his nasal voice humming against her forehead, "I hope my mother is still alive. Even if we have been separated for ten or twenty years, as long as we can see each other one day, it will be enough for me." ”

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

My mind is a little confused, and I am still thinking about how I should face the palace people when the palace door opens tomorrow. After staying overnight, the relationship with the prince became even more certain. Maybe it would reach the emperor's ears again... She suddenly understood, leaned up and asked him, "Is it because you promised Long Live the Lord to have a child that you deliberately let me stay?"

The prince's calculations were always coming true, so she had to be extremely energetic when doing things. The matter of staying overnight is the most important problem before us. Judging from his intention, he shouldn't do anything to her, but she is a girl after all, and sleeping with a man is really difficult for her.

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

She blinked. Wasn't she being tricked again? Anyone who spends the night knows what it's like to stay up all night in the middle of winter. If you are shivering in the cold in the second half of the night, you can sit on the floor, but you cannot stagger around, take a nap, or move around. You can stay there all night. The next day, all the bones in my body were falling apart. I didn’t want to do anything but find a bed. It felt really uncomfortable.

"If you keep talking, this will be your room from now on." The prince dismissed her in a few words. Seeing that she was still stubborn, he lowered his voice again, "I am a man, twenty-two years old! I don't obey when I am alone. It’s a big disadvantage, you understand this, right?”

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

The prince said, "Let's do it this way. If you stay awake tonight, you won't be afraid of snoring."

Xinghe felt confused. When he recalled that time, his memory was very clear, as if it happened yesterday.

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

So if she knew how to kiss her, and he would join in the fun, it wasn't just because of his scheming. After all, Xinghe is a girl. Even if a girl is used to the intrigues in the power arena, there is always a softness that cannot be erased or destroyed.

The prince wanted to stir up the mood, but she choked him back. Just think about it, after all these years, it’s not like I don’t know her temper. When she is respectful, she is respectful; when she is disrespectful, she can give you a bruise in the pit of your heart.

"You don't snore at night, do you?" he said, "I can't sleep if I snore."

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

This topic was a bit sad. The prince hummed, his nasal voice humming against her forehead, "I hope my mother is still alive. Even if we have been separated for ten or twenty years, as long as we can see each other one day, it will be enough for me." ”

Xinghe swallowed his saliva, thought about it again and again, and finally lay down in frustration.

The prince glanced at the hazy outline, turned his back and sneered: "Qing'er grew up together, but his heart changes when he grows up... I'm afraid I won't be used to the title of Crown Princess later, so I'll let you do it first. Don't worry too much. , I have no interest in you... After ten years of sticking it in your eye socket, even a god is tired of it, what are you thinking about!"

Her head began to hurt, "Master, you are no longer a child."

They have left people in the palace overnight. If they can't have another child, wouldn't they be causing trouble for themselves? At the end of the day, he really didn't think about that much. He still had the image of her dressing up in women's clothing before the wedding. After all, it was lovely and cute. The prince stretched out his hand to fish it out and took her into his arms, "I'm just going to sleep for one night. Where did they come from so much?"

His chin rested on the top of her head, her bun was still in place, and the hairpin was cold against his cheek. He fumbled to pull it out and threw it away. It probably hit the smoker and made a crisp clang.

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

Anyway, it's just a beautiful thought, the toad wants to eat the swan meat. She frowned and said yes, "If the Crown Princess snores, you have to endure it."

When he said he missed home, he acted like "I'm a good master and I'm willing to give you a night off." In the end, she didn't get the condom on, so that's good, she can sleep with me tonight; what if she says she misses home? Does he really know how to take her back on a snowy night? I'm afraid she will be allowed to go out of Xuande Gate and look west, and then go to the soup cake stall by the Tongzi River and bring back a bowl of wontons - the master is tired of the delicacies in the palace and wants to try folk snacks.

Since entering the East Palace, Xinghe has only stayed at night twice, both during the funeral of Queen Daxing. Now, after seven or eight years, I feel that my old arms and legs can no longer bear it. I thought about it again and again, and said slowly: "It's so cold, I still need to put on some clothes... I'll stay in bed for the night. If you're thirsty at night, call me." "

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

She was immersed in the past and didn't think there was anything wrong with being held in his arms. She just raised her head and asked, "Master, do you miss the late Queen?"

Upon hearing this, the prince sighed: "You are really trying to make trouble for yourself. I don't mean that at all."

The wind howled outside the window, and there were two people sleeping on the same bed, so far apart that it seemed like it wasn't enough. The prince thought of something, turned the quilt sideways, and pulled it towards her.

His chin rested on the top of her head, her bun was still in place, and the hairpin was cold against his cheek. He fumbled to pull it out and threw it away. It probably hit the smoker and made a crisp clang.

The prince snorted in disapproval, "Look at your face!"

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.

In fact, sometimes her brain doesn't work very well, especially when it comes to issues between men and women. She doesn't have the right ideas and often tries to be smart.

So Zuo Zhaoyi couldn't get what she wanted for a long time, and the crux was still here. The prince took one step ahead of her and cut off her escape route. In order to prevent the new queen from being disadvantageous to the crown prince, the emperor preferred that the throne should remain vacant rather than allow the crown prince to be wronged.