Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 21: Cut the lights and talk at night


Under the lamp, the prince's face was pale and a little cold. Xinghe hadn't seen him look like this for a long time. Although he had been prepared before entering the palace, he couldn't help but feel a spasm in his heart when he saw it suddenly.



If she hadn't gone with the flow, how could she have been the Jinyishi of the Control Military Department so easily? Didn't Zuo Zhaoyi ask her to settle the case? Now the time has come, and it won't work if she doesn't settle it.

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

She lowered the cotton curtain and came forward. She called him "Master". He didn't even raise his eyes. He waved his hand weakly and said, "Tell the people standing guard outside to go down."

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

"Don't blame anyone. He has a clear stand in the political struggle and he is short-sighted. Not only him, but the Gao family has been doing something out of line in the past two years. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to clean up everything." Strong golden light illuminated his face. He turned his head slightly and a large shadow climbed up his neck.

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back in the armchair and said, "Let me ask you, did the prince consort have dinner just before his death?"

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

The cook was slightly stunned, but he didn't give it time to think about it. He nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, exactly."

The prince pointed at the stool and said, "Sit down."

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

Xinghe said okay, "I just need your words."

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

Xinghe thanked him and sat down. He didn't raise his head. She didn't dare to talk to him about the emperor's purpose. After waiting for a long time, he remained silent. She secretly glanced at him. His bony hands were pressed on his knees in a painful posture, as if the weight of his entire body was pressed on them. The tiger bone ring was as hard as iron, and it clasped the knuckles until the fingertips were completely bloodless.

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

Xinghe frowned with a cold face, "I don't care if your father is a bastard or not. I only know that the case of the prince consort must be closed. Even if it's exposed to the sky, the mastermind behind it must be found. If you don't bite others, others will bite you. There were six people who came in together, and one was locked up in the next room. They knew the situation better than you and identified you long ago. As long as you don't give in, the crime of murder will be yours, and it's useless for you to cry out for injustice."

Maybe he also needed to adapt. Xinghe waited quietly for a long time and finally heard his sigh: "The first oracle, did you hear it?"

The next time, who will be the one to cause trouble? Since he was speaking frankly today, his purpose was to see her performance. Xinghe hurriedly said yes, and soothed her in a gentle voice: "Master, don't blame the emperor in your heart. Those ministers in the court submit memorials every now and then, and His Majesty has no choice."

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

If it were any other time, she would definitely insist that it was not true. But this time was different. The situation was not optimistic. He had something on his mind, so she shouldn't play tricks on him on purpose.

However, Xinghe understood his difficulties. Surrounded by powerful enemies, the position of crown prince was not secure and could easily fall to someone else if he was not careful.

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.

It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

Xinghe said, "Has the emperor given any instructions on who he wants to enthrone?"

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

"Before dinner that day, did the Second Master Gao Zhiya enter the Princess's residence and have an argument with the Prince Consort?"

The person behind the case finally smiled with satisfaction, "Let me ask you one last question. Did you see Mr. Gao putting Hedinghong in the food box of the prince consort?"

Xinghe looked at him in panic. Although the order did not go against her original intention, she was really surprised that he was the mastermind behind the case.

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

If she hadn't gone with the flow, how could she have been the Jinyishi of the Control Military Department so easily? Didn't Zuo Zhaoyi ask her to settle the case? Now the time has come, and it won't work if she doesn't settle it.

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

The young face showed a calculating gloom. He turned his eyes and glanced at her lightly, "How to deal with it... The way is ready. It has been paved for you a long time ago. Now the case of the prince consort is in your hands. You know how to deal with it."


The blame must be put on Gao Zhiya, but the means must be circuitous so as not to be too conspicuous and embarrassing.

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back in the armchair and said, "Let me ask you, did the prince consort have dinner just before his death?"

Xinghe frowned with a cold face, "I don't care if your father is a bastard or not. I only know that the case of the prince consort must be closed. Even if it's exposed to the sky, the mastermind behind it must be found. If you don't bite others, others will bite you. There were six people who came in together, and one was locked up in the next room. They knew the situation better than you and identified you long ago. As long as you don't give in, the crime of murder will be yours, and it's useless for you to cry out for injustice."

Xinghe saw that the situation was about right, so he withdrew the people who were holding him down, and negotiated with him across the desk, "I don't want your life, your life is worthless. Anyway, you have seen the end of the previous few people. If you continue to be stubborn, you will end up in the same situation. I will show you a clear way. If you do well, I will keep your family safe. But if you don't do well, not only you, but also your mother, your wife, and your three-month-old son will have to go down to serve the prince consort. You should think about it yourself."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Jin Ci beside him added fuel to the fire and quickly pulled out a dagger. The blade just grazed his face and stabbed into the stool in front of him with a thud. "It's okay if you don't drink. The Control Rong Division has many ways to torture people. Today I will make you feel good."

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.

If she hadn't gone with the flow, how could she have been the Jinyishi of the Control Military Department so easily? Didn't Zuo Zhaoyi ask her to settle the case? Now the time has come, and it won't work if she doesn't settle it.

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

The next time, who will be the one to cause trouble? Since he was speaking frankly today, his purpose was to see her performance. Xinghe hurriedly said yes, and soothed her in a gentle voice: "Master, don't blame the emperor in your heart. Those ministers in the court submit memorials every now and then, and His Majesty has no choice."

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

"Don't bother with that. The murderer will never be found in this lifetime. If Gao Yangshan is still alive, how can he commit the biggest crime in the capital? How can he implicate Empress Zhaoyi in the palace through the palace wall?" He squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp light could be seen from under his thick eyelashes. "Master Su, it's time to repay the master. Do it beautifully and don't let others find any flaws."

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

It went out with a hiss, and a thin puff of smoke soon rose up and dissipated in an instant. The silver scissors in the prince's hand moved to the next candle.

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

Xinghe looked at him in panic. Although the order did not go against her original intention, she was really surprised that he was the mastermind behind the case.

The cook nodded his head rapidly, "Even if you call my father a bastard, I will do it now."

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

Xinghe said, "Has the emperor given any instructions on who he wants to enthrone?"

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

The rows of lanterns on the tree were all cleared, the candle flames stopped jumping, and they were as bright as usual. He put down the silver scissors and turned around to order: "It's almost the winter solstice, and most of the edicts to enthrone the queen are issued at that time. You have to hurry and close the case before the winter solstice, otherwise it will cost me more trouble, which is really troublesome."

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

Xinghe said no hastily, but after a pause, he nodded, "I really didn't expect..."

Xinghe frowned with a cold face, "I don't care if your father is a bastard or not. I only know that the case of the prince consort must be closed. Even if it's exposed to the sky, the mastermind behind it must be found. If you don't bite others, others will bite you. There were six people who came in together, and one was locked up in the next room. They knew the situation better than you and identified you long ago. As long as you don't give in, the crime of murder will be yours, and it's useless for you to cry out for injustice."

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

Xinghe frowned with a cold face, "I don't care if your father is a bastard or not. I only know that the case of the prince consort must be closed. Even if it's exposed to the sky, the mastermind behind it must be found. If you don't bite others, others will bite you. There were six people who came in together, and one was locked up in the next room. They knew the situation better than you and identified you long ago. As long as you don't give in, the crime of murder will be yours, and it's useless for you to cry out for injustice."

The young face showed a calculating gloom. He turned his eyes and glanced at her lightly, "How to deal with it... The way is ready. It has been paved for you a long time ago. Now the case of the prince consort is in your hands. You know how to deal with it."

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

"Don't blame anyone. He has a clear stand in the political struggle and he is short-sighted. Not only him, but the Gao family has been doing something out of line in the past two years. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to clean up everything." Strong golden light illuminated his face. He turned his head slightly and a large shadow climbed up his neck.

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

However, Xinghe understood his difficulties. Surrounded by powerful enemies, the position of crown prince was not secure and could easily fall to someone else if he was not careful.

The blame must be put on Gao Zhiya, but the means must be circuitous so as not to be too conspicuous and embarrassing.

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

Xinghe said okay, "I just need your words."

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

Yes, she had seen through it a long time ago, but she had never heard these words from him. This was the first time. In fact, he didn't need to tell her the truth at all. If he did this not to win her over, then he had a deeper plan that she couldn't understand.

The cook was a man of great potential, and he was very good at drawing inferences from one example. "Do I even need to ask? The Second Master and Princess Xia Ling have that kind of relationship, and the two brothers are vying to serve the Master, and they are jealous of each other."

It went out with a hiss, and a thin puff of smoke soon rose up and dissipated in an instant. The silver scissors in the prince's hand moved to the next candle.

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

The cook replied, "Every day at 3:30 pm, meals are served in the mansion. Even if the sky falls, the time will not change."

Xinghe knew that too many obvious things would be suspicious, and there must be a master behind it, but she didn't expect that this master would be him. The clues were hidden for thousands of miles, and the princess was to blame for the death of the prince consort, and the queen in the palace was also involved. She was glad that her plan coincided with his, otherwise he might not cut off the lamp flower next, but her.

Yes, she had seen through it a long time ago, but she had never heard these words from him. This was the first time. In fact, he didn't need to tell her the truth at all. If he did this not to win her over, then he had a deeper plan that she couldn't understand.

The blame must be put on Gao Zhiya, but the means must be circuitous so as not to be too conspicuous and embarrassing.

"Before dinner that day, did the Second Master Gao Zhiya enter the Princess's residence and have an argument with the Prince Consort?"

"Don't blame anyone. He has a clear stand in the political struggle and he is short-sighted. Not only him, but the Gao family has been doing something out of line in the past two years. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to clean up everything." Strong golden light illuminated his face. He turned his head slightly and a large shadow climbed up his neck.

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe followed the order and came out. A gust of cool wind blew in his face, freezing his internal organs. He could not fall asleep in his inner bedroom. He wanted to go back to the government office overnight, but he was afraid of arousing suspicion. He reluctantly lay on the kang, tossing and turning all night, his mind spinning like a windmill.

Xinghe knew that too many obvious things would be suspicious, and there must be a master behind it, but she didn't expect that this master would be him. The clues were hidden for thousands of miles, and the princess was to blame for the death of the prince consort, and the queen in the palace was also involved. She was glad that her plan coincided with his, otherwise he might not cut off the lamp flower next, but her.

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

However, Xinghe understood his difficulties. Surrounded by powerful enemies, the position of crown prince was not secure and could easily fall to someone else if he was not careful.

She bent down, cupped her hands and said, "Please rest assured, Master. I will do my job perfectly."

Under the lamp, the prince's face was pale and a little cold. Xinghe hadn't seen him look like this for a long time. Although he had been prepared before entering the palace, he couldn't help but feel a spasm in his heart when he saw it suddenly.

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

Maybe he also needed to adapt. Xinghe waited quietly for a long time and finally heard his sigh: "The first oracle, did you hear it?"

If she hadn't gone with the flow, how could she have been the Jinyishi of the Control Military Department so easily? Didn't Zuo Zhaoyi ask her to settle the case? Now the time has come, and it won't work if she doesn't settle it.

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

Jin Ci beside him added fuel to the fire and quickly pulled out a dagger. The blade just grazed his face and stabbed into the stool in front of him with a thud. "It's okay if you don't drink. The Control Rong Division has many ways to torture people. Today I will make you feel good."

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

She shook her head, and he wanted to laugh even more. He lowered his voice and said, "As long as I haven't ascended the throne, I have to plan every step carefully. My father is really old, and his heart is getting softer and softer. He can enthrone Zuo Zhaoyi as the queen today, and replace the crown prince tomorrow. I have to be on guard. So I have to take the initiative and defeat them before others use me as a knife. We are the number one family in the world. There is no blood relationship, only winners and losers. You have been in the palace for ten years, and you must have seen through it a long time ago."

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

However, Xinghe understood his difficulties. Surrounded by powerful enemies, the position of crown prince was not secure and could easily fall to someone else if he was not careful.

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

"Tell me, who poisoned the Prince Consort?"

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

The cook nodded his head rapidly, "Even if you call my father a bastard, I will do it now."

Jin Ci beside him added fuel to the fire and quickly pulled out a dagger. The blade just grazed his face and stabbed into the stool in front of him with a thud. "It's okay if you don't drink. The Control Rong Division has many ways to torture people. Today I will make you feel good."

The cook replied, "Every day at 3:30 pm, meals are served in the mansion. Even if the sky falls, the time will not change."

She shook her head, and he wanted to laugh even more. He lowered his voice and said, "As long as I haven't ascended the throne, I have to plan every step carefully. My father is really old, and his heart is getting softer and softer. He can enthrone Zuo Zhaoyi as the queen today, and replace the crown prince tomorrow. I have to be on guard. So I have to take the initiative and defeat them before others use me as a knife. We are the number one family in the world. There is no blood relationship, only winners and losers. You have been in the palace for ten years, and you must have seen through it a long time ago."

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

The next time, who will be the one to cause trouble? Since he was speaking frankly today, his purpose was to see her performance. Xinghe hurriedly said yes, and soothed her in a gentle voice: "Master, don't blame the emperor in your heart. Those ministers in the court submit memorials every now and then, and His Majesty has no choice."

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back in the armchair and said, "Let me ask you, did the prince consort have dinner just before his death?"

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

Yes, she had seen through it a long time ago, but she had never heard these words from him. This was the first time. In fact, he didn't need to tell her the truth at all. If he did this not to win her over, then he had a deeper plan that she couldn't understand.

The rows of lanterns on the tree were all cleared, the candle flames stopped jumping, and they were as bright as usual. He put down the silver scissors and turned around to order: "It's almost the winter solstice, and most of the edicts to enthrone the queen are issued at that time. You have to hurry and close the case before the winter solstice, otherwise it will cost me more trouble, which is really troublesome."

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

The cook was slightly stunned, but he didn't give it time to think about it. He nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, exactly."

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

The rows of lanterns on the tree were all cleared, the candle flames stopped jumping, and they were as bright as usual. He put down the silver scissors and turned around to order: "It's almost the winter solstice, and most of the edicts to enthrone the queen are issued at that time. You have to hurry and close the case before the winter solstice, otherwise it will cost me more trouble, which is really troublesome."

It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

She bent down, cupped her hands and said, "Please rest assured, Master. I will do my job perfectly."

The prince pointed at the stool and said, "Sit down."

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

The person behind the case finally smiled with satisfaction, "Let me ask you one last question. Did you see Mr. Gao putting Hedinghong in the food box of the prince consort?"

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

The next time, who will be the one to cause trouble? Since he was speaking frankly today, his purpose was to see her performance. Xinghe hurriedly said yes, and soothed her in a gentle voice: "Master, don't blame the emperor in your heart. Those ministers in the court submit memorials every now and then, and His Majesty has no choice."

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe saw that the situation was about right, so he withdrew the people who were holding him down, and negotiated with him across the desk, "I don't want your life, your life is worthless. Anyway, you have seen the end of the previous few people. If you continue to be stubborn, you will end up in the same situation. I will show you a clear way. If you do well, I will keep your family safe. But if you don't do well, not only you, but also your mother, your wife, and your three-month-old son will have to go down to serve the prince consort. You should think about it yourself."

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

Xinghe looked at him in panic. Although the order did not go against her original intention, she was really surprised that he was the mastermind behind the case.

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

She bent down, cupped her hands and said, "Please rest assured, Master. I will do my job perfectly."

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

If it were any other time, she would definitely insist that it was not true. But this time was different. The situation was not optimistic. He had something on his mind, so she shouldn't play tricks on him on purpose.

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

The cook replied, "Every day at 3:30 pm, meals are served in the mansion. Even if the sky falls, the time will not change."

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

Xinghe followed the order and came out. A gust of cool wind blew in his face, freezing his internal organs. He could not fall asleep in his inner bedroom. He wanted to go back to the government office overnight, but he was afraid of arousing suspicion. He reluctantly lay on the kang, tossing and turning all night, his mind spinning like a windmill.

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then asked him again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

Yes, she had seen through it a long time ago, but she had never heard these words from him. This was the first time. In fact, he didn't need to tell her the truth at all. If he did this not to win her over, then he had a deeper plan that she couldn't understand.

Yes, she had seen through it a long time ago, but she had never heard these words from him. This was the first time. In fact, he didn't need to tell her the truth at all. If he did this not to win her over, then he had a deeper plan that she couldn't understand.

Maybe he also needed to adapt. Xinghe waited quietly for a long time and finally heard his sigh: "The first oracle, did you hear it?"

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

If it were any other time, she would definitely insist that it was not true. But this time was different. The situation was not optimistic. He had something on his mind, so she shouldn't play tricks on him on purpose.

The blame must be put on Gao Zhiya, but the means must be circuitous so as not to be too conspicuous and embarrassing.

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

The cook was a man of great potential, and he was very good at drawing inferences from one example. "Do I even need to ask? The Second Master and Princess Xia Ling have that kind of relationship, and the two brothers are vying to serve the Master, and they are jealous of each other."

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

"Tell me, who poisoned the Prince Consort?"

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.

Xinghe sneered, raised his hand and waved, and moved forward to hold him down, and placed two wine cups side by side in front of him with a knock.

The rows of lanterns on the tree were all cleared, the candle flames stopped jumping, and they were as bright as usual. He put down the silver scissors and turned around to order: "It's almost the winter solstice, and most of the edicts to enthrone the queen are issued at that time. You have to hurry and close the case before the winter solstice, otherwise it will cost me more trouble, which is really troublesome."

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

Xinghe frowned with a cold face, "I don't care if your father is a bastard or not. I only know that the case of the prince consort must be closed. Even if it's exposed to the sky, the mastermind behind it must be found. If you don't bite others, others will bite you. There were six people who came in together, and one was locked up in the next room. They knew the situation better than you and identified you long ago. As long as you don't give in, the crime of murder will be yours, and it's useless for you to cry out for injustice."

She shook her head, and he wanted to laugh even more. He lowered his voice and said, "As long as I haven't ascended the throne, I have to plan every step carefully. My father is really old, and his heart is getting softer and softer. He can enthrone Zuo Zhaoyi as the queen today, and replace the crown prince tomorrow. I have to be on guard. So I have to take the initiative and defeat them before others use me as a knife. We are the number one family in the world. There is no blood relationship, only winners and losers. You have been in the palace for ten years, and you must have seen through it a long time ago."

"Tell me, who poisoned the Prince Consort?"

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

"Don't bother with that. The murderer will never be found in this lifetime. If Gao Yangshan is still alive, how can he commit the biggest crime in the capital? How can he implicate Empress Zhaoyi in the palace through the palace wall?" He squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp light could be seen from under his thick eyelashes. "Master Su, it's time to repay the master. Do it beautifully and don't let others find any flaws."

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

Xinghe knew that too many obvious things would be suspicious, and there must be a master behind it, but she didn't expect that this master would be him. The clues were hidden for thousands of miles, and the princess was to blame for the death of the prince consort, and the queen in the palace was also involved. She was glad that her plan coincided with his, otherwise he might not cut off the lamp flower next, but her.

It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

Xinghe thanked him and sat down. He didn't raise his head. She didn't dare to talk to him about the emperor's purpose. After waiting for a long time, he remained silent. She secretly glanced at him. His bony hands were pressed on his knees in a painful posture, as if the weight of his entire body was pressed on them. The tiger bone ring was as hard as iron, and it clasped the knuckles until the fingertips were completely bloodless.

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

It went out with a hiss, and a thin puff of smoke soon rose up and dissipated in an instant. The silver scissors in the prince's hand moved to the next candle.

Xinghe said, "Has the emperor given any instructions on who he wants to enthrone?"

The prince pointed at the stool and said, "Sit down."

She shook her head, and he wanted to laugh even more. He lowered his voice and said, "As long as I haven't ascended the throne, I have to plan every step carefully. My father is really old, and his heart is getting softer and softer. He can enthrone Zuo Zhaoyi as the queen today, and replace the crown prince tomorrow. I have to be on guard. So I have to take the initiative and defeat them before others use me as a knife. We are the number one family in the world. There is no blood relationship, only winners and losers. You have been in the palace for ten years, and you must have seen through it a long time ago."

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

The cook replied, "Every day at 3:30 pm, meals are served in the mansion. Even if the sky falls, the time will not change."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

Xinghe sneered, raised his hand and waved, and moved forward to hold him down, and placed two wine cups side by side in front of him with a knock.

Xinghe said, "Has the emperor given any instructions on who he wants to enthrone?"

She bent down, cupped her hands and said, "Please rest assured, Master. I will do my job perfectly."

Xinghe said, "Has the emperor given any instructions on who he wants to enthrone?"

The person behind the case finally smiled with satisfaction, "Let me ask you one last question. Did you see Mr. Gao putting Hedinghong in the food box of the prince consort?"

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe followed the order and came out. A gust of cool wind blew in his face, freezing his internal organs. He could not fall asleep in his inner bedroom. He wanted to go back to the government office overnight, but he was afraid of arousing suspicion. He reluctantly lay on the kang, tossing and turning all night, his mind spinning like a windmill.

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

Xinghe said, "Has the emperor given any instructions on who he wants to enthrone?"

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

If it were any other time, she would definitely insist that it was not true. But this time was different. The situation was not optimistic. He had something on his mind, so she shouldn't play tricks on him on purpose.

"Tell me, who poisoned the Prince Consort?"

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

The cook nodded his head rapidly, "Even if you call my father a bastard, I will do it now."

"Don't bother with that. The murderer will never be found in this lifetime. If Gao Yangshan is still alive, how can he commit the biggest crime in the capital? How can he implicate Empress Zhaoyi in the palace through the palace wall?" He squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp light could be seen from under his thick eyelashes. "Master Su, it's time to repay the master. Do it beautifully and don't let others find any flaws."

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

Xinghe thanked him and sat down. He didn't raise his head. She didn't dare to talk to him about the emperor's purpose. After waiting for a long time, he remained silent. She secretly glanced at him. His bony hands were pressed on his knees in a painful posture, as if the weight of his entire body was pressed on them. The tiger bone ring was as hard as iron, and it clasped the knuckles until the fingertips were completely bloodless.

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

Maybe he also needed to adapt. Xinghe waited quietly for a long time and finally heard his sigh: "The first oracle, did you hear it?"

The prince pointed at the stool and said, "Sit down."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

Jin Ci beside him added fuel to the fire and quickly pulled out a dagger. The blade just grazed his face and stabbed into the stool in front of him with a thud. "It's okay if you don't drink. The Control Rong Division has many ways to torture people. Today I will make you feel good."

However, Xinghe understood his difficulties. Surrounded by powerful enemies, the position of crown prince was not secure and could easily fall to someone else if he was not careful.

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

Xinghe responded with a yes, and retreated outside the curtain, clapping his sleeves and making crisp sounds, rippling in the thick night. In the blink of an eye, all the ladies had left, and the huge palace was empty, as if the whole world had become desolate and deserted, with only two people in the center of heaven and earth, keeping each other company in the cold night.

Xinghe followed the order and came out. A gust of cool wind blew in his face, freezing his internal organs. He could not fall asleep in his inner bedroom. He wanted to go back to the government office overnight, but he was afraid of arousing suspicion. He reluctantly lay on the kang, tossing and turning all night, his mind spinning like a windmill.

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

"Don't blame anyone. He has a clear stand in the political struggle and he is short-sighted. Not only him, but the Gao family has been doing something out of line in the past two years. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to clean up everything." Strong golden light illuminated his face. He turned his head slightly and a large shadow climbed up his neck.

Xinghe knew that too many obvious things would be suspicious, and there must be a master behind it, but she didn't expect that this master would be him. The clues were hidden for thousands of miles, and the princess was to blame for the death of the prince consort, and the queen in the palace was also involved. She was glad that her plan coincided with his, otherwise he might not cut off the lamp flower next, but her.

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

Xinghe said okay, "I just need your words."

Xinghe saw that the situation was about right, so he withdrew the people who were holding him down, and negotiated with him across the desk, "I don't want your life, your life is worthless. Anyway, you have seen the end of the previous few people. If you continue to be stubborn, you will end up in the same situation. I will show you a clear way. If you do well, I will keep your family safe. But if you don't do well, not only you, but also your mother, your wife, and your three-month-old son will have to go down to serve the prince consort. You should think about it yourself."

He trembled and cried out, "My Lord... My Lord, I really... I really don't know. I am just... a water carrier and cook. I don't even see the Prince Consort..."

Xinghe sneered, raised his hand and waved, and moved forward to hold him down, and placed two wine cups side by side in front of him with a knock.

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

The cook was a man of great potential, and he was very good at drawing inferences from one example. "Do I even need to ask? The Second Master and Princess Xia Ling have that kind of relationship, and the two brothers are vying to serve the Master, and they are jealous of each other."

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".


It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

This was also because Zuo Zhaoyi was unlucky. For eight years, the emperor had been as ruthless as iron, and she had tried her best but failed to get what she wanted. Now that the prince had grown up and held the real power, it would take more than ten or a hundred times the effort to overthrow him.

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.

The cook nodded his head rapidly, "Even if you call my father a bastard, I will do it now."

The young face showed a calculating gloom. He turned his eyes and glanced at her lightly, "How to deal with it... The way is ready. It has been paved for you a long time ago. Now the case of the prince consort is in your hands. You know how to deal with it."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

The blame must be put on Gao Zhiya, but the means must be circuitous so as not to be too conspicuous and embarrassing.

Xinghe said okay, "I just need your words."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

Xinghe saw that the situation was about right, so he withdrew the people who were holding him down, and negotiated with him across the desk, "I don't want your life, your life is worthless. Anyway, you have seen the end of the previous few people. If you continue to be stubborn, you will end up in the same situation. I will show you a clear way. If you do well, I will keep your family safe. But if you don't do well, not only you, but also your mother, your wife, and your three-month-old son will have to go down to serve the prince consort. You should think about it yourself."

The cook nodded his head rapidly, "Even if you call my father a bastard, I will do it now."

It went out with a hiss, and a thin puff of smoke soon rose up and dissipated in an instant. The silver scissors in the prince's hand moved to the next candle.

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

"Don't blame anyone. He has a clear stand in the political struggle and he is short-sighted. Not only him, but the Gao family has been doing something out of line in the past two years. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to clean up everything." Strong golden light illuminated his face. He turned his head slightly and a large shadow climbed up his neck.

"Tell me, who poisoned the Prince Consort?"

Xinghe frowned with a cold face, "I don't care if your father is a bastard or not. I only know that the case of the prince consort must be closed. Even if it's exposed to the sky, the mastermind behind it must be found. If you don't bite others, others will bite you. There were six people who came in together, and one was locked up in the next room. They knew the situation better than you and identified you long ago. As long as you don't give in, the crime of murder will be yours, and it's useless for you to cry out for injustice."

"Don't blame anyone. He has a clear stand in the political struggle and he is short-sighted. Not only him, but the Gao family has been doing something out of line in the past two years. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to clean up everything." Strong golden light illuminated his face. He turned his head slightly and a large shadow climbed up his neck.

He nodded, and a sad look appeared on his face again. "It's not that I don't want my father to establish a queen. It's a taboo for the country to leave the empress vacant. But anyone can sit on the throne of the queen, except Zuo Zhaoyi. I still remember that my mother was seriously ill, and the concubines in the palace went to Lizheng Palace to attend to her and ask about her health. Zuo Zhaoyi went there in plain clothes and told people that she was fasting and eating vegetarian food to pray for the queen. Is she really that kind? She dressed like she was going to a funeral, just to piss off my mother. It's taboo to cry in front of a patient. The more she did this, the more she said sad words, which made my mother sad. Later, even Concubine Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and sent her away with a half-smile and half-scold. She dressed up and went to Ganlu Palace at night... I have never told my father about these things, and he doesn't understand my heart. Some things can be said with words, which may make you feel relieved at the moment, but will cause endless troubles in the future. I can't let suspicion between father and son arise, so I'd rather do it completely and be smooth on the surface. "After he finished speaking, he suddenly smiled and said, "Look, even if they are close relatives in the imperial family, they still have to be cunning when managing things. Isn't it sad?"

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

She lowered the cotton curtain and came forward. She called him "Master". He didn't even raise his eyes. He waved his hand weakly and said, "Tell the people standing guard outside to go down."

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

He slowly sat up straight and turned his head to look at the row of red candles on the lamp tree. "Nothing's surprising. This is how the intrigues under imperial power are." As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to pace towards the lamp tree.

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

She bent down, cupped her hands and said, "Please rest assured, Master. I will do my job perfectly."

The cook was so frightened that he turned pale. No matter how pretty the presiding female official was, she now looked like the King of Hell with lip rouge on her face.

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe said, "I will go to the government office tomorrow to make arrangements and pry open the suspect's mouth..."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back in the armchair and said, "Let me ask you, did the prince consort have dinner just before his death?"

Xinghe said okay, "I just need your words."

After all, the cook was just an ordinary servant. He had been locked up in this dark cell for more than half a year since the chaos in the princess's mansion. He had been frightened by the screams and cries day and night. He had just witnessed the fate of several of his companions, and felt even more that he could not survive. The poisoned wine and the dagger were placed in front of him. His brain suddenly became numb, and he felt a hot stream running down his crotch, warming up his pants. But the guard laughed and scolded: "Coward, you peed before the torture!"

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

Under the lamp, the prince's face was pale and a little cold. Xinghe hadn't seen him look like this for a long time. Although he had been prepared before entering the palace, he couldn't help but feel a spasm in his heart when he saw it suddenly.

Xinghe thanked him and sat down. He didn't raise his head. She didn't dare to talk to him about the emperor's purpose. After waiting for a long time, he remained silent. She secretly glanced at him. His bony hands were pressed on his knees in a painful posture, as if the weight of his entire body was pressed on them. The tiger bone ring was as hard as iron, and it clasped the knuckles until the fingertips were completely bloodless.

Xinghe sneered, raised his hand and waved, and moved forward to hold him down, and placed two wine cups side by side in front of him with a knock.

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"

The cook replied, "Every day at 3:30 pm, meals are served in the mansion. Even if the sky falls, the time will not change."

She lowered the cotton curtain and came forward. She called him "Master". He didn't even raise his eyes. He waved his hand weakly and said, "Tell the people standing guard outside to go down."

Under the lamp, the prince's face was pale and a little cold. Xinghe hadn't seen him look like this for a long time. Although he had been prepared before entering the palace, he couldn't help but feel a spasm in his heart when he saw it suddenly.

Xinghe followed the order and came out. A gust of cool wind blew in his face, freezing his internal organs. He could not fall asleep in his inner bedroom. He wanted to go back to the government office overnight, but he was afraid of arousing suspicion. He reluctantly lay on the kang, tossing and turning all night, his mind spinning like a windmill.

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

It's like when no one fights for something and no one takes it seriously, but suddenly someone shows up to argue, and the stinky meat becomes fragrant. Xinghe knows this very well. There is no such person in the cell next door, so everything is just a means. When the cook heard that someone was vying for credit and pointing the finger at him, he really couldn't accept it. He struggled and crawled forward like a dog, banging his forehead on the ground, "My lord, you are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, you must save me. As long as I keep the food, I will do whatever you say."

She lowered the cotton curtain and came forward. She called him "Master". He didn't even raise his eyes. He waved his hand weakly and said, "Tell the people standing guard outside to go down."

"Before dinner that day, did the Second Master Gao Zhiya enter the Princess's residence and have an argument with the Prince Consort?"

It went out with a hiss, and a thin puff of smoke soon rose up and dissipated in an instant. The silver scissors in the prince's hand moved to the next candle.

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

She bent down, cupped her hands and said, "Please rest assured, Master. I will do my job perfectly."

He used a little effort to get rid of the thorn in his side easily. Even without her involvement, the case would have developed as he had imagined.

Xinghe looked at him in panic. Although the order did not go against her original intention, she was really surprised that he was the mastermind behind the case.

The cook said yes, "It was so noisy all day long that everyone in the mansion knew about it."

"Don't bother with that. The murderer will never be found in this lifetime. If Gao Yangshan is still alive, how can he commit the biggest crime in the capital? How can he implicate Empress Zhaoyi in the palace through the palace wall?" He squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp light could be seen from under his thick eyelashes. "Master Su, it's time to repay the master. Do it beautifully and don't let others find any flaws."

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

However, Xinghe understood his difficulties. Surrounded by powerful enemies, the position of crown prince was not secure and could easily fall to someone else if he was not careful.

The prince pointed at the stool and said, "Sit down."

No matter which cup he chose, he would die. The cook was so scared that his liver was about to burst. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and he kicked his legs and wailed like a pig being slaughtered: "No, no, no... I don't want to die. I have a mother at home and a newborn baby... Sir, please be kind and spare me!"

He smiled, but there was no warmth in his smile. "Are you surprised?"



A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

The person behind the case finally smiled with satisfaction, "Let me ask you one last question. Did you see Mr. Gao putting Hedinghong in the food box of the prince consort?"

"One cup of arsenic, one cup of poison wine, choose whichever you like."

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

The cook was a man of great potential, and he was very good at drawing inferences from one example. "Do I even need to ask? The Second Master and Princess Xia Ling have that kind of relationship, and the two brothers are vying to serve the Master, and they are jealous of each other."

The cook was a man of great potential, and he was very good at drawing inferences from one example. "Do I even need to ask? The Second Master and Princess Xia Ling have that kind of relationship, and the two brothers are vying to serve the Master, and they are jealous of each other."

Xinghe sneered, raised his hand and waved, and moved forward to hold him down, and placed two wine cups side by side in front of him with a knock.

"Don't bother with that. The murderer will never be found in this lifetime. If Gao Yangshan is still alive, how can he commit the biggest crime in the capital? How can he implicate Empress Zhaoyi in the palace through the palace wall?" He squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp light could be seen from under his thick eyelashes. "Master Su, it's time to repay the master. Do it beautifully and don't let others find any flaws."



A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

"Before dinner that day, did the Second Master Gao Zhiya enter the Princess's residence and have an argument with the Prince Consort?"

The person behind the case finally smiled with satisfaction, "Let me ask you one last question. Did you see Mr. Gao putting Hedinghong in the food box of the prince consort?"

The person behind the case finally smiled with satisfaction, "Let me ask you one last question. Did you see Mr. Gao putting Hedinghong in the food box of the prince consort?"

After hearing this, the prince just curled his lips coldly, "I don't blame my father, I hate those people with wolfish ambitions. I finally survived the weakest eight years. If it were before, I'm afraid I would have become meat on the chopping board."

The cook was a man of great potential, and he was very good at drawing inferences from one example. "Do I even need to ask? The Second Master and Princess Xia Ling have that kind of relationship, and the two brothers are vying to serve the Master, and they are jealous of each other."

It has come to this, what else is there to worry about! The cook gritted his teeth and called out, "You tell me what to do, I will do it."

The cook was slightly stunned, but he didn't give it time to think about it. He nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, exactly."

The prince shook his head slowly, "The fourth brother saw a draft on the imperial desk, and it was written by the person from Fengchu Palace."

She lowered the cotton curtain and came forward. She called him "Master". He didn't even raise his eyes. He waved his hand weakly and said, "Tell the people standing guard outside to go down."

The prince pointed at the stool and said, "Sit down."

The cook replied, "Every day at 3:30 pm, meals are served in the mansion. Even if the sky falls, the time will not change."

There was a pair of small silver scissors in the lacquer tray on the desk. He held them in his hands and pulled up his sleeves to cut the lamp flowers. His movements were lingering and graceful, as if it was such a delicate and great undertaking. The burning Ganoderma lucidum-like small fireball broke away from the wick, standing alone on the sharp edge of the scissors, and gradually dimmed. With a gentle tap, the copper cup filled with clear water in the lacquer tray was its final destination.

"Don't bother with that. The murderer will never be found in this lifetime. If Gao Yangshan is still alive, how can he commit the biggest crime in the capital? How can he implicate Empress Zhaoyi in the palace through the palace wall?" He squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp light could be seen from under his thick eyelashes. "Master Su, it's time to repay the master. Do it beautifully and don't let others find any flaws."

A man always has a bottom line, such as this peeing in his pants, which he has never done since he was old enough to understand. This time he was embarrassed in front of everyone, and the gloating of the barbarians almost overwhelmed him. His face was red and his neck was thick, "It's just a life..." But he couldn't say "Take it if you want it".

She ordered Xu Xingzhi to bring the suspects who were detained at the time of the crime back to court. Five people were tried together, four of them had their legs and arms broken, but only one was intact and stayed to have a serious talk.