Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 26: Follow the sound


According to the rules, Xinghe not only had the title of Eastern Palace Shangshu, but also the job of a second-rank official in the outer court. The women in the palace, let alone a Zhaoyi, even the queen, could not easily hit her. Zuo Zhaoyi was desperate and obviously forgot this point. She only remembered that the Su family was a servant of Prince Jian, and Su Xinghe was also a servant in Fengchu Palace, so she could beat and scold him. So after the first slap, she asked again whether she could get him out, and the answer she got was no, so she slapped him a second time and a third time.

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

What a shameful thing! If it were true, the imperial family would lose all face. He hated the princess for not improving. He loved her so much, but she ended up with such an unruly habit! The emperor sighed deeply, "Ten cows can't pull up a person who is risking his life to shrink into the mud. I order the Military Control Department to investigate this case thoroughly. Anyone who dares to interfere will be treated as an accomplice."

She is just that kind of person. She won't turn back until she hits the wall, and she won't say a word even if she suffers a loss.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

The prince knelt down this time and said to Long Tong'er, "The Concubine Zhaoyi beat my people. My people did nothing wrong. I was just enforcing the law impartially."

He knew she was embarrassed, so he didn't ask for details. Someone poked his head out from behind the brocade curtain and said, "Master, the egg is here."

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

The prince knelt down this time and said to Long Tong'er, "The Concubine Zhaoyi beat my people. My people did nothing wrong. I was just enforcing the law impartially."

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

Even the emperor was stunned. He looked at the newly appointed Jinyi Guardian and heard the prince call him "son's man". He walked out from behind the imperial desk and looked at Xinghe's face carefully.

What a shameful thing! If it were true, the imperial family would lose all face. He hated the princess for not improving. He loved her so much, but she ended up with such an unruly habit! The emperor sighed deeply, "Ten cows can't pull up a person who is risking his life to shrink into the mud. I order the Military Control Department to investigate this case thoroughly. Anyone who dares to interfere will be treated as an accomplice."

The prince saw this and his heart sank. Her cheek was very red. Wasn't it said that this treatment could alleviate the symptoms? But why did her face swell up the more the egg was moved? He stopped and looked at her, and found that it had reached a point that he could no longer tolerate. He was so angry that he pulled back his hand and smashed the egg hard on the gold brick, which immediately made a mess on the ground, a yellow and white mess.

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

Xinghe was originally a man of steel and courage, and he thought it was not a big deal. But for some reason, when he was around, his grievances magnified dozens of times in one breath, and his eyes still turned red despite his repeated attempts to control himself.

Before the emperor opened his mouth, Prince Xin knocked on the rim of the jar and said, "This is incredible, this is incredible. Maybe there will be a day when the Fengchu Palace will have a Zhaoyu prison. Look at how beautiful she was, no wonder my brother is so distressed. He only has such a favorite. I'm afraid that the Empress Zhaoyi didn't hit Su Xinghe, but the Crown Prince's face. I wonder if your father has heard of a rumor that the eldest princess and her husband are not in harmony, and the real culprit behind it is this brother-in-law..."

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

Xinghe smiled at him, pulling her left cheek, gritting her teeth in pain, "Your Majesty, I am not your second sister-in-law, you misunderstood."

Xinghe was still kneeling, bowing his head and knelt down, "Yes, thank you, your Majesty. I will never forget your teachings."

Princess Xia Ling only said that she was going back to the Princess Mansion and soon left the Fengchu Gate.

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

Princess Xia Ling snorted heavily, "Don't be dissatisfied. It won't take much trouble to deal with your Su family. I'm issuing a death order today. Even if it means sacrificing your future as a Jinyi Envoy, you must be cleared of Gao Shaoqing's crime. This matter concerns the dignity and honor of so many people. Even if I don't tell you, you should know it."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

"This is..." Was it a slap in the face? The palace has a long-standing rule that people should not be hit in the face. Not to mention a dignified female official, even the lowest servant in the palace would never be slapped in the face.

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

He looked bleak, "Don't worry about it."

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

Xinghe, who was lying on the ground, clenched his fists and trembled, but he looked more and more respectful and humble. "Your Highness, I will naturally do my best, but I still say that when officials in the court commit crimes, no matter how big or small, they are all under the jurisdiction of the commander Nan Yushu. I am just a deputy commander. If my superior gives up, I can take over, but Nan Yushu is determined to take care of it personally. I have no choice but to watch."

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

Xinghe stopped and said, "Master, it's so late, what on earth are you going to do?"

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

Even the emperor was stunned. He looked at the newly appointed Jinyi Guardian and heard the prince call him "son's man". He walked out from behind the imperial desk and looked at Xinghe's face carefully.

Xinghe stopped and said, "Master, it's so late, what on earth are you going to do?"

Xinghe didn't respond to her. It was too difficult to reason with someone who was about to lose his loved one.

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

The conversation went on and on, and it seemed that there would never be a decision. Princess Xia Ling was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes. She shouted at the top of her lungs: "Aren't you very capable? Why don't you drive Nan Yushu off the stage and become the commander yourself?"

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

Xinghe didn't respond to her. It was too difficult to reason with someone who was about to lose his loved one.

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

There were thousands of words in those eyes, but she couldn't interpret them. He looked at her like that, and she felt a little ashamed, so she turned her head away from his sight.

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

She turned and headed out of the palace. Zuo Zhaoyi hurriedly chased after her, "The palace gates are locked. Where are you going?"

She turned and headed out of the palace. Zuo Zhaoyi hurriedly chased after her, "The palace gates are locked. Where are you going?"

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

He knew she was embarrassed, so he didn't ask for details. Someone poked his head out from behind the brocade curtain and said, "Master, the egg is here."

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

The prince stood up, not forgetting to pull up "his people". There was no need for Xinghe to speak, he alone reported to the emperor: "Today, the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs closed the case of Gao Yangshan. The criminal cried out for injustice in the middle of the case, saying that the real murderer was Gao Zhiya, the junior minister of the Imperial Household. The chief writers of the Twelve Departments were all present at the time, and they must have reported the previous events to the emperor. As the chief judge of this case, what crime did she commit in arresting the suspect and questioning him? As a result, she was summoned to Fengchu Palace by Zuo Zhaoyi in the evening and reprimanded. When she came out, she had a face full of injuries... My son couldn't understand. My son was in the palace, and he also served as the deputy commander of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs. Why was he beaten and scolded at will? She was an official appointed by the court, a second-rank official, not a woman from the countryside. Although Empress Zhaoyi was in charge of palace affairs, she used private punishment to slap an official from outside the court, which really puzzled my son."

Before the emperor opened his mouth, Prince Xin knocked on the rim of the jar and said, "This is incredible, this is incredible. Maybe there will be a day when the Fengchu Palace will have a Zhaoyu prison. Look at how beautiful she was, no wonder my brother is so distressed. He only has such a favorite. I'm afraid that the Empress Zhaoyi didn't hit Su Xinghe, but the Crown Prince's face. I wonder if your father has heard of a rumor that the eldest princess and her husband are not in harmony, and the real culprit behind it is this brother-in-law..."

Princess Xia Ling only said that she was going back to the Princess Mansion and soon left the Fengchu Gate.

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

She is just that kind of person. She won't turn back until she hits the wall, and she won't say a word even if she suffers a loss.

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

Xinghe stopped and said, "Master, it's so late, what on earth are you going to do?"

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

Princess Xia Ling snorted heavily, "Don't be dissatisfied. It won't take much trouble to deal with your Su family. I'm issuing a death order today. Even if it means sacrificing your future as a Jinyi Envoy, you must be cleared of Gao Shaoqing's crime. This matter concerns the dignity and honor of so many people. Even if I don't tell you, you should know it."

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

If you don't kill someone, there will be endless troubles in the end. Nian Shikuan seemed to understand this principle better than Zuo Zhaoyi. He secretly looked at her and personally sent her out of the palace, saying: "Master Su, I had no choice just now, please don't hate me. We are working for others. If we mess up, we will lose our heads. I am not like you. It is easier to kill me than to kill an ant. In fact, I did it for you. If I had deceived you, you would have suffered more than just these three blows. You see..."

"This is..." Was it a slap in the face? The palace has a long-standing rule that people should not be hit in the face. Not to mention a dignified female official, even the lowest servant in the palace would never be slapped in the face.

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

Xinghe sneered at him, "I will remember An Da's kindness to me, and I will definitely repay him in the future."

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

The emperor's expression turned ugly. "What's going on? Stand up and speak."

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

Xinghe sneered at him, "I will remember An Da's kindness to me, and I will definitely repay him in the future."

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

The prince knelt down this time and said to Long Tong'er, "The Concubine Zhaoyi beat my people. My people did nothing wrong. I was just enforcing the law impartially."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

If this incident itself is not a big deal, then looking beyond the surface to the essence, we can see the seriousness of the situation.

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

Xinghe was still kneeling, bowing his head and knelt down, "Yes, thank you, your Majesty. I will never forget your teachings."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

Before the emperor opened his mouth, Prince Xin knocked on the rim of the jar and said, "This is incredible, this is incredible. Maybe there will be a day when the Fengchu Palace will have a Zhaoyu prison. Look at how beautiful she was, no wonder my brother is so distressed. He only has such a favorite. I'm afraid that the Empress Zhaoyi didn't hit Su Xinghe, but the Crown Prince's face. I wonder if your father has heard of a rumor that the eldest princess and her husband are not in harmony, and the real culprit behind it is this brother-in-law..."

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

If you don't kill someone, there will be endless troubles in the end. Nian Shikuan seemed to understand this principle better than Zuo Zhaoyi. He secretly looked at her and personally sent her out of the palace, saying: "Master Su, I had no choice just now, please don't hate me. We are working for others. If we mess up, we will lose our heads. I am not like you. It is easier to kill me than to kill an ant. In fact, I did it for you. If I had deceived you, you would have suffered more than just these three blows. You see..."

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

The prince knelt down this time and said to Long Tong'er, "The Concubine Zhaoyi beat my people. My people did nothing wrong. I was just enforcing the law impartially."

He knew she was embarrassed, so he didn't ask for details. Someone poked his head out from behind the brocade curtain and said, "Master, the egg is here."

The Crown Prince's visit to the Emperor late at night must be a big deal. Word quickly spread to Lizheng Hall, and when they entered the palace, Prince Xin was already waiting for him.

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

He reached out to take the tray. This was Dequan's idea. He said rolling the egg a few times would reduce swelling and redness. When the thunder and lightning were at Fengchu Palace, Dequan came back to prepare. He thought it would not be too unusual, but when he looked at it in the light, he saw that the delicate skin was bulging a lot, and the edges were covered with a layer of light bruises. I'm afraid he won't be able to see anyone tomorrow morning.

There were thousands of words in those eyes, but she couldn't interpret them. He looked at her like that, and she felt a little ashamed, so she turned her head away from his sight.

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

Princess Xia Ling only said that she was going back to the Princess Mansion and soon left the Fengchu Gate.

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

The prince stood up, not forgetting to pull up "his people". There was no need for Xinghe to speak, he alone reported to the emperor: "Today, the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs closed the case of Gao Yangshan. The criminal cried out for injustice in the middle of the case, saying that the real murderer was Gao Zhiya, the junior minister of the Imperial Household. The chief writers of the Twelve Departments were all present at the time, and they must have reported the previous events to the emperor. As the chief judge of this case, what crime did she commit in arresting the suspect and questioning him? As a result, she was summoned to Fengchu Palace by Zuo Zhaoyi in the evening and reprimanded. When she came out, she had a face full of injuries... My son couldn't understand. My son was in the palace, and he also served as the deputy commander of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs. Why was he beaten and scolded at will? She was an official appointed by the court, a second-rank official, not a woman from the countryside. Although Empress Zhaoyi was in charge of palace affairs, she used private punishment to slap an official from outside the court, which really puzzled my son."

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

There were thousands of words in those eyes, but she couldn't interpret them. He looked at her like that, and she felt a little ashamed, so she turned her head away from his sight.

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

If I had known this would happen... The prince smiled bitterly. Would the Su family still be willing to work for such a person

He reached out to take the tray. This was Dequan's idea. He said rolling the egg a few times would reduce swelling and redness. When the thunder and lightning were at Fengchu Palace, Dequan came back to prepare. He thought it would not be too unusual, but when he looked at it in the light, he saw that the delicate skin was bulging a lot, and the edges were covered with a layer of light bruises. I'm afraid he won't be able to see anyone tomorrow morning.

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

He knew that she was brought to Fengchu Palace, and he even knew that she was reprimanded and slapped by Zuo Zhaoyi. It was a pity that he couldn't break in to get her back. What kind of crime was it for the crown prince to break into the bedroom of his father's concubines at night? He couldn't let anyone get hold of any evidence at this moment. Since he couldn't rescue her, he had to wrong her. In fact, according to his thoughts at the time, it was a good thing to let her see the truth about people and the truth. But when he saw the five bright fingerprints on her face, he suddenly regretted it. He should have rushed into Fengchu Palace and killed her without a single piece of armor left!

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

Xinghe smiled at him, pulling her left cheek, gritting her teeth in pain, "Your Majesty, I am not your second sister-in-law, you misunderstood."

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

The conversation went on and on, and it seemed that there would never be a decision. Princess Xia Ling was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes. She shouted at the top of her lungs: "Aren't you very capable? Why don't you drive Nan Yushu off the stage and become the commander yourself?"

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

Princess Xia Ling only said that she was going back to the Princess Mansion and soon left the Fengchu Gate.

He was scolded before he could finish his words. The emperor scolded him, "You are a young man, but you keep asking about thieves and prostitutes all day long."

Xinghe sneered at him, "I will remember An Da's kindness to me, and I will definitely repay him in the future."

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

The prince stood up, not forgetting to pull up "his people". There was no need for Xinghe to speak, he alone reported to the emperor: "Today, the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs closed the case of Gao Yangshan. The criminal cried out for injustice in the middle of the case, saying that the real murderer was Gao Zhiya, the junior minister of the Imperial Household. The chief writers of the Twelve Departments were all present at the time, and they must have reported the previous events to the emperor. As the chief judge of this case, what crime did she commit in arresting the suspect and questioning him? As a result, she was summoned to Fengchu Palace by Zuo Zhaoyi in the evening and reprimanded. When she came out, she had a face full of injuries... My son couldn't understand. My son was in the palace, and he also served as the deputy commander of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs. Why was he beaten and scolded at will? She was an official appointed by the court, a second-rank official, not a woman from the countryside. Although Empress Zhaoyi was in charge of palace affairs, she used private punishment to slap an official from outside the court, which really puzzled my son."

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

Xinghe sneered at him, "I will remember An Da's kindness to me, and I will definitely repay him in the future."

She is just that kind of person. She won't turn back until she hits the wall, and she won't say a word even if she suffers a loss.

Xinghe, who was lying on the ground, clenched his fists and trembled, but he looked more and more respectful and humble. "Your Highness, I will naturally do my best, but I still say that when officials in the court commit crimes, no matter how big or small, they are all under the jurisdiction of the commander Nan Yushu. I am just a deputy commander. If my superior gives up, I can take over, but Nan Yushu is determined to take care of it personally. I have no choice but to watch."

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

If this incident itself is not a big deal, then looking beyond the surface to the essence, we can see the seriousness of the situation.

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

He knew she was embarrassed, so he didn't ask for details. Someone poked his head out from behind the brocade curtain and said, "Master, the egg is here."

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

He was scolded before he could finish his words. The emperor scolded him, "You are a young man, but you keep asking about thieves and prostitutes all day long."

What a shameful thing! If it were true, the imperial family would lose all face. He hated the princess for not improving. He loved her so much, but she ended up with such an unruly habit! The emperor sighed deeply, "Ten cows can't pull up a person who is risking his life to shrink into the mud. I order the Military Control Department to investigate this case thoroughly. Anyone who dares to interfere will be treated as an accomplice."

He reached out to take the tray. This was Dequan's idea. He said rolling the egg a few times would reduce swelling and redness. When the thunder and lightning were at Fengchu Palace, Dequan came back to prepare. He thought it would not be too unusual, but when he looked at it in the light, he saw that the delicate skin was bulging a lot, and the edges were covered with a layer of light bruises. I'm afraid he won't be able to see anyone tomorrow morning.

If you don't kill someone, there will be endless troubles in the end. Nian Shikuan seemed to understand this principle better than Zuo Zhaoyi. He secretly looked at her and personally sent her out of the palace, saying: "Master Su, I had no choice just now, please don't hate me. We are working for others. If we mess up, we will lose our heads. I am not like you. It is easier to kill me than to kill an ant. In fact, I did it for you. If I had deceived you, you would have suffered more than just these three blows. You see..."

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

The prince saw this and his heart sank. Her cheek was very red. Wasn't it said that this treatment could alleviate the symptoms? But why did her face swell up the more the egg was moved? He stopped and looked at her, and found that it had reached a point that he could no longer tolerate. He was so angry that he pulled back his hand and smashed the egg hard on the gold brick, which immediately made a mess on the ground, a yellow and white mess.

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

Prince Xin escorted them out of Lizheng Hall and all the way to Qianhua Gate. He pointed eastward and said, "I will move to Wude Hall in a couple of days. I will start building my own residence next year." He spared the crown prince and bowed to Xinghe, "Sister-in-law, you have suffered a lot today. Let my brother take good care of you when you go back."

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

He reached out to take the tray. This was Dequan's idea. He said rolling the egg a few times would reduce swelling and redness. When the thunder and lightning were at Fengchu Palace, Dequan came back to prepare. He thought it would not be too unusual, but when he looked at it in the light, he saw that the delicate skin was bulging a lot, and the edges were covered with a layer of light bruises. I'm afraid he won't be able to see anyone tomorrow morning.

Xinghe was originally a man of steel and courage, and he thought it was not a big deal. But for some reason, when he was around, his grievances magnified dozens of times in one breath, and his eyes still turned red despite his repeated attempts to control himself.

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

The prince saw this and his heart sank. Her cheek was very red. Wasn't it said that this treatment could alleviate the symptoms? But why did her face swell up the more the egg was moved? He stopped and looked at her, and found that it had reached a point that he could no longer tolerate. He was so angry that he pulled back his hand and smashed the egg hard on the gold brick, which immediately made a mess on the ground, a yellow and white mess.

Even the emperor was stunned. He looked at the newly appointed Jinyi Guardian and heard the prince call him "son's man". He walked out from behind the imperial desk and looked at Xinghe's face carefully.

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

Of course he knew where the emperor's father was. If there was no third eye in the palace, he would have died without a burial place. It was not entirely true that he acted impulsively. He always thought things through carefully. He went to see the emperor's father now to redress Xinghe's grievances and to confirm the case of the princess's mansion and force the emperor's father to express his position. The three slaps of Zuo Zhaoyi were suspected of lynching. How could she be so righteous as to cover up the world with one hand

Such thunderous anger frightened Xinghe. She stammered, "Master..." But he pulled her up again, put a cloak on her without saying a word, and dragged her out of Lizheng Hall.

There were thousands of words in those eyes, but she couldn't interpret them. He looked at her like that, and she felt a little ashamed, so she turned her head away from his sight.

Xinghe smiled at him, pulling her left cheek, gritting her teeth in pain, "Your Majesty, I am not your second sister-in-law, you misunderstood."

Such thunderous anger frightened Xinghe. She stammered, "Master..." But he pulled her up again, put a cloak on her without saying a word, and dragged her out of Lizheng Hall.

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

The conversation went on and on, and it seemed that there would never be a decision. Princess Xia Ling was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes. She shouted at the top of her lungs: "Aren't you very capable? Why don't you drive Nan Yushu off the stage and become the commander yourself?"

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

Prince Xin escorted them out of Lizheng Hall and all the way to Qianhua Gate. He pointed eastward and said, "I will move to Wude Hall in a couple of days. I will start building my own residence next year." He spared the crown prince and bowed to Xinghe, "Sister-in-law, you have suffered a lot today. Let my brother take good care of you when you go back."

Xinghe sneered at him, "I will remember An Da's kindness to me, and I will definitely repay him in the future."

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

"This is..." Was it a slap in the face? The palace has a long-standing rule that people should not be hit in the face. Not to mention a dignified female official, even the lowest servant in the palace would never be slapped in the face.

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

He looked bleak, "Don't worry about it."

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

Even the emperor was stunned. He looked at the newly appointed Jinyi Guardian and heard the prince call him "son's man". He walked out from behind the imperial desk and looked at Xinghe's face carefully.

Xinghe was originally a man of steel and courage, and he thought it was not a big deal. But for some reason, when he was around, his grievances magnified dozens of times in one breath, and his eyes still turned red despite his repeated attempts to control himself.

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

Xinghe was still kneeling, bowing his head and knelt down, "Yes, thank you, your Majesty. I will never forget your teachings."

He knew that she was brought to Fengchu Palace, and he even knew that she was reprimanded and slapped by Zuo Zhaoyi. It was a pity that he couldn't break in to get her back. What kind of crime was it for the crown prince to break into the bedroom of his father's concubines at night? He couldn't let anyone get hold of any evidence at this moment. Since he couldn't rescue her, he had to wrong her. In fact, according to his thoughts at the time, it was a good thing to let her see the truth about people and the truth. But when he saw the five bright fingerprints on her face, he suddenly regretted it. He should have rushed into Fengchu Palace and killed her without a single piece of armor left!

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

He looked bleak, "Don't worry about it."

Xinghe was originally a man of steel and courage, and he thought it was not a big deal. But for some reason, when he was around, his grievances magnified dozens of times in one breath, and his eyes still turned red despite his repeated attempts to control himself.

Xinghe stopped and said, "Master, it's so late, what on earth are you going to do?"

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

According to the rules, Xinghe not only had the title of Eastern Palace Shangshu, but also the job of a second-rank official in the outer court. The women in the palace, let alone a Zhaoyi, even the queen, could not easily hit her. Zuo Zhaoyi was desperate and obviously forgot this point. She only remembered that the Su family was a servant of Prince Jian, and Su Xinghe was also a servant in Fengchu Palace, so she could beat and scold him. So after the first slap, she asked again whether she could get him out, and the answer she got was no, so she slapped him a second time and a third time.

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

He looked bleak, "Don't worry about it."

If you don't kill someone, there will be endless troubles in the end. Nian Shikuan seemed to understand this principle better than Zuo Zhaoyi. He secretly looked at her and personally sent her out of the palace, saying: "Master Su, I had no choice just now, please don't hate me. We are working for others. If we mess up, we will lose our heads. I am not like you. It is easier to kill me than to kill an ant. In fact, I did it for you. If I had deceived you, you would have suffered more than just these three blows. You see..."

The conversation went on and on, and it seemed that there would never be a decision. Princess Xia Ling was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes. She shouted at the top of her lungs: "Aren't you very capable? Why don't you drive Nan Yushu off the stage and become the commander yourself?"

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

Xinghe smiled at him, pulling her left cheek, gritting her teeth in pain, "Your Majesty, I am not your second sister-in-law, you misunderstood."

He knew that she was brought to Fengchu Palace, and he even knew that she was reprimanded and slapped by Zuo Zhaoyi. It was a pity that he couldn't break in to get her back. What kind of crime was it for the crown prince to break into the bedroom of his father's concubines at night? He couldn't let anyone get hold of any evidence at this moment. Since he couldn't rescue her, he had to wrong her. In fact, according to his thoughts at the time, it was a good thing to let her see the truth about people and the truth. But when he saw the five bright fingerprints on her face, he suddenly regretted it. He should have rushed into Fengchu Palace and killed her without a single piece of armor left!

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

Of course he knew where the emperor's father was. If there was no third eye in the palace, he would have died without a burial place. It was not entirely true that he acted impulsively. He always thought things through carefully. He went to see the emperor's father now to redress Xinghe's grievances and to confirm the case of the princess's mansion and force the emperor's father to express his position. The three slaps of Zuo Zhaoyi were suspected of lynching. How could she be so righteous as to cover up the world with one hand

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

The prince saw this and his heart sank. Her cheek was very red. Wasn't it said that this treatment could alleviate the symptoms? But why did her face swell up the more the egg was moved? He stopped and looked at her, and found that it had reached a point that he could no longer tolerate. He was so angry that he pulled back his hand and smashed the egg hard on the gold brick, which immediately made a mess on the ground, a yellow and white mess.

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

The emperor's expression turned ugly. "What's going on? Stand up and speak."

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

The Crown Prince's visit to the Emperor late at night must be a big deal. Word quickly spread to Lizheng Hall, and when they entered the palace, Prince Xin was already waiting for him.

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

Even the emperor was stunned. He looked at the newly appointed Jinyi Guardian and heard the prince call him "son's man". He walked out from behind the imperial desk and looked at Xinghe's face carefully.

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

"Take my name card and report to the Lizheng Palace. I have something important to discuss and I would like to see the emperor tonight."

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

Xinghe was so angry that her heart was throbbing. She had never suffered such injustice in her life. Even her real master, besides often scolding her for being heartless, never touched her. If she were to argue with her, she would be so angry that she would die. She could only comfort herself that a gentleman's revenge is never too late after three years. Just treat this as a disaster. Even a powerful person like Sun Wukong could be secretly harmed by a little devil. Sooner or later, she would get back the face she had lost tenfold or a hundredfold, but she couldn't get angry now. Even if she gritted her teeth, she had to bear it.

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

According to the rules, Xinghe not only had the title of Eastern Palace Shangshu, but also the job of a second-rank official in the outer court. The women in the palace, let alone a Zhaoyi, even the queen, could not easily hit her. Zuo Zhaoyi was desperate and obviously forgot this point. She only remembered that the Su family was a servant of Prince Jian, and Su Xinghe was also a servant in Fengchu Palace, so she could beat and scold him. So after the first slap, she asked again whether she could get him out, and the answer she got was no, so she slapped him a second time and a third time.

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

The prince stood up, not forgetting to pull up "his people". There was no need for Xinghe to speak, he alone reported to the emperor: "Today, the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs closed the case of Gao Yangshan. The criminal cried out for injustice in the middle of the case, saying that the real murderer was Gao Zhiya, the junior minister of the Imperial Household. The chief writers of the Twelve Departments were all present at the time, and they must have reported the previous events to the emperor. As the chief judge of this case, what crime did she commit in arresting the suspect and questioning him? As a result, she was summoned to Fengchu Palace by Zuo Zhaoyi in the evening and reprimanded. When she came out, she had a face full of injuries... My son couldn't understand. My son was in the palace, and he also served as the deputy commander of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs. Why was he beaten and scolded at will? She was an official appointed by the court, a second-rank official, not a woman from the countryside. Although Empress Zhaoyi was in charge of palace affairs, she used private punishment to slap an official from outside the court, which really puzzled my son."

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

Xinghe sneered at him, "I will remember An Da's kindness to me, and I will definitely repay him in the future."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

The Crown Prince's visit to the Emperor late at night must be a big deal. Word quickly spread to Lizheng Hall, and when they entered the palace, Prince Xin was already waiting for him.

There were thousands of words in those eyes, but she couldn't interpret them. He looked at her like that, and she felt a little ashamed, so she turned her head away from his sight.

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

Such thunderous anger frightened Xinghe. She stammered, "Master..." But he pulled her up again, put a cloak on her without saying a word, and dragged her out of Lizheng Hall.

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

The prince knelt down this time and said to Long Tong'er, "The Concubine Zhaoyi beat my people. My people did nothing wrong. I was just enforcing the law impartially."

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

What a shameful thing! If it were true, the imperial family would lose all face. He hated the princess for not improving. He loved her so much, but she ended up with such an unruly habit! The emperor sighed deeply, "Ten cows can't pull up a person who is risking his life to shrink into the mud. I order the Military Control Department to investigate this case thoroughly. Anyone who dares to interfere will be treated as an accomplice."

He knew that she was brought to Fengchu Palace, and he even knew that she was reprimanded and slapped by Zuo Zhaoyi. It was a pity that he couldn't break in to get her back. What kind of crime was it for the crown prince to break into the bedroom of his father's concubines at night? He couldn't let anyone get hold of any evidence at this moment. Since he couldn't rescue her, he had to wrong her. In fact, according to his thoughts at the time, it was a good thing to let her see the truth about people and the truth. But when he saw the five bright fingerprints on her face, he suddenly regretted it. He should have rushed into Fengchu Palace and killed her without a single piece of armor left!

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

Princess Xia Ling only said that she was going back to the Princess Mansion and soon left the Fengchu Gate.

Even the emperor was stunned. He looked at the newly appointed Jinyi Guardian and heard the prince call him "son's man". He walked out from behind the imperial desk and looked at Xinghe's face carefully.

Before the emperor opened his mouth, Prince Xin knocked on the rim of the jar and said, "This is incredible, this is incredible. Maybe there will be a day when the Fengchu Palace will have a Zhaoyu prison. Look at how beautiful she was, no wonder my brother is so distressed. He only has such a favorite. I'm afraid that the Empress Zhaoyi didn't hit Su Xinghe, but the Crown Prince's face. I wonder if your father has heard of a rumor that the eldest princess and her husband are not in harmony, and the real culprit behind it is this brother-in-law..."

The emperor's expression turned ugly. "What's going on? Stand up and speak."

If this incident itself is not a big deal, then looking beyond the surface to the essence, we can see the seriousness of the situation.

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

Xinghe was originally a man of steel and courage, and he thought it was not a big deal. But for some reason, when he was around, his grievances magnified dozens of times in one breath, and his eyes still turned red despite his repeated attempts to control himself.

"This is..." Was it a slap in the face? The palace has a long-standing rule that people should not be hit in the face. Not to mention a dignified female official, even the lowest servant in the palace would never be slapped in the face.

She still dodged, "It doesn't hurt."

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

Before the emperor opened his mouth, Prince Xin knocked on the rim of the jar and said, "This is incredible, this is incredible. Maybe there will be a day when the Fengchu Palace will have a Zhaoyu prison. Look at how beautiful she was, no wonder my brother is so distressed. He only has such a favorite. I'm afraid that the Empress Zhaoyi didn't hit Su Xinghe, but the Crown Prince's face. I wonder if your father has heard of a rumor that the eldest princess and her husband are not in harmony, and the real culprit behind it is this brother-in-law..."

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

The emperor's expression turned ugly. "What's going on? Stand up and speak."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

He knew that she was brought to Fengchu Palace, and he even knew that she was reprimanded and slapped by Zuo Zhaoyi. It was a pity that he couldn't break in to get her back. What kind of crime was it for the crown prince to break into the bedroom of his father's concubines at night? He couldn't let anyone get hold of any evidence at this moment. Since he couldn't rescue her, he had to wrong her. In fact, according to his thoughts at the time, it was a good thing to let her see the truth about people and the truth. But when he saw the five bright fingerprints on her face, he suddenly regretted it. He should have rushed into Fengchu Palace and killed her without a single piece of armor left!

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

The prince stood up, not forgetting to pull up "his people". There was no need for Xinghe to speak, he alone reported to the emperor: "Today, the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs closed the case of Gao Yangshan. The criminal cried out for injustice in the middle of the case, saying that the real murderer was Gao Zhiya, the junior minister of the Imperial Household. The chief writers of the Twelve Departments were all present at the time, and they must have reported the previous events to the emperor. As the chief judge of this case, what crime did she commit in arresting the suspect and questioning him? As a result, she was summoned to Fengchu Palace by Zuo Zhaoyi in the evening and reprimanded. When she came out, she had a face full of injuries... My son couldn't understand. My son was in the palace, and he also served as the deputy commander of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs. Why was he beaten and scolded at will? She was an official appointed by the court, a second-rank official, not a woman from the countryside. Although Empress Zhaoyi was in charge of palace affairs, she used private punishment to slap an official from outside the court, which really puzzled my son."

"This is..." Was it a slap in the face? The palace has a long-standing rule that people should not be hit in the face. Not to mention a dignified female official, even the lowest servant in the palace would never be slapped in the face.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

He reached out to take the tray. This was Dequan's idea. He said rolling the egg a few times would reduce swelling and redness. When the thunder and lightning were at Fengchu Palace, Dequan came back to prepare. He thought it would not be too unusual, but when he looked at it in the light, he saw that the delicate skin was bulging a lot, and the edges were covered with a layer of light bruises. I'm afraid he won't be able to see anyone tomorrow morning.

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

No one spoke. She felt his hand holding her wrist was so firm and strong. It seemed that this childhood friend was quite useful and showed up when he should. There was a lantern pavilion every ten steps on the corridor. Although the light was dim, it was enough to illuminate the road under her feet. In this way, she walked from the outside of Fengchu Palace all the way back to the East Palace. He walked faster and faster, and she could hardly keep up. Finally, she returned to Lizheng Palace. The people in the palace were dismissed by him. He turned around, frowned, and looked at her with complicated eyes.

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

Nian Shikuan had no choice but to leave. When the palace gate behind her closed, she was left standing alone in the solitary light. Her thin figure seemed so insignificant compared to the towering palace gate.

If this incident itself is not a big deal, then looking beyond the surface to the essence, we can see the seriousness of the situation.

What a shameful thing! If it were true, the imperial family would lose all face. He hated the princess for not improving. He loved her so much, but she ended up with such an unruly habit! The emperor sighed deeply, "Ten cows can't pull up a person who is risking his life to shrink into the mud. I order the Military Control Department to investigate this case thoroughly. Anyone who dares to interfere will be treated as an accomplice."

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

She was stuck in her eye sockets, unable to think of any solution, unable to solve any problem. For the first time, the arrogant nobles felt helpless and confused in her. Princess Xia Ling was spinning in the center of the earth. There was nothing she could do except waste time. She might as well go out and move around, maybe there was still a way out.

Princess Xia Ling snorted heavily, "Don't be dissatisfied. It won't take much trouble to deal with your Su family. I'm issuing a death order today. Even if it means sacrificing your future as a Jinyi Envoy, you must be cleared of Gao Shaoqing's crime. This matter concerns the dignity and honor of so many people. Even if I don't tell you, you should know it."

Before the emperor opened his mouth, Prince Xin knocked on the rim of the jar and said, "This is incredible, this is incredible. Maybe there will be a day when the Fengchu Palace will have a Zhaoyu prison. Look at how beautiful she was, no wonder my brother is so distressed. He only has such a favorite. I'm afraid that the Empress Zhaoyi didn't hit Su Xinghe, but the Crown Prince's face. I wonder if your father has heard of a rumor that the eldest princess and her husband are not in harmony, and the real culprit behind it is this brother-in-law..."

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"

It was the first time that Prince Xin saw his brother gritting his teeth. He was confused about what was going on, but when they arrived at the brightly lit area of the hall, he suddenly realized what was going on.

He was scolded before he could finish his words. The emperor scolded him, "You are a young man, but you keep asking about thieves and prostitutes all day long."

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

He looked bleak, "Don't worry about it."

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

Such thunderous anger frightened Xinghe. She stammered, "Master..." But he pulled her up again, put a cloak on her without saying a word, and dragged her out of Lizheng Hall.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

He knew that she was brought to Fengchu Palace, and he even knew that she was reprimanded and slapped by Zuo Zhaoyi. It was a pity that he couldn't break in to get her back. What kind of crime was it for the crown prince to break into the bedroom of his father's concubines at night? He couldn't let anyone get hold of any evidence at this moment. Since he couldn't rescue her, he had to wrong her. In fact, according to his thoughts at the time, it was a good thing to let her see the truth about people and the truth. But when he saw the five bright fingerprints on her face, he suddenly regretted it. He should have rushed into Fengchu Palace and killed her without a single piece of armor left!

The request was reasonable and even if the emperor was in a difficult position, it would not be easy for him to blindly protect him under such circumstances.

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

"Brother." The young prince was always friendly and affectionate to his brothers who were born of the same mother. He was only six years old when the late queen passed away, and he has been living with his father ever since. He can be said to have been raised by his father. If the crown prince had not had to guard the East Palace, the two brothers should have been together. However, this distance did not separate the brotherly love. Usually, they would put their arms around each other's shoulders when they met. However, today, seeing that his brother looked unhappy, he also became serious.

There were thousands of words in those eyes, but she couldn't interpret them. He looked at her like that, and she felt a little ashamed, so she turned her head away from his sight.

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

What a shameful thing! If it were true, the imperial family would lose all face. He hated the princess for not improving. He loved her so much, but she ended up with such an unruly habit! The emperor sighed deeply, "Ten cows can't pull up a person who is risking his life to shrink into the mud. I order the Military Control Department to investigate this case thoroughly. Anyone who dares to interfere will be treated as an accomplice."

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

According to the rules, Xinghe not only had the title of Eastern Palace Shangshu, but also the job of a second-rank official in the outer court. The women in the palace, let alone a Zhaoyi, even the queen, could not easily hit her. Zuo Zhaoyi was desperate and obviously forgot this point. She only remembered that the Su family was a servant of Prince Jian, and Su Xinghe was also a servant in Fengchu Palace, so she could beat and scold him. So after the first slap, she asked again whether she could get him out, and the answer she got was no, so she slapped him a second time and a third time.

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

If I had known this would happen... The prince smiled bitterly. Would the Su family still be willing to work for such a person

However, the imperial edict was in her hands, and in the eyes of Prince Jian and his mother, she had completely fallen into the Prince's faction. So Huo Qingzhu was a mean person, he openly redressed her grievances, but secretly betrayed her. If you want to say he was good, he was always calculating, and when the matter came to the emperor, he not only suppressed Zuo Zhaoyi, but also showed his attitude to the Su family; if you want to say he was bad, he looked like he was in a hurry to peel eggs for her face, and from his behavior, he didn't seem to be pretending.

Her face was burning with pain. Eunuch Nian was the dog of the Concubine Zuo. He was holding back evil and hit her on the left cheek. Xinghe felt that even her ears were slightly painful. No matter how much they shouted, she could only hear the general idea.

Prince Xin said no, "I'm still reading the memorial from Southern Xinjiang." He leaned over to look at the stars, but the lantern light couldn't illuminate her face. He asked in confusion, "Why are you in such a hurry to see the emperor? Is there any new progress in the case of the consort? Isn't there someone behind Gao Zhiya?"

Prince Xin escorted them out of Lizheng Hall and all the way to Qianhua Gate. He pointed eastward and said, "I will move to Wude Hall in a couple of days. I will start building my own residence next year." He spared the crown prince and bowed to Xinghe, "Sister-in-law, you have suffered a lot today. Let my brother take good care of you when you go back."

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

He knew she was embarrassed, so he didn't ask for details. Someone poked his head out from behind the brocade curtain and said, "Master, the egg is here."

According to the rules, Xinghe not only had the title of Eastern Palace Shangshu, but also the job of a second-rank official in the outer court. The women in the palace, let alone a Zhaoyi, even the queen, could not easily hit her. Zuo Zhaoyi was desperate and obviously forgot this point. She only remembered that the Su family was a servant of Prince Jian, and Su Xinghe was also a servant in Fengchu Palace, so she could beat and scold him. So after the first slap, she asked again whether she could get him out, and the answer she got was no, so she slapped him a second time and a third time.

Xinghe was still kneeling, bowing his head and knelt down, "Yes, thank you, your Majesty. I will never forget your teachings."

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

Xinghe was still kneeling, bowing his head and knelt down, "Yes, thank you, your Majesty. I will never forget your teachings."

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

Xinghe smiled at him, pulling her left cheek, gritting her teeth in pain, "Your Majesty, I am not your second sister-in-law, you misunderstood."

The prince knelt down this time and said to Long Tong'er, "The Concubine Zhaoyi beat my people. My people did nothing wrong. I was just enforcing the law impartially."

The eunuch was still trying to be considerate, "Master Su, I will send someone to escort you back to the East Palace..."

Xinghe was still kneeling, bowing his head and knelt down, "Yes, thank you, your Majesty. I will never forget your teachings."

Such thunderous anger frightened Xinghe. She stammered, "Master..." But he pulled her up again, put a cloak on her without saying a word, and dragged her out of Lizheng Hall.

Now that there were no people cheering her on, there was no point in pursuing the matter any further. Zuo Zhaoyi looked at the man kneeling on the ground with disgust, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out."

The prince snorted and laughed, "No one can save him, no matter if he is alive or dead. He must die."

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

Prince Xin didn't care about that. He said, "Don't worry, whoever hit you, there's no need for my brother to do it. I will get it back for you."

Xinghe performed the ceremony as usual, then stepped back step by step and left the front hall.

He supported himself on his knees, bent down and looked at her straight in the eye, "Does it hurt?"

The prince pulled her to sit on the south kang, and he bent over to crack the eggs and peel the shells. It was the first time he did this, and perhaps because he was too angry, his hands trembled involuntarily. After finally peeling the eggshell clean, he carefully covered her face and rolled it over. She frowned and gasped, and his heart clenched, which hurt him more than if she had been hit.

The prince stood up, not forgetting to pull up "his people". There was no need for Xinghe to speak, he alone reported to the emperor: "Today, the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs closed the case of Gao Yangshan. The criminal cried out for injustice in the middle of the case, saying that the real murderer was Gao Zhiya, the junior minister of the Imperial Household. The chief writers of the Twelve Departments were all present at the time, and they must have reported the previous events to the emperor. As the chief judge of this case, what crime did she commit in arresting the suspect and questioning him? As a result, she was summoned to Fengchu Palace by Zuo Zhaoyi in the evening and reprimanded. When she came out, she had a face full of injuries... My son couldn't understand. My son was in the palace, and he also served as the deputy commander of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs. Why was he beaten and scolded at will? She was an official appointed by the court, a second-rank official, not a woman from the countryside. Although Empress Zhaoyi was in charge of palace affairs, she used private punishment to slap an official from outside the court, which really puzzled my son."

A man walked quickly through the corridor of Qianbu Gallery. Xinghe was so angry that he was dragged away by him before he could see clearly. He walked very fast, and the wide sleeves of his Yanfu were puffed up, as if he was about to fly into the air. Xinghe hurriedly walked, and through the palace lanterns hanging under the corridor, he saw the unruly hair and the trembling rising dragon on the purple gold crown. It was him.

He knew she was embarrassed, so he didn't ask for details. Someone poked his head out from behind the brocade curtain and said, "Master, the egg is here."

"This is..." Was it a slap in the face? The palace has a long-standing rule that people should not be hit in the face. Not to mention a dignified female official, even the lowest servant in the palace would never be slapped in the face.

The crown prince is still a clean crown prince. Of course, a crown prince cannot call for war and killing, at least before he ascends the throne. However, those trivial matters cannot be left unattended. Who will do it? Prince Xin patted his chest and said, he has it.

This means that the emperor knew about it, and in a moment of desperation, he even used such an indecent word. Prince Xin and the Crown Prince looked at each other, but Xinghe raised his hands and said, "The humiliation I suffered is just a personal matter, so let's not talk about it. I just ask the emperor to allow the military department to thoroughly investigate this case and give justice to the prince consort who died unjustly."

"Bear with it, it will be fine soon." He comforted her like he was pretending to be relaxed after she kicked him last night, "It's not a big deal..."

The night was as cool as water, and the cold mist hit her face, which was so hot that it suddenly hurt when it met the cold. She didn't dare to raise her hand to touch it, but she could feel that it was probably swollen. The palace lantern was hanging alone on the palace gate. After nightfall, all the people standing by had withdrawn to their respective palaces. The alley outside was empty, without even a ghost.

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

Xinghe was originally a man of steel and courage, and he thought it was not a big deal. But for some reason, when he was around, his grievances magnified dozens of times in one breath, and his eyes still turned red despite his repeated attempts to control himself.

Xinghe's weak rebuttal did not attract the attention of either of the brothers. The prince looked at her face again and again, and his heart was broken. "Let's apply the egg tonight. I'll do it for you. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

He was scolded before he could finish his words. The emperor scolded him, "You are a young man, but you keep asking about thieves and prostitutes all day long."

Of course he knew where the emperor's father was. If there was no third eye in the palace, he would have died without a burial place. It was not entirely true that he acted impulsively. He always thought things through carefully. He went to see the emperor's father now to redress Xinghe's grievances and to confirm the case of the princess's mansion and force the emperor's father to express his position. The three slaps of Zuo Zhaoyi were suspected of lynching. How could she be so righteous as to cover up the world with one hand

Xinghe felt something was wrong, oh my god... She hoped that he didn't hold a grudge and had forgotten her unintentional kick last night.

The prince saw this and his heart sank. Her cheek was very red. Wasn't it said that this treatment could alleviate the symptoms? But why did her face swell up the more the egg was moved? He stopped and looked at her, and found that it had reached a point that he could no longer tolerate. He was so angry that he pulled back his hand and smashed the egg hard on the gold brick, which immediately made a mess on the ground, a yellow and white mess.

Xinghe looked at him indifferently, with a cold look, showing no appreciation at all.

The prince saw this and his heart sank. Her cheek was very red. Wasn't it said that this treatment could alleviate the symptoms? But why did her face swell up the more the egg was moved? He stopped and looked at her, and found that it had reached a point that he could no longer tolerate. He was so angry that he pulled back his hand and smashed the egg hard on the gold brick, which immediately made a mess on the ground, a yellow and white mess.

Xinghe, who was lying on the ground, clenched his fists and trembled, but he looked more and more respectful and humble. "Your Highness, I will naturally do my best, but I still say that when officials in the court commit crimes, no matter how big or small, they are all under the jurisdiction of the commander Nan Yushu. I am just a deputy commander. If my superior gives up, I can take over, but Nan Yushu is determined to take care of it personally. I have no choice but to watch."

His action was unexpected. The palace was locked at night, and anyone who came to see the emperor without urgent military affairs would be punished. Who knew if the emperor would be free at this time? Besides, no one could tell for sure whether the emperor was in Lizheng Palace or Ganlu Palace except those in the imperial court.

"Don't blame me. This is a punishment for your incompetence." Zuo Zhaoyi stood on the lotus footrest, the candlelight reflected her face, cold and ferocious, "Don't forget that your Su family and the Prince's Mansion are tied together. If we go to heaven, we go to heaven together. If we go to hell, your entire Su family will be buried with you."

"Has the Emperor Father rested?"