Grasping Evil

Chapter 102: The fire of Longxuan, try the sword stone! (first update)


(Thanks to aa112562 for the tip)

Mindfulness of the body separates 100% of the body, and Ning Fan's speed in comprehending the exercises is a hundred times that of ordinary people, but the fatigue he suffers is also a hundred times that of ordinary people.

In the cultivation world, generally speaking, each level is divided into nine small realms.

It usually takes years for ordinary people to improve the cultivation technique to a small realm, but Ning Fan's 100-person avatar has made his cultivation technique realm rise rapidly.

After only one month passed, "Black Magic Art" had reached the first level of cultivation, and then broke through the first level and cultivated to the second level.

At this moment, the fire-type exercises of "Black Demon's Art" are finally balanced with the ice-type exercises of "Snow Treading", secretly in line with the principle of the unity of yin and yang. It's just that Ning Fan has no sense of relaxation, because he still needs to realize two kinds of exercises to reach the second-level peak, that is, to break through to the second-level ninth realm of the two exercises!

The second layer of cultivation techniques, every time a realm is upgraded, the spells cast will increase the power by at least 10%. Accumulated, the Rongling cultivator who has cultivated to the pinnacle of the practice, the spells cast are more than double the power of the cultivators of the same level.

In order to practice the exercises, Ning Fan took great pains. After comprehending the fire-type exercises, take out the black magic flame and white bone flame for the study of the clone. After comprehending the ice technique, take out the bone prison breath and let the clone explore.

Sky frost and cold air, and earth vein demon fire, it is not easy for ordinary people to get one, but Ning Fan already has three in his hands.

In this way, after the second month, Ning Fan's exercises have successfully broken through to the sixth level of the second level, and after the third month, they have officially reached the peak of the second level of exercises!

At this moment, Ning Fan, after three months of retreat, his mana has not increased, but his aura has become even more dignified, making people breathless.

He took all the clones, pointed out a black fire dragon with one finger!

This black magic flame is one of the nine dragon fires of the black magic flame. When Ning Fan was practicing at the beginning, it was enough to hurt Yuchi in the early stage of Rongling.

But now, with Ning Fan's peak Rongling mana, plus the second-layer peak's cultivation technique, one finger of the fire dragon, even without any magic, is enough to kill the Rongling peak cultivator!

After his eyes moved, Ning Fan pointed his backhand and used the first fire spell in "Black Magic Art".

"Dragon whirlpool!"

However, within the stone pass, the black magic fire suddenly spread out, like a black ocean, towards a huge rock ten feet high in the stone pass, awe-inspiring!

That rock is the 'Sword Test Stone', which is often set in the stone pass for monks to attack with magic. This stone has no other purpose, only one advantage, it is extremely hard, but the disadvantage is that it lacks flexibility and ductility, so it cannot be used for forging magic weapons.

"The First Cause of All Realms"

And this stone is precious and rare. This piece, or Lanmei, begged from his father.

However, after the flames wrapped the boulder, the boulder appeared unscathed at all. The degree of hardness is evident.

In terms of defense alone, this stone seems to be above the peak of the cultivator.

But when Ning Fan's magic formula changed, immediately, the black magic fire turned into a vortex of flames, revolving violently around the giant rock!

A whirl, a faint sound of a dragon roared from the center of the vortex, and immediately, the power of the flame doubled!

Long Xuan, the first turn!

After the first turn, even the fake alchemy cultivator could be incinerated, and the giant rock made a rustling sound. Although it was not damaged, the surface was also melting at an insignificant speed.

"Second turn!"

At this juncture, Ning Fan pinched out an extremely reluctant and jerky magic formula, and abruptly made the vortex of flames turn again.

After the second turn, the vortex became even more intense, and its central fire power doubled again! Even a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan can be seriously injured!

Under this fire, small pieces of debris began to peel off from the sword test stone. Although there were not many, it also showed that this spell successfully injured the giant rock.

After accepting the spell Longxuan, Ning Fan breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes burning hot!

Dragon whirlpool! This technique has a total of nine turns! Every time you practice one more turn, the power of the spell doubles! In the second turn, it can hurt the early stage of Jindan, and in the third turn, it can hurt Bai Feiteng. If a fire dragon is successfully condensed in the third turn, it is a cultivator in the late stage of Jindan, and it can also be injured!

"If I cultivate this technique to the third rank and condense the fire dragon, then I will fight gold elixir in the future, and I will no longer need to make a single trick or a hole card. I only need to fight with ordinary spells... and I don't need to hurt myself first in every battle. Hurt people later!"

Ning Fan smiled slightly, but immediately, he seemed to think of something, his expression suddenly stunned, he raised his finger, used the ice mana, and pointed at the giant rock.

This icy mana, without the blessing of the strange things of frost and cold air, is not very powerful, but when the cold air cage was placed on the sword test stone, the originally hot sword test stone suddenly encountered severe cold, and immediately began to collapse.

The heart of the stone was not broken, but an entire inch of stone chips on the surface of the stone began to peel off frantically!

Fire to the extreme, cast with ice!

Ning Fan's heart skipped a beat, this is something that every artifact refining master understands. When refining magic weapons, the most taboo is the rapid exchange of hot and cold, which is easy to break the unformed magic weapons.

And Ning Fan found that this principle can actually be used in fighting. Just imagine, if you encounter an enemy whose defense is like a turtle and is as hard as a rock, you will first attack with the fire of the dragon whirlpool, and finally, come back with a tyrannical ice-based attack spell, I am afraid that the opponent's turtle shell will be crushed!

Ice attack spells... In "Snow Treading", only three are recorded.

The first is the Ice Light Escape Technique, which Ning Fan is used to.

The second is the addition of ice armor, which can improve spell defense. This type of spell is a rare defense technique, and Ning Fan will not fail to learn it.

The third type is ten miles of wind and snow, which can turn ten miles of land into snow and ice. This technique is extremely mysterious, because it can change the weather, and even the reason why "Treading the Snow" is remembered by the ancients is that it is based on the magical power of changing the weather in this way. And once the ten-mile land is turned into a snow-stormed battlefield, the ice-based mana of oneself will be inexhaustible within a stick of incense, and it will be inexhaustible.

This technique is against the sky! And practicing is also difficult! But the most important thing is... Among the three types of "Treading the Snow" spells, there is actually no one. It is an ice attack spell, and it seems that they are all auxiliary spells.

Without a high-grade ice spell, Ning Fan could only settle for the next best thing and learn a low-grade ice technique, the ice rain technique.

Ice Rain, a spiritual-level spell, effect, turns mana into ice rain, sharp as thorns, suitable for dealing with groups of enemies. Hundred drops of ice rain can be called a small success, a thousand ice rains can be called a great success, nine thousand ice rains can be called perfect, and above the nine thousand roads, there is no end and no limit.

This technique is considered an extremely common spell in the cultivation world... But after thinking about it, Ning Fan felt that using ordinary ice spells to freeze enemies burned by fire spells would be more effective.

After being burned by the tyrannical Longxuan, what was the first thought of the enemy after seeing Ning Fan sneak attack with an ordinary ice attack? Ning Fan's mana was exhausted, not enough to cast a stronger ice technique! It is because this technique is not a concern, it is careless, and it is negligent to prevent problems!

It is far more important to make the enemy careless than the spell itself!

There is an old saying in the world of self-cultivation, those who are good at swimming drown, those who hold umbrellas are drenched. Sometimes, attacking with high-level spells and attracting the attention of the enemy is far better than using low-level spells to play tricks and cause the enemy to be carelessly injured.

Many masters are cautious all their lives, but they often end up not dying at the hands of masters, but by being careless.

After Longxuan, there is Bingyu... I think this Bingyu will kill a lot of people.

"In this way, in the next time, I will practice spells diligently, and be sure to cultivate the dragon vortex technique and the ice rain technique to a higher level!"


A month later, Ning Fan suddenly stood up, his left eye was cold and his right eye was hot!

With a finger on his right hand, the black fire burned the sword test stone like a whirlpool.

First turn! The stone body trembled slightly.

Second turn! The stone body began to peel off stone chips.

The third turn! The stone body vibrated violently, and cracks began to appear faintly. And after a black fire dragon jumped out of the vortex, it fiercely took a bite at the sword test stone, and the fire was so powerful! The sword test stone suddenly cracked like a cloud!

However, this is not over yet. Ning Fan's two-handed technique suddenly changed, the dragon fire disappeared, and what followed was a thousand ice rains inside the stone pass.

Thousands of icy rains turned into thousands of ice thorns and fell down. The power could injure mid-Rongling cultivators.

But when the ice rain slammed on the sword test stone, the sword test stone made a thunderous roar and shattered!

The sword test stone, which is enough to resist the blow of Jindan peak, is so shattered!

And from the Stone Pass of the Shuangxiu Temple, the shock spread loudly and turned into a strong earthquake, sweeping the Mingque Valley!

The masters of the sect were all startled and left the house one after another. When they learned that there was no enemy invasion, they each breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the direction of the Shuangxiu Temple.

They were horrified to discover that the one who caused the shock was actually Ning Fan, who was in retreat in the Shuangxiu Temple!

"Elder Ning is in the stone pass, what kind of spell is researching, and the power is so powerful..."

In the White Hall, Bai Feiteng, who was condensing the cold air, suddenly stood up and looked at the Shuangxiu Hall in disbelief!

The rumbling sound just now, others don't know what it is, but he knows it.

"Impossible! Ning Fan has only been in seclusion for four months, and he shattered the sword test stone!"

Bai Feiteng showed his unwillingness. He also broke the sword test stone, but that was the result of continuously attacking the test sword stone with mana during the decades of his retreat.

But Ning Fan, who only retreated for April, smashed the sword test stone... It seems that this child cannot be underestimated in this gambling fight.

"Hmph, no matter what, the old man will not lose to you, as long as the old man devours this fourth-grade cold air!"

Bai Feiteng looked at the cold cauldron in front of him, a purple cold air in full bloom, and the fire was fiery.

"Old man, you will never lose to Han Yuanji's apprentice! Your best magic weapon, this old man will be decided!"

Bai Feiteng smiled.