Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 25: The lonely minister of the cold palace


To be honest, the case of the Princess' Mansion is a hot potato. Officials in the court should try their best not to get involved if possible.

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

There were only two siblings in their family. Su Xinghai had been promoted to a higher position over the years. When one reaches a certain position, he was used to being arrogant and unkind. But when he met his sister, he could no longer be arrogant. He smiled before he even met her. His face, which had become more calm after years of experience, became lively when the brother and sister met.

When Princess Xia Ling heard this, she burst into grief. Her lover could not escape his bad fate, and this was a real harm to her.

Among the six princesses of the dynasty, the one who was most favored by the emperor was Princess Xialing. Perhaps because she was the first-born daughter, like Prince Xin, she lived with the emperor for a period of time when she was young. Later, when she got married, she selected the antiques and curios in the Guangchusi according to her preferences and sent them to the princess's mansion as dowry. Such preferential treatment was something that later princesses dared not even think about. Now something happened in the princess's mansion, the prince consort was killed, and the culprit was pointed at his brother. If it were a civilian, wouldn't it be a tragic case outside the family? But once the identities of the people involved in the case changed, they had to show some human feelings in front of the king's law. If the Jinyi Envoy was flexible, it would not be impossible to twist the cook into a murderer. Everyone was still hesitant, but before everyone could discuss it, she ordered him to be arrested. In this case, we can only follow the good advice. Anyway, there is the prince behind him, so we are not afraid of anything.

Xinghe stroked the "Immediately Become a Marquis" charm in his hand and said with a gentle smile, "That's not the case. The Jinyi Guards are investigating the daughter of the emperor's family. If the criminal is really just a commoner like Xu Erma, I will handle it. Now Gao Zhiya is involved... He is the Junior Minister of the Imperial Household, and now it is back in your hands. I will have to trouble you to interrogate him." After he paused, he deliberately lowered his voice, "Lord Nan, we are all working for the Crown Prince, so what about you and me. When I took office, my master told me to cooperate sincerely with Lord Nan. Now it seems that I am loyal, but Lord Nan does not treat me as his own."

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

She took the bundle, held it in her arms and congratulated him. He waved his hand to dismiss the people around him, and then he really explained the purpose of his visit.

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

There were only two siblings in their family. Su Xinghai had been promoted to a higher position over the years. When one reaches a certain position, he was used to being arrogant and unkind. But when he met his sister, he could no longer be arrogant. He smiled before he even met her. His face, which had become more calm after years of experience, became lively when the brother and sister met.

The editors-in-chief of the twelve departments stood up and bowed to her, "Don't worry, Lord Su. After we enter the palace, we will report the whole story to the emperor. Uh... the case has taken unexpected turns. After the suspect is brought to justice, the Military Control Department can submit a document and report directly to the Military Affairs Office of the Cabinet... After all, it is a state affair and even more a family affair. If the Crown Prince is convenient at that time, Lord Su had better ask the Crown Prince to go with you. This, this..." The rest of the words were not spoken aloud, but the general idea was that if the emperor got angry, the situation could at least be turned around with the Crown Prince's presence.

Among the six princesses of the dynasty, the one who was most favored by the emperor was Princess Xialing. Perhaps because she was the first-born daughter, like Prince Xin, she lived with the emperor for a period of time when she was young. Later, when she got married, she selected the antiques and curios in the Guangchusi according to her preferences and sent them to the princess's mansion as dowry. Such preferential treatment was something that later princesses dared not even think about. Now something happened in the princess's mansion, the prince consort was killed, and the culprit was pointed at his brother. If it were a civilian, wouldn't it be a tragic case outside the family? But once the identities of the people involved in the case changed, they had to show some human feelings in front of the king's law. If the Jinyi Envoy was flexible, it would not be impossible to twist the cook into a murderer. Everyone was still hesitant, but before everyone could discuss it, she ordered him to be arrested. In this case, we can only follow the good advice. Anyway, there is the prince behind him, so we are not afraid of anything.

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

She took the bundle, held it in her arms and congratulated him. He waved his hand to dismiss the people around him, and then he really explained the purpose of his visit.

To be honest, the case of the Princess' Mansion is a hot potato. Officials in the court should try their best not to get involved if possible.

She was a little impatient to deal with these shallow-minded women, so she didn't swear, swear, or cry. In the eyes of Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter, what else could this be but a stubborn act

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

The cook was taken back to the cell. She sat in the deep and dark main hall for a long time. The main hall had been vacated to handle the case of the master's house. Nan Yushu avoided it as usual. Now he slowly came from the corridor and peeked in through the window. Seeing that she was silent, he stood at the door and asked like an outsider, "Did something go wrong?"

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

To be honest, the case of the Princess' Mansion is a hot potato. Officials in the court should try their best not to get involved if possible.

Xinghe stroked the "Immediately Become a Marquis" charm in his hand and said with a gentle smile, "That's not the case. The Jinyi Guards are investigating the daughter of the emperor's family. If the criminal is really just a commoner like Xu Erma, I will handle it. Now Gao Zhiya is involved... He is the Junior Minister of the Imperial Household, and now it is back in your hands. I will have to trouble you to interrogate him." After he paused, he deliberately lowered his voice, "Lord Nan, we are all working for the Crown Prince, so what about you and me. When I took office, my master told me to cooperate sincerely with Lord Nan. Now it seems that I am loyal, but Lord Nan does not treat me as his own."

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

She looked up at him, "What if Prince Jian didn't give any orders?"

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

This move really surprised Xinghe. She couldn't stand and talk anymore. She had no choice but to kneel down in front of the throne and kowtowed, "I am sorry for your humiliation. I will die a thousand times. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and the princess came to the palace to complain. Zuo Zhaoyi could no longer sit still. It seemed that she had to eat today's meal whether she wanted to or not.

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

"Grand Secretary of the Imperial Household Gao Zhiya?" Nan Yushu sighed sympathetically, "I only realized today that the case in Lord Su's hands is really difficult to handle. On my side, most of the nobles are officials. On your side, all those who can open a tooth and build a mansion are princesses. They are related to their mother's family, and they are related to each other for generations. Which one of them is not involved in the palace?" He sighed, "People in this position are bound to offend important people."

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

This move really surprised Xinghe. She couldn't stand and talk anymore. She had no choice but to kneel down in front of the throne and kowtowed, "I am sorry for your humiliation. I will die a thousand times. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

She could take her time in the second half of the afternoon. After lunch, she went to the torture room to watch Nan Yushu interrogate the prisoner. There was a process for handling cases, and Xu Erma had to be tortured to ask him whether he had framed the imperial official. Compared with losing his life, the pain of the flesh had to be endured no matter what. When Xu Erma looked at Xinghe in panic, she raised her hand and blew away the dust on her nails - regardless of herself, she had to think about her family outside. So he was beaten with sticks until his mouth was full of blood, but he did not beg for mercy, and still insisted that Gao Zhiya poisoned the prince consort.

She knew he was gloating, so she pretended not to understand. She stood up and bowed to him, "My lord, you can't just stand there at this time. You have to help me."

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

There were only two siblings in their family. Su Xinghai had been promoted to a higher position over the years. When one reaches a certain position, he was used to being arrogant and unkind. But when he met his sister, he could no longer be arrogant. He smiled before he even met her. His face, which had become more calm after years of experience, became lively when the brother and sister met.

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

Nan Yushu said, "This is a case that you, the Jinyi Envoy, are in charge of. Even if I want to intervene, I'm afraid I can't."

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

She looked up at him, "What if Prince Jian didn't give any orders?"

Jiang Chengzi understood immediately, bowed and accepted the order and left the main hall.

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

Xinghe stroked the "Immediately Become a Marquis" charm in his hand and said with a gentle smile, "That's not the case. The Jinyi Guards are investigating the daughter of the emperor's family. If the criminal is really just a commoner like Xu Erma, I will handle it. Now Gao Zhiya is involved... He is the Junior Minister of the Imperial Household, and now it is back in your hands. I will have to trouble you to interrogate him." After he paused, he deliberately lowered his voice, "Lord Nan, we are all working for the Crown Prince, so what about you and me. When I took office, my master told me to cooperate sincerely with Lord Nan. Now it seems that I am loyal, but Lord Nan does not treat me as his own."

"Your parents didn't teach you the rules well. I'm the head of this palace, so I'll teach you." Zuo Zhaoyi turned her head, half of her face completely immersed in darkness, and shouted to Nian Shikuan, "Slap her in the face, aim at her face, and slap her hard!"

Xinghe just brushed it off and said everything went well. He nodded and handed her a small bundle, "It contains wedding cakes and red eggs. Your sister-in-law gave me another son. It will be one month old tomorrow."

With a sullen face, Zuo Zhaoyi stared at her intently and said in a veiled tone, "What crime have you committed? Selfless and impartial Judge Bao, I shouldn't have recommended you to be the Imperial Guards. I should have asked the Emperor to let you be the Commander. Su Xinghe, have you forgotten how you ended up like this? You've messed up such a small case in the Princess's Mansion all day, what on earth are you thinking?"

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

Xinghe felt that it was unreasonable for a princess to stop thinking when she was trapped in love. After she finished yelling, she replied slowly: "If it doesn't need to go through the twelve departments, it won't be difficult for me to directly settle this case in prison. But since it has to be tried, the prisoner can't speak, and it's useless to go through the trial, it doesn't count..."

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

She was a smooth talker, and she knew whether it was a vertical or horizontal move. Nan Yushu was not moved by anything else, but by the sentence "all for the prince". Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the case of Princess Xialing's mansion was a case of an unrelated person, but suddenly Gao Zhiya was mentioned, and the problem became much more complicated. Princess Xialing was the key to the whole situation. If this battle was fought well, it would be a great achievement in front of the prince.

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

She took the bundle, held it in her arms and congratulated him. He waved his hand to dismiss the people around him, and then he really explained the purpose of his visit.

The cook was taken back to the cell. She sat in the deep and dark main hall for a long time. The main hall had been vacated to handle the case of the master's house. Nan Yushu avoided it as usual. Now he slowly came from the corridor and peeked in through the window. Seeing that she was silent, he stood at the door and asked like an outsider, "Did something go wrong?"

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

Nan Yushu turned his head and examined the female official in front of him. In fact, he could not figure out her intentions, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still took on the responsibility of interrogating Gao Zhiya.

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

Xinghe felt that it was unreasonable for a princess to stop thinking when she was trapped in love. After she finished yelling, she replied slowly: "If it doesn't need to go through the twelve departments, it won't be difficult for me to directly settle this case in prison. But since it has to be tried, the prisoner can't speak, and it's useless to go through the trial, it doesn't count..."

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

Xinghe jumped over with his arms wide open, just like when he was a kid, "Brother!"

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

This move really surprised Xinghe. She couldn't stand and talk anymore. She had no choice but to kneel down in front of the throne and kowtowed, "I am sorry for your humiliation. I will die a thousand times. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

So she had already paved the way for the rest of the journey, and she was just borrowing his help. Nan Yushu knew it in her heart, but she didn't know if she had received the instructions of the crown prince. Anyway, the ultimate goal was to defeat Prince Jian, and as long as it could be achieved, it didn't matter if it was a bright or dark move.

She knew he was gloating, so she pretended not to understand. She stood up and bowed to him, "My lord, you can't just stand there at this time. You have to help me."

Xinghe jumped over with his arms wide open, just like when he was a kid, "Brother!"

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

Jiang Chengzi understood immediately, bowed and accepted the order and left the main hall.

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Jiang Chengzi understood immediately, bowed and accepted the order and left the main hall.

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

They are really siblings. All the powerful tactics in the officialdom are resolved here, and there is only the tender affection between brothers. Xinghai asked her if she was okay and how the case in the government office was going. In fact, he had received the news a long time ago and knew that she would make a big move today. He was really worried, so he intercepted her on her way to work.

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

Jiang Chengzi understood immediately, bowed and accepted the order and left the main hall.

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

She looked up at him, "What if Prince Jian didn't give any orders?"

"That's all excuses!" Princess Xia Ling said in a sharp voice, "If that's the case, why did you let the cook have the chance to speak? What's your business as a military commander? You can pull out tongues and sew lips. What kind of vicious tricks can't you use? Lord Su really did a bad job leaving behind such a root of evil!"

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

Nan Yushu turned his head and examined the female official in front of him. In fact, he could not figure out her intentions, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still took on the responsibility of interrogating Gao Zhiya.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

She could take her time in the second half of the afternoon. After lunch, she went to the torture room to watch Nan Yushu interrogate the prisoner. There was a process for handling cases, and Xu Erma had to be tortured to ask him whether he had framed the imperial official. Compared with losing his life, the pain of the flesh had to be endured no matter what. When Xu Erma looked at Xinghe in panic, she raised her hand and blew away the dust on her nails - regardless of herself, she had to think about her family outside. So he was beaten with sticks until his mouth was full of blood, but he did not beg for mercy, and still insisted that Gao Zhiya poisoned the prince consort.

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

Among the six princesses of the dynasty, the one who was most favored by the emperor was Princess Xialing. Perhaps because she was the first-born daughter, like Prince Xin, she lived with the emperor for a period of time when she was young. Later, when she got married, she selected the antiques and curios in the Guangchusi according to her preferences and sent them to the princess's mansion as dowry. Such preferential treatment was something that later princesses dared not even think about. Now something happened in the princess's mansion, the prince consort was killed, and the culprit was pointed at his brother. If it were a civilian, wouldn't it be a tragic case outside the family? But once the identities of the people involved in the case changed, they had to show some human feelings in front of the king's law. If the Jinyi Envoy was flexible, it would not be impossible to twist the cook into a murderer. Everyone was still hesitant, but before everyone could discuss it, she ordered him to be arrested. In this case, we can only follow the good advice. Anyway, there is the prince behind him, so we are not afraid of anything.

The next person to be tried was Gao Zhiya's long-time attendant. He had made arrangements earlier and spared no effort to bite his old master. Xinghe listened for a while, and there was nothing surprising. She was too lazy to listen anymore and walked out of the torture room holding her small hand warmer.

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

She knew he was gloating, so she pretended not to understand. She stood up and bowed to him, "My lord, you can't just stand there at this time. You have to help me."

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

The cook was taken back to the cell. She sat in the deep and dark main hall for a long time. The main hall had been vacated to handle the case of the master's house. Nan Yushu avoided it as usual. Now he slowly came from the corridor and peeked in through the window. Seeing that she was silent, he stood at the door and asked like an outsider, "Did something go wrong?"

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

The next person to be tried was Gao Zhiya's long-time attendant. He had made arrangements earlier and spared no effort to bite his old master. Xinghe listened for a while, and there was nothing surprising. She was too lazy to listen anymore and walked out of the torture room holding her small hand warmer.

The eyes, as bright as those under the setting sun, looked at each other. Xinghe saw that her brother had grown a beard. After not seeing him for many years, he was no longer the same as he was before with red lips and white teeth. She giggled, "This beard looks good, better than Dad's."

"Your parents didn't teach you the rules well. I'm the head of this palace, so I'll teach you." Zuo Zhaoyi turned her head, half of her face completely immersed in darkness, and shouted to Nian Shikuan, "Slap her in the face, aim at her face, and slap her hard!"

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Zuo Zhaoyi sneered calmly, "I don't deserve it. Lord Su is in a high position now, and you shouldn't be the one to bow to us..." As she spoke, she stood up and bowed to her solemnly, "I should be the one to bow to you."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

With a sullen face, Zuo Zhaoyi stared at her intently and said in a veiled tone, "What crime have you committed? Selfless and impartial Judge Bao, I shouldn't have recommended you to be the Imperial Guards. I should have asked the Emperor to let you be the Commander. Su Xinghe, have you forgotten how you ended up like this? You've messed up such a small case in the Princess's Mansion all day, what on earth are you thinking?"

She looked up at him, "What if Prince Jian didn't give any orders?"

He looked at the time and thought about the tasks ahead. He wanted to go back to the palace, but then he felt that it was too early and he might not meet him. So he went to the archives and calmly read the files, looking through all the major cases in the past ten years. When he finished, he looked up and found that the sun was about to set. He quickly packed up and left the office to return to the palace.

How can we get him out now? She shook her head. "The officials in the court are involved in the case and are under the jurisdiction of Nan Yushu. Gao Shaoqing has been taken to prison and is being tortured. I'm afraid he can't be rescued."

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

The government office was on the shore of Shichahai Lake, and it was a long way along the coast. The official sedan chair was shaking, and it was moving smoothly, but suddenly it stopped. Ye Jinchun pinched his voice outside the sedan chair to report: "Sir, we met the deputy envoy of the Privy Council."

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

How can we get him out now? She shook her head. "The officials in the court are involved in the case and are under the jurisdiction of Nan Yushu. Gao Shaoqing has been taken to prison and is being tortured. I'm afraid he can't be rescued."

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

The government office was on the shore of Shichahai Lake, and it was a long way along the coast. The official sedan chair was shaking, and it was moving smoothly, but suddenly it stopped. Ye Jinchun pinched his voice outside the sedan chair to report: "Sir, we met the deputy envoy of the Privy Council."

Nan Yushu said, "This is a case that you, the Jinyi Envoy, are in charge of. Even if I want to intervene, I'm afraid I can't."

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

Xinghe felt that it was unreasonable for a princess to stop thinking when she was trapped in love. After she finished yelling, she replied slowly: "If it doesn't need to go through the twelve departments, it won't be difficult for me to directly settle this case in prison. But since it has to be tried, the prisoner can't speak, and it's useless to go through the trial, it doesn't count..."

So she had already paved the way for the rest of the journey, and she was just borrowing his help. Nan Yushu knew it in her heart, but she didn't know if she had received the instructions of the crown prince. Anyway, the ultimate goal was to defeat Prince Jian, and as long as it could be achieved, it didn't matter if it was a bright or dark move.

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

"That's all excuses!" Princess Xia Ling said in a sharp voice, "If that's the case, why did you let the cook have the chance to speak? What's your business as a military commander? You can pull out tongues and sew lips. What kind of vicious tricks can't you use? Lord Su really did a bad job leaving behind such a root of evil!"

When Xinghe heard this, she hurriedly opened the curtain and got out of the sedan chair. As expected, she saw her brother standing in front of the sedan chair, looking at her with a smile.

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

There were only two siblings in their family. Su Xinghai had been promoted to a higher position over the years. When one reaches a certain position, he was used to being arrogant and unkind. But when he met his sister, he could no longer be arrogant. He smiled before he even met her. His face, which had become more calm after years of experience, became lively when the brother and sister met.

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Zuo Zhaoyi sneered calmly, "I don't deserve it. Lord Su is in a high position now, and you shouldn't be the one to bow to us..." As she spoke, she stood up and bowed to her solemnly, "I should be the one to bow to you."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

How can we get him out now? She shook her head. "The officials in the court are involved in the case and are under the jurisdiction of Nan Yushu. Gao Shaoqing has been taken to prison and is being tortured. I'm afraid he can't be rescued."

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

"Prince Jian got the news and asked me to meet him in the afternoon. He was furious, which shows that he also realized that something was wrong. You don't have to worry about him. I will calm him down with kind words for the time being, and he can't do anything. But you must be careful. The palace is different from the outside world. I can protect you outside, but I can't reach you in the deep palace. It all depends on you."

In the palace, people don't care about the noise of a slap, they just want it to hit deep into the bones and hurt. It's like a cane hitting the flesh, the surface is intact, but the inside is broken. Xinghe watched the eunuch Nian raise his hand, his mind went blank, knowing that he would not be spared this time. But this slap was a great insult to the female official, the muffled sound of "slap" exploded in her ears, shattering the only guilt she had towards her old master.

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

Xinghe jumped over with his arms wide open, just like when he was a kid, "Brother!"

She knew he was gloating, so she pretended not to understand. She stood up and bowed to him, "My lord, you can't just stand there at this time. You have to help me."

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

In the palace, people don't care about the noise of a slap, they just want it to hit deep into the bones and hurt. It's like a cane hitting the flesh, the surface is intact, but the inside is broken. Xinghe watched the eunuch Nian raise his hand, his mind went blank, knowing that he would not be spared this time. But this slap was a great insult to the female official, the muffled sound of "slap" exploded in her ears, shattering the only guilt she had towards her old master.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

The eyes, as bright as those under the setting sun, looked at each other. Xinghe saw that her brother had grown a beard. After not seeing him for many years, he was no longer the same as he was before with red lips and white teeth. She giggled, "This beard looks good, better than Dad's."

Xinghe just brushed it off and said everything went well. He nodded and handed her a small bundle, "It contains wedding cakes and red eggs. Your sister-in-law gave me another son. It will be one month old tomorrow."

When Xinghe heard this, she hurriedly opened the curtain and got out of the sedan chair. As expected, she saw her brother standing in front of the sedan chair, looking at her with a smile.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

This move really surprised Xinghe. She couldn't stand and talk anymore. She had no choice but to kneel down in front of the throne and kowtowed, "I am sorry for your humiliation. I will die a thousand times. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

When Princess Xia Ling heard this, she burst into grief. Her lover could not escape his bad fate, and this was a real harm to her.

With a sullen face, Zuo Zhaoyi stared at her intently and said in a veiled tone, "What crime have you committed? Selfless and impartial Judge Bao, I shouldn't have recommended you to be the Imperial Guards. I should have asked the Emperor to let you be the Commander. Su Xinghe, have you forgotten how you ended up like this? You've messed up such a small case in the Princess's Mansion all day, what on earth are you thinking?"

Xinghe just brushed it off and said everything went well. He nodded and handed her a small bundle, "It contains wedding cakes and red eggs. Your sister-in-law gave me another son. It will be one month old tomorrow."

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

They are really siblings. All the powerful tactics in the officialdom are resolved here, and there is only the tender affection between brothers. Xinghai asked her if she was okay and how the case in the government office was going. In fact, he had received the news a long time ago and knew that she would make a big move today. He was really worried, so he intercepted her on her way to work.

"Grand Secretary of the Imperial Household Gao Zhiya?" Nan Yushu sighed sympathetically, "I only realized today that the case in Lord Su's hands is really difficult to handle. On my side, most of the nobles are officials. On your side, all those who can open a tooth and build a mansion are princesses. They are related to their mother's family, and they are related to each other for generations. Which one of them is not involved in the palace?" He sighed, "People in this position are bound to offend important people."

They are really siblings. All the powerful tactics in the officialdom are resolved here, and there is only the tender affection between brothers. Xinghai asked her if she was okay and how the case in the government office was going. In fact, he had received the news a long time ago and knew that she would make a big move today. He was really worried, so he intercepted her on her way to work.

He looked at the time and thought about the tasks ahead. He wanted to go back to the palace, but then he felt that it was too early and he might not meet him. So he went to the archives and calmly read the files, looking through all the major cases in the past ten years. When he finished, he looked up and found that the sun was about to set. He quickly packed up and left the office to return to the palace.

Zuo Zhaoyi sneered calmly, "I don't deserve it. Lord Su is in a high position now, and you shouldn't be the one to bow to us..." As she spoke, she stood up and bowed to her solemnly, "I should be the one to bow to you."

In the palace, people don't care about the noise of a slap, they just want it to hit deep into the bones and hurt. It's like a cane hitting the flesh, the surface is intact, but the inside is broken. Xinghe watched the eunuch Nian raise his hand, his mind went blank, knowing that he would not be spared this time. But this slap was a great insult to the female official, the muffled sound of "slap" exploded in her ears, shattering the only guilt she had towards her old master.

Xinghe just brushed it off and said everything went well. He nodded and handed her a small bundle, "It contains wedding cakes and red eggs. Your sister-in-law gave me another son. It will be one month old tomorrow."

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

She looked up at him, "What if Prince Jian didn't give any orders?"

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

She was surprised, "Isn't it a new-born child..." She soon realized that the so-called sister-in-law was his concubine.

So she had already paved the way for the rest of the journey, and she was just borrowing his help. Nan Yushu knew it in her heart, but she didn't know if she had received the instructions of the crown prince. Anyway, the ultimate goal was to defeat Prince Jian, and as long as it could be achieved, it didn't matter if it was a bright or dark move.

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

The cook was taken back to the cell. She sat in the deep and dark main hall for a long time. The main hall had been vacated to handle the case of the master's house. Nan Yushu avoided it as usual. Now he slowly came from the corridor and peeked in through the window. Seeing that she was silent, he stood at the door and asked like an outsider, "Did something go wrong?"

The editors-in-chief of the twelve departments stood up and bowed to her, "Don't worry, Lord Su. After we enter the palace, we will report the whole story to the emperor. Uh... the case has taken unexpected turns. After the suspect is brought to justice, the Military Control Department can submit a document and report directly to the Military Affairs Office of the Cabinet... After all, it is a state affair and even more a family affair. If the Crown Prince is convenient at that time, Lord Su had better ask the Crown Prince to go with you. This, this..." The rest of the words were not spoken aloud, but the general idea was that if the emperor got angry, the situation could at least be turned around with the Crown Prince's presence.

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

She took the bundle, held it in her arms and congratulated him. He waved his hand to dismiss the people around him, and then he really explained the purpose of his visit.

The eyes, as bright as those under the setting sun, looked at each other. Xinghe saw that her brother had grown a beard. After not seeing him for many years, he was no longer the same as he was before with red lips and white teeth. She giggled, "This beard looks good, better than Dad's."

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

The eyes, as bright as those under the setting sun, looked at each other. Xinghe saw that her brother had grown a beard. After not seeing him for many years, he was no longer the same as he was before with red lips and white teeth. She giggled, "This beard looks good, better than Dad's."

"Grand Secretary of the Imperial Household Gao Zhiya?" Nan Yushu sighed sympathetically, "I only realized today that the case in Lord Su's hands is really difficult to handle. On my side, most of the nobles are officials. On your side, all those who can open a tooth and build a mansion are princesses. They are related to their mother's family, and they are related to each other for generations. Which one of them is not involved in the palace?" He sighed, "People in this position are bound to offend important people."

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

She took the bundle, held it in her arms and congratulated him. He waved his hand to dismiss the people around him, and then he really explained the purpose of his visit.

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

"Grand Secretary of the Imperial Household Gao Zhiya?" Nan Yushu sighed sympathetically, "I only realized today that the case in Lord Su's hands is really difficult to handle. On my side, most of the nobles are officials. On your side, all those who can open a tooth and build a mansion are princesses. They are related to their mother's family, and they are related to each other for generations. Which one of them is not involved in the palace?" He sighed, "People in this position are bound to offend important people."

Xinghe stroked the "Immediately Become a Marquis" charm in his hand and said with a gentle smile, "That's not the case. The Jinyi Guards are investigating the daughter of the emperor's family. If the criminal is really just a commoner like Xu Erma, I will handle it. Now Gao Zhiya is involved... He is the Junior Minister of the Imperial Household, and now it is back in your hands. I will have to trouble you to interrogate him." After he paused, he deliberately lowered his voice, "Lord Nan, we are all working for the Crown Prince, so what about you and me. When I took office, my master told me to cooperate sincerely with Lord Nan. Now it seems that I am loyal, but Lord Nan does not treat me as his own."

"Prince Jian got the news and asked me to meet him in the afternoon. He was furious, which shows that he also realized that something was wrong. You don't have to worry about him. I will calm him down with kind words for the time being, and he can't do anything. But you must be careful. The palace is different from the outside world. I can protect you outside, but I can't reach you in the deep palace. It all depends on you."

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

To be honest, the case of the Princess' Mansion is a hot potato. Officials in the court should try their best not to get involved if possible.

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

She looked up at him, "What if Prince Jian didn't give any orders?"

When Xinghe heard this, she hurriedly opened the curtain and got out of the sedan chair. As expected, she saw her brother standing in front of the sedan chair, looking at her with a smile.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

"Your parents didn't teach you the rules well. I'm the head of this palace, so I'll teach you." Zuo Zhaoyi turned her head, half of her face completely immersed in darkness, and shouted to Nian Shikuan, "Slap her in the face, aim at her face, and slap her hard!"

Nan Yushu said, "This is a case that you, the Jinyi Envoy, are in charge of. Even if I want to intervene, I'm afraid I can't."

Xinghe just brushed it off and said everything went well. He nodded and handed her a small bundle, "It contains wedding cakes and red eggs. Your sister-in-law gave me another son. It will be one month old tomorrow."

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and the princess came to the palace to complain. Zuo Zhaoyi could no longer sit still. It seemed that she had to eat today's meal whether she wanted to or not.

"That's all excuses!" Princess Xia Ling said in a sharp voice, "If that's the case, why did you let the cook have the chance to speak? What's your business as a military commander? You can pull out tongues and sew lips. What kind of vicious tricks can't you use? Lord Su really did a bad job leaving behind such a root of evil!"

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

In the palace, people don't care about the noise of a slap, they just want it to hit deep into the bones and hurt. It's like a cane hitting the flesh, the surface is intact, but the inside is broken. Xinghe watched the eunuch Nian raise his hand, his mind went blank, knowing that he would not be spared this time. But this slap was a great insult to the female official, the muffled sound of "slap" exploded in her ears, shattering the only guilt she had towards her old master.

She knew he was gloating, so she pretended not to understand. She stood up and bowed to him, "My lord, you can't just stand there at this time. You have to help me."

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Xinghe jumped over with his arms wide open, just like when he was a kid, "Brother!"

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

Xinghai repeatedly reminded her to be careful, after all, they were in the public eye and it was not good to delay too long. After a few more private words, Xinghe said goodbye to him and returned to the palace.

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

This move really surprised Xinghe. She couldn't stand and talk anymore. She had no choice but to kneel down in front of the throne and kowtowed, "I am sorry for your humiliation. I will die a thousand times. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

The government office was on the shore of Shichahai Lake, and it was a long way along the coast. The official sedan chair was shaking, and it was moving smoothly, but suddenly it stopped. Ye Jinchun pinched his voice outside the sedan chair to report: "Sir, we met the deputy envoy of the Privy Council."

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

When Xinghe heard this, she hurriedly opened the curtain and got out of the sedan chair. As expected, she saw her brother standing in front of the sedan chair, looking at her with a smile.

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and the princess came to the palace to complain. Zuo Zhaoyi could no longer sit still. It seemed that she had to eat today's meal whether she wanted to or not.

They are really siblings. All the powerful tactics in the officialdom are resolved here, and there is only the tender affection between brothers. Xinghai asked her if she was okay and how the case in the government office was going. In fact, he had received the news a long time ago and knew that she would make a big move today. He was really worried, so he intercepted her on her way to work.

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

Jiang Chengzi entered the room with a knife in his hand, saying that he had arrested someone from the Imperial Household Department and was taking him back to the government office. She nodded, "Send someone to keep an eye on the princess's mansion and report any disturbances in a timely manner. Another thing... send two guards to disguise themselves as beggars and blend into the crowd to spread the news that Gao Shaoqing was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, and that he had an affair with Princess Xialing..."

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and the princess came to the palace to complain. Zuo Zhaoyi could no longer sit still. It seemed that she had to eat today's meal whether she wanted to or not.

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

"That's all excuses!" Princess Xia Ling said in a sharp voice, "If that's the case, why did you let the cook have the chance to speak? What's your business as a military commander? You can pull out tongues and sew lips. What kind of vicious tricks can't you use? Lord Su really did a bad job leaving behind such a root of evil!"

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

"Prince Jian got the news and asked me to meet him in the afternoon. He was furious, which shows that he also realized that something was wrong. You don't have to worry about him. I will calm him down with kind words for the time being, and he can't do anything. But you must be careful. The palace is different from the outside world. I can protect you outside, but I can't reach you in the deep palace. It all depends on you."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Xinghe felt a little disappointed for no reason. She thought her brother was different from other men...

Zuo Zhaoyi sneered calmly, "I don't deserve it. Lord Su is in a high position now, and you shouldn't be the one to bow to us..." As she spoke, she stood up and bowed to her solemnly, "I should be the one to bow to you."

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

"Prince Jian got the news and asked me to meet him in the afternoon. He was furious, which shows that he also realized that something was wrong. You don't have to worry about him. I will calm him down with kind words for the time being, and he can't do anything. But you must be careful. The palace is different from the outside world. I can protect you outside, but I can't reach you in the deep palace. It all depends on you."

Nan Yushu said, "This is a case that you, the Jinyi Envoy, are in charge of. Even if I want to intervene, I'm afraid I can't."

Xinghai repeatedly reminded her to be careful, after all, they were in the public eye and it was not good to delay too long. After a few more private words, Xinghe said goodbye to him and returned to the palace.

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

The cook was taken back to the cell. She sat in the deep and dark main hall for a long time. The main hall had been vacated to handle the case of the master's house. Nan Yushu avoided it as usual. Now he slowly came from the corridor and peeked in through the window. Seeing that she was silent, he stood at the door and asked like an outsider, "Did something go wrong?"

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

This move really surprised Xinghe. She couldn't stand and talk anymore. She had no choice but to kneel down in front of the throne and kowtowed, "I am sorry for your humiliation. I will die a thousand times. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

When Princess Xia Ling heard this, she burst into grief. Her lover could not escape his bad fate, and this was a real harm to her.

Nan Yushu said, "This is a case that you, the Jinyi Envoy, are in charge of. Even if I want to intervene, I'm afraid I can't."

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

When she passed by the sedan room, she saw Ye Jinchun sweeping the blue velvet sedan with a duster, carefully sweeping it up and down. He accidentally tripped over the pole and stumbled. She was stunned for a moment, and saw him stroking his shin with his hand. Suddenly, she remembered the prince who was in a shapeless state last night. Today, she was busy dealing with the things at hand and forgot about him. She didn't know if the kick left any sequelae, and whether he could stand up straight today.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

With a sullen face, Zuo Zhaoyi stared at her intently and said in a veiled tone, "What crime have you committed? Selfless and impartial Judge Bao, I shouldn't have recommended you to be the Imperial Guards. I should have asked the Emperor to let you be the Commander. Su Xinghe, have you forgotten how you ended up like this? You've messed up such a small case in the Princess's Mansion all day, what on earth are you thinking?"

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and the princess came to the palace to complain. Zuo Zhaoyi could no longer sit still. It seemed that she had to eat today's meal whether she wanted to or not.

She was a little impatient to deal with these shallow-minded women, so she didn't swear, swear, or cry. In the eyes of Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter, what else could this be but a stubborn act

The next person to be tried was Gao Zhiya's long-time attendant. He had made arrangements earlier and spared no effort to bite his old master. Xinghe listened for a while, and there was nothing surprising. She was too lazy to listen anymore and walked out of the torture room holding her small hand warmer.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

"That's all excuses!" Princess Xia Ling said in a sharp voice, "If that's the case, why did you let the cook have the chance to speak? What's your business as a military commander? You can pull out tongues and sew lips. What kind of vicious tricks can't you use? Lord Su really did a bad job leaving behind such a root of evil!"

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

Xinghai repeatedly reminded her to be careful, after all, they were in the public eye and it was not good to delay too long. After a few more private words, Xinghe said goodbye to him and returned to the palace.

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

Xinghe felt that it was unreasonable for a princess to stop thinking when she was trapped in love. After she finished yelling, she replied slowly: "If it doesn't need to go through the twelve departments, it won't be difficult for me to directly settle this case in prison. But since it has to be tried, the prisoner can't speak, and it's useless to go through the trial, it doesn't count..."

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Nan Yushu turned his head and examined the female official in front of him. In fact, he could not figure out her intentions, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still took on the responsibility of interrogating Gao Zhiya.

Before she finished her words, Princess Xia Ling was furious again, "Sophistry! Sophistry! I think you have changed sides at the last minute, and you are still trying to deceive us. The other day you came to my house to question me, and why did the Crown Prince follow you? You had the courage to admit in front of me that you were his concubine, and I thought it was unusual at the time, but now it seems that I was not too suspicious." She turned to her mother and said, "They are in collusion and are preparing to harm us, haven't you seen it yet? How long are you going to tolerate this rebellion?"

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

The editors-in-chief of the twelve departments stood up and bowed to her, "Don't worry, Lord Su. After we enter the palace, we will report the whole story to the emperor. Uh... the case has taken unexpected turns. After the suspect is brought to justice, the Military Control Department can submit a document and report directly to the Military Affairs Office of the Cabinet... After all, it is a state affair and even more a family affair. If the Crown Prince is convenient at that time, Lord Su had better ask the Crown Prince to go with you. This, this..." The rest of the words were not spoken aloud, but the general idea was that if the emperor got angry, the situation could at least be turned around with the Crown Prince's presence.

The editors-in-chief of the twelve departments stood up and bowed to her, "Don't worry, Lord Su. After we enter the palace, we will report the whole story to the emperor. Uh... the case has taken unexpected turns. After the suspect is brought to justice, the Military Control Department can submit a document and report directly to the Military Affairs Office of the Cabinet... After all, it is a state affair and even more a family affair. If the Crown Prince is convenient at that time, Lord Su had better ask the Crown Prince to go with you. This, this..." The rest of the words were not spoken aloud, but the general idea was that if the emperor got angry, the situation could at least be turned around with the Crown Prince's presence.

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

She was a little impatient to deal with these shallow-minded women, so she didn't swear, swear, or cry. In the eyes of Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter, what else could this be but a stubborn act

Among the six princesses of the dynasty, the one who was most favored by the emperor was Princess Xialing. Perhaps because she was the first-born daughter, like Prince Xin, she lived with the emperor for a period of time when she was young. Later, when she got married, she selected the antiques and curios in the Guangchusi according to her preferences and sent them to the princess's mansion as dowry. Such preferential treatment was something that later princesses dared not even think about. Now something happened in the princess's mansion, the prince consort was killed, and the culprit was pointed at his brother. If it were a civilian, wouldn't it be a tragic case outside the family? But once the identities of the people involved in the case changed, they had to show some human feelings in front of the king's law. If the Jinyi Envoy was flexible, it would not be impossible to twist the cook into a murderer. Everyone was still hesitant, but before everyone could discuss it, she ordered him to be arrested. In this case, we can only follow the good advice. Anyway, there is the prince behind him, so we are not afraid of anything.

Xinghe bowed to all the adults and said, "I was really panicked when the incident happened. Thank you for your advice. I will be more careful." As he spoke, he sent everyone out of the Control Army Department.

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and the princess came to the palace to complain. Zuo Zhaoyi could no longer sit still. It seemed that she had to eat today's meal whether she wanted to or not.

Zuo Zhaoyi sneered calmly, "I don't deserve it. Lord Su is in a high position now, and you shouldn't be the one to bow to us..." As she spoke, she stood up and bowed to her solemnly, "I should be the one to bow to you."

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

The eyes, as bright as those under the setting sun, looked at each other. Xinghe saw that her brother had grown a beard. After not seeing him for many years, he was no longer the same as he was before with red lips and white teeth. She giggled, "This beard looks good, better than Dad's."

Xinghe touched his nose and said dejectedly, "That's right, it's a pity, Xu Erma claimed that he was tortured into confessing, and the real murderer is someone else."

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

The cook was taken back to the cell. She sat in the deep and dark main hall for a long time. The main hall had been vacated to handle the case of the master's house. Nan Yushu avoided it as usual. Now he slowly came from the corridor and peeked in through the window. Seeing that she was silent, he stood at the door and asked like an outsider, "Did something go wrong?"

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

How can we get him out now? She shook her head. "The officials in the court are involved in the case and are under the jurisdiction of Nan Yushu. Gao Shaoqing has been taken to prison and is being tortured. I'm afraid he can't be rescued."

Nan Yushu turned his head and examined the female official in front of him. In fact, he could not figure out her intentions, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still took on the responsibility of interrogating Gao Zhiya.

Xinghe was very satisfied, and he said with a cupped hand, "Everything depends on Master Nan. I have ordered the captain to arrest the man, along with his close servant, and bring him back to the government office for Master Nan to deal with. The Shaoqing Mansion is also under strict control. Master Nan can order people to search it later. There will definitely be clues."

"Grand Secretary of the Imperial Household Gao Zhiya?" Nan Yushu sighed sympathetically, "I only realized today that the case in Lord Su's hands is really difficult to handle. On my side, most of the nobles are officials. On your side, all those who can open a tooth and build a mansion are princesses. They are related to their mother's family, and they are related to each other for generations. Which one of them is not involved in the palace?" He sighed, "People in this position are bound to offend important people."

When Princess Xia Ling heard this, she burst into grief. Her lover could not escape his bad fate, and this was a real harm to her.

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

Xinghe jumped over with his arms wide open, just like when he was a kid, "Brother!"

When Princess Xia Ling heard this, she burst into grief. Her lover could not escape his bad fate, and this was a real harm to her.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

Among the six princesses of the dynasty, the one who was most favored by the emperor was Princess Xialing. Perhaps because she was the first-born daughter, like Prince Xin, she lived with the emperor for a period of time when she was young. Later, when she got married, she selected the antiques and curios in the Guangchusi according to her preferences and sent them to the princess's mansion as dowry. Such preferential treatment was something that later princesses dared not even think about. Now something happened in the princess's mansion, the prince consort was killed, and the culprit was pointed at his brother. If it were a civilian, wouldn't it be a tragic case outside the family? But once the identities of the people involved in the case changed, they had to show some human feelings in front of the king's law. If the Jinyi Envoy was flexible, it would not be impossible to twist the cook into a murderer. Everyone was still hesitant, but before everyone could discuss it, she ordered him to be arrested. In this case, we can only follow the good advice. Anyway, there is the prince behind him, so we are not afraid of anything.

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

In ancient times, it was common for men to have three wives and four concubines, but the Su family had only one main wife for two generations, so Xinghai looked a little ashamed. "She was your sister-in-law's dowry. She was originally a concubine, but later she was officially taken into the family."

So she had already paved the way for the rest of the journey, and she was just borrowing his help. Nan Yushu knew it in her heart, but she didn't know if she had received the instructions of the crown prince. Anyway, the ultimate goal was to defeat Prince Jian, and as long as it could be achieved, it didn't matter if it was a bright or dark move.

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

Nan Yushu turned his head and examined the female official in front of him. In fact, he could not figure out her intentions, but after weighing the pros and cons, he still took on the responsibility of interrogating Gao Zhiya.

"Prince Jian got the news and asked me to meet him in the afternoon. He was furious, which shows that he also realized that something was wrong. You don't have to worry about him. I will calm him down with kind words for the time being, and he can't do anything. But you must be careful. The palace is different from the outside world. I can protect you outside, but I can't reach you in the deep palace. It all depends on you."

She was a little impatient to deal with these shallow-minded women, so she didn't swear, swear, or cry. In the eyes of Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter, what else could this be but a stubborn act

Xinghai hurriedly took it, muttering to himself that he had not made any progress, but he held it steadily with both hands.

"Grand Secretary of the Imperial Household Gao Zhiya?" Nan Yushu sighed sympathetically, "I only realized today that the case in Lord Su's hands is really difficult to handle. On my side, most of the nobles are officials. On your side, all those who can open a tooth and build a mansion are princesses. They are related to their mother's family, and they are related to each other for generations. Which one of them is not involved in the palace?" He sighed, "People in this position are bound to offend important people."

She was a little impatient to deal with these shallow-minded women, so she didn't swear, swear, or cry. In the eyes of Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter, what else could this be but a stubborn act

Princess Xia Ling stood up suddenly and pointed her finger at her. "She is the prince's concubine. Even she herself admits it!"

She could take her time in the second half of the afternoon. After lunch, she went to the torture room to watch Nan Yushu interrogate the prisoner. There was a process for handling cases, and Xu Erma had to be tortured to ask him whether he had framed the imperial official. Compared with losing his life, the pain of the flesh had to be endured no matter what. When Xu Erma looked at Xinghe in panic, she raised her hand and blew away the dust on her nails - regardless of herself, she had to think about her family outside. So he was beaten with sticks until his mouth was full of blood, but he did not beg for mercy, and still insisted that Gao Zhiya poisoned the prince consort.

She knew he was gloating, so she pretended not to understand. She stood up and bowed to him, "My lord, you can't just stand there at this time. You have to help me."

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

The criminal suddenly changed his confession, and Jinyi's tactics were not good enough. When she was defeated, he was secretly pleased, and even stood in a very arrogant posture.

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

Xinghai shook his head. "It's too late to remedy the situation now. Once someone enters the Control Rong Division, it's up to you to decide whether to make things right or wrong. Due to his status, he will never do this for his sister."

With a sullen face, Zuo Zhaoyi stared at her intently and said in a veiled tone, "What crime have you committed? Selfless and impartial Judge Bao, I shouldn't have recommended you to be the Imperial Guards. I should have asked the Emperor to let you be the Commander. Su Xinghe, have you forgotten how you ended up like this? You've messed up such a small case in the Princess's Mansion all day, what on earth are you thinking?"

Finally, half of the work was done, and she could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. She walked out of the gate and into the sunshine. Inside and outside the yamen were guards in black clothes and black armor. Everything she saw was solemn. She turned her eyes and looked at the only ginkgo tree in the yard. It had already shed all its clothes in winter, but there was still a leaf on a leaning branch. The golden leaves were still dazzling in the sunlight.

"Your parents didn't teach you the rules well. I'm the head of this palace, so I'll teach you." Zuo Zhaoyi turned her head, half of her face completely immersed in darkness, and shouted to Nian Shikuan, "Slap her in the face, aim at her face, and slap her hard!"

So she had already paved the way for the rest of the journey, and she was just borrowing his help. Nan Yushu knew it in her heart, but she didn't know if she had received the instructions of the crown prince. Anyway, the ultimate goal was to defeat Prince Jian, and as long as it could be achieved, it didn't matter if it was a bright or dark move.

Once the case is overturned, the situation will be over. Zuo Zhaoyi sighed: "Because this case was originally handled by the Ministry of Justice, I was afraid that Huo Qingzhu would interfere, so I did everything I could to ask the emperor to let you serve as the deputy envoy. I thought you were a capable person and could always settle such a small matter. Who knew I overestimated you... Or maybe you fell in love with the prince and planned to sell out your master for fame."

Seeing that the position of empress that she was about to obtain might be lost, Zuo Zhaoyi was gritting her teeth in anger, and she became even more furious when she heard her rebuttal. She grasped the pillows on both sides with both hands, and her body was tense like a bow due to anger, "I ask you, can you get Gao Shaoqing out of this?"

After calming down, he followed the eunuch into Fengchu Palace. It was time to light the lamps, and Zhaoyi, with a cold face, sat on the throne where light and darkness met, and next to her was Princess Xialing, with a frown on her face.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

"Prince Jian got the news and asked me to meet him in the afternoon. He was furious, which shows that he also realized that something was wrong. You don't have to worry about him. I will calm him down with kind words for the time being, and he can't do anything. But you must be careful. The palace is different from the outside world. I can protect you outside, but I can't reach you in the deep palace. It all depends on you."

She was a smooth talker, and she knew whether it was a vertical or horizontal move. Nan Yushu was not moved by anything else, but by the sentence "all for the prince". Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the case of Princess Xialing's mansion was a case of an unrelated person, but suddenly Gao Zhiya was mentioned, and the problem became much more complicated. Princess Xialing was the key to the whole situation. If this battle was fought well, it would be a great achievement in front of the prince.

Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'll apologize to him after I finish my task."

Xinghe naturally wanted to complain. She changed her tone to panic and said, "Your Highness... Madam, I have absolutely no intention of betraying my master. I have just joined the military control department, and I hope to make a good start more than anyone else. I did not expect the suspect to change his confession, and I cannot control such an accident."

Lord Nan waved his arm and summoned his men to go straight to Gao's house. Xinghe let out a sigh in the shadow beside the door. This way, she would be able to evade the challenge in front of Prince Jian.

However, today was indeed different from the past. She received the secret report of Princess Xia Ling entering the palace at Xuande Gate, and a eunuch came quickly from Anli Gate at the other end of Tianjie, waving his sleeves to greet her, "Good luck to Lord Su. Our Concubine Zhaoyi has given instructions. Lord Su, please come to Fengchu Palace to talk."

In the palace, people don't care about the noise of a slap, they just want it to hit deep into the bones and hurt. It's like a cane hitting the flesh, the surface is intact, but the inside is broken. Xinghe watched the eunuch Nian raise his hand, his mind went blank, knowing that he would not be spared this time. But this slap was a great insult to the female official, the muffled sound of "slap" exploded in her ears, shattering the only guilt she had towards her old master.

Zuo Zhaoyi finally revealed a look of contempt and squeezed out three words from between her teeth - shameless.

The eunuch nodded in agreement and soon came over with his hands raised, wearing lambskin gloves. He walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

Xinghe rested his forehead on the carpet. "In reply to your Majesty, I have already arranged everything in the prison. As long as the trial is held today, the case will be closed. But I did not expect that the cook would change his testimony at the last minute and bring up Gao Shaoqing. Even if I wanted to be partial, I cannot act in front of the chief editor of the Twelve Departments. Please understand, Majesty."

Zuo Zhaoyi sneered calmly, "I don't deserve it. Lord Su is in a high position now, and you shouldn't be the one to bow to us..." As she spoke, she stood up and bowed to her solemnly, "I should be the one to bow to you."

Xinghe bowed and saluted, "Greetings to the Queen, Greetings to the Princess..."

Women are different from men. Women pay more attention to emotions. When something goes wrong, they think about the reasons, but they are just obsessed with emotions. Xinghe prepared to deal with Prince Jian, but it didn't work in front of these two women. They don't ask if you have just completed another important task assigned by the master. They only look at the present. If you can't do it well, it must be that your heart has left your body.

Su Daxueshi's beard was famously messy. Others grew their beards in a straight line, but his beards were all over the place with no direction. Xinghai heard her making up stories about her father, saying that she had no manners, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.