Grasping Evil

Chapter 1257: The gods of the day after tomorrow


"Sir, you can't! You can't eat these sacrificed meats! These are the meat of the Demon Lord's silkworm bushes. We monks from the Shanhai Division eat a mouthful of food, which will damage you for thousands of years!"

The old man who claimed to be the land master of Sheji Mountain kept discouraging Ning Fan.

But Ning Fan was too hungry.

In the face of the smell of meat, his reason became weaker and weaker.

Deep inside, there seemed to be two voices arguing.

The instincts of the body are awakening in the body, and they are constantly urging Ning Fan to eat up these sacrificed meat quickly, and don't listen to the nonsense of others.

The remaining reason was discouraging him, persuading him to be careful and check the situation of the meat sacrifice first.

The effect of the ten-turn pill is too great, especially after Ning Fan ate a lot of food, the hunger in his stomach has accumulated to a terrifying level.

The gluttonous power in the body is becoming less and less, and what is replaced is the instinct of the ancient gods, which is slowly awakening, interfering with Ning Fan's thinking.

"I am your instinct and what you really want in your heart. You should listen to me and eat these sacrificed meat quickly. Since ancient gods dare to feed on all things in the world, how can we be afraid of the backlash of mere sacrifices! Dao damage for thousands of years? Humph! It also depends on who it is! What can this sacrificial meat do to me!" The gods in the body instinctively said.

"I am your reason, your principle, thinking and persistence on the path of cultivation. You have been unwilling to be controlled by others since the beginning of cultivation, and you have to think twice about your actions. How can you be driven by instinct to do reckless things? Others? Even if you say there is something wrong with this meat, even if you don’t believe it, you should be careful, and you should check this meat before you eat it.” The only remaining reason said.

Instinct: "Instinct is intuition. Our gods are born with superior intuition, and coupled with the divine gift of communication between all things, we can judge right and wrong at a glance. If I say that this meat is harmless, then it is true!"

Reason: "Even if you can really see that this meat is harmless, you should be careful and consider more."

Instinct: "I am a god, and I am also a cultivator. If I look forward to everything, I don't care if I don't practice it!"

Reason: "If everything follows instinct and intuition, you will die at the hands of thousands of people. What is the point of cultivating Taoism!"

Instinct: "What's wrong with following instinct!"

Reason: "What instinct!"

Instinct: "Instinct is the original intention and the true self. When a baby is born, he knows how to find food and find his mother. This is instinct, it is nature. However, once you grow up and step into the path of cultivation, the world will cut off the nature and the true self. , fasting, cutting off family affection, slaying six desires, abandoning the mortal world, only seeking tranquility and inaction, and the six dusts are not polluted, and it is not ridiculous to call this matter cultivation.”

Reason: "What is the true self? Could it be that the newborn baby is the true self! The true self should be the ultimate good, but the newborn baby symbolizes the evil of human nature. Therefore, when cultivating the Tao, these natures must be cut off."

Instinct: "You say that babies represent the evil of human nature, but I think babies are the ultimate goodness, and it is suspected that the practice of cultivating one's true self is ignoring the basics."

Reason: "You look at the problem too superficially!"

Instinct: "You look at the problem, it's too one-sided!"

Reason: "Humph! Summer insects can't speak ice!"

Instinct: "Humph! Well frogs are speechless!"

Reason: "It's too bad, you are not good! Why don't you take care of yourself with these words!"

Instinct: "Hehe! A slave who eats dog dung, how dare you say it!"

Reason: "eat your father's head, eat your mother's head!"

Instinct: "Your mother and maidservant! Your father is a slave! Your clan is absolutely incredible!"

Reason: "You have a disease in your brain, and you will be afraid of death if you die!"

Instinct: "Your mother and maidservant! Your father is a slave! Your clan is absolutely incredible!"

Sanity: "!@¥¥%... &"

Instinct: "*&... ¥#@@!"

Ning Fan was speechless.

He felt as if he was torn apart and divided into two halves, but the two of them first argued and then quarreled. In the end, no one could win the fight, so they finally rolled up their sleeves and scolded each other.

Are these also the side effects of the ten-turn pill...

Ning Fan would never admit that these mentally retarded conversations were out of his own instinct and reason.

Fortunately, after being tossed with instinct and reason, Ning Fan finally calmed down.

After calming down, naturally, he would not eat meat impatiently, but heeded the advice of the old man in the land and suspend the behavior of eating meat.

The sacrificed meat was not placed directly on the offering table, but was placed in a small cauldron. There are many kinds of tripods. The tripod in front of you is a raised tripod made of copper.

Sheng Ding is a kind of tripod, which is a ritual vessel specially used for sacrifice, and is used to hold meat. A total of nine copper ascending tripods are displayed here. In addition, there are also eight copper gui, as well as many ritual utensils such as zu, beans, gui, and jue.

The height of the ascending cauldron in front of him is less than two feet high, with three legs, two ears, open mouth, dim treasure light, and no longer has much magical power. However, the sacrificial meat in the cauldron was as if it had just been cooked, and it was still steaming.

Ning Fan's eyes wandered between the copper tripod and the copper gui.

The more he looked, the more fascinated he became, his eyes seemed to be sucked into the cauldron and the gui, and then, seeing that the cauldron was not a cauldron—where is this cauldron, it was clearly a towering mountain, even if its power was exhausted, it could not be shaken!

Looking at Gui is not Gui: This is clearly a sea, and its abyss is unpredictable!

"These nine cauldrons and eight guilds are under the regulation of the Immortal Emperor, which is a combination of the number of nine mountains and eight seas. The most prosperous meat, the gui is rich in grains..." Seeing that Ning Fan seemed to be interested in the layout of this place, the old land man on the side explained patiently.

"Nine cauldrons and eight gui, nine mountains and eight seas..." Ning Fan took a deep breath and withdrew his mind from the cauldron and the gui. He only felt that the placement of the cauldron and the gui had a certain pattern, and the mystery was infinite. It's hard to see one or two, and I can't help but regret.

This is also something that can't be helped. With his ignorance, how can he get a glimpse of Immortal Emperor Ziwei's methods

So let's look at the meat sacrifice in Dingzhong.

Driven by instinct, Ning Fan focused on meat and didn't take a closer look. After calming down at this moment, I realized that these sacrificial meat seemed to be taken from some kind of insect.

"Mozun Silkworm Cong..." Ning Fan remembered the words of the old man in the land, and secretly thought that these sacrificed meats were some kind of silkworm meat

For no reason, Ning Fan remembered the memories of being a mortal.

When he was young, he had seen a silkworm farmer eat silkworms. But the aunt did not eat the silkworm meat directly, but after the silkworm spun into pupae, she killed the silkworm pupae in boiling water, separated the silkworm cocoons, and then fried the silkworm pupae to eat.

Ning Fan still remembered feeling disgusted when he saw this for the first time, only to be ridiculed by the aunt.

"It's a shame for a good boy to be afraid of eating a silkworm."

And now.

He finally dared to eat silkworm meat, and he didn't feel sick at all.

Probably, maybe...

"The Devil's Silkworm Cong, whose body is the immortal silkworm, is the remnant of the Shushan clan, the first monarch of the ancient Shu Kingdom, but because he offended Ziweizun, he died and the country was destroyed. The tree and the divine bird of the sun were all taken by the crape myrtle..." The old man from the land explained the life of the Demon Lord Silkworm Cong.

When it comes to the silkworm bushes being killed by Ziweizun with one palm, cooked as sacrificial meat, and the loss of the national treasure, the old man actually lamented, and his regret was beyond words.

Ning Fan didn't feel anything.

He and the Silkworm Cong are not related and not related, and they are used to seeing the sea of blood in the cultivation of truth. He is not the party involved, does not know the cause and effect of the incident, and will not make arbitrary comments.

What he was interested in was really the silkworm meat itself.

"Is the undead silkworm, it really is a kind of silkworm meat. No wonder I feel that the fragrance of this meat is irresistible. It must be the undead power contained in this meat, which resonates with the undead blood in my body. I have inherited the undead emperor. With a little blood, if you eat this meat, it will be beneficial; but if someone else eats this meat, it may really be detrimental for thousands of years.

"The adults don't know that this is the flesh and blood of immortal beings, not in reincarnation. What we all seek, such as immortals, is nothing but the way of reincarnation, so eating this meat is harmful and useless." The land old man said again.

"It's okay, this meat is harmless to me."

Ning Fan did not explain further.

Naturally, it is impossible to tell one's secret to a stranger.

He tried to take a piece of silkworm meat out of the copper tripod, but he couldn't! I just feel that this meat is unimaginably heavy and unbearable for non-sages.

It is not the weight of the material plane, but the weight of the Tao! This feeling of not being able to hold the sacrificed meat is like not being able to get the Daoshan of the ant master!

"This is actually the flesh and blood of a saint!" Ning Fan was surprised.

As far as he knows, a sage can crush mountains and rivers with a single strand of essence. If this is really the flesh and blood of a sage, why didn't he feel the huge essence of the third step from this flesh? But if this is not the flesh and blood of a saint, why would it give him an unshakable sense of heaviness

"Indeed, Mozun Silkworm Cong was originally a sage, but died at the hands of Ziwei Zun. The sage's flesh and blood is boundless, and it is not edible, but Ziwei Zun has forcibly removed the flesh and blood essence of Silkworm Cong with his own Taoism. This meat can be said to be the meat of a saint, or not, because the essence in the meat has been dissipated, like plants withered and withered, and broken when touched. But the immortal power in the sacrificed meat is even the crape myrtle. The things that can’t be melted are also preserved, and there is also the heaviness of the meat at the Dao level. If you are not a saint, you can’t handle this meat, let alone eat it...” The old man explained halfway, and suddenly heaved a sigh. , puzzled.

"Non-sages naturally can't handle this meat, but isn't your lord the dignified head of Shanhai? As the master of Shanhai, one of the five strongest people in Shanhaisi, the lord is at least a saint, and at least a saint, why? Can't handle this meat? Isn't your lord not a saint?"

"Of course I'm not a saint. As you can see, I'm just an immortal king." Ning Fan replied.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can the realm of the Immortal King become the head of the mountains and seas!" The land old man denied.

"That's why I said, I'm not the head of the mountains and seas you said..."

"No, you don't have to lie to me, the Si Qingzhu walking stick I hold has revealed the identity of the lord, there is no doubt about it. The problem is that the lord actually became one of the five chiefs with the cultivation of the Immortal King. This is not in line with the rules, Shanhai How could the Lord give the power of the four seasons to an Immortal King? Could it be that there is a hidden secret here?" The more the old man thought about it, the more he looked, his expression gradually became solemn, and he faintly felt that there was a huge relationship involved, and he couldn't get into it, but still Can't stop thinking about it.

Could it be that Lord Shanhaizhu is playing a big game on this person, or maybe there are other calculations...

"..." Ning Fan shook his head, faintly feeling that the old man's misunderstanding deepened, but he didn't bother to explain.

He's used to chatting across servers, so it doesn't matter.

"First of all, you have to move the meat before you can eat it. But, how to move the meat, it's better to talk directly..."

So, in the eyes of the old man who looked at the crazy, Ning Fan began to chat with the silkworm meat in the copper tripod.

Since the silkworm meat in Jiuding is not just one piece, but dozens of pieces, Ning Fan needs to chat with dozens of people at the same time, ah no, it is still very tiring to chat with dozens of pieces of meat.

Fortunately, Ning Fan and the silkworm meat were quite speculative.

After all, when a silkworm grows up, it is a moth, and Ning Fan is a butterfly. Although the species are incomprehensible, they are very similar, and naturally they can find some topics.

In the inner world of silkworm meat, there are men and women, old and young, so Ning Fan sometimes called him a silkworm brother and sometimes a girl during the chat.

Between a person's dozens of flesh, from the pain of silkworms and butterflies breaking cocoons, they talked about the possibility of cross-species love between moths and butterflies.

From the pain of losing the country and the family, I talked about the helplessness of life.

In the end, the topic came to the meaning of life.

Not talking or knowing, Ning Fan was surprised to find that all these silkworms were distressed.

The reason for the distress is that they are food, but they cannot carry out the meaning of life. They have been stored here for countless years, but no one is willing to eat them, and no one can eat them.

Although these silkworm meats are taken from the body of the Demon Venerable Silkworm Cong, they have given birth to an individual consciousness that is different from the host.

They do not call themselves silkworm bushes, but food, and deep down in their hearts, they hope to be recognized and accepted as food.

At the end of the chat, these silkworms begged Ning Fan to eat them.

And such good things

Food actively asking to be eaten

Of course, Ning Fan wouldn't reject the silkworm meat's request, but for no reason, he thought of the ancient kingdom's Aegis Destroyer, the request of the day of Destroying Aegis, and he also hoped to be eaten by Ning Fan.

In the end, the Aegis Destroyer that was eaten by Ning Fan seemed to be a part of Ning Fan, as if it had merged into Ning Fan's existence...

"For the ancient gods, what is the meaning of eating..." Perhaps Ning Fan's silkworms talked about the meaning of life, but at this moment Ning Fan was also thinking about the meaning of gods.

But how do you find the answer to something like meaning

Everything can have meaning, and everything can be meaningless. Even if you search to the ends of the earth, you will not be able to find a conclusion.

So he stopped thinking about it, and with the help of the silkworm meat, Ning Fan ate the silkworm meat.

"Strange thing! This Master Chief is clearly not a saint, but he can touch the flesh and blood of a saint."

Ning Fan, who ate the silkworm meat, did not damage the way, nor did it deepen the way.

Although this flesh is the flesh and blood of a sage, it is no different from ordinary flesh because it has exhausted its essence.

Only the undead bloodline in the body has benefited, and it has absorbed the almost homologous undead power from the silkworm meat, but it has not absorbed much.

After all, these silkworm meat have been stored for too many years, and most of the undead power in the meat has been lost in the world, and there is not much left.

After eating all the silkworm meat, Ning Fan bowed towards the empty Jiuding.

"Thank you..."

Almost at the moment when Ning Fan ate all the silkworm meat in this place, the Jiuding Bagui actually vibrated and made a sound.

Ning Fan, who has the ability to communicate with all things, actually heard anger from these sounds.

Anger is that Ning Fan is not Ziwei Xianxiu, but stole the meat of the ancient sacrifice here.

But what about anger? They are just sacrificial vessels with exhausted power, and in the era of the destruction of Ziwei Immortal Domain, they can't stop Ning Fan at all.

In the end, there are no silkworm bushes to sacrifice meat here, and it is meaningless to store the Jiuding Bagui and other sacrificial utensils here.

The sacrificial utensils seemed to have lost all meaning of life. Not long after the sacrificial meat was eaten up, the sacrificial utensils wailed at the same time, and eventually turned into copper ash and jade powder, and all dissipated.

The old man from the land also changed after the sacrificed meat was removed (eaten).

The land old man showed a satisfied look, his body gradually became transparent, and then slowly dissipated.

It was only at this moment that Ning Fan noticed that the land old man was not a living person, but a person who had been dead for countless years!

"I remembered, I remembered... Yes, I have long since died, but because of the concerns in my heart, the obsession is difficult to disappear, so the remnant soul is stuck here, unable to return to the mountains and seas."

"In the past, Immortal Emperor Ziwei violated the regulations and sacrificed the world with the monarch of a country. I was dissatisfied and reported the matter to the Shanhai Division, but I did not receive any reply."

"Sir Shanhaizhu doesn't intend to blame Immortal Emperor Ziwei for such trivial matters, everyone blames me for making a big fuss..."

"After that, Ziwei Xianxiu heard about this from nowhere, and knew that I dared to sue the dignified Immortal Sovereign, so I was executed."

"But after my death, I haven't vanished into ashes, and my obsession is detained here, and I must wait for a result on this matter."

"As the land of the Sheji Mountain, my responsibility is to protect the mountain and the village from chaos and the ritual system from collapse. If the illegal system of this mountain is not removed for a day, even if I die, I will not be able to get rid of it."

"Fortunately, on this day, I finally waited for it..."

"Sure enough, Lord Shanhaizhu has not forgotten my grudge. Although it has been many years, I still sent a Lord in charge to remove the illegal system here..."

"So, my mission can finally end."

The face of the land old man became more and more satisfied.

Ning Fan was a little surprised.

This person's obsession is really deep, a ray of remnant soul is detained here, it is like a living person, even Ning Fan has not been able to see through the fact that this person is dead.

What a deep obsession to have to live as though dead!

Ning Fan felt that the land old man was stupid.

This person was obviously just an Immortal King, but he dared to sue the Fourth Step Immortal Emperor, and he died as a result.

At first glance, the reason for the complaint was even more amusing. It was actually to sue Immortal Emperor Ziwei for violating the etiquette system.

But is this really funny

Ning Fan couldn't help laughing.

He is a demon cultivator, and naturally he is not a person who observes rituals. The ritual system of heaven and earth is meaningless to him.

But for the land elders, monitoring the ritual system of Sheji Mountain may be the whole meaning of existence.

Perhaps, this person knew that suing the Immortal Sovereign would have no results, but he still did it, just to perform his duties.

It can be said to be pedantic and stubborn, it can be said to be brave, it can be said to be ignorant of flexibility, and it can be said to be conscientious.

But no matter what others say, this old man of the land will not change his choice, nor will he regret his choice.

"My lord always says that he is not the head of Shanhai, but I know that the lord must be, must be..."

"The villain's obsession has disappeared, this soul will not survive for a long time, and will soon return to the mountains and seas. Before leaving, the villain has something to ask, and I hope the adults will tell the truth..."

The land old man's face was full of sincerity. It seemed that the last question he wanted to ask was very important to him.

"I'm not..." Ning Fan wanted to say that he was not the head of Shanhai, so he couldn't answer the old man's question.

But seeing the earnest look in the old man's eyes, he finally swallowed the words back in his throat.

"What do you want to ask?"

"The villain wants to ask, how many bamboo flowers have bloomed in the bamboo forest in Sichun Mountain this year..." The old man in the land looked longingly, wishing that he could fly back to Shanhaisi and Sichun Mountain in person when he was about to die. A glance at the bamboo flowers, a glance at the hometown that has not been returned for many years.

But he can't.

His soul was scattered for a moment, and the only thing he could do was to ask a question or two from Ning Fan's mouth to explain the pain of homesickness.

"I..." Ning Fan wanted to say that I didn't know.

But when the words came to the mouth, they turned into "I haven't counted them."

"I haven't counted it, that means that there are many bamboo flowers blooming, so with the divine sense of the director, I can't get the full number... It's good, the bamboo flowers in my hometown are blooming, I really want to... go home... look Look…"

The remnants of the land old man were gone.

At the moment when the soul dissipates, the smile is forever frozen.

That smile was very dazzling, and it pierced into Ning Fan's eyes in an instant, all the way to the heart.

It made Ning Fan feel a little lost, and he felt homesick.

"I don't know if the snow in Qimei City will be heavy this year. I really want to ask someone..."

In a blink of an eye, several days passed.

In the past few days, major events have occurred frequently in the Ziwei North Pole Palace, which has attracted a lot of discussion from the demons in the palace.

"Have you heard that the sixth palace is actually sinking into the palace, and the Lingquan Daze, which is said to have an infinite amount of water, has been drank by life for more than half of the Lingquan, causing the water level to plummet."

"I naturally heard about this. It is said that the person who drank the spring water was an old senior named Ning Fan."

"Lingquan Daze has floods every ten years, drowning countless demons. Now the water level has dropped sharply, and there will be no floods in the next tens of thousands of years. I'm really lucky."

"It is said that the real Shengong demon is grateful to Senior Ning for his kindness and wants to build an incense tower for Senior Ning."

"Have you heard that in the Daliang Palace of the fifth palace, those evil giants of wine devils were beheaded!"

"Where is the beheading! I heard that those drunken giants were eaten alive by life!"

"These wine demon giants are the products of the wine demons after their demonic transformation. Together, they can even fight against the quasi-sage. Who is so powerful that he can destroy this demon?"

"I heard that it is a senior named Ning Fan."

"Ah? Is Senior Ning doing good deeds again!"

"Yeah, it is said that among the wine demons in the Daliang Palace, someone once took a shot at Senior Ning, but Senior Ning ignored the previous suspicion and repaid his grievance with virtue."

"It's not right, it's not right! Repaying resentment with virtue, why repay virtue? Senior Ning is too kind to these wine demons!"

"You are not allowed to speak ill of Senior Ning!"

"Uh, don't hit me, don't hit me! I just said casually, how dare I talk about Senior Ning's fault!"

"Have you heard that the immemorial seal of the fourth palace, the Jianglou Palace, was repaired by Senior Ning."

"Ah? Senior Ning is really doing good deeds every day."

"The calligraphers of the Jianglou Palace said they wanted to build the incense tower for Senior Ning."

"It is said that when Senior Ning repaired the seal, all the bookworms in the seal flew out, trying to stop Senior Ning from acting, but he was killed by Senior Ning in the end."

"What is a bookworm?"

"It's the bookworms! Those bookworms are amazing, they can change the golden house, Qian Zhongsu, and Yan Ruyu. How did your senior Daoning defeat these bookworms? One bite at a time, he ate all the corn in the yard, scaring the bookworms to run away, but they couldn't get away."

"Senior is really a person of great kindness, beyond my generation!"

"Have you heard that there is a big event happening in the third palace, Qiaozi Palace."

"I heard about it. Senior Ning did a good deed again! That Roshan giant was finally wiped out. It's really heartwarming."

"In the past few years, I don't know how many monsters have died in the mouth of the giant Roshan. The cycle of cause and effect, and finally the giant Roshan was eaten."

"Thanks to Senior Ning's action."

"Senior is really a good person."

"It's as kind and generous as the old Duo Wen-sama."

"I heard that after Senior Ning left the Qiaoji Palace, he went to Xuanzang Palace, and now he is retreating in Xuanzang Palace."

"What! Why did the seniors retreat so well? Could it be that they were seriously injured while exorcising evil, so they need to be recuperated?"

"I hope the seniors are safe and sound."

Ziwei Arctic Palace, the second palace, Xuanzong Palace.

Xuanzang Palace is the domain of Nuluo's ancestor, and now, Ning Fan is retreating in Xuanzang Palace. Its retreat place is a cave-like cave, opened in a towering ancient tree.

It is not the retreat and healing that others guessed, but the huge energy in the retreat refining body.

Ning Fan was like an old monk entering meditation, sitting cross-legged, golden light radiating all over his body, like a golden god.

As time passed, the golden light gradually increased.

On the side, Shen Wan carefully guarded the law - Ning Fan didn't actually need Shen Wan to protect the law, but Shen Wan had just put Ning Fan as the mainstay and was eager to make this request.

"It's amazing! It's really amazing! The master's divine power is still improving!"

"This feeling can't be wrong! The master is awakening the second kind of magic!"

"Under normal circumstances, only when the gods are advanced, there is very little chance to awaken the second kind of magic. Does it mean that the master's level of gods is advancing?"

Shenmaru had a look of anticipation on her face—although she had no such thing as a face at all.

"The master is a god of wood, and his level of gods must have reached the level of the ancestors. If you continue to advance, wouldn't you have to break through to become the king of gods!"

"But how did I hear that if you want to advance to the rank of God King, you need the blessings of twenty-four ancestor gods at the same time to succeed?"

"Or is it that the master did not cultivate the ancestral godhead in the identity of the ancestor god? He actually cultivated the ancestor godhead in the identity of the congenital god? At this moment, he is also advancing to the ancestor godhead as the innate god?"

Kamimaru thought wildly.

On one point, Kamimaru guessed right.

At this moment, Ning Fan is indeed at the advanced level of the gods. But it is not from the innate gods to the ancestor gods, but from the waste gods to the acquired gods.

There are three levels of deities: degenerate deities, acquired deities, and congenital deities.

After that, the acquired gods were divided into four stages: the infant god period, the young god period, the middle god period, and the old god period.

Innate gods are divided into three stages: innate gods, ancestor gods, and god-kings.

Ning Fan's level of gods has never really broken through to the level of acquired gods. Before, he only moved closer to the gods of acquired gods, but it was never enough to truly break through to this level.

He couldn't find the reason, and thought it was because he did not inherit the cultivation method of the gods, so it was difficult to break through.

But he never thought about the reason why he couldn't break through the acquired gods.

He is a monk, and naturally he chose bigu at the beginning of his cultivation. Inedia needs to cut off the appetite and abandon the matter of eating. In essence, it is incompatible with the way of the gods.

Two different ways should not coexist in the same person. Fortunately, what Ning Fan cultivates is the change of yin and yang, so that different ways can coexist.

But Ning Fan still needs to find a fit point in order to make a further breakthrough in the level of the gods.

By chance, Ning Fan took a ten-turn elixir that improved appetite and digestion.

He is getting very hungry!

He awakened a long-held appetite!

It was also at this moment that the divine instinct deep within the bloodline was awakened.

Originally, Ning Fan ate the ten-turn elixir to absorb the ninety-nine gluttonous powers in the elixir, so that his stomach could evolve into a gluttonous one.

But how domineering the instinct of the gods is!

It didn't give Ning Fan a chance to develop a gluttonous stomach!

It devoured all the gluttonous power in Ning Fan's body one bite at a time!

What gluttonous stomach!

You are an ancient god, you only need to have a god stomach!

So, by mistake, Ning Fan's spiritual advancement started, but he himself never realized it.

Because Ning Fan was so hungry that it was hard to think about it, he naturally couldn't think of the reason why he was getting hungrier and more hungry.

He kept silent like this, eating wildly all the way, constantly replenishing the energy needed for the advancement of the gods.

The more he eats, the more hungry he becomes, because the closer his god level is to the acquired level, the more energy he needs.

Fortunately, Ning Fan managed to get all the food in the end.

It was also at the moment when he was full that Ning Fan's sanity fully recovered and he realized the huge change in his body!

"The ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons that I cultivate are all imitated by ancient gods, and the corresponding gods of the day after tomorrow are the extremes of ancient gods, ancient demons, and ancient demons..."

"The bloodline of the ancient gods is the most similar to the ancient gods. According to legend, the ancient gods cultivated to the peak and could cultivate seven heart apertures..."

Ning Fan could feel that his ancient gods' cultivation was dissipating little by little, and instead, the gods' cultivation was constantly rising.

This is transformation!

The mana of the ancient gods is being transformed into the mana of the gods, the quantity has not changed, but the purity of the mana has made a qualitative leap!

At the same time, the number of Ning Fan's heart apertures is also slowly increasing.

dong dong! dong dong! dong dong!

Ning Fan can clearly hear that his heartbeat is getting stronger and stronger!

dong dong! dong dong! dong dong!

The heartbeat was not only heard by Ning Fan, but also resonated with the entire cave.

Shen Wan heard Ning Fan's ever-increasing heartbeat!

Then, she was incredible!

"Fake it! The master's number of heart apertures has not reached seven apertures! It's not until this moment that he begins to approach seven apertures!"

"It stands to reason that any acquired god who cultivates normally should have the seven orifices of the gods. The master does not have the seven orifices, and there is only one explanation..."

"The master is still a waste god, and he is advancing to the real acquired god!"

"A... an acquired god baby who is about to possess two divine arts?"