Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 54: New is still evil


It is very difficult to survive in the cracks. Sometimes the development of things goes against your wishes and you have no right to choose. You can only go with the flow and then think about a way out.

The princess made a very clear analysis and sent the chief secretary to Nan Yushu's residence. Lord Nan was working in the government office, and only his wife was at home. The chief secretary introduced himself, "I am from Princess Xialing's residence, and I am here to visit Madam Nan on the orders of my master." Turning his head and curling his lips, the servant brought a food box to him. The chief secretary put his hands on his waist and said, "It's just a little food, please don't be disgusted, Madam. When Lord Nan comes back, please bring good news to our princess. This Chengzi wants to come to visit, but he can't spare the time..."

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

"That's it!" His wife clapped her hands, reached out and picked up a string of multi-treasure necklaces, stretched out her hands, and gestured to her chest, "With this, I can open a shop on Qianmen Street."

In fact, the prince has never been an extreme person. Perhaps it is the teachings tailored for the crown prince over the years. He is good at outsmarting others and will not easily break the current stable pattern unless it is absolutely necessary. However, today, he has to do it. Perhaps his patience has reached its limit. After all, he is the most honorable person in this dynasty. If he keeps being humble and moderate, what is left is his precarious status and his dignity being trampled on again and again. Zuo Zhaoyi's impatience gave him the best reason. The emperor is still the emperor who stays sober at all times. Between the country and women, he always chooses the former. Therefore, after the prince has safely survived this storm, all his subsequent actions to smooth the way forward will be supported. The empress who was too clever for her own good is about to leave the stage.

She told her what the previous visitor had said, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "The prince wants to overthrow us completely, and this time he is going to be ruthless."

The maid was panicking. "Oh my god, luckily Lord Su is not heartless. This news is probably from his sister, so it must be reliable. You should quickly think of a way to get yourself out, or the prince will grab your braids and make a fuss about it."

Xinghe sat quietly in the duty room. Ever since she moved into the Control Rong Division on the first day, the room had been made of gray bricks and tiles, with dim lighting. It was good this way, as she could see the light outside from the darkness, giving her a clear and sober feeling as if she were not involved in the matter.

She sighed, "Your Excellency is wrong. I didn't ask you to accept Princess Xia Ling's bribe. You have a very good appetite. The Emperor was poisoned and Princess Xia Ling is a major suspect. You even dared to accept her things. What on earth were you thinking? If I say that you and her are in cahoots, what do you think will happen? Can you keep your head?"

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

Her beautiful face became particularly ferocious due to anger. She paced anxiously in the room and turned around suddenly, "I will go to see the emperor now."

Xinghe sat quietly in the duty room. Ever since she moved into the Control Rong Division on the first day, the room had been made of gray bricks and tiles, with dim lighting. It was good this way, as she could see the light outside from the darkness, giving her a clear and sober feeling as if she were not involved in the matter.

The order from the Crown Prince had been rolling in her mind. He was a politician with great skills. He wanted her to deal with Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter, just to use their power to defeat them. The Su family was too involved with the Prince's Mansion. At this time, she wanted to silence Zuo Zhaoyi more than he did. What's next? Prince Jian, who was far away at the front line, would definitely be useless unless he was determined to learn from the Xuanwu Gate Mutiny. Their families, especially the Su family, who had been attached to him, would eventually be in an awkward situation because of being involved in the Zuo Zhaoyi incident. If they didn't do well, the Crown Prince would settle accounts with them later. If they did too well, Prince Jian would definitely not let them go when he came back. By then, the smoke of war would rise everywhere, and I'm afraid there would be no way out.

Huo Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. As a mature military commander, he seemed to be very interested in this kind of gossip.

In fact, the prince has never been an extreme person. Perhaps it is the teachings tailored for the crown prince over the years. He is good at outsmarting others and will not easily break the current stable pattern unless it is absolutely necessary. However, today, he has to do it. Perhaps his patience has reached its limit. After all, he is the most honorable person in this dynasty. If he keeps being humble and moderate, what is left is his precarious status and his dignity being trampled on again and again. Zuo Zhaoyi's impatience gave him the best reason. The emperor is still the emperor who stays sober at all times. Between the country and women, he always chooses the former. Therefore, after the prince has safely survived this storm, all his subsequent actions to smooth the way forward will be supported. The empress who was too clever for her own good is about to leave the stage.

Yes, the good job of guarding the palace gate is right in front of her. After getting rid of Nan Yushu, the Jinyi Envoy will be the head of the Control Army Division. In the future, anyone she wants to guard the palace gate will be the one to guard the palace gate.

Huo Yan hummed, "Children under one year old will recognize people at first. As time goes by, as long as they are well fed and clothed, they won't have so many requirements. You can go over and take a look when you have time. Checking on prisoners at any time is also your responsibility as the Military Control Department."

The arrest was scheduled for the night. When Xu Tu kicked open the second door, Nan Yushu was sleeping soundly with his concubine in his arms. He probably didn't expect that disaster would come so suddenly. After being driven out of the tent, he was still confused. He was shirtless and only wore a pair of Hangzhou silk trousers. A few chest hairs fluttered in the night wind. He asked Xinghe anxiously, "Master Su, what does this mean?"

The princess made a very clear analysis and sent the chief secretary to Nan Yushu's residence. Lord Nan was working in the government office, and only his wife was at home. The chief secretary introduced himself, "I am from Princess Xialing's residence, and I am here to visit Madam Nan on the orders of my master." Turning his head and curling his lips, the servant brought a food box to him. The chief secretary put his hands on his waist and said, "It's just a little food, please don't be disgusted, Madam. When Lord Nan comes back, please bring good news to our princess. This Chengzi wants to come to visit, but he can't spare the time..."

The best way is to eliminate Prince Jian together, so that the Su family can continue to survive. She always felt that there needed to be a male commander in the Control Military Department, and Nan Yushu should take up that title, so as to avoid the court re-assigning officials without knowing their strengths and weaknesses. But according to the current situation, she has to take over all the power of the Control Military Department. At that time, she will be in charge of the garrison inside the palace, and Xinghai will be in charge of the garrison outside the palace. With such a stalemate between the inside and the outside, when the prince wants to eliminate the Su family with all his strength one day, at least they still have some room to resist.

He smiled softly, "I am a royal family member, but not a legitimate son. I have long lost the habits of an imperial family. I will open a mansion and live an ordinary life, that's all."

Xinghe was surprised. She had always thought Huo Yan was disgusted with the Su family's position, but she didn't expect that he would be willing to give her advice. She was full of gratitude and wanted to thank him. Just as she was about to open her mouth, he raised his chin and said, "We're here."

She sighed and called Jin Ci in to listen to her orders. Jin Ci stepped forward with a knife, bowed and said, "Please give me your instructions, sir."

Xia Ling, who had been spoiled in the past, did not think that the emperor's father would believe the prince's lies. Although the Military Control Department was controlled by Huo Qingzhu, it was directly under the emperor's command. Su Xinghe was still a disciple of Qingluan even though he was wavering. The old accounts of Su Yujin harming the governor of Liangjiang and filling his own students with the salt and grain departments were still there. There were also many other cases of abuse of power and bribery. At this point, even if the prince had spoken, Su Xinghe would not dare to act rashly. As for Nan Yushu... It might be too late to try to gain his friendship now, but money talks. As long as he lightly mentioned it when reporting to the cabinet, the emperor's father would just hear a noise and it would be over. After all, catching the real culprit was the most important thing.

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

He was a smart man, and he understood it as soon as she mentioned it briefly.

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

Seeing that she looked tired, he asked, "Has your sedan arrived?"

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

Of course, those who had been following her were delighted. Nan Yushu's former subordinates were once again in the awkward position of being the confidants of the former commander Lan Jing. With their immediate superior falling from power overnight, these people were no longer important, and they were probably only left with the role of helping out in the kitchen and occasionally doing odd jobs.

She placed her fists lightly on the closed document and squinted her eyes to look out. "Arrange a stranger to disguise herself and say that she was sent by the Deputy Privy Councilor to deliver a letter to the Princess's residence. She was told that the East Palace intends to conduct a thorough investigation into her meeting with the Emperor on the second day of the first lunar month. If there is any suspicion, she will be charged with poisoning the Emperor."

Seeing that she looked tired, he asked, "Has your sedan arrived?"

Xinghe had never felt so tongue-tied as she did now. She was a person who didn't recognize her relatives when doing things. When she saw Huo Yan, she didn't want to take the blame and rushed to clarify. Maybe she liked him a little bit, but that kind of liking was different from her liking for the prince. It was a little awe-inspiring and flattering. She cared about his opinion and was afraid that she was not good enough and that he would look down on her. She also secretly thought that she might not be able to be with the prince in the future. She had once fantasized about Lou Yueting, but was ruthlessly strangled by the prince in the cradle. If there was hope... She felt that Huo Yan seemed to be a good candidate. She liked men like him, who were rational, calm, decisive, and had a large army.

Xinghe exclaimed, "I think I was too busy." While instructing people to encircle the princess's mansion first, he slowly mounted his horse, turned the horse's head and went with him.

Nan Yushu was stunned. "What are you talking about? I'm not your mother."

Jin Ci was puzzled. "What does your Excellency mean? Sending a letter to Princess Xia Ling?"

Her beautiful face became particularly ferocious due to anger. She paced anxiously in the room and turned around suddenly, "I will go to see the emperor now."

This was not the first time Xinghe saw him smile, but every time he smiled, she felt that nothing was a big deal. Sometimes she felt tired, after scheming for too long, and she really wanted to find a place to rest. For some reason, this person who was not familiar with her could make her feel at ease. Maybe because he was older, she had an illusion that no matter what she messed up, as long as she asked him, he could easily find a way to resolve it for her.

Yes, the good job of guarding the palace gate is right in front of her. After getting rid of Nan Yushu, the Jinyi Envoy will be the head of the Control Army Division. In the future, anyone she wants to guard the palace gate will be the one to guard the palace gate.

She didn't say much, just go ahead, "You'll understand later."

Nan Yushu asked: "Who sent it? Stop being angry and speak!"

Nan Yushu knew that the situation was hopeless. He had walked so many night roads, and finally met a ghost this time. He sighed deeply, resigned to his fate. Xinghe still took into account his face as an official appointed by the court, and ordered Jiang Chengzi: "Don't rush, let Lord Nan put on his clothes first. The weather is not warm yet, and he will catch a cold."

He shook the reins. "Let's not talk about the rest for now. Let's complete the prince's order first. Prince Jian is far away in the army and cannot be reached. After he returns to the capital, the situation will be over and he won't be able to make any noise. What you have to watch out for now is the prince. See what he does after he returns to the court. Will he lie low for the time being or take drastic measures to eliminate his political enemies?"

He shook the reins. "Let's not talk about the rest for now. Let's complete the prince's order first. Prince Jian is far away in the army and cannot be reached. After he returns to the capital, the situation will be over and he won't be able to make any noise. What you have to watch out for now is the prince. See what he does after he returns to the court. Will he lie low for the time being or take drastic measures to eliminate his political enemies?"

The guard stopped her hurriedly, "Princess, please listen to my advice. The emperor is ill right now and can't even speak clearly. Prince Xin is always by his side to take care of him. It's still unclear whether you can see the emperor if you go to the palace. In my humble opinion, you should take advantage of the time to move around. Our master is concerned about your feelings for us, so he sent me to the mansion to pass on the message after hearing the news. This case is a major case of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs, with Lord Nan as the main person and the Jinyi Envoy as the auxiliary... Do you understand what our master means? The case has not been decided yet, so we are just checking whether you are suspected of committing the crime. If you are, the emperor can't protect you. If you are not... then you will be safe."

She sighed, "Your Excellency is wrong. I didn't ask you to accept Princess Xia Ling's bribe. You have a very good appetite. The Emperor was poisoned and Princess Xia Ling is a major suspect. You even dared to accept her things. What on earth were you thinking? If I say that you and her are in cahoots, what do you think will happen? Can you keep your head?"

Jin Ci was always reliable in his work. Soon, a man wearing poor clothes and carrying a basket on his back knocked on the Asi Gate of the Princess's Mansion. An impatient head popped out and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you looking for?"

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

Princess Xia Ling sat in the sunlight coming in through the window, staring at the dust floating in the air, her mind empty. Nanny came in and called her, asking, "Did Master Su send someone to tell you something? What did he say?"

His wife asked, "Did the prince instruct her to be charged with a crime?"

The princess made a very clear analysis and sent the chief secretary to Nan Yushu's residence. Lord Nan was working in the government office, and only his wife was at home. The chief secretary introduced himself, "I am from Princess Xialing's residence, and I am here to visit Madam Nan on the orders of my master." Turning his head and curling his lips, the servant brought a food box to him. The chief secretary put his hands on his waist and said, "It's just a little food, please don't be disgusted, Madam. When Lord Nan comes back, please bring good news to our princess. This Chengzi wants to come to visit, but he can't spare the time..."

"That's not the case..."

She said hastily, "I'm thinking about how to try this case. Princess Xia Ling is of noble status after all."

The guard said with a smile, "I am a disciple of Lord Su, the Privy Councilor. I have a matter of life and death to report to Princess Xia Ling."

Jin Ci was puzzled. "What does your Excellency mean? Sending a letter to Princess Xia Ling?"

This was not the first time Xinghe saw him smile, but every time he smiled, she felt that nothing was a big deal. Sometimes she felt tired, after scheming for too long, and she really wanted to find a place to rest. For some reason, this person who was not familiar with her could make her feel at ease. Maybe because he was older, she had an illusion that no matter what she messed up, as long as she asked him, he could easily find a way to resolve it for her.

Nan Yushu glanced at the goodies piled up in the food box and pondered, "If she didn't do it, why would she want to bribe us?"

Good news never comes out. The news that the prince collapsed the bed spread like wildfire, and I'm afraid everyone knows about it now.

"I harmed the emperor's father... I poisoned the emperor's father? What a joke! It's obvious that Huo Qingzhu wanted to frame us and use us as scapegoats!"

When he heard that it was someone sent by Su Xinghai, he did not dare to neglect it and immediately sent a message inside, and soon brought the person in. Princess Xia Ling listened to his long and short retelling. She had already learned that she was implicated for no reason, and she was in a state of injustice and panic. Now when she heard that the situation was even worse, she immediately became furious and manic.

The princess made a very clear analysis and sent the chief secretary to Nan Yushu's residence. Lord Nan was working in the government office, and only his wife was at home. The chief secretary introduced himself, "I am from Princess Xialing's residence, and I am here to visit Madam Nan on the orders of my master." Turning his head and curling his lips, the servant brought a food box to him. The chief secretary put his hands on his waist and said, "It's just a little food, please don't be disgusted, Madam. When Lord Nan comes back, please bring good news to our princess. This Chengzi wants to come to visit, but he can't spare the time..."

She didn't say much, just go ahead, "You'll understand later."

"I harmed the emperor's father... I poisoned the emperor's father? What a joke! It's obvious that Huo Qingzhu wanted to frame us and use us as scapegoats!"

His wife looked up and uttered, "Mother."

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

Xinghe felt embarrassed, "I know what you mean, it's about the prince breaking my bed... It's not what you think."

He smiled softly, "I am a royal family member, but not a legitimate son. I have long lost the habits of an imperial family. I will open a mansion and live an ordinary life, that's all."

Of course, those who had been following her were delighted. Nan Yushu's former subordinates were once again in the awkward position of being the confidants of the former commander Lan Jing. With their immediate superior falling from power overnight, these people were no longer important, and they were probably only left with the role of helping out in the kitchen and occasionally doing odd jobs.

Nan Yushu knew that the situation was hopeless. He had walked so many night roads, and finally met a ghost this time. He sighed deeply, resigned to his fate. Xinghe still took into account his face as an official appointed by the court, and ordered Jiang Chengzi: "Don't rush, let Lord Nan put on his clothes first. The weather is not warm yet, and he will catch a cold."

His wife was now devoted to Princess Xia Ling. "There is no reason in the world for a girl to poison her own father. That would require a very evil heart. I don't think she could do it."

Her beautiful face became particularly ferocious due to anger. She paced anxiously in the room and turned around suddenly, "I will go to see the emperor now."

"The emperor was poisoned, and the prince was also poisoned. What a coincidence. They said I was the one who poisoned him. I did go into the Lizheng Palace on the second day of the New Year, but I didn't go to the East Palace. Could it be that I was the one who poisoned the prince? Huo Qing must have died, so I believed he didn't murder my father to usurp the throne. But he didn't die, didn't he? God knows if it was a self-torture trick, the thief crying "Catch the thief!"

Good news never comes out. The news that the prince collapsed the bed spread like wildfire, and I'm afraid everyone knows about it now.

What Fanzi said was also true. The real intention of the prince to frame Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter was only known to Xinghe, and even Nan Yushu was unaware of it. In the eyes of all the members of the Control Military Division, this was just an ordinary farce of the imperial family fighting for power and profit. When the storm passed, the emperor's remaining anger also disappeared, and the country was peaceful again, and everyone was happy.

He shook the reins. "Let's not talk about the rest for now. Let's complete the prince's order first. Prince Jian is far away in the army and cannot be reached. After he returns to the capital, the situation will be over and he won't be able to make any noise. What you have to watch out for now is the prince. See what he does after he returns to the court. Will he lie low for the time being or take drastic measures to eliminate his political enemies?"

Nan Yushu knew that the situation was hopeless. He had walked so many night roads, and finally met a ghost this time. He sighed deeply, resigned to his fate. Xinghe still took into account his face as an official appointed by the court, and ordered Jiang Chengzi: "Don't rush, let Lord Nan put on his clothes first. The weather is not warm yet, and he will catch a cold."

The guard stopped her hurriedly, "Princess, please listen to my advice. The emperor is ill right now and can't even speak clearly. Prince Xin is always by his side to take care of him. It's still unclear whether you can see the emperor if you go to the palace. In my humble opinion, you should take advantage of the time to move around. Our master is concerned about your feelings for us, so he sent me to the mansion to pass on the message after hearing the news. This case is a major case of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs, with Lord Nan as the main person and the Jinyi Envoy as the auxiliary... Do you understand what our master means? The case has not been decided yet, so we are just checking whether you are suspected of committing the crime. If you are, the emperor can't protect you. If you are not... then you will be safe."

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

Huo Yan was surprised at first by such straightforward words, but later he understood that there was no such thing anyway, it was just the friendship between childhood friends.

Good news never comes out. The news that the prince collapsed the bed spread like wildfire, and I'm afraid everyone knows about it now.

She shook her head. "I'm busy with my work, who would want to ride in a sedan chair? Lord Huo, I'm really sorry to trouble you by doing this in the middle of the night, and you've been busy too."

What Fanzi said was also true. The real intention of the prince to frame Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter was only known to Xinghe, and even Nan Yushu was unaware of it. In the eyes of all the members of the Control Military Division, this was just an ordinary farce of the imperial family fighting for power and profit. When the storm passed, the emperor's remaining anger also disappeared, and the country was peaceful again, and everyone was happy.

She turned her head to look at him, "Aren't you also a member of the Huo family? It sounds like you are just watching from the sidelines."

She turned to look at him and smiled lazily, "Qian Hu, you are one step closer to the position of General Controlling the Army."

So let's deal with it. Less trouble is worse than more trouble. It will be over if we are flexible. Fanzi thinks that the purpose of his superiors asking him to come here is just this. Princess Xia Ling also slowly calmed down and asked someone to show him the reward. "Thank your master for me. Where is he now? Is it convenient for me to go see him now?"

Huo Yan hummed, "Children under one year old will recognize people at first. As time goes by, as long as they are well fed and clothed, they won't have so many requirements. You can go over and take a look when you have time. Checking on prisoners at any time is also your responsibility as the Military Control Department."

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

Mrs. Nan opened the lid of the food box for him to see. The cat's eye and emerald green inside were illuminated by the candlelight, casting mottled light on their faces. It turned out that there was a reason for calling her "mother".

She sighed and called Jin Ci in to listen to her orders. Jin Ci stepped forward with a knife, bowed and said, "Please give me your instructions, sir."

The evening breeze blew gently, and her previously boiling mind slowly cooled down. She stretched her shoulders and yawned. Thinking of Cao Zhan's son, she asked if he was doing well now that his mother was no longer around, and if he was making a fuss.

Huo Yan showed an understanding expression on his face, "I heard that the prince went to the Su Mansion to celebrate the festival..."

There is a sequence of events here, and Xinghe used that little room for maneuver to capture Princess Xia Ling and Nan Yushu in one fell swoop.

She shook her head. "I'm busy with my work, who would want to ride in a sedan chair? Lord Huo, I'm really sorry to trouble you by doing this in the middle of the night, and you've been busy too."

The guard was originally passing on the message under the name of the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, and was afraid that he would be exposed if he met someone. He hurriedly said that the deputy envoy was busy at the moment and had gone to supervise the army outside, "You don't have much time left, you should think of a solution quickly." Then he hurriedly excused himself and went back to the government office to report.

Mrs. Nan opened the lid of the food box for him to see. The cat's eye and emerald green inside were illuminated by the candlelight, casting mottled light on their faces. It turned out that there was a reason for calling her "mother".

Jin Ci was always reliable in his work. Soon, a man wearing poor clothes and carrying a basket on his back knocked on the Asi Gate of the Princess's Mansion. An impatient head popped out and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you looking for?"

Huo Yan nodded. "It's always hard to tell what's going on in the imperial family. After this turmoil, the palace should be peaceful for a while."

Xinghe touched his nose and said, "I am following orders. The matter of Lord Nan accepting bribes has been reported to the emperor. The emperor has ordered his arrest and ordered me to interrogate him strictly."

She placed her fists lightly on the closed document and squinted her eyes to look out. "Arrange a stranger to disguise herself and say that she was sent by the Deputy Privy Councilor to deliver a letter to the Princess's residence. She was told that the East Palace intends to conduct a thorough investigation into her meeting with the Emperor on the second day of the first lunar month. If there is any suspicion, she will be charged with poisoning the Emperor."

Princess Xia Ling sat in the sunlight coming in through the window, staring at the dust floating in the air, her mind empty. Nanny came in and called her, asking, "Did Master Su send someone to tell you something? What did he say?"

"That's not the case..."

It is very difficult to survive in the cracks. Sometimes the development of things goes against your wishes and you have no right to choose. You can only go with the flow and then think about a way out.

Huo Yan asked the prince about his current situation. She was a little absent-minded and only said that he was fine. "It's just that he sometimes breathes heavily. He has always been very particular about the incense he uses. This time, the two incense almost killed him."

She sighed, "Your Excellency is wrong. I didn't ask you to accept Princess Xia Ling's bribe. You have a very good appetite. The Emperor was poisoned and Princess Xia Ling is a major suspect. You even dared to accept her things. What on earth were you thinking? If I say that you and her are in cahoots, what do you think will happen? Can you keep your head?"

The guard stopped her hurriedly, "Princess, please listen to my advice. The emperor is ill right now and can't even speak clearly. Prince Xin is always by his side to take care of him. It's still unclear whether you can see the emperor if you go to the palace. In my humble opinion, you should take advantage of the time to move around. Our master is concerned about your feelings for us, so he sent me to the mansion to pass on the message after hearing the news. This case is a major case of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs, with Lord Nan as the main person and the Jinyi Envoy as the auxiliary... Do you understand what our master means? The case has not been decided yet, so we are just checking whether you are suspected of committing the crime. If you are, the emperor can't protect you. If you are not... then you will be safe."

She told her what the previous visitor had said, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "The prince wants to overthrow us completely, and this time he is going to be ruthless."

Her beautiful face became particularly ferocious due to anger. She paced anxiously in the room and turned around suddenly, "I will go to see the emperor now."

Huo Yan asked the prince about his current situation. She was a little absent-minded and only said that he was fine. "It's just that he sometimes breathes heavily. He has always been very particular about the incense he uses. This time, the two incense almost killed him."

His wife asked, "Did the prince instruct her to be charged with a crime?"

The maid was panicking. "Oh my god, luckily Lord Su is not heartless. This news is probably from his sister, so it must be reliable. You should quickly think of a way to get yourself out, or the prince will grab your braids and make a fuss about it."

There is a sequence of events here, and Xinghe used that little room for maneuver to capture Princess Xia Ling and Nan Yushu in one fell swoop.

What a big deal! In order to get away with it, the princess bribed the investigating official. When the news reached the emperor, the emperor, whose legs and feet were still not very flexible, was furious. If you didn't do it, why did you do it? If you feel guilty, there must be something wrong. He didn't expect that his beloved daughter would want to kill him just because he didn't do what she wanted once.

Huo Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. As a mature military commander, he seemed to be very interested in this kind of gossip.

What Fanzi said was also true. The real intention of the prince to frame Zuo Zhaoyi and her daughter was only known to Xinghe, and even Nan Yushu was unaware of it. In the eyes of all the members of the Control Military Division, this was just an ordinary farce of the imperial family fighting for power and profit. When the storm passed, the emperor's remaining anger also disappeared, and the country was peaceful again, and everyone was happy.

Xia Ling, who had been spoiled in the past, did not think that the emperor's father would believe the prince's lies. Although the Military Control Department was controlled by Huo Qingzhu, it was directly under the emperor's command. Su Xinghe was still a disciple of Qingluan even though he was wavering. The old accounts of Su Yujin harming the governor of Liangjiang and filling his own students with the salt and grain departments were still there. There were also many other cases of abuse of power and bribery. At this point, even if the prince had spoken, Su Xinghe would not dare to act rashly. As for Nan Yushu... It might be too late to try to gain his friendship now, but money talks. As long as he lightly mentioned it when reporting to the cabinet, the emperor's father would just hear a noise and it would be over. After all, catching the real culprit was the most important thing.

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

People were coming and going, and they couldn't intervene. Xinghe just smiled and said, "After all, you have followed Master Nan for a while. It will be awkward to escort people in person. Let's leave this matter to Captain Xu and the others."

"The emperor was poisoned, and the prince was also poisoned. What a coincidence. They said I was the one who poisoned him. I did go into the Lizheng Palace on the second day of the New Year, but I didn't go to the East Palace. Could it be that I was the one who poisoned the prince? Huo Qing must have died, so I believed he didn't murder my father to usurp the throne. But he didn't die, didn't he? God knows if it was a self-torture trick, the thief crying "Catch the thief!"

Jin Ci was always reliable in his work. Soon, a man wearing poor clothes and carrying a basket on his back knocked on the Asi Gate of the Princess's Mansion. An impatient head popped out and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you looking for?"

Even if people don't talk about party disputes, anyone with a discerning eye can see it. The court is clearly divided, and it's not the way to survive. The Su family and Prince Jian are in a tangled mess, and now the prince wants to use the Su family to cut off the political career of the old master, which is a very dangerous thing. It's hard to say what the prince's intention is at the moment. Is he trying to push the Su family to the forefront, or take this opportunity to let them surrender? If they really surrender, will the past be written off, or will there be greater storms? Who knows.

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

Xinghe listened to the crying of children in Nan Mansion in the firelight, her face as calm as water. Jinci stood beside her, glancing at her every once in a while, probably muttering in her heart that women have the most vicious hearts.

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

His wife looked up and uttered, "Mother."

Xinghe lowered her head, feeling ashamed of her love. She held the reins tightly with both hands. At this critical moment of life and death for the Su family, she actually had the leisure to think about those things.

Xinghe laughed, "I originally wanted to go to your house last time, but the prince was there, so I gave up."

The princess made a very clear analysis and sent the chief secretary to Nan Yushu's residence. Lord Nan was working in the government office, and only his wife was at home. The chief secretary introduced himself, "I am from Princess Xialing's residence, and I am here to visit Madam Nan on the orders of my master." Turning his head and curling his lips, the servant brought a food box to him. The chief secretary put his hands on his waist and said, "It's just a little food, please don't be disgusted, Madam. When Lord Nan comes back, please bring good news to our princess. This Chengzi wants to come to visit, but he can't spare the time..."

Of course, those who had been following her were delighted. Nan Yushu's former subordinates were once again in the awkward position of being the confidants of the former commander Lan Jing. With their immediate superior falling from power overnight, these people were no longer important, and they were probably only left with the role of helping out in the kitchen and occasionally doing odd jobs.

Xinghe looked up at him, with a fire formation behind him. Such a person would always be superior wherever and whenever he was. She forced a smile, "Lord Huo, let's go to the princess's mansion."

This was not the first time Xinghe saw him smile, but every time he smiled, she felt that nothing was a big deal. Sometimes she felt tired, after scheming for too long, and she really wanted to find a place to rest. For some reason, this person who was not familiar with her could make her feel at ease. Maybe because he was older, she had an illusion that no matter what she messed up, as long as she asked him, he could easily find a way to resolve it for her.

The southern group stood in the corner with their heads down, looking ashamed, and nodded yes.

Jin Ci was always reliable in his work. Soon, a man wearing poor clothes and carrying a basket on his back knocked on the Asi Gate of the Princess's Mansion. An impatient head popped out and asked in a bad tone, "Who are you looking for?"

His wife calmed down and said it was Princess Xia Ling.

The guard stopped her hurriedly, "Princess, please listen to my advice. The emperor is ill right now and can't even speak clearly. Prince Xin is always by his side to take care of him. It's still unclear whether you can see the emperor if you go to the palace. In my humble opinion, you should take advantage of the time to move around. Our master is concerned about your feelings for us, so he sent me to the mansion to pass on the message after hearing the news. This case is a major case of the Ministry of Control of Military Affairs, with Lord Nan as the main person and the Jinyi Envoy as the auxiliary... Do you understand what our master means? The case has not been decided yet, so we are just checking whether you are suspected of committing the crime. If you are, the emperor can't protect you. If you are not... then you will be safe."

"That's it!" His wife clapped her hands, reached out and picked up a string of multi-treasure necklaces, stretched out her hands, and gestured to her chest, "With this, I can open a shop on Qianmen Street."

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

She turned her head to look at him, "Aren't you also a member of the Huo family? It sounds like you are just watching from the sidelines."

In fact, the prince has never been an extreme person. Perhaps it is the teachings tailored for the crown prince over the years. He is good at outsmarting others and will not easily break the current stable pattern unless it is absolutely necessary. However, today, he has to do it. Perhaps his patience has reached its limit. After all, he is the most honorable person in this dynasty. If he keeps being humble and moderate, what is left is his precarious status and his dignity being trampled on again and again. Zuo Zhaoyi's impatience gave him the best reason. The emperor is still the emperor who stays sober at all times. Between the country and women, he always chooses the former. Therefore, after the prince has safely survived this storm, all his subsequent actions to smooth the way forward will be supported. The empress who was too clever for her own good is about to leave the stage.

The arrest was scheduled for the night. When Xu Tu kicked open the second door, Nan Yushu was sleeping soundly with his concubine in his arms. He probably didn't expect that disaster would come so suddenly. After being driven out of the tent, he was still confused. He was shirtless and only wore a pair of Hangzhou silk trousers. A few chest hairs fluttered in the night wind. He asked Xinghe anxiously, "Master Su, what does this mean?"

Xinghe exclaimed, "I think I was too busy." While instructing people to encircle the princess's mansion first, he slowly mounted his horse, turned the horse's head and went with him.

Princess Xia Ling sat in the sunlight coming in through the window, staring at the dust floating in the air, her mind empty. Nanny came in and called her, asking, "Did Master Su send someone to tell you something? What did he say?"

Mrs. Nan closed the box lid and patted her chest. She sat beside the food box in a daze from noon till the lights were turned on at night.

His wife was now devoted to Princess Xia Ling. "There is no reason in the world for a girl to poison her own father. That would require a very evil heart. I don't think she could do it."

Huo Yan showed an understanding expression on his face, "I heard that the prince went to the Su Mansion to celebrate the festival..."

Princess Xia Ling sat in the sunlight coming in through the window, staring at the dust floating in the air, her mind empty. Nanny came in and called her, asking, "Did Master Su send someone to tell you something? What did he say?"

Nan Yushu finally understood and sneered at her, "This time, Master Su is finally satisfied."

His wife asked, "Did the prince instruct her to be charged with a crime?"

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

This case was not simple, it involved arresting the commander and detaining the princess. The Control of Military Affairs Department alone did not have such great authority, and it had to work closely with the Privy Council. After coming out of the Southern Mansion, he saw Huo Yan sitting on his horse. He could not interfere with the internal affairs of the Control of Military Affairs Department, but as a member of the royal family, he had to be present when the princess of the royal family was arrested.

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

Of course, those who had been following her were delighted. Nan Yushu's former subordinates were once again in the awkward position of being the confidants of the former commander Lan Jing. With their immediate superior falling from power overnight, these people were no longer important, and they were probably only left with the role of helping out in the kitchen and occasionally doing odd jobs.

Jin Ci was puzzled. "What does your Excellency mean? Sending a letter to Princess Xia Ling?"

His wife looked up and uttered, "Mother."

She turned her head to look at him, "Aren't you also a member of the Huo family? It sounds like you are just watching from the sidelines."

She placed her fists lightly on the closed document and squinted her eyes to look out. "Arrange a stranger to disguise herself and say that she was sent by the Deputy Privy Councilor to deliver a letter to the Princess's residence. She was told that the East Palace intends to conduct a thorough investigation into her meeting with the Emperor on the second day of the first lunar month. If there is any suspicion, she will be charged with poisoning the Emperor."

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

His wife looked up and uttered, "Mother."

Xinghe lowered her head, feeling ashamed of her love. She held the reins tightly with both hands. At this critical moment of life and death for the Su family, she actually had the leisure to think about those things.

Nan Yushu glanced at the goodies piled up in the food box and pondered, "If she didn't do it, why would she want to bribe us?"

The southern group stood in the corner with their heads down, looking ashamed, and nodded yes.

Huo Yan hummed, "Children under one year old will recognize people at first. As time goes by, as long as they are well fed and clothed, they won't have so many requirements. You can go over and take a look when you have time. Checking on prisoners at any time is also your responsibility as the Military Control Department."

This was not the first time Xinghe saw him smile, but every time he smiled, she felt that nothing was a big deal. Sometimes she felt tired, after scheming for too long, and she really wanted to find a place to rest. For some reason, this person who was not familiar with her could make her feel at ease. Maybe because he was older, she had an illusion that no matter what she messed up, as long as she asked him, he could easily find a way to resolve it for her.

She pressed her chest and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Lord Huo, for your advice. To be honest, I really have a problem this time. I don't know what to do next."

Nan Yushu was stunned. "What are you talking about? I'm not your mother."

The guard said with a smile, "I am a disciple of Lord Su, the Privy Councilor. I have a matter of life and death to report to Princess Xia Ling."

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

His wife looked up and uttered, "Mother."

Mrs. Nan opened the lid of the food box for him to see. The cat's eye and emerald green inside were illuminated by the candlelight, casting mottled light on their faces. It turned out that there was a reason for calling her "mother".

Mrs. Nan opened the lid of the food box for him to see. The cat's eye and emerald green inside were illuminated by the candlelight, casting mottled light on their faces. It turned out that there was a reason for calling her "mother".

Xinghe wanted to explain, but found that he couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he wiped his face in annoyance and said, "Anyway, it's not what you think. I didn't have anything to do with him."

So let's deal with it. Less trouble is worse than more trouble. It will be over if we are flexible. Fanzi thinks that the purpose of his superiors asking him to come here is just this. Princess Xia Ling also slowly calmed down and asked someone to show him the reward. "Thank your master for me. Where is he now? Is it convenient for me to go see him now?"

So let's deal with it. Less trouble is worse than more trouble. It will be over if we are flexible. Fanzi thinks that the purpose of his superiors asking him to come here is just this. Princess Xia Ling also slowly calmed down and asked someone to show him the reward. "Thank your master for me. Where is he now? Is it convenient for me to go see him now?"

Xinghe touched his nose and said, "I am following orders. The matter of Lord Nan accepting bribes has been reported to the emperor. The emperor has ordered his arrest and ordered me to interrogate him strictly."

Huo Yan nodded. "It's always hard to tell what's going on in the imperial family. After this turmoil, the palace should be peaceful for a while."

Nan Yushu asked: "Who sent it? Stop being angry and speak!"

He shook the reins. "Let's not talk about the rest for now. Let's complete the prince's order first. Prince Jian is far away in the army and cannot be reached. After he returns to the capital, the situation will be over and he won't be able to make any noise. What you have to watch out for now is the prince. See what he does after he returns to the court. Will he lie low for the time being or take drastic measures to eliminate his political enemies?"

Xinghe felt embarrassed, "I know what you mean, it's about the prince breaking my bed... It's not what you think."

Good news never comes out. The news that the prince collapsed the bed spread like wildfire, and I'm afraid everyone knows about it now.

She turned to look at him and smiled lazily, "Qian Hu, you are one step closer to the position of General Controlling the Army."

Nan Yushu understood, "This lady, she doesn't need help from anyone, but she doesn't have the time to deal with you. What does she mean? She wants to investigate the palace affairs thoroughly, is she trying to clear herself?"

His wife calmed down and said it was Princess Xia Ling.

Good news never comes out. The news that the prince collapsed the bed spread like wildfire, and I'm afraid everyone knows about it now.

She placed her fists lightly on the closed document and squinted her eyes to look out. "Arrange a stranger to disguise herself and say that she was sent by the Deputy Privy Councilor to deliver a letter to the Princess's residence. She was told that the East Palace intends to conduct a thorough investigation into her meeting with the Emperor on the second day of the first lunar month. If there is any suspicion, she will be charged with poisoning the Emperor."

She placed her fists lightly on the closed document and squinted her eyes to look out. "Arrange a stranger to disguise herself and say that she was sent by the Deputy Privy Councilor to deliver a letter to the Princess's residence. She was told that the East Palace intends to conduct a thorough investigation into her meeting with the Emperor on the second day of the first lunar month. If there is any suspicion, she will be charged with poisoning the Emperor."

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

Nan Yushu understood, "This lady, she doesn't need help from anyone, but she doesn't have the time to deal with you. What does she mean? She wants to investigate the palace affairs thoroughly, is she trying to clear herself?"

Xinghe suddenly felt relieved, and was glad that he was not the commander of the Control Military Division. If he were in Nan Yushu's position, it would be almost impossible for her to overthrow him.

Xinghe had never felt so tongue-tied as she did now. She was a person who didn't recognize her relatives when doing things. When she saw Huo Yan, she didn't want to take the blame and rushed to clarify. Maybe she liked him a little bit, but that kind of liking was different from her liking for the prince. It was a little awe-inspiring and flattering. She cared about his opinion and was afraid that she was not good enough and that he would look down on her. She also secretly thought that she might not be able to be with the prince in the future. She had once fantasized about Lou Yueting, but was ruthlessly strangled by the prince in the cradle. If there was hope... She felt that Huo Yan seemed to be a good candidate. She liked men like him, who were rational, calm, decisive, and had a large army.

The southern group stood in the corner with their heads down, looking ashamed, and nodded yes.

He was a smart man, and he understood it as soon as she mentioned it briefly.

Xinghe laughed, "I originally wanted to go to your house last time, but the prince was there, so I gave up."

It is very difficult to survive in the cracks. Sometimes the development of things goes against your wishes and you have no right to choose. You can only go with the flow and then think about a way out.

Nan Yushu asked: "Who sent it? Stop being angry and speak!"

His wife was now devoted to Princess Xia Ling. "There is no reason in the world for a girl to poison her own father. That would require a very evil heart. I don't think she could do it."

Nan Yushu was stunned. "What are you talking about? I'm not your mother."

She said hastily, "I'm thinking about how to try this case. Princess Xia Ling is of noble status after all."

He smiled softly, "I am a royal family member, but not a legitimate son. I have long lost the habits of an imperial family. I will open a mansion and live an ordinary life, that's all."

"The emperor was poisoned, and the prince was also poisoned. What a coincidence. They said I was the one who poisoned him. I did go into the Lizheng Palace on the second day of the New Year, but I didn't go to the East Palace. Could it be that I was the one who poisoned the prince? Huo Qing must have died, so I believed he didn't murder my father to usurp the throne. But he didn't die, didn't he? God knows if it was a self-torture trick, the thief crying "Catch the thief!"

"I harmed the emperor's father... I poisoned the emperor's father? What a joke! It's obvious that Huo Qingzhu wanted to frame us and use us as scapegoats!"

Mrs. Nan opened the lid of the food box for him to see. The cat's eye and emerald green inside were illuminated by the candlelight, casting mottled light on their faces. It turned out that there was a reason for calling her "mother".

Nan Yushu understood, "This lady, she doesn't need help from anyone, but she doesn't have the time to deal with you. What does she mean? She wants to investigate the palace affairs thoroughly, is she trying to clear herself?"

Of course, those who had been following her were delighted. Nan Yushu's former subordinates were once again in the awkward position of being the confidants of the former commander Lan Jing. With their immediate superior falling from power overnight, these people were no longer important, and they were probably only left with the role of helping out in the kitchen and occasionally doing odd jobs.

Nan Yushu glanced at the goodies piled up in the food box and pondered, "If she didn't do it, why would she want to bribe us?"

Xinghe looked up at him, with a fire formation behind him. Such a person would always be superior wherever and whenever he was. She forced a smile, "Lord Huo, let's go to the princess's mansion."

She sighed and called Jin Ci in to listen to her orders. Jin Ci stepped forward with a knife, bowed and said, "Please give me your instructions, sir."

Huo Yan showed an understanding expression on his face, "I heard that the prince went to the Su Mansion to celebrate the festival..."

Nan Yushu glanced at the goodies piled up in the food box and pondered, "If she didn't do it, why would she want to bribe us?"

She shook her head. "I'm busy with my work, who would want to ride in a sedan chair? Lord Huo, I'm really sorry to trouble you by doing this in the middle of the night, and you've been busy too."

Even if people don't talk about party disputes, anyone with a discerning eye can see it. The court is clearly divided, and it's not the way to survive. The Su family and Prince Jian are in a tangled mess, and now the prince wants to use the Su family to cut off the political career of the old master, which is a very dangerous thing. It's hard to say what the prince's intention is at the moment. Is he trying to push the Su family to the forefront, or take this opportunity to let them surrender? If they really surrender, will the past be written off, or will there be greater storms? Who knows.

His wife asked, "Did the prince instruct her to be charged with a crime?"

People were coming and going, and they couldn't intervene. Xinghe just smiled and said, "After all, you have followed Master Nan for a while. It will be awkward to escort people in person. Let's leave this matter to Captain Xu and the others."

Nan Yushu knew that the situation was hopeless. He had walked so many night roads, and finally met a ghost this time. He sighed deeply, resigned to his fate. Xinghe still took into account his face as an official appointed by the court, and ordered Jiang Chengzi: "Don't rush, let Lord Nan put on his clothes first. The weather is not warm yet, and he will catch a cold."

Xinghe had never felt so tongue-tied as she did now. She was a person who didn't recognize her relatives when doing things. When she saw Huo Yan, she didn't want to take the blame and rushed to clarify. Maybe she liked him a little bit, but that kind of liking was different from her liking for the prince. It was a little awe-inspiring and flattering. She cared about his opinion and was afraid that she was not good enough and that he would look down on her. She also secretly thought that she might not be able to be with the prince in the future. She had once fantasized about Lou Yueting, but was ruthlessly strangled by the prince in the cradle. If there was hope... She felt that Huo Yan seemed to be a good candidate. She liked men like him, who were rational, calm, decisive, and had a large army.

Huo Yan noticed that her expression had changed, and he turned slightly to look at her, "What's wrong with you?"

Nan Yushu understood, "This lady, she doesn't need help from anyone, but she doesn't have the time to deal with you. What does she mean? She wants to investigate the palace affairs thoroughly, is she trying to clear herself?"

In fact, the prince has never been an extreme person. Perhaps it is the teachings tailored for the crown prince over the years. He is good at outsmarting others and will not easily break the current stable pattern unless it is absolutely necessary. However, today, he has to do it. Perhaps his patience has reached its limit. After all, he is the most honorable person in this dynasty. If he keeps being humble and moderate, what is left is his precarious status and his dignity being trampled on again and again. Zuo Zhaoyi's impatience gave him the best reason. The emperor is still the emperor who stays sober at all times. Between the country and women, he always chooses the former. Therefore, after the prince has safely survived this storm, all his subsequent actions to smooth the way forward will be supported. The empress who was too clever for her own good is about to leave the stage.

"That's not the case..."

His wife calmed down and said it was Princess Xia Ling.

She sighed, "Your Excellency is wrong. I didn't ask you to accept Princess Xia Ling's bribe. You have a very good appetite. The Emperor was poisoned and Princess Xia Ling is a major suspect. You even dared to accept her things. What on earth were you thinking? If I say that you and her are in cahoots, what do you think will happen? Can you keep your head?"

She didn't say much, just go ahead, "You'll understand later."

Her beautiful face became particularly ferocious due to anger. She paced anxiously in the room and turned around suddenly, "I will go to see the emperor now."

Nan Yushu glanced at the goodies piled up in the food box and pondered, "If she didn't do it, why would she want to bribe us?"

Madam Nan was confused as she sent the chief official away from the princess's mansion. She turned around and opened the food box. The three layers of precious jewelry dazzled her eyes. Not to mention other things, just the South Pearls, each one was the size of a pigeon egg.

Xinghe suddenly felt relieved, and was glad that he was not the commander of the Control Military Division. If he were in Nan Yushu's position, it would be almost impossible for her to overthrow him.

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

"That's it!" His wife clapped her hands, reached out and picked up a string of multi-treasure necklaces, stretched out her hands, and gestured to her chest, "With this, I can open a shop on Qianmen Street."

This was not the first time Xinghe saw him smile, but every time he smiled, she felt that nothing was a big deal. Sometimes she felt tired, after scheming for too long, and she really wanted to find a place to rest. For some reason, this person who was not familiar with her could make her feel at ease. Maybe because he was older, she had an illusion that no matter what she messed up, as long as she asked him, he could easily find a way to resolve it for her.

Xinghe touched his nose and said, "I am following orders. The matter of Lord Nan accepting bribes has been reported to the emperor. The emperor has ordered his arrest and ordered me to interrogate him strictly."

She turned her head to look at him, "Aren't you also a member of the Huo family? It sounds like you are just watching from the sidelines."

His wife looked up and uttered, "Mother."

She pressed her chest and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Lord Huo, for your advice. To be honest, I really have a problem this time. I don't know what to do next."

Sometimes bribes cannot move people's hearts, not because the person is upright, but because the cost is not big enough. Once you satisfy people and make them unable to take their eyes off you, then your business is done. Nan Yushu has been the head of the Control Military Department in recent years. He led people to raid the homes of corrupt officials. He just made a few entries on the list and came back with a lot of money. How dark is the heart of such a corrupt official? If you want to bribe him, you really have to empty his family. Fortunately, when Princess Xia Ling was married, there was enough dowry in the palace. This little thing was a drop in the bucket for the princess, and for Nan Yushu, he was acting on behalf of heaven, so he would take it if he didn't.

Nan Yushu was stunned. "What are you talking about? I'm not your mother."

Huo Yan's face was calm. He turned his head and looked forward, and said slowly: "Prisoners have never been noble. The Control of Military Affairs has been handling cases involving royal relatives for many years, so Lord Su should be used to it. No matter how great the princess was in the past, she still has to answer your questions honestly when she is tried. If she doesn't answer well, you can write it down in the document. She is arrogant, and you can let her understand her current situation. The Control of Military Affairs has many ways, can't it subdue a delicate princess?"

She said hastily, "I'm thinking about how to try this case. Princess Xia Ling is of noble status after all."

Xinghe lowered her head, feeling ashamed of her love. She held the reins tightly with both hands. At this critical moment of life and death for the Su family, she actually had the leisure to think about those things.

Huo Yan's face was calm. He turned his head and looked forward, and said slowly: "Prisoners have never been noble. The Control of Military Affairs has been handling cases involving royal relatives for many years, so Lord Su should be used to it. No matter how great the princess was in the past, she still has to answer your questions honestly when she is tried. If she doesn't answer well, you can write it down in the document. She is arrogant, and you can let her understand her current situation. The Control of Military Affairs has many ways, can't it subdue a delicate princess?"

There is a sequence of events here, and Xinghe used that little room for maneuver to capture Princess Xia Ling and Nan Yushu in one fell swoop.

This was not the first time Xinghe saw him smile, but every time he smiled, she felt that nothing was a big deal. Sometimes she felt tired, after scheming for too long, and she really wanted to find a place to rest. For some reason, this person who was not familiar with her could make her feel at ease. Maybe because he was older, she had an illusion that no matter what she messed up, as long as she asked him, he could easily find a way to resolve it for her.

Huo Yan's face was calm. He turned his head and looked forward, and said slowly: "Prisoners have never been noble. The Control of Military Affairs has been handling cases involving royal relatives for many years, so Lord Su should be used to it. No matter how great the princess was in the past, she still has to answer your questions honestly when she is tried. If she doesn't answer well, you can write it down in the document. She is arrogant, and you can let her understand her current situation. The Control of Military Affairs has many ways, can't it subdue a delicate princess?"

What a big deal! In order to get away with it, the princess bribed the investigating official. When the news reached the emperor, the emperor, whose legs and feet were still not very flexible, was furious. If you didn't do it, why did you do it? If you feel guilty, there must be something wrong. He didn't expect that his beloved daughter would want to kill him just because he didn't do what she wanted once.

She didn't say much, just go ahead, "You'll understand later."

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

She didn't say much, just go ahead, "You'll understand later."

People were coming and going, and they couldn't intervene. Xinghe just smiled and said, "After all, you have followed Master Nan for a while. It will be awkward to escort people in person. Let's leave this matter to Captain Xu and the others."

The princess made a very clear analysis and sent the chief secretary to Nan Yushu's residence. Lord Nan was working in the government office, and only his wife was at home. The chief secretary introduced himself, "I am from Princess Xialing's residence, and I am here to visit Madam Nan on the orders of my master." Turning his head and curling his lips, the servant brought a food box to him. The chief secretary put his hands on his waist and said, "It's just a little food, please don't be disgusted, Madam. When Lord Nan comes back, please bring good news to our princess. This Chengzi wants to come to visit, but he can't spare the time..."

Twenty years of nurturing a tiger is a real calamity. Thinking about it, it makes me feel ashamed. And Nan Yushu, his greed made the emperor even more ashamed. How could such a person still serve as an official in the court? The next place to be confiscated was Nan Yushu's mansion.

Huo Yan noticed that her expression had changed, and he turned slightly to look at her, "What's wrong with you?"

Sometimes bribes cannot move people's hearts, not because the person is upright, but because the cost is not big enough. Once you satisfy people and make them unable to take their eyes off you, then your business is done. Nan Yushu has been the head of the Control Military Department in recent years. He led people to raid the homes of corrupt officials. He just made a few entries on the list and came back with a lot of money. How dark is the heart of such a corrupt official? If you want to bribe him, you really have to empty his family. Fortunately, when Princess Xia Ling was married, there was enough dowry in the palace. This little thing was a drop in the bucket for the princess, and for Nan Yushu, he was acting on behalf of heaven, so he would take it if he didn't.

Her beautiful face became particularly ferocious due to anger. She paced anxiously in the room and turned around suddenly, "I will go to see the emperor now."

Xinghe listened to the crying of children in Nan Mansion in the firelight, her face as calm as water. Jinci stood beside her, glancing at her every once in a while, probably muttering in her heart that women have the most vicious hearts.

Twenty years of nurturing a tiger is a real calamity. Thinking about it, it makes me feel ashamed. And Nan Yushu, his greed made the emperor even more ashamed. How could such a person still serve as an official in the court? The next place to be confiscated was Nan Yushu's mansion.

Nan Yushu knew that the situation was hopeless. He had walked so many night roads, and finally met a ghost this time. He sighed deeply, resigned to his fate. Xinghe still took into account his face as an official appointed by the court, and ordered Jiang Chengzi: "Don't rush, let Lord Nan put on his clothes first. The weather is not warm yet, and he will catch a cold."

Nan Yushu came back, took off his coat and asked someone to fetch some hot water. He turned around and saw his wife staring blankly, wondering what was wrong with her again. He walked over and called out, "Who brought the food?"

Xinghe felt embarrassed, "I know what you mean, it's about the prince breaking my bed... It's not what you think."

She turned to look at him and smiled lazily, "Qian Hu, you are one step closer to the position of General Controlling the Army."