Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 11: The superiority or inferiority is up to me


The winter in the capital is really cold, and the bed is not heated like a kang. The prince is a man of steel, and he has not used a hot water bottle since he was fifteen, so it will take some time to warm up the cold quilt.

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

Their ancestral home was in Zhejiang, where their grandfather had entered the government. Although it snowed in winter, it was not heavy. When the first snow fell every year, the wet nurse would dig out the flower carvings buried under the osmanthus tree the previous year. There was a welded frame on the charcoal basin in the house, which was used to warm the wine.

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

They slept separately, not disturbing each other, but her feet were cold, so Xinghe curled up and rubbed them gently with her hands. After rubbing for a long time, warmth gradually rose from her calves. She turned her head to smell the sweet smell on the pillow, which reminded her of her childhood when she lived in the south with her wet nurse.

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

The road was in a hurry, and the steps of the arch bridge were very slippery in the snow. She drove up without thinking too much. After turning a few corners, she finally saw the white gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance of the government office. She knocked on the fence and asked them to stop outside the government office. The sedan chair came down from the curtain. As soon as she entered the door, she met a man in a crimson robe and black armor, with a graceful figure. She raised her eyes and smiled softly, "Brother Yueting, why are you here?"

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

Their ancestral home was in Zhejiang, where their grandfather had entered the government. Although it snowed in winter, it was not heavy. When the first snow fell every year, the wet nurse would dig out the flower carvings buried under the osmanthus tree the previous year. There was a welded frame on the charcoal basin in the house, which was used to warm the wine.

Their ancestral home was in Zhejiang, where their grandfather had entered the government. Although it snowed in winter, it was not heavy. When the first snow fell every year, the wet nurse would dig out the flower carvings buried under the osmanthus tree the previous year. There was a welded frame on the charcoal basin in the house, which was used to warm the wine.

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

The man under the lamp was wearing armor, but he had a beautiful and clear face. We were such good playmates when we were young, and even if we hadn't seen each other for ten years, we would still recognize each other at a glance when we met.

In order to reap the benefits while being a fisherman, she had to keep herself out of the trouble. The palace gave her ten years of influence. She saw the intrigues among the various palaces and learned that the same tricks worked just as well when applied to the officialdom.

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

In order to reap the benefits while being a fisherman, she had to keep herself out of the trouble. The palace gave her ten years of influence. She saw the intrigues among the various palaces and learned that the same tricks worked just as well when applied to the officialdom.

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

With a huge mountain on her head, the first thing she had to do was to overthrow the commander. Calculating the time, what she had told Xu Xingzhi earlier should have worked. The thousand households left by Lan Jing had been suppressed for many years and had long held a grudge against Nan Yushu. Wouldn't it be stupid not to kill him when she got the chance

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

Nan Yushu took it and unfolded it. One was a document from the prison reporting the death row prisoner, and the other was a petition submitted by the Ministry of Justice to the court. He leaned close to the candlestick and looked at it. After comparing them one by one, he did not think there was anything wrong.

"There was a minor conflict between the Patrol Guards and the Military Control Department. Lord Nan brought everyone back, so I had to come out in person." After saying this, he changed his tone and said in a friendly way, "It's cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Your face is blue from the cold."

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

In order to reap the benefits while being a fisherman, she had to keep herself out of the trouble. The palace gave her ten years of influence. She saw the intrigues among the various palaces and learned that the same tricks worked just as well when applied to the officialdom.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

She was calm and composed, thinking quietly. Big things have to be done slowly and there is no need to rush.

When old friends meet, there are actually many things to say, but due to the current situation, I can't talk in detail. No matter how impressive a person is in the eyes of outsiders, he is just the most ordinary brother Yue Ting in front of Xinghe. His eyes flowed quietly across her face, and his voice, which was always harsh when he shouted at the people below, was only warm here.

"This..." He looked at her in confusion, "What does Lord Su mean by this?"

She was really a little sleepy, the past and the present intertwined, the sound of the water in the clepsydra turned into the gurgling of spring water in the south of the Yangtze River. She turned over and saw the prince's back in the dim light, and she sighed in confusion, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it turns out that he has really grown up.

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Nan Yushu was so angry that he punched the desk, and the candle poker on the desk jumped half a foot high. The thousands of households in the hall were in panic. Xinghe gathered his sleeves and looked at him. He began to complain: "Damn it, I have been handling cases for half my life, and I have never encountered such a thing. At first, it was just an investigation, but Fang Youlin's house made a fuss for some reason, saying that the guards of the Control and Military Affairs Bureau broke the legs of the guards. This time they brought their master, and they want the emperor's handwritten order and report to the Inspectorate. When did the Control and Military Affairs Bureau go through so much trouble to do their work? In this case, they will arrest the people first and then investigate strictly. I think there is something fishy. Maybe there is a traitor in the department who informed Fang Youlin in advance."

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

She sat up suddenly. The prince had already gotten out of bed before her. He opened the curtain and went out to summon Dequan, "Speak clearly."

She was really a little sleepy, the past and the present intertwined, the sound of the water in the clepsydra turned into the gurgling of spring water in the south of the Yangtze River. She turned over and saw the prince's back in the dim light, and she sighed in confusion, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it turns out that he has really grown up.

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

They slept separately, not disturbing each other, but her feet were cold, so Xinghe curled up and rubbed them gently with her hands. After rubbing for a long time, warmth gradually rose from her calves. She turned her head to smell the sweet smell on the pillow, which reminded her of her childhood when she lived in the south with her wet nurse.

The road was in a hurry, and the steps of the arch bridge were very slippery in the snow. She drove up without thinking too much. After turning a few corners, she finally saw the white gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance of the government office. She knocked on the fence and asked them to stop outside the government office. The sedan chair came down from the curtain. As soon as she entered the door, she met a man in a crimson robe and black armor, with a graceful figure. She raised her eyes and smiled softly, "Brother Yueting, why are you here?"

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Xinghe asked him with a smile: "Did you see it, sir?"

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

The prince gnashed his teeth in hatred, turned around and asked Xinghe, "I specifically ordered a secret investigation, what was the result? Is it going to cause chaos in the world?"

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

She was really a little sleepy, the past and the present intertwined, the sound of the water in the clepsydra turned into the gurgling of spring water in the south of the Yangtze River. She turned over and saw the prince's back in the dim light, and she sighed in confusion, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it turns out that he has really grown up.

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

The prince gnashed his teeth in hatred, turned around and asked Xinghe, "I specifically ordered a secret investigation, what was the result? Is it going to cause chaos in the world?"

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

She sat up suddenly. The prince had already gotten out of bed before her. He opened the curtain and went out to summon Dequan, "Speak clearly."

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

When old friends meet, there are actually many things to say, but due to the current situation, I can't talk in detail. No matter how impressive a person is in the eyes of outsiders, he is just the most ordinary brother Yue Ting in front of Xinghe. His eyes flowed quietly across her face, and his voice, which was always harsh when he shouted at the people below, was only warm here.

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

The man under the lamp was wearing armor, but he had a beautiful and clear face. We were such good playmates when we were young, and even if we hadn't seen each other for ten years, we would still recognize each other at a glance when we met.

Xinghe quickly put on his smock and went out. Dequan said outside the threshold with a sad face, "A thousand households under the Control of Military Affairs Department went to the Spring House at night to report that Lord Nan led his troops to surround the residence of Lord Fang, the Minister of Justice. Lord Fang's servants refused to obey and confronted the Control of Military Affairs Department. Later, I don't know how, the patrolling guards in the city also got involved, and it caused a big scene..."

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

The commander was worried about the uproar in the city, but now the problem was finally solved, and he felt relieved. She watched his frown relax, turned her head away quietly, and gently pressed the corner of her mouth - he was very grateful to her now, and if he really went to see the emperor tomorrow, he might not even be able to find his grave to cry.

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

The prince gnashed his teeth in hatred, turned around and asked Xinghe, "I specifically ordered a secret investigation, what was the result? Is it going to cause chaos in the world?"

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

She was really a little sleepy, the past and the present intertwined, the sound of the water in the clepsydra turned into the gurgling of spring water in the south of the Yangtze River. She turned over and saw the prince's back in the dim light, and she sighed in confusion, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it turns out that he has really grown up.

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

Nan Yushu was so angry that he punched the desk, and the candle poker on the desk jumped half a foot high. The thousands of households in the hall were in panic. Xinghe gathered his sleeves and looked at him. He began to complain: "Damn it, I have been handling cases for half my life, and I have never encountered such a thing. At first, it was just an investigation, but Fang Youlin's house made a fuss for some reason, saying that the guards of the Control and Military Affairs Bureau broke the legs of the guards. This time they brought their master, and they want the emperor's handwritten order and report to the Inspectorate. When did the Control and Military Affairs Bureau go through so much trouble to do their work? In this case, they will arrest the people first and then investigate strictly. I think there is something fishy. Maybe there is a traitor in the department who informed Fang Youlin in advance."

The man under the lamp was wearing armor, but he had a beautiful and clear face. We were such good playmates when we were young, and even if we hadn't seen each other for ten years, we would still recognize each other at a glance when we met.

Their ancestral home was in Zhejiang, where their grandfather had entered the government. Although it snowed in winter, it was not heavy. When the first snow fell every year, the wet nurse would dig out the flower carvings buried under the osmanthus tree the previous year. There was a welded frame on the charcoal basin in the house, which was used to warm the wine.

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

The commander was worried about the uproar in the city, but now the problem was finally solved, and he felt relieved. She watched his frown relax, turned her head away quietly, and gently pressed the corner of her mouth - he was very grateful to her now, and if he really went to see the emperor tomorrow, he might not even be able to find his grave to cry.

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

Dequan said yes, and quickly stepped back to the eaves to clap his hands. The palace gate at the other end slowly opened, and the people under the lights took off their swords and hurried over, sweeping their sleeves to salute the Dan Emperor, "Greetings to the Crown Prince, and to Lord Su."

She was calm and composed, thinking quietly. Big things have to be done slowly and there is no need to rush.

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

When Lou Yueting heard this, he wanted to take off his cloak, but she quickly put down her hand and said, "It's okay for me, and I don't feel cold. You take your people back, I have things to do later." After saying this, she did not stay any longer and hurried to the main hall.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

With a huge mountain on her head, the first thing she had to do was to overthrow the commander. Calculating the time, what she had told Xu Xingzhi earlier should have worked. The thousand households left by Lan Jing had been suppressed for many years and had long held a grudge against Nan Yushu. Wouldn't it be stupid not to kill him when she got the chance

She was calm and composed, thinking quietly. Big things have to be done slowly and there is no need to rush.

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

When Lou Yueting heard this, he wanted to take off his cloak, but she quickly put down her hand and said, "It's okay for me, and I don't feel cold. You take your people back, I have things to do later." After saying this, she did not stay any longer and hurried to the main hall.

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

Nan Yushu was discouraged after hearing this. It seemed that he couldn't figure out who started it. It all started when there was a rumor that the Fang family guards were detained and beaten by the military department. He went to the door. But when he arrived, the situation suddenly got out of control. The lights in the Fang family were on, and a large group of people were making trouble on the street, even the patrolling guards were called in. Such a premeditated pattern was really a strange thing that he had never encountered in his 20 years of investigating cases.

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

With a huge mountain on her head, the first thing she had to do was to overthrow the commander. Calculating the time, what she had told Xu Xingzhi earlier should have worked. The thousand households left by Lan Jing had been suppressed for many years and had long held a grudge against Nan Yushu. Wouldn't it be stupid not to kill him when she got the chance

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

The road was in a hurry, and the steps of the arch bridge were very slippery in the snow. She drove up without thinking too much. After turning a few corners, she finally saw the white gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance of the government office. She knocked on the fence and asked them to stop outside the government office. The sedan chair came down from the curtain. As soon as she entered the door, she met a man in a crimson robe and black armor, with a graceful figure. She raised her eyes and smiled softly, "Brother Yueting, why are you here?"

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

Nan Yushu had never expected that the Jinyi Envoy, who seemed to be on bad terms with everyone, could actually help him at a critical moment. He walked out from behind the desk and bowed to her, "Lord Su, you have solved my urgent problem. I will meet the emperor tomorrow, and I am not afraid of not being able to respond. Don't worry, Nan will never forget your contribution and will report the truth to the emperor."

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

She was really a little sleepy, the past and the present intertwined, the sound of the water in the clepsydra turned into the gurgling of spring water in the south of the Yangtze River. She turned over and saw the prince's back in the dim light, and she sighed in confusion, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and it turns out that he has really grown up.

Dequan said yes, and quickly stepped back to the eaves to clap his hands. The palace gate at the other end slowly opened, and the people under the lights took off their swords and hurried over, sweeping their sleeves to salute the Dan Emperor, "Greetings to the Crown Prince, and to Lord Su."

With a huge mountain on her head, the first thing she had to do was to overthrow the commander. Calculating the time, what she had told Xu Xingzhi earlier should have worked. The thousand households left by Lan Jing had been suppressed for many years and had long held a grudge against Nan Yushu. Wouldn't it be stupid not to kill him when she got the chance

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

I lifted the cotton curtain on the window and looked out. The road was dark except for a small patch of light from the lanterns in front of me. Next to me was the moat. In spring, willow trees lined the river, but now all the leaves had fallen. The drooping branches scraped against the roof of the sedan, making a rustling sound.

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

"Of course." She put her hands behind her back and shook her head slowly. "The difference between 畐死 and 瘦死 is just one word, but it makes a big difference. This Minister Fang is really good at thinking these crooked ideas. Not only does he take bribes from the families of prisoners, he also gets the court to allocate funds for relief. Tell me, should such a corrupt official be punished even if the emperor asks about it?"

The road was in a hurry, and the steps of the arch bridge were very slippery in the snow. She drove up without thinking too much. After turning a few corners, she finally saw the white gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance of the government office. She knocked on the fence and asked them to stop outside the government office. The sedan chair came down from the curtain. As soon as she entered the door, she met a man in a crimson robe and black armor, with a graceful figure. She raised her eyes and smiled softly, "Brother Yueting, why are you here?"

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

In order to reap the benefits while being a fisherman, she had to keep herself out of the trouble. The palace gave her ten years of influence. She saw the intrigues among the various palaces and learned that the same tricks worked just as well when applied to the officialdom.

The man under the lamp was wearing armor, but he had a beautiful and clear face. We were such good playmates when we were young, and even if we hadn't seen each other for ten years, we would still recognize each other at a glance when we met.

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

The winter in the capital is really cold, and the bed is not heated like a kang. The prince is a man of steel, and he has not used a hot water bottle since he was fifteen, so it will take some time to warm up the cold quilt.

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

The man under the lamp was wearing armor, but he had a beautiful and clear face. We were such good playmates when we were young, and even if we hadn't seen each other for ten years, we would still recognize each other at a glance when we met.

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

The man under the lamp was wearing armor, but he had a beautiful and clear face. We were such good playmates when we were young, and even if we hadn't seen each other for ten years, we would still recognize each other at a glance when we met.

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

In order to reap the benefits while being a fisherman, she had to keep herself out of the trouble. The palace gave her ten years of influence. She saw the intrigues among the various palaces and learned that the same tricks worked just as well when applied to the officialdom.

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

When old friends meet, there are actually many things to say, but due to the current situation, I can't talk in detail. No matter how impressive a person is in the eyes of outsiders, he is just the most ordinary brother Yue Ting in front of Xinghe. His eyes flowed quietly across her face, and his voice, which was always harsh when he shouted at the people below, was only warm here.

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

When old friends meet, there are actually many things to say, but due to the current situation, I can't talk in detail. No matter how impressive a person is in the eyes of outsiders, he is just the most ordinary brother Yue Ting in front of Xinghe. His eyes flowed quietly across her face, and his voice, which was always harsh when he shouted at the people below, was only warm here.

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

They slept separately, not disturbing each other, but her feet were cold, so Xinghe curled up and rubbed them gently with her hands. After rubbing for a long time, warmth gradually rose from her calves. She turned her head to smell the sweet smell on the pillow, which reminded her of her childhood when she lived in the south with her wet nurse.

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

"Of course." She put her hands behind her back and shook her head slowly. "The difference between 畐死 and 瘦死 is just one word, but it makes a big difference. This Minister Fang is really good at thinking these crooked ideas. Not only does he take bribes from the families of prisoners, he also gets the court to allocate funds for relief. Tell me, should such a corrupt official be punished even if the emperor asks about it?"

With a huge mountain on her head, the first thing she had to do was to overthrow the commander. Calculating the time, what she had told Xu Xingzhi earlier should have worked. The thousand households left by Lan Jing had been suppressed for many years and had long held a grudge against Nan Yushu. Wouldn't it be stupid not to kill him when she got the chance

Xinghe asked him with a smile: "Did you see it, sir?"

"There was a minor conflict between the Patrol Guards and the Military Control Department. Lord Nan brought everyone back, so I had to come out in person." After saying this, he changed his tone and said in a friendly way, "It's cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Your face is blue from the cold."

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

They slept separately, not disturbing each other, but her feet were cold, so Xinghe curled up and rubbed them gently with her hands. After rubbing for a long time, warmth gradually rose from her calves. She turned her head to smell the sweet smell on the pillow, which reminded her of her childhood when she lived in the south with her wet nurse.

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Nan Yushu was discouraged after hearing this. It seemed that he couldn't figure out who started it. It all started when there was a rumor that the Fang family guards were detained and beaten by the military department. He went to the door. But when he arrived, the situation suddenly got out of control. The lights in the Fang family were on, and a large group of people were making trouble on the street, even the patrolling guards were called in. Such a premeditated pattern was really a strange thing that he had never encountered in his 20 years of investigating cases.

When Lou Yueting heard this, he wanted to take off his cloak, but she quickly put down her hand and said, "It's okay for me, and I don't feel cold. You take your people back, I have things to do later." After saying this, she did not stay any longer and hurried to the main hall.

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Xinghe asked him with a smile: "Did you see it, sir?"

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

When Lou Yueting heard this, he wanted to take off his cloak, but she quickly put down her hand and said, "It's okay for me, and I don't feel cold. You take your people back, I have things to do later." After saying this, she did not stay any longer and hurried to the main hall.

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

If it wasn't for the words "something happened", she would have suspected that the Jingshifang was worried that the master would take too long during sex and had to remind him on time outside.

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Nan Yushu was so angry that he punched the desk, and the candle poker on the desk jumped half a foot high. The thousands of households in the hall were in panic. Xinghe gathered his sleeves and looked at him. He began to complain: "Damn it, I have been handling cases for half my life, and I have never encountered such a thing. At first, it was just an investigation, but Fang Youlin's house made a fuss for some reason, saying that the guards of the Control and Military Affairs Bureau broke the legs of the guards. This time they brought their master, and they want the emperor's handwritten order and report to the Inspectorate. When did the Control and Military Affairs Bureau go through so much trouble to do their work? In this case, they will arrest the people first and then investigate strictly. I think there is something fishy. Maybe there is a traitor in the department who informed Fang Youlin in advance."

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

Xinghe quickly put on his smock and went out. Dequan said outside the threshold with a sad face, "A thousand households under the Control of Military Affairs Department went to the Spring House at night to report that Lord Nan led his troops to surround the residence of Lord Fang, the Minister of Justice. Lord Fang's servants refused to obey and confronted the Control of Military Affairs Department. Later, I don't know how, the patrolling guards in the city also got involved, and it caused a big scene..."

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

Nan Yushu was so angry that he punched the desk, and the candle poker on the desk jumped half a foot high. The thousands of households in the hall were in panic. Xinghe gathered his sleeves and looked at him. He began to complain: "Damn it, I have been handling cases for half my life, and I have never encountered such a thing. At first, it was just an investigation, but Fang Youlin's house made a fuss for some reason, saying that the guards of the Control and Military Affairs Bureau broke the legs of the guards. This time they brought their master, and they want the emperor's handwritten order and report to the Inspectorate. When did the Control and Military Affairs Bureau go through so much trouble to do their work? In this case, they will arrest the people first and then investigate strictly. I think there is something fishy. Maybe there is a traitor in the department who informed Fang Youlin in advance."

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Nan Yushu was so angry that he punched the desk, and the candle poker on the desk jumped half a foot high. The thousands of households in the hall were in panic. Xinghe gathered his sleeves and looked at him. He began to complain: "Damn it, I have been handling cases for half my life, and I have never encountered such a thing. At first, it was just an investigation, but Fang Youlin's house made a fuss for some reason, saying that the guards of the Control and Military Affairs Bureau broke the legs of the guards. This time they brought their master, and they want the emperor's handwritten order and report to the Inspectorate. When did the Control and Military Affairs Bureau go through so much trouble to do their work? In this case, they will arrest the people first and then investigate strictly. I think there is something fishy. Maybe there is a traitor in the department who informed Fang Youlin in advance."

Nan Yushu was discouraged after hearing this. It seemed that he couldn't figure out who started it. It all started when there was a rumor that the Fang family guards were detained and beaten by the military department. He went to the door. But when he arrived, the situation suddenly got out of control. The lights in the Fang family were on, and a large group of people were making trouble on the street, even the patrolling guards were called in. Such a premeditated pattern was really a strange thing that he had never encountered in his 20 years of investigating cases.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

She sat up suddenly. The prince had already gotten out of bed before her. He opened the curtain and went out to summon Dequan, "Speak clearly."

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

I lifted the cotton curtain on the window and looked out. The road was dark except for a small patch of light from the lanterns in front of me. Next to me was the moat. In spring, willow trees lined the river, but now all the leaves had fallen. The drooping branches scraped against the roof of the sedan, making a rustling sound.

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

The commander was worried about the uproar in the city, but now the problem was finally solved, and he felt relieved. She watched his frown relax, turned her head away quietly, and gently pressed the corner of her mouth - he was very grateful to her now, and if he really went to see the emperor tomorrow, he might not even be able to find his grave to cry.

Xinghe quickly put on his smock and went out. Dequan said outside the threshold with a sad face, "A thousand households under the Control of Military Affairs Department went to the Spring House at night to report that Lord Nan led his troops to surround the residence of Lord Fang, the Minister of Justice. Lord Fang's servants refused to obey and confronted the Control of Military Affairs Department. Later, I don't know how, the patrolling guards in the city also got involved, and it caused a big scene..."

Lou Yueting, Jinwu Youwei General, was in charge of the garrison and patrol to the west of the imperial city. He was the descendant of a famous general, and like Xinghe and his sister, he could not escape the so-called "reward for merit", but after more than ten years, he had already taken off that hat. Now he belonged to the Privy Council and worked under Xinghai, so he was a real power holder.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

The road was in a hurry, and the steps of the arch bridge were very slippery in the snow. She drove up without thinking too much. After turning a few corners, she finally saw the white gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance of the government office. She knocked on the fence and asked them to stop outside the government office. The sedan chair came down from the curtain. As soon as she entered the door, she met a man in a crimson robe and black armor, with a graceful figure. She raised her eyes and smiled softly, "Brother Yueting, why are you here?"

"There was a minor conflict between the Patrol Guards and the Military Control Department. Lord Nan brought everyone back, so I had to come out in person." After saying this, he changed his tone and said in a friendly way, "It's cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Your face is blue from the cold."

Nan Yushu took it and unfolded it. One was a document from the prison reporting the death row prisoner, and the other was a petition submitted by the Ministry of Justice to the court. He leaned close to the candlestick and looked at it. After comparing them one by one, he did not think there was anything wrong.

Dequan said yes, and quickly stepped back to the eaves to clap his hands. The palace gate at the other end slowly opened, and the people under the lights took off their swords and hurried over, sweeping their sleeves to salute the Dan Emperor, "Greetings to the Crown Prince, and to Lord Su."

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

"This..." He looked at her in confusion, "What does Lord Su mean by this?"

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

Xinghe inherited Shenzhaigong's drinking capacity and liked to take a sip since she was a child. Of course, she couldn't drink too much. Her mother repeatedly told her not to drink. The wet nurse would at most dip a little with chopsticks and wipe it on her lips. Of course, this was only in front of others. She loved to drink secretly behind people's backs. When the wet nurse saw her, she would pretend not to see it. Anyway, there was a little left at the bottom of the cup, so she couldn't get drunk.

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

She was calm and composed, thinking quietly. Big things have to be done slowly and there is no need to rush.

"There was a minor conflict between the Patrol Guards and the Military Control Department. Lord Nan brought everyone back, so I had to come out in person." After saying this, he changed his tone and said in a friendly way, "It's cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Your face is blue from the cold."

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

They slept separately, not disturbing each other, but her feet were cold, so Xinghe curled up and rubbed them gently with her hands. After rubbing for a long time, warmth gradually rose from her calves. She turned her head to smell the sweet smell on the pillow, which reminded her of her childhood when she lived in the south with her wet nurse.

His breathing was even, so he must have fallen asleep. She reached out to tuck in his blankets, and just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard Dequan's voice from outside, shouting through the window: "Master... Master, hey, is Master Su awake... Something happened!"

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

The prince gnashed his teeth in hatred, turned around and asked Xinghe, "I specifically ordered a secret investigation, what was the result? Is it going to cause chaos in the world?"

Xinghe groaned, "I was so panicked when I first heard the news. The prince was furious and scared me so much that I had no time to put on my clothes."

The hall was brightly lit, and presumably everything that needed to be dealt with had been dealt with. Apart from a few thousand households, no outsiders were seen. Xinghe came forward and saw Nan Yushu sitting at the desk with a unhappy expression. She cupped her hands and said, "Master Nan, the previous incident alarmed the Crown Prince, and I was ordered to come and take a look. You will go to the palace tomorrow and report to the master in person."

Their ancestral home was in Zhejiang, where their grandfather had entered the government. Although it snowed in winter, it was not heavy. When the first snow fell every year, the wet nurse would dig out the flower carvings buried under the osmanthus tree the previous year. There was a welded frame on the charcoal basin in the house, which was used to warm the wine.

Xinghe pursed his lips and smiled, "Sir, take a closer look, has the word thin been tampered with?"

Xinghe asked him with a smile: "Did you see it, sir?"

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

Xinghe quickly put on his smock and went out. Dequan said outside the threshold with a sad face, "A thousand households under the Control of Military Affairs Department went to the Spring House at night to report that Lord Nan led his troops to surround the residence of Lord Fang, the Minister of Justice. Lord Fang's servants refused to obey and confronted the Control of Military Affairs Department. Later, I don't know how, the patrolling guards in the city also got involved, and it caused a big scene..."

"It was originally a word of 琐?"

I lifted the cotton curtain on the window and looked out. The road was dark except for a small patch of light from the lanterns in front of me. Next to me was the moat. In spring, willow trees lined the river, but now all the leaves had fallen. The drooping branches scraped against the roof of the sedan, making a rustling sound.

When he said this, his eyes passed over her intentionally or unintentionally. Xinghe sneered and said, "Lord Nan's suspicion is over. The prince has already issued an imperial decree to conduct a secret visit. What does a secret visit mean? It does not mean visiting people's homes at night. Whether it is visiting neighbors or walking around the neighborhood, on a day like this, people from the Control Military Department suddenly visited. What do Fang Youlin's family think? Now that the matter has come out, the emperor will definitely ask about it, and the prince will inevitably be implicated. You should think about how to respond tomorrow."

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

"Of course." She put her hands behind her back and shook her head slowly. "The difference between 畐死 and 瘦死 is just one word, but it makes a big difference. This Minister Fang is really good at thinking these crooked ideas. Not only does he take bribes from the families of prisoners, he also gets the court to allocate funds for relief. Tell me, should such a corrupt official be punished even if the emperor asks about it?"

When old friends meet, there are actually many things to say, but due to the current situation, I can't talk in detail. No matter how impressive a person is in the eyes of outsiders, he is just the most ordinary brother Yue Ting in front of Xinghe. His eyes flowed quietly across her face, and his voice, which was always harsh when he shouted at the people below, was only warm here.

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

Jin Ci dropped her sleeves and said, "Your Highness, Lord Nan has ordered people to take those who caused trouble back to the government office. Minister Fang has many powerful slaves under his command, and it is said that there are also people from the underworld. The barbarians were unable to catch them all, and some of them escaped under the cover of night. A warrant has been issued to arrest them within a fifty-mile radius around the capital."

Because she loves to drink, watching the wine digging is also a kind of enjoyment. Salt is sprinkled on the sky, she wears a small scarlet cape, standing in the wind in the fine snow. The cape is very chivalrous, and she never wears it tightly, letting the back hem swell up, thinking she is very chic - carrying osmanthus wine, patrolling with a sword, and the lapels are covered with frost and hail, this is her dream since she was a child. Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a female knight who could fly over eaves and walk on walls. Later, people's fate is destined, she failed to become a female knight, and entered the palace at the age of twelve, serving people to eat, drink, defecate and urinate. But it's hard to say, entering the Control Rong Division is a different way, although it's not possible to be a chivalrous man, but it's still possible to make people tremble with fear.

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

"There was a minor conflict between the Patrol Guards and the Military Control Department. Lord Nan brought everyone back, so I had to come out in person." After saying this, he changed his tone and said in a friendly way, "It's cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Your face is blue from the cold."

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

Nan Yushu had never expected that the Jinyi Envoy, who seemed to be on bad terms with everyone, could actually help him at a critical moment. He walked out from behind the desk and bowed to her, "Lord Su, you have solved my urgent problem. I will meet the emperor tomorrow, and I am not afraid of not being able to respond. Don't worry, Nan will never forget your contribution and will report the truth to the emperor."

After leaving Jiafu Gate, although she was still in a hurry, she felt satisfied. Ye Jinchun's sedan chair was waiting at the palace gate. Jin Ci rushed to open the curtain of the sedan chair. Before she got into the sedan chair, she exchanged glances with him, a faint smile crept into the corner of her eyes, and without saying much, she got into the sedan chair and sat down.

Nan Yushu was so angry that he punched the desk, and the candle poker on the desk jumped half a foot high. The thousands of households in the hall were in panic. Xinghe gathered his sleeves and looked at him. He began to complain: "Damn it, I have been handling cases for half my life, and I have never encountered such a thing. At first, it was just an investigation, but Fang Youlin's house made a fuss for some reason, saying that the guards of the Control and Military Affairs Bureau broke the legs of the guards. This time they brought their master, and they want the emperor's handwritten order and report to the Inspectorate. When did the Control and Military Affairs Bureau go through so much trouble to do their work? In this case, they will arrest the people first and then investigate strictly. I think there is something fishy. Maybe there is a traitor in the department who informed Fang Youlin in advance."

While buckling his belt, Xinghe said, "I personally told Lord Nan what the master meant, telling him not to make it public. I don't know how it got to this point." He asked Dequan, "Where's the person? Bring him in for questioning."

The prince's face was stern, and he asked sternly, "What's going on now?"

"This..." He looked at her in confusion, "What does Lord Su mean by this?"

Nan Yushu was discouraged after hearing this. It seemed that he couldn't figure out who started it. It all started when there was a rumor that the Fang family guards were detained and beaten by the military department. He went to the door. But when he arrived, the situation suddenly got out of control. The lights in the Fang family were on, and a large group of people were making trouble on the street, even the patrolling guards were called in. Such a premeditated pattern was really a strange thing that he had never encountered in his 20 years of investigating cases.

Xinghe waved his hand, "Master Nan has been very kind to me over the years. It's just a small thing, how can you say that you deserve credit for it?"

Xinghe quickly put on his smock and went out. Dequan said outside the threshold with a sad face, "A thousand households under the Control of Military Affairs Department went to the Spring House at night to report that Lord Nan led his troops to surround the residence of Lord Fang, the Minister of Justice. Lord Fang's servants refused to obey and confronted the Control of Military Affairs Department. Later, I don't know how, the patrolling guards in the city also got involved, and it caused a big scene..."

Nan Yushu became more and more confused. He stared at it for a long time and suddenly gasped.

"There was a minor conflict between the Patrol Guards and the Military Control Department. Lord Nan brought everyone back, so I had to come out in person." After saying this, he changed his tone and said in a friendly way, "It's cold, why don't you wear more clothes? Your face is blue from the cold."

I lifted the cotton curtain on the window and looked out. The road was dark except for a small patch of light from the lanterns in front of me. Next to me was the moat. In spring, willow trees lined the river, but now all the leaves had fallen. The drooping branches scraped against the roof of the sedan, making a rustling sound.

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

She sat up suddenly. The prince had already gotten out of bed before her. He opened the curtain and went out to summon Dequan, "Speak clearly."

In order to reap the benefits while being a fisherman, she had to keep herself out of the trouble. The palace gave her ten years of influence. She saw the intrigues among the various palaces and learned that the same tricks worked just as well when applied to the officialdom.

The sedan bearers lifted the sedan and rushed north along the palace wall. Xinghe in the sedan leaned against the fence and breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a forward post, killing two birds with one stone without any major injuries. Each of the eight thousand households had people under their command, and most of the foreign troops were unfamiliar faces. It would be easy to insert a few people into the excited crowd to stir up trouble. Didn't the emperor want to conduct a secret investigation? Then she would do the opposite. Anyway, Nan Yushu is in charge of the Control Military Department now. If something goes wrong, he will take the responsibility, and she can completely get away with it. As for Fang Youlin, the cunning old man has always had an ambiguous attitude towards the princes. Prince Jian had a secret meeting with him, and after a sincere talk, he failed to win him over, so he must have ordered him to be eliminated. As for her, she only had to do as she was told. Anyway, Fang Youlin's absence would not affect anyone. To deal with the boss, give him a sweet date first, because he will slap him soon. At least it would allow Prince Jian to recall when he is in trouble that this chess piece has accomplished something, so he won't think more and more that it is wrong and turn his guns against the Su family.

The commander was worried about the uproar in the city, but now the problem was finally solved, and he felt relieved. She watched his frown relax, turned her head away quietly, and gently pressed the corner of her mouth - he was very grateful to her now, and if he really went to see the emperor tomorrow, he might not even be able to find his grave to cry.

When Lou Yueting heard this, he wanted to take off his cloak, but she quickly put down her hand and said, "It's okay for me, and I don't feel cold. You take your people back, I have things to do later." After saying this, she did not stay any longer and hurried to the main hall.

The road was in a hurry, and the steps of the arch bridge were very slippery in the snow. She drove up without thinking too much. After turning a few corners, she finally saw the white gauze lanterns hanging at the entrance of the government office. She knocked on the fence and asked them to stop outside the government office. The sedan chair came down from the curtain. As soon as she entered the door, she met a man in a crimson robe and black armor, with a graceful figure. She raised her eyes and smiled softly, "Brother Yueting, why are you here?"

The snow, like fluff, was blown by the wind and rolled into the corridor. The palace lanterns were hanging at night, and the snow seemed to appear out of thin air under the bright light, and it was blowing in the face. The prince was silent, but his face was not good, and he must be very angry. Xinghe glanced at him and said cautiously: "Master, please calm down. It's my fault that I didn't go to the government office today, and ended up causing such a big mess. It's cold, please go back to the palace, I will go over and take a look, and if there is anything to decide, I will send someone to tell you immediately." After saying this, she was solemn, and the palace maids behind her brought her an oiled silk dress to put on. She knocked on her hood while going down the steps, and went up to the palace gate with Jinci.

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

He was still worried, Xinghe waited for a long time, took out two documents from his sleeve and handed them to him, "Sir, please don't sigh, sighing will not help. Find a way to convict Fang Youlin, that's better than anything else. I have something here, please take a look."

"It was originally a word of 琐?"