Graceful Dynasty

Chapter 71: Flower room night long


What the prince likes most about her is her unpretentious and transparent nature. When you talk to her, you don't need to get to the point, as long as you start, she can continue smoothly.

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

It's a pity that she is not a man. If she could be an official, she would definitely be a promising talent. She suffers a disadvantage because of her gender. She has the title of the second rank, but she has never even attended the court. After all, the world is still a man's world. It's useless for her to stir up waves. In the end, she will return to the inner court. She has thought about being a regent and being the head of the family. Now there is a good opportunity in front of her. Give birth to the emperor's grandson and bring him up well. If he is lucky enough to die early, she will assist his son. Then all her wishes will come true. She can both attend the court and be the head of the family.

The prince thought bitterly that an unmarried girl only has her parents' home in her heart. Just wait, when she has her own children, she will naturally turn to her own little family.

She said it was fine, smoothed her prison uniform and said, "It's so rude to let you see me like this."

Alas, God is actually very good to her. If he hadn't accumulated feelings for her for more than ten years, he would have killed this traitor in his hands. But now he can't do anything about it, because he has fallen in love with her. Good officials are common, but the opportunity to turn a good official into a virtuous wife is rare. He is confident that Xinghe will be the most virtuous queen in Dayin's history. As long as he adds the surname Huo before her surname Su and cleans up her restless family members, he will have no worries in the future.

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

The panties were still the familiar formula, and although they were intimate, they could not stop her from feeling sad. She sobbed, "Master, it's not easy for you."

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

He stood up and asked her, "You know what to do, right?"

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

The word "弄" was hard to describe, with a kind of vulgar yet exciting feeling. He felt that Xinghe had gone all out this time, and so did he.

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

Xinghe was still thinking in a daze. Xinghai was so young, it was definitely not okay to let him stay at home idle. He would get sick if he was bored. Being a civilian... If he was a military man, his future would be worrying... It would be great if he could have the best of both worlds, but there was no such perfection in the world. He was always dissatisfied when he wanted to have everything he wanted, but when it came to the moment of life and death, he didn't care about anything else, as long as he could survive.

She said it was fine, smoothed her prison uniform and said, "It's so rude to let you see me like this."

Then he was not polite. A young and strong man was just like a plowing ox when he was working hard. She sang softly, and he kept beating the drums, beating faster and faster. He conquered the territory in the bloody storm, and every beat was full of determination. A charming flower bloomed in the withered grass. After knowing each other for more than ten years, this was the first time he found her stunning beauty, a hundred times more beautiful than before.

The prince said, "Can you please remove that little character of yours?"

He had to deal with a few important things first when he returned. He and his father had already agreed on the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin. This was the fact that no one else in the court knew about it. The only difference between what Xinghe knew and what everyone else knew was three days. If he could fool the higher-ups, there would be no problem.

The prince thought bitterly that an unmarried girl only has her parents' home in her heart. Just wait, when she has her own children, she will naturally turn to her own little family.

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

She rested her head on his chest, tears flowing into the groove between his chest muscles, turning into a small sea of tears. She said, "It's so refreshing today. Don't worry that I can't walk, I'll be lying here all day anyway. Be careful when you go out, I'm afraid that if you don't walk all night, you won't be able to go out when you want to... I've been thinking about this in my mind just now, and I'm really scared."

He said directly, "To keep your sister Xinghe for you. You are the Crown Prince's Consort now, don't even think about marrying someone else in this life. Xinghe is a free woman now, if she follows someone else, you can cry."

The prince said it was absolutely impossible, but he had a premonition that something real was about to happen.

As the prince embraced his precious child, he was still thinking in his heart that if he let her suffer here for two more days, he would send the jailer to leak the news tomorrow, saying that the prince had made every possible effort and the queen had finally fallen. When he came to pick her up later, he would say that the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin could not be investigated, and the emperor's father would let her return to the East Palace to rest for the time being because she wanted to give birth to a grandson for him. However, her suspicion had not been cleared, so she could no longer serve as an official in the outer court. The title of Jinyi Envoy began with her and ended with her. From now on, no woman would be allowed to serve as an official. That would be all.

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

But since he loves her so much, he can give her a reassurance first. His fingertips wandered all over her body, wandering and wandering, and went into her right lapel. With Yushan in his hand, he still spoke seriously, "Don't worry about the family. As long as I am still in power, I will naturally do everything I can to protect them... They are currently in the prison of the Control Military Division, and their lives are safe. But even if this matter can be resolved in the end, the hope of reinstating their official position is very slim... Your father is old, so it doesn't matter. The most important thing is Xinghai, either he can be unemployed or transferred to a civilian position... Which one do you think is better?"

Xinghe said okay, but frowned before he even started.

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

Xinghe was still thinking in a daze. Xinghai was so young, it was definitely not okay to let him stay at home idle. He would get sick if he was bored. Being a civilian... If he was a military man, his future would be worrying... It would be great if he could have the best of both worlds, but there was no such perfection in the world. He was always dissatisfied when he wanted to have everything he wanted, but when it came to the moment of life and death, he didn't care about anything else, as long as he could survive.

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

It's a pity that she is not a man. If she could be an official, she would definitely be a promising talent. She suffers a disadvantage because of her gender. She has the title of the second rank, but she has never even attended the court. After all, the world is still a man's world. It's useless for her to stir up waves. In the end, she will return to the inner court. She has thought about being a regent and being the head of the family. Now there is a good opportunity in front of her. Give birth to the emperor's grandson and bring him up well. If he is lucky enough to die early, she will assist his son. Then all her wishes will come true. She can both attend the court and be the head of the family.

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

He moved down along her exquisite curves, touched the bloody scar on her thigh, and kissed her forehead: "Does it still hurt?"

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

The panties were still the familiar formula, and although they were intimate, they could not stop her from feeling sad. She sobbed, "Master, it's not easy for you."

On the long street in front of the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a man in silver robe and golden armor walked slowly. The deputy general would take care of the things that needed to be taken care of. He pushed open the heavy prison door and walked in. Torches were lit in the prison during the day. He walked straight forward and saw the person curled up in the haystack at the end. The once arrogant Jinyi Envoy had lost his halo and became plain and amiable. But he was not in good spirits. He opened his eyes and recognized who the person was for a long time before he recognized it.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

"The Su family can't be saved, don't hold out any hope. Are you willing to leave? I can find a way to take you out."

The prince said, "It's really not easy for me. Who knows how hard it is for me?"

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

On the long street in front of the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a man in silver robe and golden armor walked slowly. The deputy general would take care of the things that needed to be taken care of. He pushed open the heavy prison door and walked in. Torches were lit in the prison during the day. He walked straight forward and saw the person curled up in the haystack at the end. The once arrogant Jinyi Envoy had lost his halo and became plain and amiable. But he was not in good spirits. He opened his eyes and recognized who the person was for a long time before he recognized it.

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

The feeling of piles of meat piled on top of each other is indescribable. The prince shuddered and thought that life in prison was miserable. No one prepared underwear for you under the prison uniform. You just put on a random piece of clothing and it was good enough to have clothes to cover your body. That's why he thought this place was good, unique and convenient. Others would say "look at the golden house I built for you", while he would say "look at the prison I vacated for you". His creative ideas were no less than those of Empress Hui. His long career in the palace taught him to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. When the Su family boarded Huo Qingluan's ship, it was a gamble in itself, and they had to accept the loss. He had tried his best to reduce the damage to the family. As for Xinghe, they were in love, so even if there were lies, they were well-intentioned.

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

What happened? Is the feng shui of the East Palace bad? Why are there so many monsters? He sighed and said to Dequan, "If she wants to stay, let her stay. Push her into the well and let her soak for three days. When she swells up like a sea cucumber, pull her out and bury her in Xiaohuang Village."

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

He stood up and asked her, "You know what to do, right?"

The next move was Haozi Claw. He called out "Shizhong" through the window. As for the title of Liangdi, they had never agreed with each other.

Xinghe was worried about something else. "I just want to ask you one thing. You told me before that you had a lover. Was that person me?"

The prince said not to worry, "She will be back soon."

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

What happened? Is the feng shui of the East Palace bad? Why are there so many monsters? He sighed and said to Dequan, "If she wants to stay, let her stay. Push her into the well and let her soak for three days. When she swells up like a sea cucumber, pull her out and bury her in Xiaohuang Village."

She said she knew, and her two straight, long legs spontaneously wrapped around his waist.

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

She looked at him sideways, "Don't pretend, with your mind, no one dares to live with you." She said firmly, "It must be me, don't think I don't know. I sent people to check, but they couldn't find any clues, which means there is no such person at all."

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

He laughed silently, "You are such a bad person, you actually checked..." His chest was shaking, shaking her head. He raised his hand to rub her hair, "You are not stupid, if you come back and ask me for people, it will give me a headache. Don't underestimate my high status, in fact, my friends are only in a small area like the capital. I have a green plum, which is sweet and crisp when bitten. I can't reach others', and I don't want them. Being a husband and wife requires equality. If I have a mistress around, I am afraid I will be angry to death before I live to forty."

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

The prince answered firmly: "Do it here."

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

She let out a long sigh: "That's fine."

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

Dequan knew her very well. For a person with a greasy mouth, there were only stones in the world outside the palace, and there was no place for her to eat. The Court of Imperial Concubines was next to the Kitchen, and all the delicious food had to go through her first. Not to mention that there was no one at home, even if her parents were still alive, she would not want to go back. Dequan was very embarrassed and said that he could not make the decision, "You have to ask the prince to see if he can understand your difficulties."

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

Huo Yan didn't care about that. He just thought it was too hard for a girl to end up like this. The prince got what he wanted this time, but she, a good girl, was imprisoned and might even be sacrificed in the end.

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

He laughed silently, "You are such a bad person, you actually checked..." His chest was shaking, shaking her head. He raised his hand to rub her hair, "You are not stupid, if you come back and ask me for people, it will give me a headache. Don't underestimate my high status, in fact, my friends are only in a small area like the capital. I have a green plum, which is sweet and crisp when bitten. I can't reach others', and I don't want them. Being a husband and wife requires equality. If I have a mistress around, I am afraid I will be angry to death before I live to forty."

The female official had been serving people for so many years, and was used to serving people. Seeing that he was supporting himself with his arms and couldn't free his hands, she obediently lowered her legs and leaned over to pull his underwear. She half-loosened the belt and pulled it down, and something bounced back, hitting her stomach with a dull blow, like a small fist. She lowered her eyes and took a look, "Is this... a little chicken?"

She let out a long sigh: "That's fine."

The female official had been serving people for so many years, and was used to serving people. Seeing that he was supporting himself with his arms and couldn't free his hands, she obediently lowered her legs and leaned over to pull his underwear. She half-loosened the belt and pulled it down, and something bounced back, hitting her stomach with a dull blow, like a small fist. She lowered her eyes and took a look, "Is this... a little chicken?"

At this time, the Su family was no longer an obstacle between the two of them. Anyway, they had lost their power, were in jail, and didn't even know if they could save their lives. Why should they care about anything else

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

Alas, God is actually very good to her. If he hadn't accumulated feelings for her for more than ten years, he would have killed this traitor in his hands. But now he can't do anything about it, because he has fallen in love with her. Good officials are common, but the opportunity to turn a good official into a virtuous wife is rare. He is confident that Xinghe will be the most virtuous queen in Dayin's history. As long as he adds the surname Huo before her surname Su and cleans up her restless family members, he will have no worries in the future.

The prince said, "Can you please remove that little character of yours?"

She let out a long sigh: "That's fine."

She held her finger in her mouth and smiled shyly: "Are we going to do it here?"

She touched his face, and then the strong muscles on his chest. Although the flesh was his, she was too familiar with it after many years, just like her own. Only the little chicken still had some mystery, but she felt embarrassed and dared not move her eyes away, because it didn't look very good.

Alas, God is actually very good to her. If he hadn't accumulated feelings for her for more than ten years, he would have killed this traitor in his hands. But now he can't do anything about it, because he has fallen in love with her. Good officials are common, but the opportunity to turn a good official into a virtuous wife is rare. He is confident that Xinghe will be the most virtuous queen in Dayin's history. As long as he adds the surname Huo before her surname Su and cleans up her restless family members, he will have no worries in the future.

Xinghe said okay, but frowned before he even started.

She held her finger in her mouth and smiled shyly: "Are we going to do it here?"

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

The prince answered firmly: "Do it here."

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

As the prince embraced his precious child, he was still thinking in his heart that if he let her suffer here for two more days, he would send the jailer to leak the news tomorrow, saying that the prince had made every possible effort and the queen had finally fallen. When he came to pick her up later, he would say that the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin could not be investigated, and the emperor's father would let her return to the East Palace to rest for the time being because she wanted to give birth to a grandson for him. However, her suspicion had not been cleared, so she could no longer serve as an official in the outer court. The title of Jinyi Envoy began with her and ended with her. From now on, no woman would be allowed to serve as an official. That would be all.

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

The prince seemed very busy. Anyway, the most important thing was to find the right place. After living for twenty-three years, today was the day I finally opened my eyes. She didn't let me look, but I could explore. He gently plucked and twisted her, biting her lips with a red face, and a long low moan escaped from her nose. He knew it was here.

The female official had been serving people for so many years, and was used to serving people. Seeing that he was supporting himself with his arms and couldn't free his hands, she obediently lowered her legs and leaned over to pull his underwear. She half-loosened the belt and pulled it down, and something bounced back, hitting her stomach with a dull blow, like a small fist. She lowered her eyes and took a look, "Is this... a little chicken?"

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

The word "弄" was hard to describe, with a kind of vulgar yet exciting feeling. He felt that Xinghe had gone all out this time, and so did he.

It's a pity that she is not a man. If she could be an official, she would definitely be a promising talent. She suffers a disadvantage because of her gender. She has the title of the second rank, but she has never even attended the court. After all, the world is still a man's world. It's useless for her to stir up waves. In the end, she will return to the inner court. She has thought about being a regent and being the head of the family. Now there is a good opportunity in front of her. Give birth to the emperor's grandson and bring him up well. If he is lucky enough to die early, she will assist his son. Then all her wishes will come true. She can both attend the court and be the head of the family.

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

The next move was Haozi Claw. He called out "Shizhong" through the window. As for the title of Liangdi, they had never agreed with each other.

She looked at him sideways, "Don't pretend, with your mind, no one dares to live with you." She said firmly, "It must be me, don't think I don't know. I sent people to check, but they couldn't find any clues, which means there is no such person at all."

The prince looked at her with some disdain, "Are you worth my trouble to lie to you? I came here to tell you something. What happened in the palace is the matter of the Queen and Yanling being imprisoned. Move the time to the next three days. You are not allowed to say that the sentence was imposed that night."

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

Xinghe was still thinking in a daze. Xinghai was so young, it was definitely not okay to let him stay at home idle. He would get sick if he was bored. Being a civilian... If he was a military man, his future would be worrying... It would be great if he could have the best of both worlds, but there was no such perfection in the world. He was always dissatisfied when he wanted to have everything he wanted, but when it came to the moment of life and death, he didn't care about anything else, as long as he could survive.

Is this going to be a fight for supremacy? He gritted his teeth and thought, if we don't fight to the point of both sides being hurt today, no one will beg for mercy.

The prince said, "It's really not easy for me. Who knows how hard it is for me?"

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

She touched his face, and then the strong muscles on his chest. Although the flesh was his, she was too familiar with it after many years, just like her own. Only the little chicken still had some mystery, but she felt embarrassed and dared not move her eyes away, because it didn't look very good.

The two were reluctant to part, and this was the hardest parting in his life. He left, looking back every few steps. Xinghe watched him leave, reluctantly bending down to gather the grass, and seeing the colorful chest under the collar, he felt a mixture of emotions.

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

As the prince embraced his precious child, he was still thinking in his heart that if he let her suffer here for two more days, he would send the jailer to leak the news tomorrow, saying that the prince had made every possible effort and the queen had finally fallen. When he came to pick her up later, he would say that the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin could not be investigated, and the emperor's father would let her return to the East Palace to rest for the time being because she wanted to give birth to a grandson for him. However, her suspicion had not been cleared, so she could no longer serve as an official in the outer court. The title of Jinyi Envoy began with her and ended with her. From now on, no woman would be allowed to serve as an official. That would be all.

She said she knew, and her two straight, long legs spontaneously wrapped around his waist.

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

She let out a long sigh: "That's fine."

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

He laughed silently, "You are such a bad person, you actually checked..." His chest was shaking, shaking her head. He raised his hand to rub her hair, "You are not stupid, if you come back and ask me for people, it will give me a headache. Don't underestimate my high status, in fact, my friends are only in a small area like the capital. I have a green plum, which is sweet and crisp when bitten. I can't reach others', and I don't want them. Being a husband and wife requires equality. If I have a mistress around, I am afraid I will be angry to death before I live to forty."

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

He stood up and asked her, "You know what to do, right?"

Huo Yan frowned and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

Xinghe said okay, but frowned before he even started.

However, some things are not always as we wish.

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

The prince seemed very busy. Anyway, the most important thing was to find the right place. After living for twenty-three years, today was the day I finally opened my eyes. She didn't let me look, but I could explore. He gently plucked and twisted her, biting her lips with a red face, and a long low moan escaped from her nose. He knew it was here.

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

The prince thought bitterly that an unmarried girl only has her parents' home in her heart. Just wait, when she has her own children, she will naturally turn to her own little family.

Huo Yan frowned and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

Is this going to be a fight for supremacy? He gritted his teeth and thought, if we don't fight to the point of both sides being hurt today, no one will beg for mercy.

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

Xinghe said okay, but frowned before he even started.

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

The stacks of straw that were originally well stacked were scattered all over the ground after the fierce battle. The scattered straws proved how fierce the battle was. Men and women who met on the way might be embarrassed to do this, but those who have practiced this many times like them can completely throw away their psychological burdens and go into battle lightly. They can even say what makes them happy without any shame.

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

He said directly, "To keep your sister Xinghe for you. You are the Crown Prince's Consort now, don't even think about marrying someone else in this life. Xinghe is a free woman now, if she follows someone else, you can cry."

The prince said it was absolutely impossible, but he had a premonition that something real was about to happen.

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

Then he was not polite. A young and strong man was just like a plowing ox when he was working hard. She sang softly, and he kept beating the drums, beating faster and faster. He conquered the territory in the bloody storm, and every beat was full of determination. A charming flower bloomed in the withered grass. After knowing each other for more than ten years, this was the first time he found her stunning beauty, a hundred times more beautiful than before.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

The word "弄" was hard to describe, with a kind of vulgar yet exciting feeling. He felt that Xinghe had gone all out this time, and so did he.

The female official had been serving people for so many years, and was used to serving people. Seeing that he was supporting himself with his arms and couldn't free his hands, she obediently lowered her legs and leaned over to pull his underwear. She half-loosened the belt and pulled it down, and something bounced back, hitting her stomach with a dull blow, like a small fist. She lowered her eyes and took a look, "Is this... a little chicken?"

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

He laughed silently, "You are such a bad person, you actually checked..." His chest was shaking, shaking her head. He raised his hand to rub her hair, "You are not stupid, if you come back and ask me for people, it will give me a headache. Don't underestimate my high status, in fact, my friends are only in a small area like the capital. I have a green plum, which is sweet and crisp when bitten. I can't reach others', and I don't want them. Being a husband and wife requires equality. If I have a mistress around, I am afraid I will be angry to death before I live to forty."

He laughed silently, "You are such a bad person, you actually checked..." His chest was shaking, shaking her head. He raised his hand to rub her hair, "You are not stupid, if you come back and ask me for people, it will give me a headache. Don't underestimate my high status, in fact, my friends are only in a small area like the capital. I have a green plum, which is sweet and crisp when bitten. I can't reach others', and I don't want them. Being a husband and wife requires equality. If I have a mistress around, I am afraid I will be angry to death before I live to forty."

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

Then he was not polite. A young and strong man was just like a plowing ox when he was working hard. She sang softly, and he kept beating the drums, beating faster and faster. He conquered the territory in the bloody storm, and every beat was full of determination. A charming flower bloomed in the withered grass. After knowing each other for more than ten years, this was the first time he found her stunning beauty, a hundred times more beautiful than before.

The prince looked at her with some disdain, "Are you worth my trouble to lie to you? I came here to tell you something. What happened in the palace is the matter of the Queen and Yanling being imprisoned. Move the time to the next three days. You are not allowed to say that the sentence was imposed that night."

Xinghe said okay, but frowned before he even started.

The prince said, "It's really not easy for me. Who knows how hard it is for me?"

The prince's nose also felt sour, "Please call me Niuniu's Abao."

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

On the long street in front of the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a man in silver robe and golden armor walked slowly. The deputy general would take care of the things that needed to be taken care of. He pushed open the heavy prison door and walked in. Torches were lit in the prison during the day. He walked straight forward and saw the person curled up in the haystack at the end. The once arrogant Jinyi Envoy had lost his halo and became plain and amiable. But he was not in good spirits. He opened his eyes and recognized who the person was for a long time before he recognized it.

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

Is this going to be a fight for supremacy? He gritted his teeth and thought, if we don't fight to the point of both sides being hurt today, no one will beg for mercy.

Huo Yan didn't care about that. He just thought it was too hard for a girl to end up like this. The prince got what he wanted this time, but she, a good girl, was imprisoned and might even be sacrificed in the end.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

At this time, the Su family was no longer an obstacle between the two of them. Anyway, they had lost their power, were in jail, and didn't even know if they could save their lives. Why should they care about anything else

The stacks of straw that were originally well stacked were scattered all over the ground after the fierce battle. The scattered straws proved how fierce the battle was. Men and women who met on the way might be embarrassed to do this, but those who have practiced this many times like them can completely throw away their psychological burdens and go into battle lightly. They can even say what makes them happy without any shame.

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

"The Su family can't be saved, don't hold out any hope. Are you willing to leave? I can find a way to take you out."

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

But since he loves her so much, he can give her a reassurance first. His fingertips wandered all over her body, wandering and wandering, and went into her right lapel. With Yushan in his hand, he still spoke seriously, "Don't worry about the family. As long as I am still in power, I will naturally do everything I can to protect them... They are currently in the prison of the Control Military Division, and their lives are safe. But even if this matter can be resolved in the end, the hope of reinstating their official position is very slim... Your father is old, so it doesn't matter. The most important thing is Xinghai, either he can be unemployed or transferred to a civilian position... Which one do you think is better?"

The prince said not to worry, "She will be back soon."

She held her finger in her mouth and smiled shyly: "Are we going to do it here?"

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

What happened? Is the feng shui of the East Palace bad? Why are there so many monsters? He sighed and said to Dequan, "If she wants to stay, let her stay. Push her into the well and let her soak for three days. When she swells up like a sea cucumber, pull her out and bury her in Xiaohuang Village."

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

He stood up and asked her, "You know what to do, right?"

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

Huo Yan frowned and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

He said directly, "To keep your sister Xinghe for you. You are the Crown Prince's Consort now, don't even think about marrying someone else in this life. Xinghe is a free woman now, if she follows someone else, you can cry."

Finally, she collapsed on him, her rapid breathing bursting with sad sobs: "A Bao, I will call you A Bao from now on."

He kissed her forehead loudly, "Take good care of yourself. I want to ask them to bring you some tonic soup."

The prince said not to worry, "She will be back soon."

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

The prince's nose also felt sour, "Please call me Niuniu's Abao."

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

The prince answered firmly: "Do it here."

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

It's a pity that she is not a man. If she could be an official, she would definitely be a promising talent. She suffers a disadvantage because of her gender. She has the title of the second rank, but she has never even attended the court. After all, the world is still a man's world. It's useless for her to stir up waves. In the end, she will return to the inner court. She has thought about being a regent and being the head of the family. Now there is a good opportunity in front of her. Give birth to the emperor's grandson and bring him up well. If he is lucky enough to die early, she will assist his son. Then all her wishes will come true. She can both attend the court and be the head of the family.

She rested her head on his chest, tears flowing into the groove between his chest muscles, turning into a small sea of tears. She said, "It's so refreshing today. Don't worry that I can't walk, I'll be lying here all day anyway. Be careful when you go out, I'm afraid that if you don't walk all night, you won't be able to go out when you want to... I've been thinking about this in my mind just now, and I'm really scared."

The prince said, "Can you please remove that little character of yours?"

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

Then he was not polite. A young and strong man was just like a plowing ox when he was working hard. She sang softly, and he kept beating the drums, beating faster and faster. He conquered the territory in the bloody storm, and every beat was full of determination. A charming flower bloomed in the withered grass. After knowing each other for more than ten years, this was the first time he found her stunning beauty, a hundred times more beautiful than before.

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

As the prince embraced his precious child, he was still thinking in his heart that if he let her suffer here for two more days, he would send the jailer to leak the news tomorrow, saying that the prince had made every possible effort and the queen had finally fallen. When he came to pick her up later, he would say that the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin could not be investigated, and the emperor's father would let her return to the East Palace to rest for the time being because she wanted to give birth to a grandson for him. However, her suspicion had not been cleared, so she could no longer serve as an official in the outer court. The title of Jinyi Envoy began with her and ended with her. From now on, no woman would be allowed to serve as an official. That would be all.

On the long street in front of the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a man in silver robe and golden armor walked slowly. The deputy general would take care of the things that needed to be taken care of. He pushed open the heavy prison door and walked in. Torches were lit in the prison during the day. He walked straight forward and saw the person curled up in the haystack at the end. The once arrogant Jinyi Envoy had lost his halo and became plain and amiable. But he was not in good spirits. He opened his eyes and recognized who the person was for a long time before he recognized it.

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

She said she knew, and her two straight, long legs spontaneously wrapped around his waist.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

However, some things are not always as we wish.

The prince's nose also felt sour, "Please call me Niuniu's Abao."

He said directly, "To keep your sister Xinghe for you. You are the Crown Prince's Consort now, don't even think about marrying someone else in this life. Xinghe is a free woman now, if she follows someone else, you can cry."

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

He held her tightly with his arms, "I know, and I am very satisfied. I have lived for more than twenty years, and today is the most comfortable day. Now that I think about it, it seems that I have lived in vain. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you, because you are the closest person to me. I also want you to be my crown princess and my queen in the future."

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

At this time, the Su family was no longer an obstacle between the two of them. Anyway, they had lost their power, were in jail, and didn't even know if they could save their lives. Why should they care about anything else

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

The prince said it was absolutely impossible, but he had a premonition that something real was about to happen.

Xinghe was worried about something else. "I just want to ask you one thing. You told me before that you had a lover. Was that person me?"

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

The prince said, "It's really not easy for me. Who knows how hard it is for me?"

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

However, some things are not always as we wish.

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

Huo Yan didn't care about that. He just thought it was too hard for a girl to end up like this. The prince got what he wanted this time, but she, a good girl, was imprisoned and might even be sacrificed in the end.

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

Huo Yan frowned and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

The prince answered firmly: "Do it here."

Dequan knew her very well. For a person with a greasy mouth, there were only stones in the world outside the palace, and there was no place for her to eat. The Court of Imperial Concubines was next to the Kitchen, and all the delicious food had to go through her first. Not to mention that there was no one at home, even if her parents were still alive, she would not want to go back. Dequan was very embarrassed and said that he could not make the decision, "You have to ask the prince to see if he can understand your difficulties."

She looked at him sideways, "Don't pretend, with your mind, no one dares to live with you." She said firmly, "It must be me, don't think I don't know. I sent people to check, but they couldn't find any clues, which means there is no such person at all."

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

The two were reluctant to part, and this was the hardest parting in his life. He left, looking back every few steps. Xinghe watched him leave, reluctantly bending down to gather the grass, and seeing the colorful chest under the collar, he felt a mixture of emotions.

Xinghe was worried about something else. "I just want to ask you one thing. You told me before that you had a lover. Was that person me?"

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

What the prince likes most about her is her unpretentious and transparent nature. When you talk to her, you don't need to get to the point, as long as you start, she can continue smoothly.

He laughed silently, "You are such a bad person, you actually checked..." His chest was shaking, shaking her head. He raised his hand to rub her hair, "You are not stupid, if you come back and ask me for people, it will give me a headache. Don't underestimate my high status, in fact, my friends are only in a small area like the capital. I have a green plum, which is sweet and crisp when bitten. I can't reach others', and I don't want them. Being a husband and wife requires equality. If I have a mistress around, I am afraid I will be angry to death before I live to forty."

The prince thought bitterly that an unmarried girl only has her parents' home in her heart. Just wait, when she has her own children, she will naturally turn to her own little family.

Xinghe was still thinking in a daze. Xinghai was so young, it was definitely not okay to let him stay at home idle. He would get sick if he was bored. Being a civilian... If he was a military man, his future would be worrying... It would be great if he could have the best of both worlds, but there was no such perfection in the world. He was always dissatisfied when he wanted to have everything he wanted, but when it came to the moment of life and death, he didn't care about anything else, as long as he could survive.

He laughed when he heard it, "You're so brave even though you're scared? You almost broke my throat."

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

Alas, God is actually very good to her. If he hadn't accumulated feelings for her for more than ten years, he would have killed this traitor in his hands. But now he can't do anything about it, because he has fallen in love with her. Good officials are common, but the opportunity to turn a good official into a virtuous wife is rare. He is confident that Xinghe will be the most virtuous queen in Dayin's history. As long as he adds the surname Huo before her surname Su and cleans up her restless family members, he will have no worries in the future.

When Lan Chu heard that she was going to die, she was stunned. She cried for a long time, but finally left the palace obediently.

She let out a long sigh: "That's fine."

She looked at him sideways, "Don't pretend, with your mind, no one dares to live with you." She said firmly, "It must be me, don't think I don't know. I sent people to check, but they couldn't find any clues, which means there is no such person at all."

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

He moved down along her exquisite curves, touched the bloody scar on her thigh, and kissed her forehead: "Does it still hurt?"

"The Su family can't be saved, don't hold out any hope. Are you willing to leave? I can find a way to take you out."

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

This was the first time she was so desperate. If she hadn't thought there was no tomorrow, she wouldn't have abused herself like this. It hurt, of course, but after the pain was over, she felt relieved. She gave herself to the one she loved. Even if she was sentenced to the guillotine, she could die calmly.

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

Xinghe said okay, but frowned before he even started.

Her face flushed, and she whispered, "Don't joke about this. I was very serious from the beginning to the end."

Alas, God is actually very good to her. If he hadn't accumulated feelings for her for more than ten years, he would have killed this traitor in his hands. But now he can't do anything about it, because he has fallen in love with her. Good officials are common, but the opportunity to turn a good official into a virtuous wife is rare. He is confident that Xinghe will be the most virtuous queen in Dayin's history. As long as he adds the surname Huo before her surname Su and cleans up her restless family members, he will have no worries in the future.

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

He kissed her forehead loudly, "Take good care of yourself. I want to ask them to bring you some tonic soup."

She said she knew, and her two straight, long legs spontaneously wrapped around his waist.

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

Huo Yan frowned and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

As the prince embraced his precious child, he was still thinking in his heart that if he let her suffer here for two more days, he would send the jailer to leak the news tomorrow, saying that the prince had made every possible effort and the queen had finally fallen. When he came to pick her up later, he would say that the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin could not be investigated, and the emperor's father would let her return to the East Palace to rest for the time being because she wanted to give birth to a grandson for him. However, her suspicion had not been cleared, so she could no longer serve as an official in the outer court. The title of Jinyi Envoy began with her and ended with her. From now on, no woman would be allowed to serve as an official. That would be all.

Dequan knew her very well. For a person with a greasy mouth, there were only stones in the world outside the palace, and there was no place for her to eat. The Court of Imperial Concubines was next to the Kitchen, and all the delicious food had to go through her first. Not to mention that there was no one at home, even if her parents were still alive, she would not want to go back. Dequan was very embarrassed and said that he could not make the decision, "You have to ask the prince to see if he can understand your difficulties."

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

The prince said, "Can you please remove that little character of yours?"

He held her tightly with his arms, "I know, and I am very satisfied. I have lived for more than twenty years, and today is the most comfortable day. Now that I think about it, it seems that I have lived in vain. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you, because you are the closest person to me. I also want you to be my crown princess and my queen in the future."

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

He held her tightly with his arms, "I know, and I am very satisfied. I have lived for more than twenty years, and today is the most comfortable day. Now that I think about it, it seems that I have lived in vain. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you, because you are the closest person to me. I also want you to be my crown princess and my queen in the future."

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

Xinghe was worried about something else. "I just want to ask you one thing. You told me before that you had a lover. Was that person me?"

However, some things are not always as we wish.

He had to deal with a few important things first when he returned. He and his father had already agreed on the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin. This was the fact that no one else in the court knew about it. The only difference between what Xinghe knew and what everyone else knew was three days. If he could fool the higher-ups, there would be no problem.

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

He kissed her forehead loudly, "Take good care of yourself. I want to ask them to bring you some tonic soup."

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

What the prince likes most about her is her unpretentious and transparent nature. When you talk to her, you don't need to get to the point, as long as you start, she can continue smoothly.

The stacks of straw that were originally well stacked were scattered all over the ground after the fierce battle. The scattered straws proved how fierce the battle was. Men and women who met on the way might be embarrassed to do this, but those who have practiced this many times like them can completely throw away their psychological burdens and go into battle lightly. They can even say what makes them happy without any shame.

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

The prince said it was absolutely impossible, but he had a premonition that something real was about to happen.

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

The prince said it was absolutely impossible, but he had a premonition that something real was about to happen.

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

The prince thought bitterly that an unmarried girl only has her parents' home in her heart. Just wait, when she has her own children, she will naturally turn to her own little family.

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

She rested her head on his chest, tears flowing into the groove between his chest muscles, turning into a small sea of tears. She said, "It's so refreshing today. Don't worry that I can't walk, I'll be lying here all day anyway. Be careful when you go out, I'm afraid that if you don't walk all night, you won't be able to go out when you want to... I've been thinking about this in my mind just now, and I'm really scared."

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

The stacks of straw that were originally well stacked were scattered all over the ground after the fierce battle. The scattered straws proved how fierce the battle was. Men and women who met on the way might be embarrassed to do this, but those who have practiced this many times like them can completely throw away their psychological burdens and go into battle lightly. They can even say what makes them happy without any shame.

The two were reluctant to part, and this was the hardest parting in his life. He left, looking back every few steps. Xinghe watched him leave, reluctantly bending down to gather the grass, and seeing the colorful chest under the collar, he felt a mixture of emotions.

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

There were no embroidered decorations or fragrant brocade curtains, but the rustling sound of the haystacks was very wild. He touched her thighs, feeling a little distressed. "You've lost weight in the past few days."

Then he was not polite. A young and strong man was just like a plowing ox when he was working hard. She sang softly, and he kept beating the drums, beating faster and faster. He conquered the territory in the bloody storm, and every beat was full of determination. A charming flower bloomed in the withered grass. After knowing each other for more than ten years, this was the first time he found her stunning beauty, a hundred times more beautiful than before.

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

When Lan Chu heard that she was going to die, she was stunned. She cried for a long time, but finally left the palace obediently.

Dequan knew her very well. For a person with a greasy mouth, there were only stones in the world outside the palace, and there was no place for her to eat. The Court of Imperial Concubines was next to the Kitchen, and all the delicious food had to go through her first. Not to mention that there was no one at home, even if her parents were still alive, she would not want to go back. Dequan was very embarrassed and said that he could not make the decision, "You have to ask the prince to see if he can understand your difficulties."

He had to deal with a few important things first when he returned. He and his father had already agreed on the matter of the shrimp-whisker hairpin. This was the fact that no one else in the court knew about it. The only difference between what Xinghe knew and what everyone else knew was three days. If he could fool the higher-ups, there would be no problem.

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

She glanced at him in a trance, not knowing when he had untied his belt. It was a hot day, and he was wearing very little. The prince's destitution was reflected in his clothes. He didn't even wear underwear, only a pair of crab-like underwear, and his shirt was bare when he took off his coat, which made Xinghe feel sad. The East Palace is really not as good as before. When she was there, everything had to be done meticulously, even the incense had to be carefully checked. Now, the prince has lost his power, and everyone is dealing with it casually. Why is he dressed like this

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

Dequan knew her very well. For a person with a greasy mouth, there were only stones in the world outside the palace, and there was no place for her to eat. The Court of Imperial Concubines was next to the Kitchen, and all the delicious food had to go through her first. Not to mention that there was no one at home, even if her parents were still alive, she would not want to go back. Dequan was very embarrassed and said that he could not make the decision, "You have to ask the prince to see if he can understand your difficulties."

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

The panties were still the familiar formula, and although they were intimate, they could not stop her from feeling sad. She sobbed, "Master, it's not easy for you."

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

Is this going to be a fight for supremacy? He gritted his teeth and thought, if we don't fight to the point of both sides being hurt today, no one will beg for mercy.

She was irritable and uneasy: "It's like this, how can I regret it?"

He kissed her forehead loudly, "Take good care of yourself. I want to ask them to bring you some tonic soup."

As a result, Lan Chuzhen came to see the prince, kneeling there in tears, and refused to leave. The prince looked at the person kneeling in the middle of the ground, and his brain exploded.

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

The word "弄" was hard to describe, with a kind of vulgar yet exciting feeling. He felt that Xinghe had gone all out this time, and so did he.

She said it was fine, smoothed her prison uniform and said, "It's so rude to let you see me like this."

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

What happened? Is the feng shui of the East Palace bad? Why are there so many monsters? He sighed and said to Dequan, "If she wants to stay, let her stay. Push her into the well and let her soak for three days. When she swells up like a sea cucumber, pull her out and bury her in Xiaohuang Village."

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

The feeling of piles of meat piled on top of each other is indescribable. The prince shuddered and thought that life in prison was miserable. No one prepared underwear for you under the prison uniform. You just put on a random piece of clothing and it was good enough to have clothes to cover your body. That's why he thought this place was good, unique and convenient. Others would say "look at the golden house I built for you", while he would say "look at the prison I vacated for you". His creative ideas were no less than those of Empress Hui. His long career in the palace taught him to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. When the Su family boarded Huo Qingluan's ship, it was a gamble in itself, and they had to accept the loss. He had tried his best to reduce the damage to the family. As for Xinghe, they were in love, so even if there were lies, they were well-intentioned.

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

When Lan Chu heard that she was going to die, she was stunned. She cried for a long time, but finally left the palace obediently.

However, some things are not always as we wish.

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

What the prince likes most about her is her unpretentious and transparent nature. When you talk to her, you don't need to get to the point, as long as you start, she can continue smoothly.

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

Treat today as the last day, at least Xinghe thinks so. No matter whether she can get out of here or not, she can be true to herself by explaining it this time. She has lived with the prince for so many years, and her feelings towards him have always been complicated. If they are friends, they are calculating and guarding against each other every day; if they are opponents, who has ever seen such an opponent, who is full of ambition in his heart, but is unwilling to hurt him in any way. Not only she is like this, but the prince is also like this.

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

The next move was Haozi Claw. He called out "Shizhong" through the window. As for the title of Liangdi, they had never agreed with each other.

The prince thought bitterly that an unmarried girl only has her parents' home in her heart. Just wait, when she has her own children, she will naturally turn to her own little family.

But since he loves her so much, he can give her a reassurance first. His fingertips wandered all over her body, wandering and wandering, and went into her right lapel. With Yushan in his hand, he still spoke seriously, "Don't worry about the family. As long as I am still in power, I will naturally do everything I can to protect them... They are currently in the prison of the Control Military Division, and their lives are safe. But even if this matter can be resolved in the end, the hope of reinstating their official position is very slim... Your father is old, so it doesn't matter. The most important thing is Xinghai, either he can be unemployed or transferred to a civilian position... Which one do you think is better?"

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

The prince's nose also felt sour, "Please call me Niuniu's Abao."

Is this going to be a fight for supremacy? He gritted his teeth and thought, if we don't fight to the point of both sides being hurt today, no one will beg for mercy.

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

Try to be gentle and let her catch her breath. The prince thought that no matter how useful the new tool was, he couldn't use it to its full potential. As it turned out, it was just like meeting a chess match. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kept asking for more. The prince got so excited that he almost failed.

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

The prince said not to worry, "She will be back soon."

As a result, Lan Chuzhen came to see the prince, kneeling there in tears, and refused to leave. The prince looked at the person kneeling in the middle of the ground, and his brain exploded.

The prince's nose also felt sour, "Please call me Niuniu's Abao."

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

When Yinchen heard that there was some relief, she immediately tore off the paper on the window and asked hopefully, "Are you serious? Will you be back the day after tomorrow?"

At this time, the Su family was no longer an obstacle between the two of them. Anyway, they had lost their power, were in jail, and didn't even know if they could save their lives. Why should they care about anything else

The prince said, "Can you please remove that little character of yours?"

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

The prince looked at her with some disdain, "Are you worth my trouble to lie to you? I came here to tell you something. What happened in the palace is the matter of the Queen and Yanling being imprisoned. Move the time to the next three days. You are not allowed to say that the sentence was imposed that night."

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

Alas, God is actually very good to her. If he hadn't accumulated feelings for her for more than ten years, he would have killed this traitor in his hands. But now he can't do anything about it, because he has fallen in love with her. Good officials are common, but the opportunity to turn a good official into a virtuous wife is rare. He is confident that Xinghe will be the most virtuous queen in Dayin's history. As long as he adds the surname Huo before her surname Su and cleans up her restless family members, he will have no worries in the future.

Yinchen poked a hole in the oil paper on the window. Since even the windows were sealed, she pasted one eye on the hole and said, "No need to talk about anything else. I want to see Sister Xinghe."

Dequan knew her very well. For a person with a greasy mouth, there were only stones in the world outside the palace, and there was no place for her to eat. The Court of Imperial Concubines was next to the Kitchen, and all the delicious food had to go through her first. Not to mention that there was no one at home, even if her parents were still alive, she would not want to go back. Dequan was very embarrassed and said that he could not make the decision, "You have to ask the prince to see if he can understand your difficulties."

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

Yinchen looked down on him for being so arrogant when he asked for something. "Master, I'm very stupid. I don't know why you ordered me to do this."

The prince almost lost his temper, "I haven't taken off my pants yet."

The prince's nose also felt sour, "Please call me Niuniu's Abao."

He said directly, "To keep your sister Xinghe for you. You are the Crown Prince's Consort now, don't even think about marrying someone else in this life. Xinghe is a free woman now, if she follows someone else, you can cry."

He moved down along her exquisite curves, touched the bloody scar on her thigh, and kissed her forehead: "Does it still hurt?"

He lifted her legs and said, "Su Xinghe, you won't regret it, will you?"

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

He stood up and asked her, "You know what to do, right?"

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

After analyzing it this way, is it still for her? Although she knew the prince's little trick, he was targeting the entire Su family. But she was a smart person, and she knew that as long as the Su family's affairs were not resolved, Xinghe would not be able to marry the prince with peace of mind, and her wish to be with her would not be realized. She didn't care about the life and death of the Su family. She only knew that if she helped the prince to fulfill this lie, Xinghe could stay in the palace forever. Thinking this way, it was a good deal, and the deal was immediately reached.

She rested her head on his chest, tears flowing into the groove between his chest muscles, turning into a small sea of tears. She said, "It's so refreshing today. Don't worry that I can't walk, I'll be lying here all day anyway. Be careful when you go out, I'm afraid that if you don't walk all night, you won't be able to go out when you want to... I've been thinking about this in my mind just now, and I'm really scared."

The prince almost forgot about it. He teased her intentionally: "It's definitely not you, but now we are like this, let's not talk about that sweetheart, let her marry someone else, I only want you."

She hummed, "I can't wait for the trial. I'm very anxious. If I get caught, my family will be ruined too..."

However, some things are not always as we wish.

Then he was not polite. A young and strong man was just like a plowing ox when he was working hard. She sang softly, and he kept beating the drums, beating faster and faster. He conquered the territory in the bloody storm, and every beat was full of determination. A charming flower bloomed in the withered grass. After knowing each other for more than ten years, this was the first time he found her stunning beauty, a hundred times more beautiful than before.

The panties were still the familiar formula, and although they were intimate, they could not stop her from feeling sad. She sobbed, "Master, it's not easy for you."

The prince looked at her with some disdain, "Are you worth my trouble to lie to you? I came here to tell you something. What happened in the palace is the matter of the Queen and Yanling being imprisoned. Move the time to the next three days. You are not allowed to say that the sentence was imposed that night."

At this time, the Su family was no longer an obstacle between the two of them. Anyway, they had lost their power, were in jail, and didn't even know if they could save their lives. Why should they care about anything else

She said she knew, and her two straight, long legs spontaneously wrapped around his waist.

She said it was not necessary, as she felt heartbroken when she thought of how he stuffed silver into the jailer's pockets.

On the long street in front of the prison of the Ministry of Justice, a man in silver robe and golden armor walked slowly. The deputy general would take care of the things that needed to be taken care of. He pushed open the heavy prison door and walked in. Torches were lit in the prison during the day. He walked straight forward and saw the person curled up in the haystack at the end. The once arrogant Jinyi Envoy had lost his halo and became plain and amiable. But he was not in good spirits. He opened his eyes and recognized who the person was for a long time before he recognized it.

The prince said, "It's really not easy for me. Who knows how hard it is for me?"

She let out a long sigh: "That's fine."

When Lan Chu heard that she was going to die, she was stunned. She cried for a long time, but finally left the palace obediently.

The female official had been serving people for so many years, and was used to serving people. Seeing that he was supporting himself with his arms and couldn't free his hands, she obediently lowered her legs and leaned over to pull his underwear. She half-loosened the belt and pulled it down, and something bounced back, hitting her stomach with a dull blow, like a small fist. She lowered her eyes and took a look, "Is this... a little chicken?"

The prince looked at her with some disdain, "Are you worth my trouble to lie to you? I came here to tell you something. What happened in the palace is the matter of the Queen and Yanling being imprisoned. Move the time to the next three days. You are not allowed to say that the sentence was imposed that night."

As a result, Lan Chuzhen came to see the prince, kneeling there in tears, and refused to leave. The prince looked at the person kneeling in the middle of the ground, and his brain exploded.

After struggling to get up, she walked to the prison door and greeted with a guilty look on her face: "Why is Lord Huo here?"

The prince answered firmly: "Do it here."

He held her tightly with his arms, "I know, and I am very satisfied. I have lived for more than twenty years, and today is the most comfortable day. Now that I think about it, it seems that I have lived in vain. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you, because you are the closest person to me. I also want you to be my crown princess and my queen in the future."

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

She nodded shyly. The two people who had talked about strategy many times but never had any practical experience decided to say goodbye to their ignorant years today.

He smiled and shook her hand vigorously, "Xinghe, wait for me, I will pick you up soon."

The first thing the prince did when he returned to the East Palace was to order Dequan to send Lanchu away. He gave her several dozen taels of silver and allowed her to leave the palace and go home, and the matter was settled. But Lanchu was ungrateful and refused to go back, saying that her parents had died and she would not be able to live a comfortable life if she went back, so it was better for her to stay in the palace.

He kissed her forehead loudly, "Take good care of yourself. I want to ask them to bring you some tonic soup."

She touched his face, and then the strong muscles on his chest. Although the flesh was his, she was too familiar with it after many years, just like her own. Only the little chicken still had some mystery, but she felt embarrassed and dared not move her eyes away, because it didn't look very good.

Huo Yan frowned and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

The prince was very generous: "Don't be afraid, what's mine is yours."

The promise of "it will be over in no time" was actually just a boring consolation from an outsider. Halfway across the river, the journey was difficult. She grabbed a handful of grass and saw that he looked troubled. She wiped her sweat and complained to him, "Why are you standing there? Are you really stuck this time?"

She said it was fine, smoothed her prison uniform and said, "It's so rude to let you see me like this."

Just thinking about parting with him again, she felt a little empty inside. She was afraid of loneliness, and there was no sound in the cell, which made her feel suffocated.

It's a pity that she is not a man. If she could be an official, she would definitely be a promising talent. She suffers a disadvantage because of her gender. She has the title of the second rank, but she has never even attended the court. After all, the world is still a man's world. It's useless for her to stir up waves. In the end, she will return to the inner court. She has thought about being a regent and being the head of the family. Now there is a good opportunity in front of her. Give birth to the emperor's grandson and bring him up well. If he is lucky enough to die early, she will assist his son. Then all her wishes will come true. She can both attend the court and be the head of the family.

The prince said not to worry, "She will be back soon."

Both sides had made a lot of mental preparations, and this matter was discussed beforehand. The prince said, "Just bear with it, it will be over in no time."

Huo Yan didn't care about that. He just thought it was too hard for a girl to end up like this. The prince got what he wanted this time, but she, a good girl, was imprisoned and might even be sacrificed in the end.

After all, the Eastern Palace is small, and although there are many servants, few of them are talkative. Dequan can control his mouth, but the most dishonest one is Haozizhua. She cried for three days in a row in order to find Xinghe. Looking at the person with snot and tears, the prince felt that he had become a father in advance. In the end, in order to prevent her from harming him, he was cruel enough to lock her up in the side hall, where she has been locked up until today.

Huo Yan didn't care about that. He just thought it was too hard for a girl to end up like this. The prince got what he wanted this time, but she, a good girl, was imprisoned and might even be sacrificed in the end.

"The Su family can't be saved, don't hold out any hope. Are you willing to leave? I can find a way to take you out."

How long is the night? I don't know, maybe two or three hundred rounds. A short truce, then another battle. Being young is good. Each of us is wounded, but we never give up.

She rested her head on his chest, tears flowing into the groove between his chest muscles, turning into a small sea of tears. She said, "It's so refreshing today. Don't worry that I can't walk, I'll be lying here all day anyway. Be careful when you go out, I'm afraid that if you don't walk all night, you won't be able to go out when you want to... I've been thinking about this in my mind just now, and I'm really scared."

The prince seemed very busy. Anyway, the most important thing was to find the right place. After living for twenty-three years, today was the day I finally opened my eyes. She didn't let me look, but I could explore. He gently plucked and twisted her, biting her lips with a red face, and a long low moan escaped from her nose. He knew it was here.