Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 7: Light rain in the morning


Interrogation and arrest are not her job at the moment. When the commander-in-chief and several thousand soldiers under his command visited the six ministries, Xinghe was the only one in charge of the huge yamen.

This government office is like an apprenticeship in the market. Those who come later must give way to those who come earlier. For example, if you want to learn the tools you need, you must first pick them up. When others have left some, you can pick them up and use them. It is not right for others to monopolize them and not give them anything. Each industry has its own rules.

Jin Ci grinned, thinking that he was a little embarrassed. Everyone showed their contempt for him without disguising it. No one wanted to break the deadlock this time, and they quietly clenched their frozen fingers - it was too cold.

Suddenly she saw that the child had grown so tall, and her face still had the shadow of her childhood, but at first glance she looked a little strange. Mrs. Su was mixed with sadness and joy, and couldn't help crying. What should she say? The mother and daughter looked at each other in silence. After a while, they went into the veranda room, hugged each other, and just asked each other if they were okay.

She reached out and combed her hair. The landscape and pavilions painted in gold and color were delicate and exquisite. She took out a coarse-toothed brush and slowly combed it. Her hair was too long and almost hung down to the bottom of the stool. She entered the palace at the age of twelve. After entering the palace, she was not asked to cut her hair. Over the years, her hair has grown longer and longer. It is indeed difficult for her to braid a decent bun.

They couldn't meet alone during the meeting, so they couldn't talk freely. Xinghe told his mother, "The master values me very much and gave me a title yesterday. I am now the Jinyi Envoy in the Control Military Department."

She pulled it in front of her, hung it up high and combed the ends of her hair. Lan Chu just smiled when she saw it. She hung the copper pendant above the charcoal basin, poured a cup of milk for her to hold, and took the comb to comb her hair slowly. Finally, she used the flat needle and hairpin. Her hair was thick and piled up layer by layer. Others would have to use a wig to make up for it, but she didn't need it.

Xinghe laughed dryly. He was indeed an uneducated and rough man. His words were blunt, but his feelings were genuine.

She changed into oiled boots, and the eunuch held an umbrella for her as she swayed all the way to the West Pond Courtyard. Today she wore casual clothes, a lilac-colored brocade jacket with embroidered patterns. Perhaps they were used to seeing her in official uniform, so even the guards at the gate looked at her twice more.

The Control of Military Affairs Department was established seventy or eighty years ago, and its foundation is very deep. There are at least tens of thousands of foreign servants. As for the thousand households, there are more than twenty people in total. Except for the few that Nan Yushu usually uses, the remaining eight will not be used unless there is a shortage of manpower. In other words, the eight thousand households only play the role of guarding the gate. At most, they can be remembered when there is a house to guard or Zhaoyu needs to bring someone for trial. Usually, this group of people is like the signs used to clear the way for the guards in the hall, just for decoration.

There was a charcoal brazier in the room. Lan Chu came in at 11:00 and added more charcoal. The charcoal fire was burning brightly, so it didn't feel cold.

The eight thousand households stood in awe, their eight tall figures much taller than her, but this is the way the world is, the higher the rank, the more powerful the subordinates, and it is never reasonable for subordinates to speak in front of their superiors. Moreover, they are now just nominal thousand households who eat salaries and do nothing.

"I'll do your hair and make-up tomorrow." Lan Chu looked back and smiled, "I'll do your bun and put on that kingfisher headpiece. You haven't dressed up properly for a long time. You're still young, and it would be heartbreaking for your wife if you don't do that."

Mrs. Su saw tears in her eyes and was afraid that someone else might see her and cause trouble if it got out. So she quickly lowered her head, gulped, and took a sip with difficulty.

Everyone in the capital knew the name of the Control Rong Division. When she first entered the palace, it was secretly arranged by Zuo Zhaoyi. Now that she has reached this position, Mrs. Su is also prepared. However, the Control Rong Division has a bad reputation. All mothers don't want their daughters to be involved in prison. She had a lot of things to say to her, but when she looked at the palace servants standing inside and outside, the words circled on her tongue and she swallowed them back.

She looked at it awkwardly for a long time, and finally sighed, so be it. Looking at the clock, it was time. Go out of the Courtyard of Imperial Concubines and pass through the gate of Yiqiu Palace to the West Pond Courtyard. The courtyard was used for summer retreat in summer. There was an artificial lake in the courtyard, with rockery, stone pavilions, and duckweed, which were decorated very delicately.

Xinghe leaned over to look at herself in the bronze mirror, and was about to wipe her eyebrows when Lanchu stopped her. "The girls outside are still using black ink to draw their eyebrows. They draw their eyebrows like brooms. This is called modern makeup. Madam will definitely like it."

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

It is really embarrassing for a man to be a hero but not be able to use his talents. Xinghe has been in the Control Military Division for five years and knows a little about the reasons. A new emperor appoints new ministers. This is an eternal truth not only in the imperial court but also in a small place like the government office. The commanders of the Control Military Division change frequently and each of them has his own confidants. In addition, the relationship between the current and the predecessor is delicate. It is also human nature for the person in power to neglect or even idle the subordinates left by the predecessor.

Lan Chu was simply happy for her and kept saying "that's great" to herself. He helped her change out of her official uniform and hung the clothes on a rack that was as tall as a person.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face with a towel. She had slept late last night and felt dizzy when she woke up in the morning. Fortunately, there was no court meeting today, so she didn't have to wait on the prince. She had been dawdling until now, and it was a rare good sleep.

Everyone in the capital knew the name of the Control Rong Division. When she first entered the palace, it was secretly arranged by Zuo Zhaoyi. Now that she has reached this position, Mrs. Su is also prepared. However, the Control Rong Division has a bad reputation. All mothers don't want their daughters to be involved in prison. She had a lot of things to say to her, but when she looked at the palace servants standing inside and outside, the words circled on her tongue and she swallowed them back.

Everyone in the capital knew the name of the Control Rong Division. When she first entered the palace, it was secretly arranged by Zuo Zhaoyi. Now that she has reached this position, Mrs. Su is also prepared. However, the Control Rong Division has a bad reputation. All mothers don't want their daughters to be involved in prison. She had a lot of things to say to her, but when she looked at the palace servants standing inside and outside, the words circled on her tongue and she swallowed them back.

Xu Xingzhi jumped three feet high, "As long as you say the word, I will lead the horse and shoot the eagle for you, and I will shoot wherever you point."

The person in the unicorn robe in the hall was walking leisurely on the blue brick floor with his hands behind his back. The sunlight coming in from the door became her stage. She walked back and forth in the light with great interest. The slow and unhurried pace was like the torment of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

Master Su is the one who always keeps his word. According to the gossips of the servants in the Eastern Palace, she is three times more powerful than the Crown Prince. But Lanchu doesn't think so. Every time she hears such words, she will go up and argue with them, "Our master is the best master in the world." Although she can't say what's so good about her master, as long as someone dares to touch the edge of the pot, she will dare to go up and fight.

"Originally you said you were coming back, and the family had prepared everything. But later on, the emperor ordered you to come to the palace to meet your parents, which made me panic." Mrs. Su straightened the corner of her clothes, as if she was worried about being impolite in front of her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and a shy smile appeared on her face.

The eight people exchanged glances hesitantly. No one dared to speak until the leader spoke. Although the uniforms of the Jinyi Envoy and the Commander were the same, they were of different genders. The Jinyi Envoy had a palace bell on his belt, so there was a ringing sound of bells with every step he took. The bell sounded clear and elegant, but now it sounded like a life-threatening sound. The thousand households dared not breathe. After waiting for a long time, they finally heard her cough. It was as if the blood suddenly flowed through her body, and her almost collapsed face was pulled up again. The youngest thousand household, Jin Ci, bravely showed his good intentions and said like a dog wagging its tail, "It's the beginning of winter, my lord, please take care of your health. The yamen is a long way from the East Palace. It will be bad if you catch a cold on the way."

"I'll do your hair and make-up tomorrow." Lan Chu looked back and smiled, "I'll do your bun and put on that kingfisher headpiece. You haven't dressed up properly for a long time. You're still young, and it would be heartbreaking for your wife if you don't do that."

Lan Chu pushed it up, and she pulled it down. In the end, there was only a handful of tassels left, two hairpins with kingfisher feathers and pearls, and Lan Chu could not argue with her, so she had to let her do it. She turned to put on makeup, dipped the powder puff in powder, and applied a layer of powder on her carefully. Her skin was very good, fine and smooth, without even a mole. But after looking around, she realized that the powder was unnecessary, like a layer of white flour sprinkled on a glass window, which lost its original good color.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face with a towel. She had slept late last night and felt dizzy when she woke up in the morning. Fortunately, there was no court meeting today, so she didn't have to wait on the prince. She had been dawdling until now, and it was a rare good sleep.

When an imperial edict is issued from outside the palace, it is usually through the Anli Gate. This time, the Crown Prince has said that since Lord Su has worked hard and made great contributions, he allows Madam Su to enter directly through the Xuande Gate. Xuande Gate is not far from the West Pond Courtyard, and it can be reached by passing through the Pavilion Courtyard. My daughter entered the palace at the age of twelve. When the former queen was alive, she could summon her and see her from a distance. Later, the queen passed away, and there were no more grand ceremonies such as the Silkworm Festival in the palace. It was difficult to enter the palace again.

The eight thousand households stood in awe, their eight tall figures much taller than her, but this is the way the world is, the higher the rank, the more powerful the subordinates, and it is never reasonable for subordinates to speak in front of their superiors. Moreover, they are now just nominal thousand households who eat salaries and do nothing.

The Control of Military Affairs Department was established seventy or eighty years ago, and its foundation is very deep. There are at least tens of thousands of foreign servants. As for the thousand households, there are more than twenty people in total. Except for the few that Nan Yushu usually uses, the remaining eight will not be used unless there is a shortage of manpower. In other words, the eight thousand households only play the role of guarding the gate. At most, they can be remembered when there is a house to guard or Zhaoyu needs to bring someone for trial. Usually, this group of people is like the signs used to clear the way for the guards in the hall, just for decoration.

They couldn't meet alone during the meeting, so they couldn't talk freely. Xinghe told his mother, "The master values me very much and gave me a title yesterday. I am now the Jinyi Envoy in the Control Military Department."

The person in the unicorn robe in the hall was walking leisurely on the blue brick floor with his hands behind his back. The sunlight coming in from the door became her stage. She walked back and forth in the light with great interest. The slow and unhurried pace was like the torment of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

"My Lord..." The leader of the Lan Family Army looked at her and swallowed eagerly, "It's okay if a good sword becomes dull. Just take it off and sharpen it again. It will still be as sharp as before. But now everyone has their own army, and we have lost our backers. No one cares about us like mud pigs and mangy dogs. To be honest, my Lord, I feel really aggrieved."

She reached out and combed her hair. The landscape and pavilions painted in gold and color were delicate and exquisite. She took out a coarse-toothed brush and slowly combed it. Her hair was too long and almost hung down to the bottom of the stool. She entered the palace at the age of twelve. After entering the palace, she was not asked to cut her hair. Over the years, her hair has grown longer and longer. It is indeed difficult for her to braid a decent bun.

Xinghe looked unhappy, "Changhe is tired of living and is anxious to reincarnate."

She pulled it in front of her, hung it up high and combed the ends of her hair. Lan Chu just smiled when she saw it. She hung the copper pendant above the charcoal basin, poured a cup of milk for her to hold, and took the comb to comb her hair slowly. Finally, she used the flat needle and hairpin. Her hair was thick and piled up layer by layer. Others would have to use a wig to make up for it, but she didn't need it.

Xinghe leaned over to look at herself in the bronze mirror, and was about to wipe her eyebrows when Lanchu stopped her. "The girls outside are still using black ink to draw their eyebrows. They draw their eyebrows like brooms. This is called modern makeup. Madam will definitely like it."

The eight people exchanged glances hesitantly. No one dared to speak until the leader spoke. Although the uniforms of the Jinyi Envoy and the Commander were the same, they were of different genders. The Jinyi Envoy had a palace bell on his belt, so there was a ringing sound of bells with every step he took. The bell sounded clear and elegant, but now it sounded like a life-threatening sound. The thousand households dared not breathe. After waiting for a long time, they finally heard her cough. It was as if the blood suddenly flowed through her body, and her almost collapsed face was pulled up again. The youngest thousand household, Jin Ci, bravely showed his good intentions and said like a dog wagging its tail, "It's the beginning of winter, my lord, please take care of your health. The yamen is a long way from the East Palace. It will be bad if you catch a cold on the way."

She didn't refute it after hearing it, but it was still a little short for the second-in-command to have such great power. After she replaced Nan Yushu, it would probably be almost the same.

"What do you know? The Lan family army was famous back then. If Lan Jing hadn't fallen, any one of these people could have been appointed as a deputy in the Five Military Commandery. Nan Yushu wanted to build up his own power, but he was afraid that these people would not agree with him, so he deliberately left them aside. In the past few years that I have been in the Control Rong Division, I have never seen them carry out a task or solve a case. Such good talents, doing nothing in the government office all day, hanging out with those foreigners, watching the door, cleaning weapons, how do you think they feel? I am saving them out of the mud this time. The grace of knowing me is different from financial assistance. They should be grateful to me in their hearts. The more grateful they are, the more loyal they are. I need people like that."

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

As a result, the boss turned around and looked at him. She was used to being flattered, so such flattery did not enter her ears at all.

She had to grit her teeth and endure. For some reason, her responses and countermeasures were completely ineffective in front of him. Even though Sun Wukong had supernatural powers, he still couldn't escape from the palm of Tathagata Buddha. She always felt trapped in front of him. Not only was she controlled by him, but she also felt helpless and helpless, and she couldn't explain the despair even if she had three heads and six arms and a mouth all over her body.

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

Lan Chu pushed it up, and she pulled it down. In the end, there was only a handful of tassels left, two hairpins with kingfisher feathers and pearls, and Lan Chu could not argue with her, so she had to let her do it. She turned to put on makeup, dipped the powder puff in powder, and applied a layer of powder on her carefully. Her skin was very good, fine and smooth, without even a mole. But after looking around, she realized that the powder was unnecessary, like a layer of white flour sprinkled on a glass window, which lost its original good color.

These were just for show, not just for her, but for the third ear. Xinghe said yes, and was about to ask how her family was, when she glanced and saw someone standing at the other end of the yard. Maybe it was a bad day today, and there was no need to practice riding and archery after the morning class, so the prince was strolling around the palace, and before he knew it, he had strolled to the West Pond Courtyard.

Interrogation and arrest are not her job at the moment. When the commander-in-chief and several thousand soldiers under his command visited the six ministries, Xinghe was the only one in charge of the huge yamen.

Master Su is the one who always keeps his word. According to the gossips of the servants in the Eastern Palace, she is three times more powerful than the Crown Prince. But Lanchu doesn't think so. Every time she hears such words, she will go up and argue with them, "Our master is the best master in the world." Although she can't say what's so good about her master, as long as someone dares to touch the edge of the pot, she will dare to go up and fight.

Xinghe sat there with an indifferent expression. She didn't have the energy to speculate on the prince's attitude towards asking for a wife. Now her mind was full of controlling the military department and how to avoid hurting her and push Nan Yushu down from the position of commander. As for the crown princess or Baolin, no matter how high their positions were, they were just inner women, and in terms of real power and freedom, they were far inferior to her current job.

As a result, the boss turned around and looked at him. She was used to being flattered, so such flattery did not enter her ears at all.

Jin Ci grinned, thinking that he was a little embarrassed. Everyone showed their contempt for him without disguising it. No one wanted to break the deadlock this time, and they quietly clenched their frozen fingers - it was too cold.

Mrs. Su saw tears in her eyes and was afraid that someone else might see her and cause trouble if it got out. So she quickly lowered her head, gulped, and took a sip with difficulty.

Jin Ci grinned, thinking that he was a little embarrassed. Everyone showed their contempt for him without disguising it. No one wanted to break the deadlock this time, and they quietly clenched their frozen fingers - it was too cold.

A strong hope arose in my heart. Recruiting soldiers and horses is a common thing in the officialdom. You need people, we have them. As long as you can give them a chance and make their stiff hands and feet move, everyone will be willing to follow you.

The room was as cold as water, and standing still was almost enough to make people shiver. After waiting for a long time, she finally got her opening remarks. She said, "When Lord Lan was here, all of you were good at doing your job. Now that the commander of the Military Control Department has changed, all of you have the desire to serve the court, but no chance to show your talents. A good sword will become dull if it is left alone for a long time. I have been watching from the sidelines for five years, and I feel very sorry for your plight."

Human nature is sometimes really evil. Especially when you are used to the power and oppression in the palace, you have to be a tough person. She is willing to walk along the road with people bowing and greeting on both sides. When she can no longer see them, she doesn't care if they turn their backs and curse at her, as long as those words don't reach her ears.

The eight thousand households stood in awe, their eight tall figures much taller than her, but this is the way the world is, the higher the rank, the more powerful the subordinates, and it is never reasonable for subordinates to speak in front of their superiors. Moreover, they are now just nominal thousand households who eat salaries and do nothing.

Xinghe didn't care how others bullied her, as long as she behaved well in front of her. Who could control others' brains? Even if he was a saint, not everyone would obey him. Like the female attendant who entered the East Palace at the same time, a young lady from an official family, she was extremely gentle. She tolerated all the big and small evil deeds of the palace servants, and finally got implicated in the incident. None of those who had received her favor in the past stood up to speak for her. Her years of practice were ruined, and she was too embarrassed to accept it, so she jumped into the golden well. Was it the end of everything? No, she left behind a lot of trouble. Her family begged her to bribe people to testify that she fell down accidentally when fetching water, because if she dared to commit suicide while working in the palace, it would bring trouble to her family.

Lan Chu was still nagging. There were only the two of them living in the Court of Imperial Ladies. Without her presence, it seemed deserted, like a widow's home. Xinghe frowned, with a helpless look on his face, watching her take out the dressing box from the mother-of-pearl cabinet and put it in front of the bronze mirror on the dressing table. The box had not been used for a long time. Since she was assigned the task of reviewing documents, she often went in and out of the government office, and put on powder and rouge on her face, which reminded people that she was a girl. She didn't like others' strange looks.

Wearing jewelry is just like a poor family going to a rich relative's house to beg for money, and the food is so delicious that it can only flow straight up. I remember when I was a child, I got a pair of new earrings and hung them on my ears and shook them vigorously, afraid that no one would see them. Lan Chu is probably thinking the same thing now.

Lan Chu was still chattering, "You will kiss tomorrow, do you remember? The prince has shown mercy and invited your wife to the West Pond Courtyard for a banquet. Tomorrow you should dress up beautifully and tell your wife not to worry, you are doing well in the palace. You have worked diligently for many years and now you have become a high-ranking official. What other young lady can be so successful? You alone have brought honor to your family."

The thousand households looked up in surprise, and they were relieved when they heard this. The newly appointed deputy commander had no soldiers under his command, and in the end he could only continue to do those trivial things. As for them, it was indeed as she said. If they were a group of palace soldiers with no ambition, they would have lived a muddled life, but they had been glorious and made great contributions to the court with Lord Lan. Later, Lord Lan was dismissed, and although they still stayed in the Control Rong Division, their situation was very different from before. The end of a hero's life may be the most cowardly thing in the world.

A strong hope arose in my heart. Recruiting soldiers and horses is a common thing in the officialdom. You need people, we have them. As long as you can give them a chance and make their stiff hands and feet move, everyone will be willing to follow you.

Jin Ci grinned, thinking that he was a little embarrassed. Everyone showed their contempt for him without disguising it. No one wanted to break the deadlock this time, and they quietly clenched their frozen fingers - it was too cold.

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

She spoke eloquently, had a plan in mind, and had just been promoted to a higher position, so her eyes were full of high-spirited and heroic spirit.

A strong hope arose in my heart. Recruiting soldiers and horses is a common thing in the officialdom. You need people, we have them. As long as you can give them a chance and make their stiff hands and feet move, everyone will be willing to follow you.

These were just for show, not just for her, but for the third ear. Xinghe said yes, and was about to ask how her family was, when she glanced and saw someone standing at the other end of the yard. Maybe it was a bad day today, and there was no need to practice riding and archery after the morning class, so the prince was strolling around the palace, and before he knew it, he had strolled to the West Pond Courtyard.

Lan Chu stroked the jewel top again and again, "Oh, the master is so thoughtful that he doesn't even care what hat you wear... Look, your Qilin robe is different from others, with sleeve and knee pads added. At first glance, it looks like the queen's wedding dress." As he spoke, he tucked his sleeves and tilted his head, muttering to himself, "Yes, if this is not enough, there will be more. I heard Chang He gossiping today, saying that the emperor wanted to establish a crown princess, saying, 'If you are not satisfied with the female official in front of you, you can be given the title of Baolin', but the crown prince did not agree..."

She reached out and combed her hair. The landscape and pavilions painted in gold and color were delicate and exquisite. She took out a coarse-toothed brush and slowly combed it. Her hair was too long and almost hung down to the bottom of the stool. She entered the palace at the age of twelve. After entering the palace, she was not asked to cut her hair. Over the years, her hair has grown longer and longer. It is indeed difficult for her to braid a decent bun.

She looked at it awkwardly for a long time, and finally sighed, so be it. Looking at the clock, it was time. Go out of the Courtyard of Imperial Concubines and pass through the gate of Yiqiu Palace to the West Pond Courtyard. The courtyard was used for summer retreat in summer. There was an artificial lake in the courtyard, with rockery, stone pavilions, and duckweed, which were decorated very delicately.

Lan Chu waved his hands hurriedly, "He also heard it from the people in Lizheng Palace."

Lowering her head and blinking bitterly, Mrs. Su said, "I have nothing to worry about you being in the palace. You are doing a good job now, and the master likes you. How many girls can be promoted from the inner court to the outer court? Unfortunately, wormwood has grown on our ancestral tomb, so you should cherish your blessings, serve the court well, and obey the master's orders..."

In order to prevent her from taking a rest, the prince lent her this courtyard to visit her relatives. She thanked him verbally, but she was not happy in her heart. Originally, a female official who had been in the palace for ten years could ask for leave to go back to visit. Of course, she wanted to visit not only her mother, but also her family and friends, as well as the house where she used to live and the maids she used to serve. But even this wish was not allowed to be fulfilled by the master. The master said that it would be troublesome to go home so as to avoid the trouble, but it was just to drive her to her heart's content and not let her have any free time.

Xinghe looked unhappy, "Changhe is tired of living and is anxious to reincarnate."

"My Lord..." The leader of the Lan Family Army looked at her and swallowed eagerly, "It's okay if a good sword becomes dull. Just take it off and sharpen it again. It will still be as sharp as before. But now everyone has their own army, and we have lost our backers. No one cares about us like mud pigs and mangy dogs. To be honest, my Lord, I feel really aggrieved."

Interrogation and arrest are not her job at the moment. When the commander-in-chief and several thousand soldiers under his command visited the six ministries, Xinghe was the only one in charge of the huge yamen.

She covered her face with a cold towel and took a deep breath. The coldness rushed up her nose to her forehead, causing tears to well up in her eyes. She stood in front of the mirror for a while, watching the face in the mirror get cold, and the whiteness turned red. However, the red was stiff, like the Qingyi in an opera. She raised her hand to wipe it, leaned forward and sat on the velvet stool, and opened the red sandalwood dressing box with copper work. Inside, there were layers of combs, bamboo brushes, and large and small brushes neatly stacked. She stared at it for a long time. This box was assigned to her by the Yiting Bureau after she entered the Eastern Palace. After so many years, she still didn't understand the functions of many things.

"What do you know? The Lan family army was famous back then. If Lan Jing hadn't fallen, any one of these people could have been appointed as a deputy in the Five Military Commandery. Nan Yushu wanted to build up his own power, but he was afraid that these people would not agree with him, so he deliberately left them aside. In the past few years that I have been in the Control Rong Division, I have never seen them carry out a task or solve a case. Such good talents, doing nothing in the government office all day, hanging out with those foreigners, watching the door, cleaning weapons, how do you think they feel? I am saving them out of the mud this time. The grace of knowing me is different from financial assistance. They should be grateful to me in their hearts. The more grateful they are, the more loyal they are. I need people like that."

Suddenly she saw that the child had grown so tall, and her face still had the shadow of her childhood, but at first glance she looked a little strange. Mrs. Su was mixed with sadness and joy, and couldn't help crying. What should she say? The mother and daughter looked at each other in silence. After a while, they went into the veranda room, hugged each other, and just asked each other if they were okay.

Lan Chu saw that she was serious about getting to the bottom of the matter, and was frightened and hurried to dissuade her: "My Lord, just listen to what you said, and don't you dare to argue with the master? Anyway, you know what the prince is thinking. You can kill him but not bury him, so you should have a clear idea in your mind."

Mrs. Su was panic-stricken and asked Xinghe hesitantly: "Is this... His Highness?"

She reached out and combed her hair. The landscape and pavilions painted in gold and color were delicate and exquisite. She took out a coarse-toothed brush and slowly combed it. Her hair was too long and almost hung down to the bottom of the stool. She entered the palace at the age of twelve. After entering the palace, she was not asked to cut her hair. Over the years, her hair has grown longer and longer. It is indeed difficult for her to braid a decent bun.

Xinghe pursed her lips and smiled, "If it's really like what Captain Xu said, as long as you still have the heart to serve the Lord, no one can look down on you. As for me, I just took up the post. Although I also followed the court before, I was mostly reviewing documents. Now the court has given me the title of deputy envoy, and I have received the imperial decree to take up the post. To be honest, everyone sees me as a female official, and I am afraid that many people don't take me seriously. I have no one to use, and I don't want to trouble the prince. Most of the dozens of captains in the yamen have errands. I look around, and only the eight of you are unemployed. If you don't mind, it would be nice for us to do something together."

She spoke eloquently, had a plan in mind, and had just been promoted to a higher position, so her eyes were full of high-spirited and heroic spirit.

Mrs. Su was panic-stricken and asked Xinghe hesitantly: "Is this... His Highness?"

The sharpness that had been worn away for seven or eight years had long since turned into a mass of paste and poured into the gutter. Now that someone is willing to reinstate them, who cares whether they are men or women? Who cares so much about that

The eight thousand households stood in awe, their eight tall figures much taller than her, but this is the way the world is, the higher the rank, the more powerful the subordinates, and it is never reasonable for subordinates to speak in front of their superiors. Moreover, they are now just nominal thousand households who eat salaries and do nothing.

Xinghe didn't care how others bullied her, as long as she behaved well in front of her. Who could control others' brains? Even if he was a saint, not everyone would obey him. Like the female attendant who entered the East Palace at the same time, a young lady from an official family, she was extremely gentle. She tolerated all the big and small evil deeds of the palace servants, and finally got implicated in the incident. None of those who had received her favor in the past stood up to speak for her. Her years of practice were ruined, and she was too embarrassed to accept it, so she jumped into the golden well. Was it the end of everything? No, she left behind a lot of trouble. Her family begged her to bribe people to testify that she fell down accidentally when fetching water, because if she dared to commit suicide while working in the palace, it would bring trouble to her family.

Xu Xingzhi jumped three feet high, "As long as you say the word, I will lead the horse and shoot the eagle for you, and I will shoot wherever you point."

Xu Xingzhi jumped three feet high, "As long as you say the word, I will lead the horse and shoot the eagle for you, and I will shoot wherever you point."

Xinghe pursed her lips and smiled, "If it's really like what Captain Xu said, as long as you still have the heart to serve the Lord, no one can look down on you. As for me, I just took up the post. Although I also followed the court before, I was mostly reviewing documents. Now the court has given me the title of deputy envoy, and I have received the imperial decree to take up the post. To be honest, everyone sees me as a female official, and I am afraid that many people don't take me seriously. I have no one to use, and I don't want to trouble the prince. Most of the dozens of captains in the yamen have errands. I look around, and only the eight of you are unemployed. If you don't mind, it would be nice for us to do something together."

She had to grit her teeth and endure. For some reason, her responses and countermeasures were completely ineffective in front of him. Even though Sun Wukong had supernatural powers, he still couldn't escape from the palm of Tathagata Buddha. She always felt trapped in front of him. Not only was she controlled by him, but she also felt helpless and helpless, and she couldn't explain the despair even if she had three heads and six arms and a mouth all over her body.

The eight thousand households stood in awe, their eight tall figures much taller than her, but this is the way the world is, the higher the rank, the more powerful the subordinates, and it is never reasonable for subordinates to speak in front of their superiors. Moreover, they are now just nominal thousand households who eat salaries and do nothing.

Xu Xingzhi jumped three feet high, "As long as you say the word, I will lead the horse and shoot the eagle for you, and I will shoot wherever you point."

Lan Chu pushed it up, and she pulled it down. In the end, there was only a handful of tassels left, two hairpins with kingfisher feathers and pearls, and Lan Chu could not argue with her, so she had to let her do it. She turned to put on makeup, dipped the powder puff in powder, and applied a layer of powder on her carefully. Her skin was very good, fine and smooth, without even a mole. But after looking around, she realized that the powder was unnecessary, like a layer of white flour sprinkled on a glass window, which lost its original good color.

Xinghe felt a little sad. The mother and daughter had been separated for ten years, and the relationship between them had become estranged.

Suddenly she saw that the child had grown so tall, and her face still had the shadow of her childhood, but at first glance she looked a little strange. Mrs. Su was mixed with sadness and joy, and couldn't help crying. What should she say? The mother and daughter looked at each other in silence. After a while, they went into the veranda room, hugged each other, and just asked each other if they were okay.

They couldn't meet alone during the meeting, so they couldn't talk freely. Xinghe told his mother, "The master values me very much and gave me a title yesterday. I am now the Jinyi Envoy in the Control Military Department."

Lan Chu was still nagging. There were only the two of them living in the Court of Imperial Ladies. Without her presence, it seemed deserted, like a widow's home. Xinghe frowned, with a helpless look on his face, watching her take out the dressing box from the mother-of-pearl cabinet and put it in front of the bronze mirror on the dressing table. The box had not been used for a long time. Since she was assigned the task of reviewing documents, she often went in and out of the government office, and put on powder and rouge on her face, which reminded people that she was a girl. She didn't like others' strange looks.

"What do you know? The Lan family army was famous back then. If Lan Jing hadn't fallen, any one of these people could have been appointed as a deputy in the Five Military Commandery. Nan Yushu wanted to build up his own power, but he was afraid that these people would not agree with him, so he deliberately left them aside. In the past few years that I have been in the Control Rong Division, I have never seen them carry out a task or solve a case. Such good talents, doing nothing in the government office all day, hanging out with those foreigners, watching the door, cleaning weapons, how do you think they feel? I am saving them out of the mud this time. The grace of knowing me is different from financial assistance. They should be grateful to me in their hearts. The more grateful they are, the more loyal they are. I need people like that."

The eight thousand households stood in awe, their eight tall figures much taller than her, but this is the way the world is, the higher the rank, the more powerful the subordinates, and it is never reasonable for subordinates to speak in front of their superiors. Moreover, they are now just nominal thousand households who eat salaries and do nothing.

She brushed her teeth and washed her face with a towel. She had slept late last night and felt dizzy when she woke up in the morning. Fortunately, there was no court meeting today, so she didn't have to wait on the prince. She had been dawdling until now, and it was a rare good sleep.

Xinghe laughed dryly. He was indeed an uneducated and rough man. His words were blunt, but his feelings were genuine.

She didn't refute it after hearing it, but it was still a little short for the second-in-command to have such great power. After she replaced Nan Yushu, it would probably be almost the same.

She changed into oiled boots, and the eunuch held an umbrella for her as she swayed all the way to the West Pond Courtyard. Today she wore casual clothes, a lilac-colored brocade jacket with embroidered patterns. Perhaps they were used to seeing her in official uniform, so even the guards at the gate looked at her twice more.

Everyone in the capital knew the name of the Control Rong Division. When she first entered the palace, it was secretly arranged by Zuo Zhaoyi. Now that she has reached this position, Mrs. Su is also prepared. However, the Control Rong Division has a bad reputation. All mothers don't want their daughters to be involved in prison. She had a lot of things to say to her, but when she looked at the palace servants standing inside and outside, the words circled on her tongue and she swallowed them back.

There was a charcoal brazier in the room. Lan Chu came in at 11:00 and added more charcoal. The charcoal fire was burning brightly, so it didn't feel cold.

She covered her face with a cold towel and took a deep breath. The coldness rushed up her nose to her forehead, causing tears to well up in her eyes. She stood in front of the mirror for a while, watching the face in the mirror get cold, and the whiteness turned red. However, the red was stiff, like the Qingyi in an opera. She raised her hand to wipe it, leaned forward and sat on the velvet stool, and opened the red sandalwood dressing box with copper work. Inside, there were layers of combs, bamboo brushes, and large and small brushes neatly stacked. She stared at it for a long time. This box was assigned to her by the Yiting Bureau after she entered the Eastern Palace. After so many years, she still didn't understand the functions of many things.

They couldn't meet alone during the meeting, so they couldn't talk freely. Xinghe told his mother, "The master values me very much and gave me a title yesterday. I am now the Jinyi Envoy in the Control Military Department."

Lan Chu was still chattering, "You will kiss tomorrow, do you remember? The prince has shown mercy and invited your wife to the West Pond Courtyard for a banquet. Tomorrow you should dress up beautifully and tell your wife not to worry, you are doing well in the palace. You have worked diligently for many years and now you have become a high-ranking official. What other young lady can be so successful? You alone have brought honor to your family."

"Originally you said you were coming back, and the family had prepared everything. But later on, the emperor ordered you to come to the palace to meet your parents, which made me panic." Mrs. Su straightened the corner of her clothes, as if she was worried about being impolite in front of her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and a shy smile appeared on her face.

"Is that what you're thinking?" She looked at the captains one by one, and saw a strong will as immovable as a mountain. She breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "In that case, I'll go ask the commander for help. The case in the princess's mansion is full of doubts, and I want to re-investigate it. The captains under Lord Nan are all busy with the embezzlement case, and I'm embarrassed to transfer people in the middle of the process, so let the old guys take care of it. I don't think Lord Nan will refuse."

Xinghe didn't care how others bullied her, as long as she behaved well in front of her. Who could control others' brains? Even if he was a saint, not everyone would obey him. Like the female attendant who entered the East Palace at the same time, a young lady from an official family, she was extremely gentle. She tolerated all the big and small evil deeds of the palace servants, and finally got implicated in the incident. None of those who had received her favor in the past stood up to speak for her. Her years of practice were ruined, and she was too embarrassed to accept it, so she jumped into the golden well. Was it the end of everything? No, she left behind a lot of trouble. Her family begged her to bribe people to testify that she fell down accidentally when fetching water, because if she dared to commit suicide while working in the palace, it would bring trouble to her family.

There was a charcoal brazier in the room. Lan Chu came in at 11:00 and added more charcoal. The charcoal fire was burning brightly, so it didn't feel cold.

This government office is like an apprenticeship in the market. Those who come later must give way to those who come earlier. For example, if you want to learn the tools you need, you must first pick them up. When others have left some, you can pick them up and use them. It is not right for others to monopolize them and not give them anything. Each industry has its own rules.

The thousand households looked up in surprise, and they were relieved when they heard this. The newly appointed deputy commander had no soldiers under his command, and in the end he could only continue to do those trivial things. As for them, it was indeed as she said. If they were a group of palace soldiers with no ambition, they would have lived a muddled life, but they had been glorious and made great contributions to the court with Lord Lan. Later, Lord Lan was dismissed, and although they still stayed in the Control Rong Division, their situation was very different from before. The end of a hero's life may be the most cowardly thing in the world.

"I'll do your hair and make-up tomorrow." Lan Chu looked back and smiled, "I'll do your bun and put on that kingfisher headpiece. You haven't dressed up properly for a long time. You're still young, and it would be heartbreaking for your wife if you don't do that."

Outside, eunuchs and palace maids lined up and came in with food boxes. There were rules for breakfast during the visit, a few staple foods and a few side dishes, whether they were eaten or not, they had to be placed in order. She stood up, opened the lid herself and served the sugar-cooked lotus seeds to her mother. The braised meat, smoked chicken, tripe and various pickles were laid out in a row. She smiled and called her mother affectionately, "Eat, I'll serve you."

Both places were at peace, those who needed people got people, and those who needed knives got knives. Later, when she returned to the Imperial Concubine's Court, Lan Chu commented, "Why are you picking up rags?" She hit her head hard.

Everyone in the capital knew the name of the Control Rong Division. When she first entered the palace, it was secretly arranged by Zuo Zhaoyi. Now that she has reached this position, Mrs. Su is also prepared. However, the Control Rong Division has a bad reputation. All mothers don't want their daughters to be involved in prison. She had a lot of things to say to her, but when she looked at the palace servants standing inside and outside, the words circled on her tongue and she swallowed them back.

Interrogation and arrest are not her job at the moment. When the commander-in-chief and several thousand soldiers under his command visited the six ministries, Xinghe was the only one in charge of the huge yamen.

She covered her face with a cold towel and took a deep breath. The coldness rushed up her nose to her forehead, causing tears to well up in her eyes. She stood in front of the mirror for a while, watching the face in the mirror get cold, and the whiteness turned red. However, the red was stiff, like the Qingyi in an opera. She raised her hand to wipe it, leaned forward and sat on the velvet stool, and opened the red sandalwood dressing box with copper work. Inside, there were layers of combs, bamboo brushes, and large and small brushes neatly stacked. She stared at it for a long time. This box was assigned to her by the Yiting Bureau after she entered the Eastern Palace. After so many years, she still didn't understand the functions of many things.

A strong hope arose in my heart. Recruiting soldiers and horses is a common thing in the officialdom. You need people, we have them. As long as you can give them a chance and make their stiff hands and feet move, everyone will be willing to follow you.

There was a charcoal brazier in the room. Lan Chu came in at 11:00 and added more charcoal. The charcoal fire was burning brightly, so it didn't feel cold.

"What do you know? The Lan family army was famous back then. If Lan Jing hadn't fallen, any one of these people could have been appointed as a deputy in the Five Military Commandery. Nan Yushu wanted to build up his own power, but he was afraid that these people would not agree with him, so he deliberately left them aside. In the past few years that I have been in the Control Rong Division, I have never seen them carry out a task or solve a case. Such good talents, doing nothing in the government office all day, hanging out with those foreigners, watching the door, cleaning weapons, how do you think they feel? I am saving them out of the mud this time. The grace of knowing me is different from financial assistance. They should be grateful to me in their hearts. The more grateful they are, the more loyal they are. I need people like that."

The next day, the weather was bad and it started to rain at 11:00 a.m. The winter rain was so cold that it penetrated her bones. She hugged the quilt and pushed open the window to look out. The raindrops were mixed with fine hailstones, which fell on the tiles under the eaves, making a rustling sound.

The thousand households looked up in surprise, and they were relieved when they heard this. The newly appointed deputy commander had no soldiers under his command, and in the end he could only continue to do those trivial things. As for them, it was indeed as she said. If they were a group of palace soldiers with no ambition, they would have lived a muddled life, but they had been glorious and made great contributions to the court with Lord Lan. Later, Lord Lan was dismissed, and although they still stayed in the Control Rong Division, their situation was very different from before. The end of a hero's life may be the most cowardly thing in the world.

She got even more angry when she heard this, "How dare you spread the words spoken in front of the emperor? Does the prince know about it?"

She spoke eloquently, had a plan in mind, and had just been promoted to a higher position, so her eyes were full of high-spirited and heroic spirit.

The thousand households looked up in surprise, and they were relieved when they heard this. The newly appointed deputy commander had no soldiers under his command, and in the end he could only continue to do those trivial things. As for them, it was indeed as she said. If they were a group of palace soldiers with no ambition, they would have lived a muddled life, but they had been glorious and made great contributions to the court with Lord Lan. Later, Lord Lan was dismissed, and although they still stayed in the Control Rong Division, their situation was very different from before. The end of a hero's life may be the most cowardly thing in the world.

There was a charcoal brazier in the room. Lan Chu came in at 11:00 and added more charcoal. The charcoal fire was burning brightly, so it didn't feel cold.

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

On the desk is a pastel hat bucket, which is specially used to place official hats. The official hats of the Control Rong Division are different from those of other government offices. They are pointed hats with black velvet on the edges. When pedestrians see this kind of hat on the street, they have to avoid them to avoid bumping into them and bringing bad luck. Speaking of the craftsmanship department in the palace, it is indeed an extremely magical government office. As long as you describe it, they can make a finished product for you within half an hour. The female officials of the Dayin Dynasty have always served in the inner court, and there are not many who walk in the outer court, let alone such real ones with ranks. There are no ready-made crowns and clothes, so the prince ordered Dequan to go to the craftsmanship department and asked for "resoluteness without losing elegance, majesty without losing charm". Just like that, he issued an order and ordered the craftsmen to make official hats for the Jinyi Emissaries. The manager of the craftsman's workshop wrote down the words and posted them on the wall. He stared at the big words in astonishment and pondered over them for a stick of incense. Finally, the black velvet inlay was replaced with a bright red one with a swastika written all over it in gold. A pair of peacock feathers fluttered behind the hat, and the obsidian top was replaced with a ruby.

There was a charcoal brazier in the room. Lan Chu came in at 11:00 and added more charcoal. The charcoal fire was burning brightly, so it didn't feel cold.

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

Lan Chu pushed it up, and she pulled it down. In the end, there was only a handful of tassels left, two hairpins with kingfisher feathers and pearls, and Lan Chu could not argue with her, so she had to let her do it. She turned to put on makeup, dipped the powder puff in powder, and applied a layer of powder on her carefully. Her skin was very good, fine and smooth, without even a mole. But after looking around, she realized that the powder was unnecessary, like a layer of white flour sprinkled on a glass window, which lost its original good color.

The next day, the weather was bad and it started to rain at 11:00 a.m. The winter rain was so cold that it penetrated her bones. She hugged the quilt and pushed open the window to look out. The raindrops were mixed with fine hailstones, which fell on the tiles under the eaves, making a rustling sound.

Xinghe pursed her lips and smiled, "If it's really like what Captain Xu said, as long as you still have the heart to serve the Lord, no one can look down on you. As for me, I just took up the post. Although I also followed the court before, I was mostly reviewing documents. Now the court has given me the title of deputy envoy, and I have received the imperial decree to take up the post. To be honest, everyone sees me as a female official, and I am afraid that many people don't take me seriously. I have no one to use, and I don't want to trouble the prince. Most of the dozens of captains in the yamen have errands. I look around, and only the eight of you are unemployed. If you don't mind, it would be nice for us to do something together."

The person in the unicorn robe in the hall was walking leisurely on the blue brick floor with his hands behind his back. The sunlight coming in from the door became her stage. She walked back and forth in the light with great interest. The slow and unhurried pace was like the torment of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

Xinghe pursed her lips and smiled, "If it's really like what Captain Xu said, as long as you still have the heart to serve the Lord, no one can look down on you. As for me, I just took up the post. Although I also followed the court before, I was mostly reviewing documents. Now the court has given me the title of deputy envoy, and I have received the imperial decree to take up the post. To be honest, everyone sees me as a female official, and I am afraid that many people don't take me seriously. I have no one to use, and I don't want to trouble the prince. Most of the dozens of captains in the yamen have errands. I look around, and only the eight of you are unemployed. If you don't mind, it would be nice for us to do something together."

She reached out and combed her hair. The landscape and pavilions painted in gold and color were delicate and exquisite. She took out a coarse-toothed brush and slowly combed it. Her hair was too long and almost hung down to the bottom of the stool. She entered the palace at the age of twelve. After entering the palace, she was not asked to cut her hair. Over the years, her hair has grown longer and longer. It is indeed difficult for her to braid a decent bun.

The person in the unicorn robe in the hall was walking leisurely on the blue brick floor with his hands behind his back. The sunlight coming in from the door became her stage. She walked back and forth in the light with great interest. The slow and unhurried pace was like the torment of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

She didn't refute it after hearing it, but it was still a little short for the second-in-command to have such great power. After she replaced Nan Yushu, it would probably be almost the same.

The sharpness that had been worn away for seven or eight years had long since turned into a mass of paste and poured into the gutter. Now that someone is willing to reinstate them, who cares whether they are men or women? Who cares so much about that

The Control of Military Affairs Department was established seventy or eighty years ago, and its foundation is very deep. There are at least tens of thousands of foreign servants. As for the thousand households, there are more than twenty people in total. Except for the few that Nan Yushu usually uses, the remaining eight will not be used unless there is a shortage of manpower. In other words, the eight thousand households only play the role of guarding the gate. At most, they can be remembered when there is a house to guard or Zhaoyu needs to bring someone for trial. Usually, this group of people is like the signs used to clear the way for the guards in the hall, just for decoration.

Lan Chu was simply happy for her and kept saying "that's great" to herself. He helped her change out of her official uniform and hung the clothes on a rack that was as tall as a person.

"My Lord..." The leader of the Lan Family Army looked at her and swallowed eagerly, "It's okay if a good sword becomes dull. Just take it off and sharpen it again. It will still be as sharp as before. But now everyone has their own army, and we have lost our backers. No one cares about us like mud pigs and mangy dogs. To be honest, my Lord, I feel really aggrieved."

She got off the kang in her slippers, and there was a basin filled with clean water that she had prepared last night. She didn't like to use hot water when washing her face. Even in the coldest days of winter, she dared to blanch her hands in ice water.

Mrs. Su saw tears in her eyes and was afraid that someone else might see her and cause trouble if it got out. So she quickly lowered her head, gulped, and took a sip with difficulty.

Mrs. Su saw tears in her eyes and was afraid that someone else might see her and cause trouble if it got out. So she quickly lowered her head, gulped, and took a sip with difficulty.

"I'll do your hair and make-up tomorrow." Lan Chu looked back and smiled, "I'll do your bun and put on that kingfisher headpiece. You haven't dressed up properly for a long time. You're still young, and it would be heartbreaking for your wife if you don't do that."

In order to prevent her from taking a rest, the prince lent her this courtyard to visit her relatives. She thanked him verbally, but she was not happy in her heart. Originally, a female official who had been in the palace for ten years could ask for leave to go back to visit. Of course, she wanted to visit not only her mother, but also her family and friends, as well as the house where she used to live and the maids she used to serve. But even this wish was not allowed to be fulfilled by the master. The master said that it would be troublesome to go home so as to avoid the trouble, but it was just to drive her to her heart's content and not let her have any free time.

On the desk is a pastel hat bucket, which is specially used to place official hats. The official hats of the Control Rong Division are different from those of other government offices. They are pointed hats with black velvet on the edges. When pedestrians see this kind of hat on the street, they have to avoid them to avoid bumping into them and bringing bad luck. Speaking of the craftsmanship department in the palace, it is indeed an extremely magical government office. As long as you describe it, they can make a finished product for you within half an hour. The female officials of the Dayin Dynasty have always served in the inner court, and there are not many who walk in the outer court, let alone such real ones with ranks. There are no ready-made crowns and clothes, so the prince ordered Dequan to go to the craftsmanship department and asked for "resoluteness without losing elegance, majesty without losing charm". Just like that, he issued an order and ordered the craftsmen to make official hats for the Jinyi Emissaries. The manager of the craftsman's workshop wrote down the words and posted them on the wall. He stared at the big words in astonishment and pondered over them for a stick of incense. Finally, the black velvet inlay was replaced with a bright red one with a swastika written all over it in gold. A pair of peacock feathers fluttered behind the hat, and the obsidian top was replaced with a ruby.

The eight people exchanged glances hesitantly. No one dared to speak until the leader spoke. Although the uniforms of the Jinyi Envoy and the Commander were the same, they were of different genders. The Jinyi Envoy had a palace bell on his belt, so there was a ringing sound of bells with every step he took. The bell sounded clear and elegant, but now it sounded like a life-threatening sound. The thousand households dared not breathe. After waiting for a long time, they finally heard her cough. It was as if the blood suddenly flowed through her body, and her almost collapsed face was pulled up again. The youngest thousand household, Jin Ci, bravely showed his good intentions and said like a dog wagging its tail, "It's the beginning of winter, my lord, please take care of your health. The yamen is a long way from the East Palace. It will be bad if you catch a cold on the way."

Xinghe sat there with an indifferent expression. She didn't have the energy to speculate on the prince's attitude towards asking for a wife. Now her mind was full of controlling the military department and how to avoid hurting her and push Nan Yushu down from the position of commander. As for the crown princess or Baolin, no matter how high their positions were, they were just inner women, and in terms of real power and freedom, they were far inferior to her current job.

Lan Chu propped up his chin and looked for a long time, then sneered, "After all, you are an Imperial Guardsman, so your perspective is different from ours. My lord, look at your aura and the words you said, they really sound like that! From now on, you will be the second in command of the Military Control Department, whoever you order to die will die, whoever you order to live will live, let's see who in this palace dares to compete with you!"

This girl was not in tune most of the time, but she had served her for more than ten years and had feelings for her cats and dogs. Xinghe, with such a cold temper, could only tolerate her, buzzing in her ears.

Suddenly she saw that the child had grown so tall, and her face still had the shadow of her childhood, but at first glance she looked a little strange. Mrs. Su was mixed with sadness and joy, and couldn't help crying. What should she say? The mother and daughter looked at each other in silence. After a while, they went into the veranda room, hugged each other, and just asked each other if they were okay.

The next day, the weather was bad and it started to rain at 11:00 a.m. The winter rain was so cold that it penetrated her bones. She hugged the quilt and pushed open the window to look out. The raindrops were mixed with fine hailstones, which fell on the tiles under the eaves, making a rustling sound.

Xinghe responded in a gentle voice, looked at the clock, and said it was getting late, so go back and rest. Finally, he sent her away, looked through the documents in the government office, and read until the fourth watch, then blew out the candle and went to bed.

Lan Chu stroked the jewel top again and again, "Oh, the master is so thoughtful that he doesn't even care what hat you wear... Look, your Qilin robe is different from others, with sleeve and knee pads added. At first glance, it looks like the queen's wedding dress." As he spoke, he tucked his sleeves and tilted his head, muttering to himself, "Yes, if this is not enough, there will be more. I heard Chang He gossiping today, saying that the emperor wanted to establish a crown princess, saying, 'If you are not satisfied with the female official in front of you, you can be given the title of Baolin', but the crown prince did not agree..."

Lan Chu saw that she was serious about getting to the bottom of the matter, and was frightened and hurried to dissuade her: "My Lord, just listen to what you said, and don't you dare to argue with the master? Anyway, you know what the prince is thinking. You can kill him but not bury him, so you should have a clear idea in your mind."

Xinghe laughed dryly. He was indeed an uneducated and rough man. His words were blunt, but his feelings were genuine.

Lan Chu was still nagging. There were only the two of them living in the Court of Imperial Ladies. Without her presence, it seemed deserted, like a widow's home. Xinghe frowned, with a helpless look on his face, watching her take out the dressing box from the mother-of-pearl cabinet and put it in front of the bronze mirror on the dressing table. The box had not been used for a long time. Since she was assigned the task of reviewing documents, she often went in and out of the government office, and put on powder and rouge on her face, which reminded people that she was a girl. She didn't like others' strange looks.

Lan Chu was still chattering, "You will kiss tomorrow, do you remember? The prince has shown mercy and invited your wife to the West Pond Courtyard for a banquet. Tomorrow you should dress up beautifully and tell your wife not to worry, you are doing well in the palace. You have worked diligently for many years and now you have become a high-ranking official. What other young lady can be so successful? You alone have brought honor to your family."

Xinghe felt a little sad. The mother and daughter had been separated for ten years, and the relationship between them had become estranged.

Xinghe looked unhappy, "Changhe is tired of living and is anxious to reincarnate."

Xinghe laughed dryly. He was indeed an uneducated and rough man. His words were blunt, but his feelings were genuine.

Lan Chu stroked the jewel top again and again, "Oh, the master is so thoughtful that he doesn't even care what hat you wear... Look, your Qilin robe is different from others, with sleeve and knee pads added. At first glance, it looks like the queen's wedding dress." As he spoke, he tucked his sleeves and tilted his head, muttering to himself, "Yes, if this is not enough, there will be more. I heard Chang He gossiping today, saying that the emperor wanted to establish a crown princess, saying, 'If you are not satisfied with the female official in front of you, you can be given the title of Baolin', but the crown prince did not agree..."

It is really embarrassing for a man to be a hero but not be able to use his talents. Xinghe has been in the Control Military Division for five years and knows a little about the reasons. A new emperor appoints new ministers. This is an eternal truth not only in the imperial court but also in a small place like the government office. The commanders of the Control Military Division change frequently and each of them has his own confidants. In addition, the relationship between the current and the predecessor is delicate. It is also human nature for the person in power to neglect or even idle the subordinates left by the predecessor.

"My Lord..." The leader of the Lan Family Army looked at her and swallowed eagerly, "It's okay if a good sword becomes dull. Just take it off and sharpen it again. It will still be as sharp as before. But now everyone has their own army, and we have lost our backers. No one cares about us like mud pigs and mangy dogs. To be honest, my Lord, I feel really aggrieved."

Jin Ci grinned, thinking that he was a little embarrassed. Everyone showed their contempt for him without disguising it. No one wanted to break the deadlock this time, and they quietly clenched their frozen fingers - it was too cold.

Lan Chu waved his hands hurriedly, "He also heard it from the people in Lizheng Palace."

Wearing jewelry is just like a poor family going to a rich relative's house to beg for money, and the food is so delicious that it can only flow straight up. I remember when I was a child, I got a pair of new earrings and hung them on my ears and shook them vigorously, afraid that no one would see them. Lan Chu is probably thinking the same thing now.

Lan Chu was still nagging. There were only the two of them living in the Court of Imperial Ladies. Without her presence, it seemed deserted, like a widow's home. Xinghe frowned, with a helpless look on his face, watching her take out the dressing box from the mother-of-pearl cabinet and put it in front of the bronze mirror on the dressing table. The box had not been used for a long time. Since she was assigned the task of reviewing documents, she often went in and out of the government office, and put on powder and rouge on her face, which reminded people that she was a girl. She didn't like others' strange looks.

Mrs. Su saw tears in her eyes and was afraid that someone else might see her and cause trouble if it got out. So she quickly lowered her head, gulped, and took a sip with difficulty.

Xinghe leaned over to look at herself in the bronze mirror, and was about to wipe her eyebrows when Lanchu stopped her. "The girls outside are still using black ink to draw their eyebrows. They draw their eyebrows like brooms. This is called modern makeup. Madam will definitely like it."

Lan Chu stroked the jewel top again and again, "Oh, the master is so thoughtful that he doesn't even care what hat you wear... Look, your Qilin robe is different from others, with sleeve and knee pads added. At first glance, it looks like the queen's wedding dress." As he spoke, he tucked his sleeves and tilted his head, muttering to himself, "Yes, if this is not enough, there will be more. I heard Chang He gossiping today, saying that the emperor wanted to establish a crown princess, saying, 'If you are not satisfied with the female official in front of you, you can be given the title of Baolin', but the crown prince did not agree..."

She changed into oiled boots, and the eunuch held an umbrella for her as she swayed all the way to the West Pond Courtyard. Today she wore casual clothes, a lilac-colored brocade jacket with embroidered patterns. Perhaps they were used to seeing her in official uniform, so even the guards at the gate looked at her twice more.

Mrs. Su was panic-stricken and asked Xinghe hesitantly: "Is this... His Highness?"

The Control of Military Affairs Department was established seventy or eighty years ago, and its foundation is very deep. There are at least tens of thousands of foreign servants. As for the thousand households, there are more than twenty people in total. Except for the few that Nan Yushu usually uses, the remaining eight will not be used unless there is a shortage of manpower. In other words, the eight thousand households only play the role of guarding the gate. At most, they can be remembered when there is a house to guard or Zhaoyu needs to bring someone for trial. Usually, this group of people is like the signs used to clear the way for the guards in the hall, just for decoration.

She got even more angry when she heard this, "How dare you spread the words spoken in front of the emperor? Does the prince know about it?"

The room was as cold as water, and standing still was almost enough to make people shiver. After waiting for a long time, she finally got her opening remarks. She said, "When Lord Lan was here, all of you were good at doing your job. Now that the commander of the Military Control Department has changed, all of you have the desire to serve the court, but no chance to show your talents. A good sword will become dull if it is left alone for a long time. I have been watching from the sidelines for five years, and I feel very sorry for your plight."

It is really embarrassing for a man to be a hero but not be able to use his talents. Xinghe has been in the Control Military Division for five years and knows a little about the reasons. A new emperor appoints new ministers. This is an eternal truth not only in the imperial court but also in a small place like the government office. The commanders of the Control Military Division change frequently and each of them has his own confidants. In addition, the relationship between the current and the predecessor is delicate. It is also human nature for the person in power to neglect or even idle the subordinates left by the predecessor.

She didn't refute it after hearing it, but it was still a little short for the second-in-command to have such great power. After she replaced Nan Yushu, it would probably be almost the same.

Human nature is sometimes really evil. Especially when you are used to the power and oppression in the palace, you have to be a tough person. She is willing to walk along the road with people bowing and greeting on both sides. When she can no longer see them, she doesn't care if they turn their backs and curse at her, as long as those words don't reach her ears.

The person in the unicorn robe in the hall was walking leisurely on the blue brick floor with his hands behind his back. The sunlight coming in from the door became her stage. She walked back and forth in the light with great interest. The slow and unhurried pace was like the torment of cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

Xinghe pursed her lips and smiled, "If it's really like what Captain Xu said, as long as you still have the heart to serve the Lord, no one can look down on you. As for me, I just took up the post. Although I also followed the court before, I was mostly reviewing documents. Now the court has given me the title of deputy envoy, and I have received the imperial decree to take up the post. To be honest, everyone sees me as a female official, and I am afraid that many people don't take me seriously. I have no one to use, and I don't want to trouble the prince. Most of the dozens of captains in the yamen have errands. I look around, and only the eight of you are unemployed. If you don't mind, it would be nice for us to do something together."

She pulled it in front of her, hung it up high and combed the ends of her hair. Lan Chu just smiled when she saw it. She hung the copper pendant above the charcoal basin, poured a cup of milk for her to hold, and took the comb to comb her hair slowly. Finally, she used the flat needle and hairpin. Her hair was thick and piled up layer by layer. Others would have to use a wig to make up for it, but she didn't need it.

Lan Chu saw that she was serious about getting to the bottom of the matter, and was frightened and hurried to dissuade her: "My Lord, just listen to what you said, and don't you dare to argue with the master? Anyway, you know what the prince is thinking. You can kill him but not bury him, so you should have a clear idea in your mind."

"Originally you said you were coming back, and the family had prepared everything. But later on, the emperor ordered you to come to the palace to meet your parents, which made me panic." Mrs. Su straightened the corner of her clothes, as if she was worried about being impolite in front of her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and a shy smile appeared on her face.

She pulled it in front of her, hung it up high and combed the ends of her hair. Lan Chu just smiled when she saw it. She hung the copper pendant above the charcoal basin, poured a cup of milk for her to hold, and took the comb to comb her hair slowly. Finally, she used the flat needle and hairpin. Her hair was thick and piled up layer by layer. Others would have to use a wig to make up for it, but she didn't need it.

Xinghe sat there with an indifferent expression. She didn't have the energy to speculate on the prince's attitude towards asking for a wife. Now her mind was full of controlling the military department and how to avoid hurting her and push Nan Yushu down from the position of commander. As for the crown princess or Baolin, no matter how high their positions were, they were just inner women, and in terms of real power and freedom, they were far inferior to her current job.

Both places were at peace, those who needed people got people, and those who needed knives got knives. Later, when she returned to the Imperial Concubine's Court, Lan Chu commented, "Why are you picking up rags?" She hit her head hard.

The next day, the weather was bad and it started to rain at 11:00 a.m. The winter rain was so cold that it penetrated her bones. She hugged the quilt and pushed open the window to look out. The raindrops were mixed with fine hailstones, which fell on the tiles under the eaves, making a rustling sound.

Lan Chu waved his hands hurriedly, "He also heard it from the people in Lizheng Palace."

Lan Chu kept shaking her head and rolled up her handkerchief to remove her powder. After struggling for a long time, she was a little discouraged and took the rouge stick to dip in the lip balm. With a snap, she stamped a round dot on her lips. This dot was done well, and it had a playful and cute taste. Lan Chu clapped her hands and laughed, "I have never seen an adult dressed like this before. It looks really good."

Lan Chu was still chattering, "You will kiss tomorrow, do you remember? The prince has shown mercy and invited your wife to the West Pond Courtyard for a banquet. Tomorrow you should dress up beautifully and tell your wife not to worry, you are doing well in the palace. You have worked diligently for many years and now you have become a high-ranking official. What other young lady can be so successful? You alone have brought honor to your family."

Outside, eunuchs and palace maids lined up and came in with food boxes. There were rules for breakfast during the visit, a few staple foods and a few side dishes, whether they were eaten or not, they had to be placed in order. She stood up, opened the lid herself and served the sugar-cooked lotus seeds to her mother. The braised meat, smoked chicken, tripe and various pickles were laid out in a row. She smiled and called her mother affectionately, "Eat, I'll serve you."

In order to prevent her from taking a rest, the prince lent her this courtyard to visit her relatives. She thanked him verbally, but she was not happy in her heart. Originally, a female official who had been in the palace for ten years could ask for leave to go back to visit. Of course, she wanted to visit not only her mother, but also her family and friends, as well as the house where she used to live and the maids she used to serve. But even this wish was not allowed to be fulfilled by the master. The master said that it would be troublesome to go home so as to avoid the trouble, but it was just to drive her to her heart's content and not let her have any free time.

Suddenly she saw that the child had grown so tall, and her face still had the shadow of her childhood, but at first glance she looked a little strange. Mrs. Su was mixed with sadness and joy, and couldn't help crying. What should she say? The mother and daughter looked at each other in silence. After a while, they went into the veranda room, hugged each other, and just asked each other if they were okay.

They couldn't meet alone during the meeting, so they couldn't talk freely. Xinghe told his mother, "The master values me very much and gave me a title yesterday. I am now the Jinyi Envoy in the Control Military Department."

This girl was not in tune most of the time, but she had served her for more than ten years and had feelings for her cats and dogs. Xinghe, with such a cold temper, could only tolerate her, buzzing in her ears.

Lan Chu saw that she was serious about getting to the bottom of the matter, and was frightened and hurried to dissuade her: "My Lord, just listen to what you said, and don't you dare to argue with the master? Anyway, you know what the prince is thinking. You can kill him but not bury him, so you should have a clear idea in your mind."